TME :: Volume #17

#1617: Plate Yu's brain

Tyrannical roaring sound shoots up to the sky, does not have Qi Hehuo the Yuan incarnation primary form, a giant water ape treadons ten thousand area units ocean waves and a side tumbles ten thousand area units rock magma hot qilin Qilin to pester in together, crazy get lost in the city in Liangzhu. 暴虐的咆哮声冲天而起,无支祈和火元化身原形,一头巨大的水猿脚踏万顷碧波和一头身边翻滚着万顷岩浆的火麒纠缠在一起,疯狂的在良渚的城区内滚来滚去。 Water and fire Beng Ji, in Liangzhu City the tall and pleasing to the eye palace pavilion was burnt by the rock magma first boiling hot red, then by piercing cold air one volume, immediately the disintegration smashing, a palace cannot retain. 水火崩激,良渚城内美轮美奂的宫殿楼阁先是被岩浆烧得滚烫通红,然后被刺骨的寒气一卷,当即崩解粉碎,没有一座宫殿能够保留下来。 Fleeing that in all directions the innumerable foreign race subjects wail bitterly, drags with female to runs away in all directions. 无数异族子民哭天喊地的四处奔逃,拖儿携女的向四面八方逃窜。 Does not have Qi Hehuo a Yuan primary form to be too huge, their tumbling is dozens li (0.5km) far, foreign race subjects cannot escape after billowing Monster Qi that seeing them erupts, all people or by the freezing dregs, either were fired the ashes. 无支祈和火元的原形太巨大,他们一个翻滚就是数十里远,没有一个异族子民在看到他们身上爆发出的滚滚妖气后还能逃脱,所有人要么被冻成了冰渣,要么被烧成了灰烬。 Since innumerable years ago, after the foreign race first expeditionary force invades the Pangu world, Liangzhu City welcomed the true total destruction. 自从无数年前,异族的第一支远征军侵入盘古世界后,良渚城迎来了真正的灭顶之灾。 Yu Huo golden sedan carriage also silent melted the liquid gold, the boiling hot golden juice splashed, knelt loads on a pack animal sedan carriage Jia Clan Warrior to be entirely still for Yu Huo on the ground. Their bodies were burnt by the golden juice burnt, the whole person was covered thick liquid gold, they as before motionless knees down. 虞惑金色的轿辇也无声无息的融成了金水,滚烫的黄金汁液泼洒下来,跪在地上为虞惑驮负轿辇的伽族战士纹丝不动。他们的皮肉被黄金汁液烧得焦糊,整个人都被蒙上了一层厚厚的金水,他们依旧是一动不动的跪倒在地。 Two red violets hold Zhu Rong to reach as high as hundred zhang (333m) the bodies of flame, two flame lotus flowers that in his pupil is long are revolving rapidly, the eye pupil god in stamen and pistil light four shoot, has locked Yu Huo body stubbornly. 两朵红莲托着祝融氏高达百丈的火焰之躯,他眸子里长出来的两朵火焰莲花急速的旋转着,花蕊中的眼眸神光四射,死死锁定了虞惑的身体。 Yu Huo body was burnt down most, the lower abdomen following body vanished thoroughly, the upper part also only then the right arm also maintains complete, the left hand has only left behind -and-a-half sections of foot bleached bones, is sending out the jet black haze. 虞惑的身躯被焚毁大半,小腹以下的身躯已经彻底消失,上半身也只有右臂还保持完好,左手只留下了一截半尺长的枯骨,正散发出漆黑的烟气。 What is more frigid was his face is burnt by the red violet fire of karma, the whole piece cheek has become the flying ash, has revealed the pitch-dark translucent skeleton, appeared under shine of flame especially the fierce terror. 更惨烈的是他的面庞被红莲业火浅浅的灼了一下,整张面皮都成了飞灰,露出了黑漆漆半透明的骨骼,在火光的映照下显得格外的狰狞恐怖。 Perhaps, this is ancestor says, my Zhu Rong lineage/vein opportunity!” Zhu Rong looks at Yu Huo with rapt attention, light saying: From Panyu world a sage clone? If can seize the Grand Dao brand mark of your within the body, perhaps......” “或许,这就是先祖所言,我祝融一脉的机会!”祝融氏凝神看着虞惑,淡淡的说道:“一尊来自盘虞世界的‘圣人’分身?若是能夺了你体内的大道烙印,或许……” Zhu Rong looked up to sky, looked that to because of not having Qi Hehuo a Yuan war moved restlessly the restless thick cloud layer. Giant lightnings from the thick cloud of tumbling spout unceasingly, maliciously has delimited the sky, has brought the dazzling bright and deafening bang. 