TME :: Volume #17

#1616: The wonder of destiny

Two groups of fire of karma red violets silent braves from Zhu Rong, the faint trace fire of karma ascension, changes into innumerable extremely thin Fire Snake to sweep in all directions randomly. foreign race Warrior that fire of karma that any by fire of karma red violet blowout touches, changes into wisp of ashes all instantaneously, the soul was swallowed by the fire of karma, does not have the least bit residual remaining. 两团业火红莲无声无息的从祝融氏脚下冒出来,丝丝业火升腾而起,化为无数条极细的火蛇四处乱扫。凡是被业火红莲喷出的业火触及的异族战士,无不瞬间化为一缕灰烬,就连灵魂都被业火吞噬一空,没有半点残渣剩下。 Yu Huo flies into a rage, works as the foreign race Warrior soul that his surface will be dying in battle to disappear thoroughly, the achievement of Zhu Rong in snatches the meat to eat from his bowl without doubt! 虞惑勃然大怒,当着他的面将战死的异族战士的灵魂彻底泯灭,祝融氏的作为无疑是在从他的碗里抢肉吃! Snatches the meat to eat, if Zhu Rong has swallowed these souls, Yu Huo will also feel for several points intimate friend secretly rejoicing. But Zhu Rong is makes soul disappear thoroughly, this type waste food the behavior makes Yu Huo feel the anger of leaving. 抢肉吃也就罢了,如果祝融氏吞噬了这些灵魂,虞惑还会感到几分‘知音’的暗喜。可是祝融氏却是让灵魂彻底泯灭,这种‘浪费食物’的行为让虞惑感到出离的愤怒。 Zhu Rong, you insufficiently respects to soul.” Yu Huo looks at Zhu Rong deeply, cold sound said: You must know that the human body is only the representation, is the most unimportant trash. Has the soul, is the divine creative force most perfect work, each soul is unique, each soul is perfect, you should not destroy them with such vicious method directly.” 祝融氏,你对灵魂不够尊重。”虞惑深沉的看着祝融氏,冷声说道:“你要知道,肉体只是表象,是最不重要的垃圾。只有灵魂,才是造物最完美的作品,每一条灵魂都独一无二,每一条灵魂都完美无瑕,你不该用这么狠毒的手段直接摧毁他们。” Zhu Rong look strange looks at Yu Huo, his face twitched rapidly several, his profound scarlet red eye socket just likes two small spring water, suddenly two scarlet red rhizomes drilled from his eye socket, two fist size flame lotus flowers bloom on the rhizome quietly, eye pupil chaotic revolutions that in the stamen and pistil of lotus flower the obvious two gods light four shoot. 祝融氏神色怪异的看着虞惑,他的面孔急速的抽搐了几下,他深邃的赤红色眼眶犹如两眼小小的泉水,突然有两条赤红色的根茎从他的眼眶中钻了出来,两朵拳头大小的火焰莲花在根茎上悄然绽放,莲花的花蕊中可见两颗神光四射的眼眸乱转。 About lotus flower tall and slender rhizome revolved, the two eye pupils in stamen and pistil revolved turning round, Zhu Rong has smiled suddenly: Originally is this...... The dad and paternal grandfather they remain, is such interesting matter? Directly did not tell me, but must wait for the opportunity to arrive, will regain consciousness in my state of mind.” 莲花细长的根茎左右旋转了一下,花蕊中的两颗眼眸滴溜溜旋转了一阵,祝融氏突然就笑了:“原来是这样……阿爹、阿公他们留下来的,是这么有趣的事情?却偏偏不直接告诉我,而是要等时机到了,才会在我的神魂中苏醒。” Yu Huo felt does not suit, he looks two lotus flowers that in the Zhu Rong eye socket is long, the sinking sound asked: Zhu Rong did, what you know?” 虞惑感到了一丝不对劲,他看着祝融氏眼眶里长出的两朵莲花,沉声问道:“祝融氏,你知道了什么?” Zhu Rong smiled, his whole body clothing changed into the big flame to bind the body, he smiled is raising slightly good a ritual to Yu Huo, temperate saying: Yu Huo sage came from far away, Zhu Rong has to lose welcomes, is really disrespectful.” 祝融氏笑了笑,他浑身衣衫都已经化为大片火光裹住了身体,他微笑着向虞惑欠身行了一礼,温和的说道:“虞惑圣人远道而来,祝融氏有失远迎,真是失礼。” Deep, deep and deep inspiration, Zhu Rong has one to stare at Yu Huo demented high and low sizes up: Yu Huo sage what kind status, such as Feilong line of in Tian, actually the incarnation sea-monster plays with the fish and shrimp in the drainage ditch, if has bumped into the fisherman, actually should not know what to do?” 