TME :: Volume #17

#1620: New emperor

Has the ruins of bear, peripheral zone, is located in the ordinary wooden ceiling under Qingshan, clothing disorderly Gongsun xu xu languid sitting near a pond, shows the whites of the eyes to look that in the pond several large silver carp You to come swim away. 有熊之墟,边缘地带,一座位于青山之下的普通木楼中,衣衫凌乱的公孙溆溆懒洋洋的坐在一个池塘边,翻着白眼看着池塘中几条肥大的鲢鱼游来游去。 Several technique extremely coarse pottery clay wine pots lose carelessly in the one side, is pale unceasingly falls from the altar|jar mouth with the water same liquor fluid, in the air has cheap liquor air/Qi faintly. Gongsun Xuxu stayed the long time, suddenly chī chī has smiled strangely. 几个手法极度粗陋的陶土酒坛胡乱丢在一旁,淡得和水一样的酒液不断从坛口滑落,空气中隐隐有一丝粗劣的酒气。公孙溆溆呆坐了半晌,突然‘嗤嗤’的怪笑了起来。 One group of old codgers...... Old codgers.” Clenches teeth, Gongsun Xuxu was cursing in a low voice: „It is not regulating waterways time, how many women looked for? How many Yu Clan young girls didn't look for? What is this goes against heaven's will the big crime to be inadequate?” “一群老不死的……老不死的。”咬着牙,公孙溆溆低声的咒骂着:“不就是治水的时候,找了几个女人么?不就是找了几个虞族小妞么?这算什么逆天大罪不成?” Deposes the status of emperor's children, eliminates in the clan all lawful rights, all industries under my name were all taken back public, only stayed behind had 1000 mu paddies outside ruins of bear. My Gongsun Xuxu does, later want to live by the farm? Can 1000 mu place, how many grain of grain one year get in? Can support several people?” “废黜帝子的身份,剥夺族中一切权柄,我名下的所有产业全都被收归公有,只留下了有熊之墟外的1000亩田地。我公孙溆溆,以后就要靠种地来过日子了?1000亩地,一年能打几粒粮食?能养活几个人?” Raises the right hand fiercely, refers to seam a faint trace swift and fierce sword intent four shooting, Gongsun Xuxu is whooshing low and deep, thinks fist pounding maliciously very much on the ground. 猛地举起右手,指缝中一丝丝凌厉的剑意四射,公孙溆溆低沉的嘶吼着,很想一拳狠狠的捣在地上。 Was deposed the status of emperor's children, but Gongsun Xuxu strength obtained the preservation, high level the Divine Magi strength of near peak, within the body nine this assigns Magus Star uniformly is the Seventh Metal attribute Prehistoric stars, this assigns Wu Li (magus power) swiftly and fiercely such as the blade, to be sharply difficult to keep off, under a fist bang, can raze hundred li (0.5km) surrounding area region with ease. 被废黜了帝子的身份,但是公孙溆溆的实力却得到了保存,高阶将近巅峰的巫帝实力,体内九颗本命巫星清一色都是庚金属性的洪荒星辰,本命巫力凌厉如刀、锋利难挡,一拳轰下,轻松能将百里方圆的地域夷为平地。 Hesitates for a long time, Gongsun Xuxu loosened the fist slowly. 迟疑许久,公孙溆溆慢慢的松开了拳头。 Now are many father's elder paternal cousin brothers covertly staring at him? When he is the emperor's children, is very heartless lesson many clansman brothers, do these people wish one could a foot to stamp him? If made any inappropriate matter to come at this time, in the clan pushed the boat along again to him several punishments...... 现在有很多堂伯兄弟偷偷摸摸的盯着他吧?当他还是帝子的时候,可是很无情的教训过很多族人兄弟,那些人恨不得一脚踩死他吧?如果在这时候作出了什么不恰当的事情来,族中顺水推舟再给他几个处分…… Forever will not have the date of turning over!” Gongsun Xuxu just likes the mental illness same he he has smiled, has drunk the massive blue ruins, his both eyes were burnt red by the spirit, smiling of his strange voice and strange manner, the corners of the mouth had saliva to hang, probably a wild dog of going crazy, the whole body was flooding one share cut-throat and arbitrary aura. “永无翻身之日啊!”公孙溆溆犹如神经病一样的‘呵呵’笑了起来,饮用了大量的劣酒,他双眼被酒精烧得通红,他怪声怪气的笑着,嘴角有一丝涎水挂了下来,就好像一头发疯的野狗,浑身都充斥着一股子凶狠、蛮横的气息。 Gongsun Xuxu ear moves suddenly, he heard the rapid sound from out of the blue to fly to here. 突然间公孙溆溆耳朵动了动,他听到了急促的破空声向这边飞了过来。 Was stirred sound that makes through the air, the judgment of his instinct the person is a master, must be higher than a big section of master compared with his strength, moreover is the quantity is more numerous, at least has several hundred people of audiences! 