TME :: Volume #17

#1615: True meaning of

foreign race Warrior great shout in groups is fighting the number to fire into does not have to pray, the weapon composition mountain of sword sword forest of Symbol twinkle to not having prays the overhead to cut. From floating air fight fort and floating on spatial mountain peak, giant lock chain towing are entraining under the heavy anchor howling bang, on the incisive anchor the electric light flashes, the foreign race army wants not to have the body of praying with these chains fixedly. 成群结队的异族战士大声呼喊着战号冲向无支祈,符文闪烁的兵器组成刀山剑林向无支祈当头斩下。从浮空战堡和浮空山峰上,一根根巨大的锁链拖拽着沉重的铁锚呼啸轰下,尖锐的铁锚上电光闪动,异族大军想要用这些锁链固定无支祈的身体。 Does not have to pray demented smiling, in his top of the head three gigantic blue color eddy currents has the ray of heavenly bodies to reappear faintly. Yellowish red, silver is blue, all colors, day, months and star tricolor ray twinkles rapidly, condensed three water ape phantom in the blue vortex shortly. 无支祈癫狂的笑着,他头顶三个硕大的蓝色漩涡中隐隐有日月星辰的光芒浮现。金红、银蓝、五彩,日、月、星三色光芒急速的闪烁,眼看在蓝色漩涡中凝聚出了三尊水猿虚影 The people have the three treasures vigor, the day has the three treasures livelihood star. 人有三宝精气神,天有三宝日月星。 The legitimate follower, one such as the Yu Yu Daoist disciples, they exercise own vigor in the unsurpassed magic arts, quenchings Primordial Spirit, to condense Dao Embryo, after magical skill to some boundary the most remarkable standard is the top of the head condenses three flowers. 正统的修炼者,一如禹馀道人的门徒们,他们以无上道法锻炼自身精气神,淬炼元神、凝聚道胎,当道行到了某种境界后最显著的标准就是头顶凝聚三花。 Does not have to pray is the evil spirit, is the Prehistoric great monster, his magical skill similarly to some immeasurably deep boundary. Different with the legitimate follower, evil spirit absorption livelihood energy of the starlight quenchings the mortal body, tempers the monster soul, does not have to pray stimulates Monster Qi to reveal that fully outside strange omen, is the top of the head three gigantic water blue color eddy currents, this on behalf of the strength of his source is water. 无支祈是妖魔,是洪荒巨妖,他的道行同样到了某种深不可测的境界。和正统修炼者不同,妖魔吸收日月星辰之力淬炼肉身,磨炼妖魂,以至于无支祈全力激发妖气显露于外的异兆,就是头顶三个硕大的水蓝色漩涡,这代表了他的本源之力是‘水’。 Water ape phantom that in the vortex the ray of heavenly bodies concentrates, one such as the legitimate follower cuts three corpses, but Grand Dao, after this does not have similarly prayed the magical skill to certain situation, he by the livelihood energy of the starlight obviously incarnation. 漩涡中日月星辰的光芒凝成的水猿虚影,一如正统修炼者斩三尸而得大道,这同样是无支祈道行到了一定地步后,他以日月星辰之力显化的化身。 Three water ape phantom are not having to pray the top of the head hissing to roar to roar, holds in their in addition, does not have to pray on was tyrannical the terror human body strength becomes even more terrifying. He looks at foreign race Warrior that rushes ahead in all directions, but blows up the chest low and deep snort|hum, saw that the innumerable foreign race Warrior eye ear nostril spouts the big piece blood from the pores of the feet, the body just likes in the wind the fallen leaf is shaken to fly equally. 三具水猿虚影在无支祈头顶嘶声怒吼咆哮,在他们的加持下,无支祈原本就强横得恐怖的肉体力量变得越发恐怖。他看着四面八方冲杀上来的异族战士,只是鼓起胸膛低沉的哼了一声,就看到无数异族战士眼耳鼻孔喷出大片血箭,身体犹如风中落叶一样被震飞出去。 Stuffy, at least shakes adds up totals ten thousand foreign race elite, many foreign race Warrior fall to the ground the booth that the body is exhausted on the ground, their five main internal organs (entrails) and skeletons was shaken crushes, the body completely is a tattered animal skin pocket. 一声闷哼,起码震杀数万异族精锐,好些异族战士落地的时候身体软塌塌的摊在地上,他们的五脏六腑和骨骼都被震得粉碎,身体完全就是一个破烂的肉皮口袋。 The giant chains that the sky drops did not have to pray to hold conveniently, he laughs wildly one to make an effort to entrain, on chains sealed the thick ice rapidly, the dense cold air shot up to the sky, dozens floated the air fight forts and dozens to float the spatial mountain peak simultaneously by the thick incorruptible freeze. 