深深、深深、深深的吸了一口气,祝融氏带着一丝癫狂盯着虞惑上下的打量起来:“虞惑圣人何等身份,如飞龙行于天,却化身游鱼在沟渠之中与鱼虾嬉戏,若是碰到了渔人,却该如何是好?” Yu Huo has stood fiercely, in his pupil the innumerable [say / way] strange dim light have glittered rapidly, his cold sound shouted to clear the way: Who are you? What to know my origin? After I arrive at this, the life of control has 1,273,894,311 people, does not have one person to contact with you, how do you possibly know my given name?” 虞惑猛地站了起来,他眸子里无数道奇异的幽光急速闪烁了一番,他冷声喝道:“你是谁?怎生知道吾的来历?吾降临此界之后,掌控的生灵有1273894311人,无一人和你接触过,你怎可能知晓吾的名号?” Zhu Rong red bow, as well as a high-ranking court official of Zhu Rong red bow behind several Zhu Rong clans with amazement looks to Zhu Rong. 祝融彤弓,以及祝融彤弓身后的几名祝融一族的重臣更是骇然的看向祝融氏。 As the high-level character of Zhu Rong god clan most core, they are well aware foundation of Zhu Rong clan, a Zhu Rong clan have many gods, many god soldiers, have raised many god beast god birds and beasts, hid many tyrannical strength, in planted agent who in various Human Race tribes has many being on good terms wait / etc., as long as Zhu Rong knows that they generally know. 作为祝融神族最核心的高层人物,他们心知肚明祝融一族的底蕴,祝融一族有多少神将,有多少神兵,豢养了多少神兽神禽,隐藏了多少强横战力,在人族各部落中有多少交好的内应等等,但凡祝融氏知道的,他们大抵都知道。 But have Zhu Rong unexpectedly eyes recognized the present Liangzhu chaos chief criminal? 可是祝融氏居然一眼就认出了眼前的良渚大乱的罪魁祸首? Especially, sage? 尤其是,‘圣人’? In the Pangu world, sage this word cannot abuse, only had these Transcendent the world principle restraint, had the terror of changing the world supernatural power to exist, by calling that the person awed sage. 盘古世界,‘圣人’这个词可是不能乱用的,唯有那些超脱了天地法则约束,拥有改天换地神力的恐怖存在,才会被人敬畏的称之为‘圣人’。 In the middle of Human Race some floor civilians, can the worthy people of former times politely call to Human Race history in some for sage greatly, is the sage in Human Race conventional significance, with Zhu Rong mouth in Yu Huo sage middle sage two characters, obviously are not the same concepts. 或者人族当中的一些底层小民,也对人族历史上的一些大能先贤尊称为‘圣人’,可是人族常规意义上的圣人,和祝融氏口中的‘虞惑圣人’当中的‘圣人’二字,显然不是同一个概念。 These matters that Zhu Rong knows, don't they know? Even hasn't a character heard? 祝融氏知道的这些事情,他们怎么不知道?甚至一个字都没听说过? The Zhu Rong red bow looks at Yu Huo dull, usually is responsible for in the clan frequently the archives intercourse, all information that a Zhu Rong clan obtains must a Zhu Rong red bow say before him in a low voice: This is the Yemo day, where is what Yu Huo sage?” 祝融彤弓呆呆的看着虞惑,平日里经常负责族中公文往来,祝融一族得到的所有情报都要在他面前过一遍的祝融彤弓低声说道:“这是耶摩天呵,哪里是什么虞惑圣人呢?” Yu Huo has also smiled, he looks very much earnestly Zhu Rong said: Zhu Rong, I am the Yemo day, hey, isn't the Yu Huo sage?” 虞惑也笑了起来,他很认真的看着祝融氏说道:“祝融氏,吾是耶摩天,嘿嘿,不是什么虞惑圣人?” Just loudly said the quantity of life oneself have controlled, acknowledged oneself is Yu Huo, but followed the rumor of Zhu Rong red bow, Yu Huo immediately did not acknowledge one were Yu Huo, with a laugh to Zhu Rong said that he was ‚the Yemo day. 刚刚已经大声说出了自己掌控的生灵的数量,承认了自己是虞惑,可是顺着祝融彤弓的口风,虞惑立刻不承认自己是虞惑,笑呵呵的对祝融氏说他是‘耶摩天’。 „My Zhu Rong clan, when the antiquity god clan declines, immediately submits Human Race that has not risen, becomes Human Race offers a sacrifice to the liquor greatly.” Zhu Rong looks at Yu Huo light saying: Henceforth, my Zhu Rong clan should the destiny of cutting off result in the Human Race destiny maintenance, has maintained reluctantly, and has the benefit, therefore my Zhu Rong clan male offspring is luxuriant, has continued today.” “我祝融一族,在上古神族衰亡之际,立刻归附尚未崛起的人族,成为人族大祭酒。”