TME :: Volume #17

#1619: Turning over the throne to another

Thump ~~~! ‘咚~~~’! The long ding broke Pu Ban early morning tranquility, many busy Human Race subjects had gained ground in the paddies, orchard with a smile, looks to the direction of Human Race discussing politics main hall. 悠长的钟声震碎了蒲阪清晨的宁静,好些已经在田地中、果园里忙碌的人族子民笑着抬起头来,望向了人族议政大殿的方向。 Emperor Shun calls the Sirs to discuss official business, has the good deed? Our Human Race day, was better and better.” The old person repetitive nods of many whole face wrinkles with a laugh, are touching the head of child joyfully. 帝舜召集大人们议事哩,是有好事吧?我们人族的日子,是越来越好了。”好些满脸皱纹的老人笑呵呵的连连点头,欣然抚摸着身边孩童的脑袋。 Yes, the Human Race day, should be getting better and better. 是啊,人族的日子,是应该越来越好了。 A Gonggong clan of stirring up trouble early was not eradicated! 兴风作浪的共工一族不是早被铲除了嘛! The ferocious foreign race malicious ghost was not compelled to form an alliance! 穷凶极恶的异族恶鬼不是被逼结盟了嘛! It is said the five mainland of Pangu world merged a body, later all Human Race clans and tribes live in the same mainland, the common onset and retreat, the cooperation, the Human Race overall strength rose dramatically hand in hand fiercely a big truncation. 据说盘古世界的五块大陆已经合并一体,以后所有的人族部族就生活在同一块大陆上,共同进退,携手互助,人族的整体实力是猛地飙升了一大截。 The Human Race day, is will be definitely getting better and better. Does not worry about food, does not worry about clothing and does not worry the foreign invasion, such auspicious day, thinks that makes the person whole body goose flesh brave. Soon, in the Pu Ban ground on full is the young animal who kyoodles shouts randomly? The people were luxuriant, Human Race was also getting more and more powerful. 人族的日子,是肯定会越来越好的。不愁吃、不愁穿、不愁外敌入侵,那样的好日子,想起来就让人浑身鸡皮疙瘩直冒哩。用不了几年,蒲阪的地面上就满是乱叫乱嚷的小崽子吧?人丁繁茂了,人族也就越来越强盛了。 Nearby the discussing politics main hall, in some Pu Ban resident of safe gathered with a laugh, looks that clothes straight Human Race wait, the head of the clan and elder of stride big clan enters the discussing politics main hall. Once for a while, some Pu Ban residents approach their elder to send regards loudly. 议政大殿附近,一些手上无事的蒲阪居民笑呵呵的聚集了起来,看着一位位衣冠笔挺的人族伯候、大氏族的族长和长老大步走进议政大殿。时不时的,还有一些蒲阪居民向自家的长老大声问候。 In the crowd often also some people sensationally point at some unfamiliar faces chirp inquiring to keep asking, side has the well-informed person immediately complacent to him explained where some clan and tribe this is from such and some, which clan and tribe that is such and some, their status origins and behind clans and tribes have wait / etc. powerfully. 人群中不时还有人大惊小怪的指着一些生疏面孔叽叽喳喳的询问个不停,旁边立刻就有消息灵通的人得意洋洋的向他解释这是来自哪里的某个部族的某某某,那位又是哪个部族的某某某,他们的身份来历、身后的部族有多强盛等等。 The five mainland of Pangu world were in one, have formed the Pangu mainland. Situated in the eastern Desolate, the western Desolate, Southern Wastelands and Northern Wasteland major clans and tribes, their head of the clan and elders does not need to surmount boundlessly can arrive at Pu Ban void, therefore the head of the clan and elders of almost all big clans and tribes have installed the stopover in Pu Ban. 盘古世界的五块大陆合为一体,形成了盘古姆大陆。原本位于东荒、西荒、南荒北荒的各大部族,他们的族长、长老再不需要跨越茫茫虚空才能来到蒲阪,所以几乎所有的大部族的族长和长老都在蒲阪安下了落脚之处。 Emperor Shun convenes a ding sound of Minister Human Race, because these once were far away are short extremely in the high level of big clan and tribe Pu Ban presented that also joyfully got together in the discussing politics main hall. 帝舜召集人族大臣的钟声一响,这些曾经因为路途遥远极少在蒲阪出现的大部族的高层,也都欣然齐聚议政大殿。 Therefore today presents the Human Race high level before discussing politics main hall were more than several fold the past, various uncles waited, various head of the clan and elders add the quantity to be over 200,000 people. They had the relaxed smiling face to enter the discussing politics main hall, their accompanying and guards stayed outside the discussing politics main hall, the dense piece just liked the tide. 