天空落下的巨大锁链被无支祈随手一把抓住,他狂笑一声用力一拽,一条条锁链上急速封上了厚厚的玄冰,森森寒气冲天而起,数十座浮空战堡、数十座浮空山峰同时被厚厚的冰霜冻结。 Fights in the foreign race Warrior in fort, mountain peak to fend without enough time, in terrifying the cold air by the thick ice was killed instantaneously frozen, cannot escape. 战堡中、山峰内的异族战士来不及闪避,被玄冰中恐怖的寒气瞬间冻杀,没有一个能够逃出。 Does not have to pray to bellow, the double walking tractor entrains swaying that the long chains is making an effort, these float the air fight fort, to float the spatial mountain peak in airborne rapidly circles in flight. As does not have to pray one to bellow fiercely, dozens float the air fight fort, to float the spatial mountain peak to crash from the upper air, pounds maliciously, in had just restored in most Liangzhu City. 无支祈大吼一声,双手拖拽着长长的锁链用力的摇晃,那些浮空战堡、浮空山峰就在空中急速的飞旋起来。随着无支祈猛地一声大吼,数十座浮空战堡、浮空山峰从高空坠落,狠狠砸在了刚刚修缮了大半的良渚城内。 The innumerable sad and shrill miserable howling sounds transmit, the mansion and castle of big piece foreign race aristocrat were smashed by these giant war forts and mountain peaks crush, suddenly does not know that had many foreign race aristocrats dead a tragic death under not having the tyrannical method of praying. 无数凄厉的惨嚎声传来,大片异族贵族的豪宅、城堡被这些巨大的战堡、山峰砸得粉碎,一时间不知道有多少异族贵族惨死在无支祈的暴虐手段下。 The hot blast compelled to draw back together suddenly did not have the bone-chilling cold cold air that prayed to proliferate, the fierce raging fire light shot up to the sky, the fire Yuan brought three talls of stature hot qilin Qilin, another four all over the body flame to twine the powerful looking robust man of posthumous wing, from surrounded not to pray in all directions. 一道热风突然逼退了无支祈身上扩散开的凛冽寒气,烈烈火光冲天而起,火元带着三头身躯高大的火麒、连带着另外四尊通体火焰缠绕背生羽翼的彪形壮汉,从四面八方围住了无支祈。 Old friend, does not see for a long time.” The fire Yuan grasps two heavy dragon corner/horn [gold/metal] Jian, the whole face was blocks did not have that smiled to pray. “老朋友,许久不见。”火元手持两根沉重的龙角金锏,满脸是笑的挡住了无支祈。 For a long time does not see, how many years?” Does not have prays both hands to grip tightly the thick ice big beam, the look with deep veneration to look to catch fire the Yuan: „After Battle of Zhuolu, your this old codger disappears without a trace, these years, did you do?” “许久不见,多少年了?”无支祈双手紧握玄冰大杠子,神色肃然的看着火元:“涿鹿之战后,你这头老不死的就不知去向,这些年,你到底干嘛去了?” Fire Yuan throwing out the chest chest cavity, with a laugh looks that does not have to pray: Has the kid. In the southern volcano, currently has my nine blood relatives' kids.” 火元挺起了胸膛,笑呵呵的看着无支祈:“生娃儿。南方火山中,现在有我九个嫡亲的娃儿。” Did not have Qi Dengda eye, he shot a look in fire Yuan two legs subconsciously: Old codger, you...... Is Duke qilin Qilin?” 无支祈瞪大了眼睛,他下意识的瞥了火元两腿之间一眼:“老不死的,你……是条公麒吧?” A fire Yuan face has pulled out pulling out, his sinking sound track: Snort, although my qilin Qilin clan the person are gradually few, looked for two female qilin Qilin of age unable to find. My kid, absolutely is bloodlines pure hot qilin Qilin...... You, do not have to pray actually......” 火元的脸抽了抽,他沉声道:“哼,我麒一族虽然人丁渐少,找两头适龄的母麒还是找得到的。我的娃儿,绝对是血脉纯正的火麒……倒是你,无支祈……” Did not have to pray to shake in hand the big beam, looking fierce said with a smile strangely: Father does not care about what bloodlines are pure and so on trifling thing, has the kid becomes, what thing as for that kid other half bloodlines is, who can control these many?” 无支祈晃了晃手中大杠子,龇牙咧嘴的怪笑道:“老子可不在乎什么血脉纯正之类的屁事儿,有娃就成,至于那娃儿身上另外一半血脉是什么东西,谁管得了这么多?” Did not have Qi Hehuo the Yuan simultaneously to grin to laugh, has smiled the period of time, the fire Yuan has turned around suddenly, Dragon Jiaojin mace pounded randomly, ‚’ foreign race Warrior that bellowed to clash makes into the hashed meat to scatter several hundred, this turned head to not having prays to say with a smile: Yes, so long as there is a kid, manages his these many? Just, kid own good.” 