祝融氏抬头看向了天空,看向了因为无支祈和火元大战而躁动不安的厚厚云层。一条条巨大的闪电不断从翻滚的浓云后面喷出,狠狠的划过天空,带来了刺目的亮光和震耳欲聋的巨响。 You , is not law-abiding.” Yu Huo hu-hu and hu-hu gasping for breath, he spoke the smooth chin bone moved up and down, because the gap between teeth ventilated, therefore the sound was very strange: Seized my Grand Dao brand mark, with the Grand Dao principles of other world, avoids own world the Heavenly Dao shackles? Transcendent...... Or rambles!” “你,也是个不安分的。”虞惑‘呼哧、呼哧’的喘着气,他说话的时候光溜溜的下巴骨上下挪动,因为齿缝透风,所以声音很是古怪:“夺了我的大道烙印,用其他世界的大道法则,避开自身世界的天道枷锁?超脱……或者说,逍遥!” The eyelid and eyelid were burnt cleanly, only then three eyeball turning round chaotic extensions, Yu Huo eyeball is staring at Zhu Rong, saying with a smile of strange voice and strange manner: But...... Humph humph, something, said that perhaps you will despair. Therefore, I did not say. If you have this ability, can extinguish really kills my clone, wins my clone Grand Dao brand mark, that comes!” 眼皮、眼睑被烧得干干净净,只有三颗眼珠滴溜溜乱转,虞惑眼珠盯着祝融氏,怪声怪气的笑道:“可是……嚯嚯,有些事情,说出来,或许你会绝望。所以,我就不说。如果你有这个能耐,能够真个灭杀吾的分身,夺走吾分身大道烙印,那就来吧!” Zhu Rong he he has smiled, he looks that Yu Huo shook the head: To this situation, what subsequent party you also had to be inadequate? You receive the Heavenly Dao suppression of Pangu world, now this can clone display several tenths strength?” 祝融氏‘呵呵’笑了起来,他看着虞惑摇了摇头:“到了这个情况,你还有什么后手不成?你受到盘古世界的天道压制,现在这尊分身又能发挥几成力量?” Smiles, Zhu Rong while stretches out two roaring flame windings the big hands, slowly to Yu Huozhua. 一边笑着,祝融氏一边伸出两只烈焰缠绕的大手,缓缓的向虞惑抓了下来。 Yu Huo looks that the two big hands of Zhu Rong more compel to be nearer, saying with a smile in a soft voice: „The Heavenly Dao suppression of Pangu world? But I am borrow the Yemo day the body to arrive, his body in Pangu world these many years, makes me avoid 70-80% Grand Dao suppressions sufficiently, strength that therefore I can display, is not you can imagine as before.” 虞惑看着祝融氏的两只大手越逼越近,轻声的笑道:“盘古世界的天道压制?可是我是借用耶摩天的身体降临,他的这具身体在盘古世界这么多年,足以让吾避开七八成的大道压制,所以吾能够发挥出来的力量,依旧不是你们能想象的呵。” Yu Huo laughs loudly, he has not looked at Zhu Rong more and more near big hand, but looked to the dark corner of distant place. 虞惑放声大笑,他没有看祝融氏越来越近的大手,而是向远处的阴暗角落望了过去。 Slave, did you come?” “奴隶,你来了?” Emperor Shi kills to exude sharp long howl, carries a hoary-headed Mr. Yu Clan to break through the blockade of big flame, arrived at Yu Huo front. Mr. Yu who Clan he will feel helpless loses on the ground, respectful worships on bended knees to salute to Yu Huo. 帝释杀发出尖锐的长啸声,拎着一个白发苍苍的虞族老人冲破大片火光的封锁,来到了虞惑的面前。他将不知所措的虞族老人丢在地上,毕恭毕敬的向虞惑跪拜行礼。 To the high master, complies with your will, emperor mo came.” “至高的主人,遵从您的意志,帝尛来了。” In the pupil dim light twinkle, Emperor Shi kills to look at the emperor mo sinking sound track: To high master, emperor mo, although is loyal and devoted, but he enough strength has not worked for you, you......” 眸子里幽光闪烁,帝释杀看着帝尛沉声道:“至高的主人,帝尛虽然忠心耿耿,但是他并没有足够的力量为您效力,您……” Yu Huo beckoned with the hand, interrupts the words that Emperor Shi has killed. He blames the sound to say with a smile: I need is not his loyalty, is not his strength, but is he.” 虞惑摆了摆手,打断了帝释杀的话。