TME :: Volume #17

#1618: Emperor Shun falls to the enemy

Pu Ban, behind the Human Race discussing politics main hall, in the sparse woods, Emperor Shun sits, on the knee is putting a xylophone. The finger presses the string lightly, a rhythm unadorned qin tune, spreads voluminous slowly along with the cool breeze. 蒲阪,人族议政大殿后方,稀疏的树林内,帝舜席地而坐,膝盖上搁着一具木琴。手指轻按琴弦,一曲韵律古拙的琴曲洋洋洒洒而出,随着清风缓缓扩散开来。 Light clouds float sky over woods, the careful raindrop fell gently lithely, moistened Emperor Shun homespun cloth clothing. Emperor Shun is having the light smiling face, the scattered beat of finger in the string, not in the least for drizzle. 一片淡淡的云彩悬浮在树林上空,细细雨点轻盈飘落,打湿了帝舜身上的粗布衣衫。帝舜带着淡淡的笑容,手指在琴弦上错落跳动,丝毫不为细雨所动。 Wulong Yao sits under the Emperor Shun opposite big tree, both hands beat time, assuming an air of self approbation listens attentively to the Emperor Shun qin tune. 五龙垚坐在帝舜对面的大树下,双手打着拍子,摇头晃脑的倾听帝舜的琴曲。 Passed the period of time, Wulong Yao has opened the eye suddenly, the sinking sound asked: Isn't worried about the matter of Liangzhu really?” 过了好一阵子,五龙垚突然睁开了眼睛,沉声问道:“真不担心良渚的事情?” The Emperor Shun finger stops suddenly, zither music stops suddenly, he opens to see Wulong Yao, very relaxed saying with a smile: What can have? At night the fire, the war cries are shocking. By me the understanding foreign race, perhaps to surrender the blood crown Saint Venerable the matter that or does not surrender, were they divided into two schools to clean the dissident wantonly?” 帝舜手指骤然一停,琴音戛然而止,他睁开眼看着五龙垚,很轻松的笑道:“能有何事?夜间大火,杀声震天。以吾对异族的了解,或许是为了投降血冕圣尊或者不投降的事情,他们分成了两派正在大肆清洗异己罢?” Has placed on the xylophone nearby short table carefully, Emperor Shun has flung the sleeve, said in a soft voice: This is also good, foreign race consumes the life, always has the advantage to my Human Race. If these foreign race in Liangzhu City can kill one another dead completely, later Si Wenming governs Human Race, is actually more relaxed, we can also feel relieved.” 将木琴小心的放在了一旁的矮桌上,帝舜甩了甩袖子,轻声说道:“这样也好,异族自耗性命,对我人族总是有好处的。若是良渚城内的那些异族能够自相残杀全部死光,以后姒文命治理起人族,却是更加轻松,我们也可以更放心了。” Wulong Yao has narrowed the eye, looked up to the sky: You did not worry that blood crown Saint does revere?” 五龙垚眯了眯眼睛,抬头看向了天空:“你不担心那个血冕圣尊?” Emperor Shun smiled immediately brightly, he looked at one to the east , south , west and north four directions separately, shook the head with a smile: If these foreign race in Liangzhu City increase troops from the Panyu world, I will be naturally heavyhearted and sleepless.” 帝舜顿时笑得更加灿烂了,他向东、南、西、北四个方向分别望了一眼,笑着摇了摇头:“若是良渚城内的那些异族盘虞世界增兵,吾自然会忧心忡忡、夜不能寐。” „, but if these can threaten my Human Race life and death can from the day beyond fall greatly...... Do I have what Hao to be worried? Human Race cannot block, naturally some people keep off! They must weaken my Human Race, controls my Human Race, does not dare to look on that my Human Race reduces really thoroughly.” “但若是那些能够威胁到我人族生死存亡的大能自天外而降……吾有何好担心的?人族挡不住,自然有人来挡!他们只是要削弱我人族,控制我人族,可不敢坐视我人族真个彻底沦落。” Wulong Yao curled the lip, has criticized one old fox, quite with ease has smiled. 五龙垚撇了撇嘴,暗骂了一句‘老滑头’,也颇为轻松的笑了起来。 Emperor Shun has traced toward behind tree root under conveniently, does not know where fished out a wine pot to lose to Wulong Yao conveniently. Has traded a hand, in tree root other has traced at the same time, has pulled out another wine pot, pats the Kaifeng putty very big mouth has drunk two liquor. 帝舜随手往身后的树根下摸了一把,不知道从哪里摸出了一个酒坛随手丢给了五龙垚。换了一只手,在树根的另外一边摸了一把,掏出了又一个酒坛子,拍开封泥很大口的喝了两口酒。 