TME :: Volume #17

#1638: Does not matter the casualties

Advance, advance, advance!” “前进,前进,前进!” Hard carries in the city wall the crazy fierce bombardment of numerous Stonemlin and Treeman, Warrior of Gongsun wolf subordinates is forming the neat line as before, in big strides approaches to the Yaoshan city wall. Tower shields were shaken crush, the innumerable soldiers whole bodies were the blood tumbling in the place, Warrior stepped over the body of injured ally, continuation that kept slightly was very near. 硬扛着城墙上众多石怪树妖的狂猛轰击,公孙狼麾下的战士依旧排着整齐的队伍,大踏步的向尧山城墙逼近。一块块塔盾被震得粉碎,无数士卒浑身是血翻滚在地,战士们迈过受伤战友的身体,丝毫不停的继续挺近。 This is the allied armies of other Gongsun and several big clans, is their clan and tribe sharpest Warrior, some casualties may not daunt them. 这是公孙氏和其他十几个大氏族的联军,是他们部族最精锐的战士,些许伤亡可吓不住他们。 The big piece giant stone howls , the innumerable logs everywhere randomly get lost, the giant stone and log are all over the body red, unceasingly spout the big piece flame, quick on the violent explosion. Had to cultivate for formidable Magus King and Divine Magi rushed to the front, they offered a sacrifice to assorted to defend Wu Qi, shouldered the attack that in the city wall the raindrop dropped stiffly. 大片巨石呼啸而下,无数巨木满地乱滚,巨石、巨木通体赤红,不断喷涌着大片的火光,很快就猛烈的爆炸开来。已经有修为强大的巫王巫帝冲到了前方,他们祭起了各色防御巫器,硬生生扛住了城墙上雨点般落下的攻击。 The large military forces arrived from a city wall less than five li (0.5km) distance, stands Yi Di in city wall high has raised the right hand, then wields to below fiercely. 大队人马来到了距离城墙不到五里的距离,站在城墙上的羿地高高的举起了右手,然后猛地向下一挥。 The innumerable Dongyi archers poke head after the city wall, they pull open Longbow, forges excellent Symbol arrow to exude the incisive sound from out of the blue, since has dazzling flowing light, just likes the hurricane howls to fall from the city wall equally. 无数东夷箭手从城墙后探出头来,他们拉开长弓,锻造精良的符文箭矢发出尖锐的破空声,带起一道道刺目的流光,犹如飓风一样从城墙上呼啸落下。 Tittering sound is lingering on faintly, in the Gongsun allied armies the forefront Warrior or the Adam's apple of innumerable charges, or the eye socket were hit by arrow, penetrating power astonishing arrow deeply submerged their heads, demolition Symbol in arrow blasts out, bang explodes their half statures crushes. ‘噗嗤’声不绝于耳,公孙氏联军中无数冲锋在最前面的战士或者喉结、或者眼眶被箭矢命中,穿透力惊人的箭矢深深没入了他们的头颅,箭头上的爆破符文炸开,‘轰’的一声将他们的半截身躯炸得粉碎。 Remnant body numerous pouring on the ground, have included several hundred charges before Magus King, even three Divine Magi were struck similarly to kill by the Divine Magi level archer of Yi Di subordinates. 一具具残躯重重的倒在地上,这其中包括了数百名冲锋在前的巫王,甚至有三名巫帝同样被羿地麾下的巫帝级箭手一击狙杀。 These Divine Magi level archers use, is Ji Hao with ten thousand spirit good fortune cauldrons for their custom-made formidable arrow, in the coordination their swift and fierce archery, Divine Magi of three your father Sun was pierced the nape of the neck by arrow, has not waited for them to draw out arrow to restore the injury, the arrow erupts, the terrifying lethality direct disintegration their souls, have let the opportunity that they did not restore again. 这些巫帝级箭手使用的,是姬昊用万灵造化鼎为他们定制的强大箭矢,配合上他们的凌厉箭术,三尊公孙氏的巫帝箭矢洞穿了脖颈,还不等他们拔出箭矢恢复伤势,箭头爆发开来,恐怖的杀伤力直接崩碎了他们的灵魂,让他们再没有恢复的机会。 The Divine Magi remnant body layer on layer falls to the ground, their vitality extremely tenacious heart also in fierce beat, massive blood in the blood vessel that unceasingly since they disrupt splatters. The Divine Magi body was too formidable, the blood plasma that in their blood vessels spouts is bringing chī chī crack spatial sound, just likes the innumerable block wheels sweeps to all around randomly, around their bodies the troop Warrior body within several li (0.5km) was pierced by the blood plasma, afterward explodes the smashing rapidly. 巫帝残躯重重倒地,他们生命力极其顽强的心脏还在剧烈的跳动,大量鲜血不断从他们碎裂的血管中喷溅出来。巫帝的身躯太强大了,他们血管中喷出的血浆带着‘嗤嗤’的裂空声,犹如无数刀轮向四周乱扫,他们身体四周数里内的大群战士身体被血浆洞穿,随后迅速炸成粉碎。 Ordinary Warrior, is unable to withstand including the strength that in a drop of blood of Divine Magi contains, will move slightly is exploded the body by the huge life aniline black brace. 普通战士,连巫帝的一滴鲜血中蕴藏的力量都无法承受,稍微碰触就会被庞大的生命精元撑爆身体。 