他怪声笑道:“我需要的不是他的忠诚,也不是他的力量,而是他这个人而已。” Your level is too after all low, you are unable to guess all that I make. When blood crown Saint Venerable from my lane that beat around the bush a soul core, I have been ready. Goes ahead and guesses, in the body of emperor mo, what there is?” “你们毕竟层次太低,你们根本无法揣测我所做的一切。当血冕圣尊拐弯抹角的从我这里弄走一颗灵魂核心的时候,我就已经做好了准备。猜猜看,在帝尛的身体内,有什么?” The big hand of Zhu Rong is away from Yu Huo, only then less than ten zhang (3.33 m) distance, Yu Huo does not care the big hand of Zhu Rong roaring flame combustion, his perfect right hand finger, the old emperor mo body flies suddenly, whole body stiff arrived in front of Yu Huo. 祝融氏的大手距离虞惑只有不到十丈的距离,虞惑丝毫不把祝融氏烈焰燃烧的大手放在心上,他完好无损的右手一指,苍老的帝尛身体骤然飞起,浑身僵硬的来到了虞惑面前。 „Does kid, you still remember me?” Yu Huo chī chī smiling, tilts the head looks at whole face pale emperor mo. “小家伙,你还记得我么?”虞惑‘嗤嗤’的笑着,歪着头看着满脸惨白的帝尛。 Old, whole face is emperor mo of wrinkle helplessly looks at Yu Huo, crossed for a long time, his sudden hissing calls out in alarm: Is you, you...... What have you made on me? You, erased my memory, you......” 苍老、满脸都是皱纹的帝尛不知所措的看着虞惑,过了许久,他突然嘶声惊呼起来:“是你,你……你在我身上做了什么?你,抹掉了我的记忆,你……” I erased your memory, but weren't you think now?” Yu Huo body slightly is shivering, excited desire crazy is laughing: I most like this, erases the certain person specific memories, then erupts suddenly in some specific environment. Frightened and despair in these small and weak life souls erupting, was too tasty, was too tasty.” “我抹掉了你的记忆,但是你现在不是想起来了么?”虞惑的身体微微的颤抖着,兴奋欲狂的大笑着:“我最喜欢这样,抹掉某些人特定的记忆,然后在某个特定的环境下突然爆发起来。这些弱小的生命灵魂中爆发出来的恐惧和绝望,太鲜美了,太鲜美了。” ‚’, On the cheek of emperor mo split the innumerable disruption chinaware common fissure, in the emperor mo panic-stricken desperate look, his head changes into the innumerable fragments, slowly disperses to all around. ‘啪’的一声,帝尛的面皮上裂开了无数碎裂瓷器一般的裂痕,在帝尛惊恐绝望的眼神中,他的头颅化为无数碎片,缓缓的向四周飞散。 In the head core place of emperor mo, center his brain, fist size, just liked the crystal carves, above to distribute several brain shape matter of Huigou to fly slowly, falling slowly in Yu Huo hand. 在帝尛的头颅核心处,在他的大脑正中,一颗拳头大小、犹如水晶雕成、上面分布着几条浅浅回沟的大脑状物事缓缓的飞了起来,慢慢的落在了虞惑手中。 This fist size strange matter wriggled in Yu Huo hand slightly, has crystal general gloss him to lend the intense soul aura, a faint trace extremely thin blood vessel jumps out from him, deep Yu Huo palm. 这颗拳头大小的怪异物事在虞惑手中微微蠕动了一下,有着水晶一般光泽的他散发出强烈的灵魂气息,一丝丝极细的血管从他内窜出,深深的扎进了虞惑的手掌。 Yu Huo body suddenly one stiff, an earthshaking soul pressure gushes out from his within the body crazily. 虞惑的身体骤然一僵,一股惊天动地的灵魂威压从他体内疯狂涌出。 Zhu Rong just likes damn general, suddenly takes back both hands, body flickers to move to run out of several hundred li (0.5km) backward, works on the Zhu Rong red bow that observes, changes into a flame to shoot up to the sky. 祝融氏就犹如见鬼一般,突然收回双手,身体向后一个瞬移冲出数百里,一把抓起观战的祝融彤弓,化为一道火光冲天而起。 Without enough time!” Yu Huo stared in a big way the eye to mutter said: Who can believe that I such place in a waste bad old man's brain Saint that the brain of Panyu makes, has sent in the Pangu world? Who can believe? Who dares?” “来不及了!”虞惑瞪大了眼喃喃说道:“谁敢相信,我将盘虞的大脑制成的圣器就这么放在一个废物糟老头的脑子里,送入了盘古世界?谁敢相信?谁敢?” Has laughed wildly several, suddenly back that Yu Huo stares Zhu Rong. 狂笑了几声,虞惑突然一瞪祝融氏的背影。 The body of Zhu Rong suddenly one stiff, his turning around slowly, unemotionally goes to Yu Huofei.( To be continued.) 祝融氏的身体骤然一僵,他慢慢的转过身,面无表情的向虞惑飞去。(未完待续。)
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