Narrows the eyes to focus, Emperor Shun said leisurely: And other Si Wenming finished the present, I should also abdicate. Um, thing that this he knows, must reorganize well, overall gave him.” 眯着眼,帝舜悠悠说道:“等姒文命忙完了这一阵子,我也该退位了。嗯,该他知道的东西,得好好整理一下,全盘交给他了。” Layer on layer spat liquor air/Qi, Emperor Shun said with a smile lightly: Sometimes these many years, sleep fear to say inadvertently...... Very exhausting.” 重重的吐了一口酒气,帝舜轻笑道:“这么多年,有时候睡觉的时候都怕说漏嘴……很累人啊。” Wulong Yao looked at one toward the north, frowns the sinking sound track: Ji Hao has the person to go to the plate heng world, how also did not know the matter. This matter, what Si does Wenming mix to make? He later is the Human Emperor status, matter that kills......” 五龙垚向着北方望了一眼,皱着眉头沉声道:“姬昊带人去盘蘅世界,也不知道事情如何了。这种事情,姒文命去掺合做什么?他以后是人皇的身份,打打杀杀的事情……” Emperor Shun has interrupted the Wulong Yao words, he narrows the eyes to focus to say with a smile: But Ji Hao is also the God status. They can work with concerted efforts, that is the luck of my Human Race, therefore Si Wenming this time goes to the plate heng world, I complied.” 帝舜打断了五龙垚的话,他眯着眼笑道:“可是姬昊也是天帝的身份呵。他们两个能够同心协力,那是我人族之福,所以姒文命这次去盘蘅世界,吾是答应了的。” Chatted, two altar|jar good wines were drunk the brook drop not to remain quickly. 谈笑间,两坛美酒很快就被喝得涓滴不剩。 Very obviously, the Emperor Shun interest is very high, he pours wine pot, the palm has whipped the altar|jar bottom gently, with jumps sound, sang a rhythm cheerful folk song folk song, the face red Emperor Shun singing sound is very resonant, including that light clouds of top of the head, was flushed to disrupt by his singing sound, the careful light rain also stopped. 很显然,帝舜的兴致很高,他倒过酒坛子,手掌轻轻拍打坛底,伴随着‘嘣蹦’声响,唱起了一首节奏欢快的山歌小调,面孔通红的帝舜歌声很是嘹亮,连头顶的那一片薄薄的云彩,都被他的歌声冲得碎裂开,细细的小雨也停了下来。 Wulong Yao lost looks at Emperor Shun, waits for a Emperor Shun song, he earnest asking: „, After abdicating? Do you prepare what kind of? Follows all previous Human Emperor footsteps to escape into the primordial chaos, is...... Proclaims in the Prehistoric stars? You know, if......” 五龙垚出神的看着帝舜,等帝舜一曲歌罢,他才认真的问道:“那么,退位之后呢?你准备怎样?追随历代人皇的脚步遁入鸿蒙,还是……自封于洪荒星辰之中?你知道,如果……” Bans the sound!” Emperor Shun has referred to Wulong Yao, saying gently: Some matters, are done, but could not say. Were five dragon elders, you drunk?” “禁声!”帝舜指了指五龙垚,轻轻的说道:“有些事情,做得,但是说不得。五龙长老,你醉了?” Wulong Yao startled has fought a shiver spirit, he nodded with a smile: Yes, was a little drunk. It seems like the method of that several old fogy is effective, some should not the thing of saying, simply use to ban the law prohibiting, if must exit / to speak, has been frightened out of one's wits directly, is actually appropriate.” 五龙垚激灵灵打了个寒战,他笑着点了点头:“是啊,有点醉了。看来还是那几个老家伙的法子管用,一些不该说出口的东西,干脆就用禁法给封禁了吧,若是要出口的时候,直接魂飞魄散了去,倒是妥当。” Emperor Shun smiled, he looks up sky, a little lost saying: Shaft Saint sovereign said that I am Mr. of maintaining the accomplishments of one's ancestors, extends Houren, if escapes into the primordial chaos, feared that could not live for several years to have the danger of falling from the sky. So, consumes first for several years, goes all over the Pangu mainland, after enjoying heartily reads this excellent mountains, proclaims in the primordial chaos stars.” 帝舜笑了笑,他抬头看着天空,有点出神的说道:“轩辕圣皇说,我是守成之君,过于宽厚仁和,若是遁入鸿蒙之中,怕是活不了几年就有陨落之危。如此,先耗费几年时间,走遍盘古大陆,尽情赏阅这大好山川之后,自封于鸿蒙星辰之中吧。” Wulong Yao silent, nodded slowly. 五龙垚沉默了一阵,缓缓点了点头。 