无支祈和火元同时咧嘴大笑,笑了好一阵子,火元突然转过身,龙角金锏一通乱砸,‘啪啪啪’将数百名大吼着冲上来的异族战士打成了碎肉四溅,这才回过头来向无支祈笑道:“是啊,只要有娃儿,管他这么多?只不过,娃儿还是自己的好。” Did not have eye narrowing the eyes of praying gradually has become a line, he very saying with deep veneration: „Are your nine kids your, the father does not know. However father's that group of monkey bastards, definitely are father's types.” 无支祈的眼睛渐渐的眯成了一条线,他很肃然的说道:“你的那九个娃儿是不是你自己的,老子不知道。但是老子的那群猴崽子,肯定都是老子的种。” The fire Yuan has gone forward one step, shouted to clear the way fierce: Does not have to pray, is little wordy, you understand what I said is anything.” 火元上前了一步,厉声喝道:“无支祈,少啰嗦,你明白我说的是什么。” Did not have Qi Huanhuan to raise in hand the big beam, was cloudy the face cold sound track: That, can only hit one? I said that any you will not believe that I was also disinclined to speak...... Just, you must think that by a Gonggong clan oversuspicious instinct, they have the bloodlines descendant in hideaway, do they dare to make me not have to pray to help them look after?” 无支祈缓缓举起了手中大杠子,阴沉着脸冷声道:“那么,只能打一场喽?我说什么你们都不会信,我也就懒得说话了……只不过,你们得想想,以共工一族多疑的天性,他们就算有隐藏的血脉后裔,他们敢让我无支祈帮他们照顾么?” Silent for a long time, fire Yuan light saying: Sir Zhu Rong, wants to ask you to go to Southern Wastelands to walk.” 沉默许久,火元淡淡的说道:“祝融大人,想请你去南荒走一趟。” Does not have to pray to shake the head, he grins says with a smile strangely: Do not say Zhu Rong, is the present God, do not want to make father handle the matter that the father does not prefer again. I do not have to pray, the fire Yuan, you should know that does not have the temperament of praying!” 无支祈摇了摇头,他龇牙怪笑道:“不要说祝融氏,就是现在的天帝,也别想再让老子做老子不情愿的事情了。我是无支祈,火元,你应该知道无支祈的脾气!” They look at each other one, simultaneously bellows, the thick ice big beams and two dragon corner/horn [gold/metal] Jian almost do not have any transition hits maliciously in together, ices the strength of fire to attack fiercely, the bunch of silver blue color and scarlet red staggered rays scatter in all directions the impact, listens to a bang, earth under two human foot disrupt loudly, blasted out a diameter hundred li (0.5km) perfectly round big hole stiffly. 两人对视一眼,同时大吼一声,玄冰大杠子和两条龙角金锏几乎没有任何过渡的狠狠撞击在一起,冰火之力剧烈冲击,一团团银蓝色和赤红色交错的光芒四散冲击,就听一声巨响,两人脚下的大地轰然碎裂,硬生生被炸开了一个直径百里的浑圆大坑。 Innumerable foreign race Warrior meet a cruel death, was erased all had had the trace instantaneously. 无数异族战士粉身碎骨,瞬间被抹去了一切存在过的痕迹。 Yu Huo sits top giant sedan carriage, look with deep veneration looks several Daoist shades that front drops quietly. 虞惑坐在巨大的轿辇顶部,神色肃然的看着面前悄然落下的几道人影。 Zhu Rong all over the body flame flaming, his body entire turned into the flame shape, in the translucent body can see the innumerable big size small roaring flame vortex in the crazy revolving trundle. The fearful high temperature ascends, half Liangzhu City was roasted the scarlet red, many are burnt red with the palace that the gold, silver and other valuable metal casting become, inside has transmitted the fearful sound of tappasaki sliced meat unceasingly. 祝融氏通体火光熊熊,他的身体整个变成了火焰形态,半透明的身躯中可以看到无数大大小小的烈焰漩涡在疯狂的旋转滚动。可怕的高温升腾,半个良渚城都被烤成了赤红色,好些用黄金、白银等贵重金属铸造而成的宫殿被烧得通红,里面不断传来了铁板烧肉片的可怕声响。 The sad and shrill miserable howling sound is continuous, the innumerable foreign race subjects cannot escape from these scarlet red palaces, in the halfway was roasted the hard coke. 凄厉的惨嚎声绵绵不绝,无数异族子民没能从那些赤红色的宫殿中逃出,半路上就被烤成了焦炭。 Yu Huo raises both hands, applause that one, one and effort. 虞惑举起双手,一下、一下、一下用力的鼓掌。 Good strength big strength...... Zhu Rong, has not thought really that you have touched a faint trace unexpectedly...... True meaning.”( To be continued.) “好强大的力量……祝融氏,真没想到,你居然已经触摸到了一丝丝……道的真谛。”(未完待续。)
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