祝融氏看着虞惑淡淡的说道:“从此,我祝融一族本该断绝的气运得人族气运维护,勉强维持了下来,且多有补益,故而我祝融一族子嗣繁茂,一直延续到了今日。” Deeply inspired, Zhu Rong said with a smile: Offers a sacrifice to a liquor duty greatly, offers sacrifice to heaven and offer a sacrifice , the sacrificial offering ghosts and gods and sacrificial offering ancestor, is the Human Race dark sacrificial offering grand ceremony works hard specially. My Zhu Rong clan year to year dominates offers a sacrifice to a liquor duty greatly, naturally also had several points of foreknowledge gods and ghosts.” 深吸了一口气,祝融氏微笑道:“大祭酒一职,祭天、祭地、祭祀鬼神、祭祀先祖,专为人族冥冥中的祭祀大典而操劳。我祝融一族常年把持大祭酒一职,自然也有了几分预知的神异。” Looks at Yu Huo deeply, Zhu Rong very earnest saying: „The Human Race destiny is formidable and mysterious, results in the Pangu world world Grand Dao asylum, results in Human Race destiny, when enjoys various types of inconceivable lucky newspapers. My Zhu Rong all previous dynasties head of household......” 深沉的看着虞惑,祝融氏很认真的说道:“人族的气运强大而神奇,得盘古世界天地大道庇护,得人族气运者当享各种不可思议之福报。我祝融氏历代家主……” Shut up, has organized a while words and phrases, Zhu Rong deep saying of: I this, run into Yu Huo sage today, is all previous ancestor times in the darkness in inobservable the destiny, best choice that makes. Today I see you, most has the choice of profit to my Zhu Rong. If I do not come to Liangzhu today, to not chase down Gonggong odd|surplus Nie comes to Liangzhu, I keep Southern Wastelands, when my clan has the disaster.” 闭上嘴,组织了一会儿词句,祝融氏深深的说道:“吾今日来此,遇到虞惑圣人,就是历代先祖一次次的于冥冥中不可测的命运中,作出的最好的抉择。今日吾来见你,对我祝融氏是最有益处的选择。若是吾今日不来良渚,不为了追杀共工氏余孽而来良渚,吾留在南荒,吾族当有大难。” Destiny?” Yu Huo a little vacant grasping forehead, he shook the head, having an unbelievable expression to mutter said: I, am unable to ascertain the riddle of destiny, let alone is you? Zhu Rong, although you have controlled true meaning of the faint trace [say / way], but that is also a [say / way] rhyme of flame department, what relations has with the destiny?” “命运?”虞惑有点茫然的抓了抓脑门,他摇了摇头,带着一丝难以置信的表情喃喃说道:“就连吾,都无法窥破命运之谜,何况是你们?祝融氏,虽然你掌控了一丝丝道之真谛,可是那也是火焰一系的道韵,和命运有什么关系?” Shakes the head, Yu Huo grinned to smile suddenly: But has not related, when I have controlled your soul, in your brain is hiding all mysteries, naturally was my. If can obtain a mystery of least bit about destiny from your here, my Panyu sage on!” 摇摇头,虞惑突然咧嘴笑了起来:“可是没关系,等我掌控了你的灵魂,你脑子里藏着的所有奥秘,自然就是我的了。如果真能从你这里得到一丝半点关于命运的奥秘,我的盘虞圣人在上啊!” Yu Huo is excited the body slightly to shiver, in the pupil faint trace black dim light has twined to Zhu Rong unceasingly. 虞惑兴奋得身体微微颤抖着,眸子里一丝丝黑色幽光不断向祝融氏缠绕了上去。 Zhu Rong shook the head with a smile, his light saying: I have said that the sage is Feilong in the day, why does the incarnation sea-monster enter that drainage ditch? If the sage main body here, I naturally cannot resist. However since the sage is clone arrives at the Pangu world, then, but also asked the sage dead!” 祝融氏笑着摇了摇头,他淡淡的说道:“我说过,圣人是飞龙在天,为何化身游鱼入那沟渠?若是圣人本尊在此,吾自然抵挡不得。但是圣人既然是分身降临盘古世界,那么,还请圣人去死吧!” The whole body flame is even more blazing, Zhu Rong rolled the body to Yu Huopu. 周身火焰越发炽烈,祝融氏团身向虞惑扑了上去。 Although the ancestor had not indicated clearly how should cope with you, but has killed you, after all right.” The laughter of Zhu Rong is especially resounding and distant.( To be continued.) “虽然先祖并没有明示该如何对付你,可是杀了你,总归没错。”祝融氏的笑声格外的高亢、悠远。(未完待续。)
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