Proclaims in the Prehistoric stars, simple a few words, have actually represented the innumerable year of lonely void and innumerable year of self- captivity. Perhaps some day, Emperor Shun can also broken ban from the Prehistoric stars, perhaps forever will not have such one day. 自封于洪荒星辰之中,简简单单的一句话,却代表了无数年的寂寞空虚、无数年的自我囚禁。或许有朝一日,帝舜还能从洪荒星辰中破禁而出,或许永远也不会有那么一天。 Wulong Yao deep looks at Emperor Shun, resembled him to see, these familiar, the great person, they have not left any trace in the Human Race ancient book, even linked a name not to stay behind, they such silently disappeared. 五龙垚深沉的看着帝舜,就好像他曾经见过的,那些熟悉的、了不起的人,他们没有在人族的典籍上留下任何痕迹,甚至连一个名字都没有留下,他们就这么默默的消失了。 Sky overhead is unpredictable.” Wulong Yao long sighed. “天心难测。”五龙垚长叹了一口气。 Sky overhead is the benevolent, unpredictable, is the will of the people.” Emperor Shun smiling gently, will empty the wine pot to throw into the Wulong Yao bosom: Five dragon elders, you must understand......” “天心最是仁和,难测的,是人心。”帝舜轻轻的笑着,将空酒坛丢进了五龙垚的怀里:“五龙长老,你得明白……” The words have not said that Emperor Shun and Wulong Yao simultaneously turned head to look to the direction of discussing politics main hall. A continuously scalding hot aura is fluttering from the back door of discussing politics main hall, since the ground ascension that just the light rain moistened the white mist, the quick mist vanished does not see, leaf withering and withered and yellow in woods rapidly, sigh, several young trees burn baseless. 话没说完,帝舜五龙垚同时回头看向了议政大殿的方向。一缕缕灼热的气息正从议政大殿的后门内飘出,刚刚小雨打湿的地面升腾起了白色的雾气,很快雾气就消失不见,树林中的树叶急速的枯萎、枯黄,‘呼’的一下,几株小树凭空燃烧起来。 Zhu Rong offers a sacrifice to the liquor greatly, what happened, did some people affront you to be inadequate?” Because Emperor Shun the spirit changed red face quickly returned to normal, he has straightened up the waist, looks walked Zhu Rong who with deep veneration from the discussing politics main hall step by step. 祝融大祭酒,发生什么事了,有人冒犯了你不成?”帝舜因为酒精变红的面孔迅速恢复了正常,他挺直了腰身,肃然看着从议政大殿中一步步走出来的祝融氏。 Zhu Rong who the flame lingers all over the body is smiling shaking the head of: No, Emperor Shun, nobody has affronted me. Here has a precious treasure, but also invited you...... Five dragon elders appreciate 12.” 通体火光萦绕的祝融氏微笑着摇了摇头:“不,帝舜,没有人冒犯了我。只是,我这里有一件珍奇的宝贝,还请你……还有五龙长老赏鉴12。” The palm of Zhu Rong wields, fist size the brain of Panyu was being surrounded by strange dim light, slowly departs from his hand. Formidable floods the entire woods to the soul fluctuation that is unable to revolt against, the complexion sudden change of Emperor Shun and Wulong Yao, they rise with a spring suddenly, in the double pupil has spouted the angry flame. 祝融氏的手掌一挥,拳头大小盘虞之脑被一层奇异的幽光环绕着,慢慢的从他手中飞出。一股股强大到无法反抗的灵魂波动充斥整个树林,帝舜五龙垚的脸色骤变,他们骤然一跃而起,双眸中喷出了愤怒的火光。 However quick, the flames in their pupil on rapid dim. 但是很快,他们眸子里的火光就迅速的黯淡了下去。 Is ordinary with Zhu Rong, in the pupil of Emperor Shun reappeared the strange dim light. 祝融氏一般,帝舜的眸子里浮现出了奇异的幽光。 Emperor Shun has sent out desperate sighing woefully, but was quick his taking pleasure in others'misfortunes to smile: I, must abdicate. So strength...... Always likes hiding after historical legend you...... Should get rid?” 帝舜发出了一声绝望的哀叹,但是很快他就幸灾乐祸的笑了起来:“吾,是要退位的了。如此力量……总喜欢藏在历史传说之后的你们……该出手了吧?” „? I anticipated the appearance of person very much you said.” Yu Huo appears in front of Emperor Shun quietly, he said with a smile in a low voice: But before then, Human Race power, gives me to wield.”( To be continued.) “哦?我很期待你所说的人的出现。”虞惑悄然在帝舜面前浮现,他低声笑道:“但是在这之前,人族的大权,还是交给我来执掌吧。”(未完待续。)
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