所以今日出现在议政大殿前的人族高层比往日多了数倍,各部伯候、各部族长和长老加起来数量超过了200000人。他们带着轻松的笑容走进了议政大殿,他们的随从和护卫则是留在了议政大殿外,黑压压一片犹如潮水。 Sitting cross-legged that in the discussing politics main hall, Emperor Shun unemotionally on a straw cushion, Wulong Yao and other Magi palace elders stand side Emperor Shun, several big clans such as Gongsun, Yunyang and Gao Yang shi, the head of the clan of Fuxi stands in the one side respectful and prudent. 议政大殿内,帝舜面无表情的盘坐在一个草垫子上,五龙垚等几位巫殿长老站在帝舜身边,更有十几名大氏族诸如公孙氏、云阳氏、高阳氏、伏羲氏的族长恭谨的站在一旁。 The person in main hall were many gradually, numerous head of the clan, elders and Human Race wait enter the main hall one after another, on various floors, roofs and beam columns discussing politics main hall smoke clouds glitter, the formidable Wu Li (magus power) fluctuation spreads, can only hold the discussing politics main hall that several thousand people discussed official business rapidly to expand in all directions, the space in quick main hall sufficiently held 1 million people of greatness. 大殿内的人逐渐多了起来,众多族长、长老、人族伯候陆续走进大殿,议政大殿的地板、屋顶、各处梁柱上一道道烟云闪烁,强大的巫力波动扩散开来,原本只能容纳数万人议事的议政大殿迅速向四面八方扩张开来,很快大殿内的空间就足以容纳1000000人之巨。 Each enters the Human Race high level in discussing politics main hall with deep veneration to bow to salute to Emperor Shun, then static standing in oneself should in position. 每个走进议政大殿的人族高层都肃然向帝舜鞠躬行礼,然后静静的站在自己应在的位置上。 When are not many, some Human Race secret influences, for example Magi palace, for example the dark health/guard, for example Human Race some secrets consecrate, Dragon Clan, the phoenix clan, as well as the representatives of other formidable tribal groups also in abundance entered the discussing politics main hall. 不多时,一些人族内部的隐秘势力,比如说巫殿,比如说暗卫,比如说人族的一些秘密供奉,还有龙族、凤族、以及其他一些强大族群的代表也纷纷走进了议政大殿。 Dragon Clan the representative, an antiquity Dragon King disposition was negligent accent, had the yawn to enter the main hall, he while careless held the fist in the other hand good a ritual to Emperor Shun, loudly shouted to exclaim: Emperor Shun, what clock of early morning knocking? I yesterday evening and several young girls have fought 30,000 rounds, day dawn time just fell asleep, does your early morning summoning person do really?” 龙族的代表,一尊上古龙王性格最是大咧咧的不着调,一边打着哈欠走进大殿,他一边草率的向帝舜抱拳行了一礼,扯着嗓子大吼道:“帝舜,大清早的敲的哪门子钟?俺昨晚上和十几个小妞大战了30000回合,天蒙蒙亮的时候才刚刚睡着,你大清早的召人作甚?” After Emperor Shun behind screen, person's shadow twinkle, Yu Huodai the Yemo luo coconut tree and other foreign race rule Great Emperor and numerous respected family head of the clan elders and the others of were transferring, with a laugh, in leaves in their domains to take a seat specially. 帝舜身后的屏风后人影闪烁,虞惑带着耶摩椤椰等12位异族执政大帝、众多大家族的族长长老等人转了出来,笑呵呵的在一处专门留给他们的地盘上落座。 Sees these foreign race, the Human Race high-level complexion on the scene simultaneously becomes cloudy and cold ugly. 见到这些异族,在场的人族高层脸色同时变得阴冷难看。 Even if now Human Race and foreign race form an alliance, concludes has dealt with together will soon invade archenemy who blood crown Saint Venerable the treaty of alliance, but between foreign race and Human Race have too intense and deep-seated hatred extremely, Yu Huo they, as soon as appears, the atmosphere in entire main hall becomes is extremely stiff and strange. 哪怕现在人族异族结盟,缔结了共同应付即将入侵的大敌‘血冕圣尊’的盟约,可是异族人族之间有着太多太过的血海深仇,虞惑他们一出现,整个大殿内的气氛都变得极其的僵硬和怪异。 That immemorial Dragon King of dragon clan does not speak, he stood is being away from the Emperor Shun recent place, both hands holds the chest, was crooked the head wickedly was staring at Yu Huo. Naturally, his vision many falling on the cheek of Yemo luo coconut tree, his corners of the mouth often saliva fell, ‚’ one fiercely by his resorption mouth. 