通过空气被鼓荡发出的声响,他本能的判断出来的人是高手,比他的实力还要高出一大截的高手,而且更是数量众多,起码有数百人之众! Several hundred strengths achieve the master who peak Divine Magi is stronger plans, in groups in having the above flight of ruins of bear? 数百名实力达到了巅峰巫帝更是更强一筹的高手,成群结队的在有熊之墟的上空飞行? Actually what happened? Has the ruins of bear to have foreign invasion? Now the Human Race aspect is but excellent, foreign race subservient and Human Race has become the ally, has the ruins of bear to have a den of bear clan Gongsun, the ancestral temple of shaft Saint sovereign in it place, who can come to here to disturb? 究竟发生什么事了?有熊之墟有外敌入侵么?可是现在人族局面大好,就连异族都奴颜婢膝的和人族结为了盟友,有熊之墟是有熊一族公孙氏的老巢,轩辕圣皇的祖庙所在之地,谁能来这里捣乱? Actually did not wait for Gongsun Xuxu to clarify what happened, several hundred person's shadows rapidly descended from the sky, the remote antiquity elders of several Gongsun a face rushed to side him jubilantly, dozens arms simultaneously stroked on him. 不等公孙溆溆弄清楚究竟发生了什么事情,数百条人影急速的从天空降落,十几名公孙氏的太上长老已经一脸喜气洋洋的冲到了他身边,数十条手臂同时抚摸到了他身上。 Gongsun Xuxu dares to pledge that his first time saw these hands of Gongsun grasp the power the remote antiquity long on shameless presents so flattering the smiling face! 公孙溆溆敢发誓,他第一次见到公孙氏的这些手握大权的太上长老脸上出现如此‘谄媚’的笑容! Right, these high weights, grasp the remote antiquity elders who entire Gongsun all clan lives are killing the honor or disgrace, they usually in end on face ‚the principle of righteousness ice however and dignified stern disappears completely, hangs the smiling faces on their face, only has the word flattering to describe. 没错,这些位高权重,掌握着整个公孙氏所有族人生杀荣辱的太上长老们,他们平日里端在脸上的‘大义凌然’、‘威严庄肃’全部不见了,挂在他们脸上的笑容,唯有‘谄媚’一词可以形容。 They were praising Gongsun Xuxu chaotically, praised to seem him a flower is the same. 他们七嘴八舌的夸奖着公孙溆溆,将他夸得好似一朵花一样。 In the mouths of these remote antiquity elders, Gongsun Xuxu simply is one complete human, his welldoing and his conduct, on him each fine hair, can only with perfect describe. He is the Human Race future hope, he is the Human Race moral model, he is lighthouse of Human Race in long dark night! 在这些太上长老的嘴里,公孙溆溆简直就是一个‘完人’,他的德行、他的操行、他身上的每一根汗毛,都只能用‘完美’来形容。他就是人族未来的希望,他就是人族的道德模范,他就是人族在漫长黑夜中的灯塔! Because there is Gongsun Xuxu, therefore the world had the four seasons samsara, because there is Gongsun Xuxu, therefore naturally had the flower bloom and fade, because there is Gongsun Xuxu, draft animal domestic animal anything in this Pangu mainland, can multiply to live! 因为有了公孙溆溆,所以天地才有了四季轮回,因为有了公孙溆溆,所以自然才有了花开花谢,因为有了公孙溆溆,这盘古大陆上的牲口家畜什么的,才能繁衍生息啊! Gongsun Xuxu was frightened by the warm incomparable remote antiquity elders is startled. 公孙溆溆被热情无比的太上长老们吓得魂飞天外。 Yes, he was daunted, few days ago was also these remote antiquity elder stern voices and appearances has eliminated his all, infiltrated the dust from the peak of lawful right him, making him experience the supercilious looks of countless clansman, to hear the satires of innumerable baseless rumor, to make him fully enjoy bitter of society. 是的,他被吓住了,前些日子也是这些太上长老声色俱厉的剥夺了他的一切,将他从权柄的巅峰打入尘埃,让他经历了无数族人的白眼、听到了无数风言风语的讽刺、让他饱尝了人世间的辛酸。 Now these remote antiquity elders just like the insanity are the same, exhausts the happiest words and phrases to extol him...... 现在这些太上长老犹如疯魔一样,用尽最美好的词句来赞颂他…… „Do you want with me the offering sacrifices world? Wants not to think!” Gongsun Xuxu frightens whole body cold sweat directing current, when he has remembered suddenly young, from Buddhist scriptures building of Gongsun reading the antiquity remnant antiquity , the Human Race major tribes to implore protecting of world, as if had the procedure that the live person offered sacrifices. Do these old codgers, want to be the sacrificial offering him? “你们想要拿我去献祭天地?