就连龙族的那尊太古龙王也不说话了,他站在距离帝舜最近的地方,双手抱胸,歪着脑袋恶狠狠的盯着虞惑。当然,他的目光更多的落在了耶摩椤椰的脸蛋上,他嘴角不时有一丝涎水滑落,‘哧溜’一下又猛地被他吸回嘴里。 Crossed the appearance of probably most double-hour, is assemble in Pu Ban all Human Race high levels, all people static looks at Emperor Shun. 过了大概大半个时辰的样子,在蒲阪的所有人族高层齐聚一堂,所有人都静静的看着帝舜 Emperor Shun has smiled, he very waist, light saying: Emperor Yao kindness, not abandoned heavy magnificence Caide, the imperial sacrifices are located in me, has the year. Heavy magnificent is the person of maintaining the accomplishments of one's ancestors, since has succeeded to the throne, is conscientious and cautious, is only the Human Race base industry consideration, is often sleepless, food unable to enter, a cavity painstaking care, almost presses out uses up withered, when is.” 帝舜笑了起来,他挺起了腰身,淡淡的说道:“帝尧恩德,不弃重华才德,禅位于吾,颇有年矣。重华乃守成之人,继位以来,兢兢业业、如履薄冰,只为人族基业思量,常夜不能寐、食不能进,一腔心血,几乎榨干枯竭,是时去矣。” All Human Race on the scene high-level change countenance terrified, Emperor Shun said that what meaning this saying is? 在场的所有人族高层悚然动容,帝舜说这话是什么意思? He must study Emperor Shun, prepares to turn over the throne to another Human Emperor imperial throne? But, Si Wenming? 他是要学帝舜,准备禅让人皇帝位么?可是,姒文命呢? In main hall hundreds of thousands of Human Race high-level simultaneously about looks around, some people display Magus Law to inspect the entire main hall secretly, wanted to find Si Wenming. 大殿内数十万人族高层齐齐的左右张望,更有人偷偷的施展巫法巡视整个大殿,想要找到姒文命 Xuan Yuan Sword is being governed by Si Wenming now, he has performed the innumerable merit, by the merit and welldoing idea, Human Race nobody can surpass Si Wenming. 轩辕剑现在都被姒文命掌管着,他又立下了无数的功劳,以功劳、德行计,人族无人能超姒文命 Do not say that Si Wenming obtains numerous big clan emperor's children strength top, Ji Hao this freak is his hardcore supporter, did not say that the merit and welldoing, solely said the strengths of Si Wenming these supporters gather, has occupied Human Race more than 50% strengths absolutely. 更不要说姒文命得到众多大氏族帝子力顶,还有姬昊这个怪胎是他的铁杆支持者,不说功劳和德行,单单说姒文命身边那些支持者的力量汇聚起来,绝对占了人族一半以上的力量。 Si Wenming is doomed is next Human Emperor, but Emperor Shun said that must turn over the throne to another...... Si Wenming? He not in? What this plays? 文命注定是下一任人皇,可是帝舜都说了要禅让了……姒文命呢?他怎么不在?这是玩什么? „The Human Emperor throne, has virtue to occupy it. I fully realized that has bear clan Gongsun emperor's children Gongsun Xuxu unparalleled, is my Human Race non- world has the hero, the position of Human Emperor hands over in him, I felt relieved...... How thinks?” 人皇宝座,有德者居之。吾深知有熊一族公孙氏帝子公孙溆溆德才无双,乃我人族不世出之英杰,人皇之位交于他,吾放心……诸位以为如何?” In the main hall dies the same silence, all Human Race high levels just like damn same look at Emperor Shun. 大殿内死一样的寂静,所有人族高层犹如见鬼一样看着帝舜 Gongsun Xuxu? Who is this? 公孙溆溆?这是谁啊? Some elders of Gongsun are complexion are strange, Gongsun Xuxu as if also is really the emperor's children of Gongsun, but he once continuously made several huge mistakes, particularly in Human Race regulates waterways, Gongsun Xuxu does not know unexpectedly where has made several Yu Clan young girl day and night - **** Gongsun had already deposed his emperor's children status, now he is ordinary Gongsun juniors. 有些公孙氏的长老则是脸色怪异无比,公孙溆溆似乎还真是公孙氏的帝子,但是他曾经连续犯下了好几次大错,尤其是在人族治水之时,公孙溆溆居然不知道从哪里弄了几个虞族少女日夜-****公孙氏早已废黜了他的帝子身份,现在他就是一普通的公孙氏子弟。 Can Emperor Shun turn over the throne to another Human Emperor throne to Gongsun Xuxu? 帝舜要把人皇宝座禅让给公孙溆溆? Elders vision twinkle of Gongsun, shutting up of stubbornly. 公孙氏的长老们目光闪烁,死死的闭上了嘴。 This is the good deed...... Even if Gongsun Xuxu moral behavior is bad, this is your Emperor Shun turns over the throne to another on own initiative to him, is not our Gongsun compels your!( To be continued.) 这是好事……哪怕公孙溆溆的人品再差,这可是你帝舜主动禅让给他的,可不是咱们公孙氏逼你的!(未完待续。)
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