想都别想!”公孙溆溆吓得浑身冷汗直流,他突然想起了年幼时,从公孙氏的藏经楼里读到的上古残篇上古之时,人族的各大部落为了祈求天地的呵护,似乎是有活人献祭的做法的。难道这些老不死的,想要把他做祭品? Frightens is struggling, his sudden opens mouth that whole body fine body hair straight vertical Gongsun xu xu shouts oneself hoarse spouted this has assigned magic treasure, held the long sword that Golden Light four have shot to toward the remote antiquity elders chop conveniently randomly chops randomly. 吓得浑身寒毛直竖的公孙溆溆声嘶力竭的挣扎着,他突然张口喷出了本命巫宝,随手一把抓住了金光四射的长剑就要朝着太上长老们乱砍乱劈。 Several remote antiquity elder fingertip little dim light twinkles, dozens tyrannical unusual Restriction have imprisoned Gongsun Xuxu instantaneously. 十几名太上长老指尖一点点幽光闪烁,数十道强横异常的禁制瞬间禁锢了公孙溆溆。 Afterward were innumerable the pretty maidservant to well up, their seizing has gotten down the long sword on Gongsun Xuxu hand, dug up up his clothes, rapid with combining the clear water of flower petal has washed him from head to foot, then has worn cleanly one gorgeous ceremonial garments to him! 随后无数俏丽的侍女涌了上来,她们一把夺下了公孙溆溆手上的长剑,扒光了他身上的衣服,迅速的用混杂了花瓣的清水将他从头到脚洗得干干净净,然后给他穿上了一套华美至极的冕服! Gongsun Xuxu has opened the mouth, looks on dull one sincere, unwieldy, complex and gorgeous ceremonial garments! 公孙溆溆张大了嘴,呆呆的看着自己身上厚重、笨重、复杂而华美的冕服! He has seen this ceremonial garments, when he once in Human Race held the grandest offering sacrifice to heaven ceremony, saw Emperor Shun clothing set of ceremonial garments this has been the Human Race copy antiquity The heaven God ceremonial garments, was the formal dress of Human Emperor manufacture, Emperor Shun also only then in most grand and most sacred situation, occasionally will dress one time. 他见过这套冕服,他曾经在人族举行最盛大的祭天典礼时,见过帝舜穿戴这套冕服这是人族仿造上古天庭的天帝冕服,为人皇制造的大礼服,帝舜也只有在最隆重、最神圣的场合,才会偶尔穿戴一次。 Emperor Shun takes the post of Human Emperor these many years, he dresses the number of times not over ten times of this ceremonial garments! 帝舜出任人皇这么多年,他穿戴这套冕服的次数不超过十次! But today, this ceremonial garments put in Gongsun Xuxu body were brand-new, straight, all spare parts just drew a charge, but also was having the witch fiery strength of calcine. The Gongsun Xuxu chaotic mood in he wore this ceremonial garments becomes stilled instantaneously, he knows that was the good deed. 而今天,这套冕服穿在了公孙溆溆的身上崭新的,笔挺的,所有零配件都是刚刚出炉,还带着煅烧的巫火热力。公孙溆溆混乱的心境在他穿上这套冕服的瞬间就变得平定了下来,他知道,是好事。 Even if the remote antiquity elder of Gongsun, they do not dare to crack a joke with this ceremonial garments! 就算是公孙氏的太上长老,他们也不敢拿这套冕服开玩笑! Then...... Was the space falls the meat pie suddenly? 那么……是天上突然掉馅饼了? Gongsun Xuxu felt that very absurd Emperor Shun wasn't the sudden brain will shatter? What big careless mistake was that side Si Wenming made? However, even if was the Emperor Shun brain shattered, why can be one? 公孙溆溆感到很荒唐帝舜不会是突然脑子坏掉了吧?或者是姒文命那边出了什么大纰漏?但是,就算是帝舜脑子坏掉了,为什么会是自己? Really is martial-looking incomparable, solemn dignified...... Worthily is new Human Emperor, worthily is my Gongsun most outstanding emperor's children!” A numerous remote antiquity elder looks at Gongsun xu xu that is decorated, heartfelt was acclaiming. “真是英武无比,端庄威严……不愧是新任人皇,不愧是我公孙氏最杰出的帝子!”一众太上长老看着装饰一新的公孙溆溆,由衷的赞叹着。 The glare cuts the sky one after another, the innumerable Human Race high levels drop from the clouds, their uniform salutes to Gongsun xu xu, urged that he hurries Pu Ban. Emperor Shun has prepared the turning over the throne to another altar, all Human Race great people prepared, they were waiting for the new sovereign's arrival.( To be continued.) 一道又一道强光划破天空,无数人族高层从天而降,他们整齐划一的向公孙溆溆行礼,催促他赶紧去蒲阪帝舜已经准备好了禅让的祭坛,所有人族大人物都准备好了,他们在等待新皇的到来。(未完待续。)
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