Damn, attacks a city, attacks a city!” Gongsun wolf distant standing supervises combat in behind, heard that had own three Divine Magi to be killed, his breathless has spat several spit toward the ground, was weak the weak issue the order of attacking a city. “该死的,攻城,攻城!”公孙狼远远的站在后面督战,听说有自家的三尊巫帝被干掉了,他气急败坏的往地上吐了几口吐沫,然后虚弱无力的发布了攻城的命令。 An eyeball revolution, Gongsun Lang has lowered the sound, issued one has been possible be called the dirty order: Makes the soldiers more intelligent, does not want silly flushing in the forefront. Let tall Xinshi, Yunyang and Chinese Xu their people on first, must die to predecease their people!” 眼珠一转,公孙狼压低了声音,下达了一个堪称龌龊的命令:“让儿郎们聪明一些,不要傻乎乎的冲在最前面。让高辛氏、云阳氏、华胥氏他们的人先上,要死先死他们的人!” Worked on a small wine pot to drink liquor complacently, Gongsun wolf hee hee said with a smile: Their clansmen, casualty many, I do not matter. Goes, hurries to tell me clan soldiers, is more intelligent, goes to war this matter...... Should better is others brings death!” 抓起一个小酒坛得意洋洋的喝了一口酒,公孙狼‘嘻嘻’笑道:“他们的族人,死伤多少,我都无所谓。去,赶紧告诉我族儿郎们,要聪明一些,打仗这种事情……最好就是别人去送死啊!” Nod of the military officers of several Gongsun understand, they overtook to the front attacking a city army rapidly. 几个公孙氏的将领心领神会的点了点头,他们迅速向前方的攻城大军赶了过去。 The cutting edge of army arrived under the Yao Mountain city, accompanying the armed forces Shaman read aloud the incantation, wanted builds the bridge in the broad and rapid moat baseless. Whatever they read broke mouth, has exhausted completely Wu Li (magus power), they are unable outside the Yao Mountain city to transfer, even if Natural Power of least bit, is unable to stimulate to movement the witchcraft, is unable to splash the bridge in the moat. 大军的先锋已经来到了垚山城下,随军的巫祭念诵咒语,想要在宽阔而湍急的护城河上凭空架起桥梁。但是任凭他们念破了嘴,耗尽了全部巫力,他们无法在垚山城外调动哪怕一丝半点的天地元气,根本无法催动巫术,无法在护城河上溅起桥梁。 In the Yao Mountain city peripheral tens of millions li (0.5km) scopes, all Natural Power were deadlocked by world large formation, the bystander gave up any idea of that here transfers a least bit the strength of world, only if they can by person of forcing excessively entire world large formation. 垚山城周边数千万里的范围内,所有天地元气都被天地大阵锁死,外人休想在这里调动一丝半点的天地之力,除非他们能够以一人之力压过整个天地大阵 Audiences Shaman was scared, many render meritorious service the cherished clan military officers to bring the clans to whoosh loudly, has jumped down the moat reckless, fast swam to the city wall in the past. 一众巫祭傻了眼,好些立功心切的氏族将领已经带着氏族们大声嘶吼着,不顾一切的跳下了护城河,快速的向城墙游了过去。 Similarly because of the suppression of world large formation, in the Yao Mountain City range, so long as is the Yao Mountain City enemy, even if Divine Magi is unable to soar the flight, their jumping vigorously, most can jump several feet high, gave up any idea of that jumps up reaches as high as the number hundred zhang (333m) city wall. 同样是因为天地大阵的压制,在垚山领的范围内,只要是垚山领的敌人,就算是巫帝都无法腾空飞行,他们极力的蹦跳,最多能跳起来十几丈高,休想跳上高达数百丈的城墙。 They can only attack the Yao Mountain city with the most traditional way, naturally includes the tour to cross the moat! 他们只能用最传统的方式攻打垚山城,其中自然就包括游过护城河! In the quick river has the giant wave flood, the sailors hiding moat bottom that Ji Hao big disciple Chamie presides, various types for the water battle specially-made bow crossbow silent stimulation, the dense and numerous careful crossbow arrows penetrate the wave specially, was quick and ruthless wanted on forced river crossing Warrior in these. 很快河里就有巨大的浪头泛起,姬昊大弟子夏米统辖的水军藏身护城河底,各种专门为水战特制的弓弩无声无息的激发,密密麻麻的细细弩矢穿透水波,又快又狠的扎在了这些想要强行渡河的战士身上。 On these crossbow arrows, quenched dozens types of violently poisonous Water Race mix venom, Poison Magus of Pangu world knows, in sea the violent poisonousness of strange poisonous insect within the body, frequently was on the land in various types of poisonous insect poisonous carcasses venom toxic ten times and over hundred times, these venom that Chamie mixed, was the toxicity is more astonishing, small drop of venom, the body giant Luneberg people were hard to withstand. 这些弩矢上面,淬上了数十种剧毒水族的混合毒液,盘古世界的毒巫们都知道,海洋中稀奇古怪的毒虫体内的剧毒,动辄是陆地上各种毒虫毒兽体内毒液毒性的十倍、百倍以上,夏米调配的这些毒液,更是毒性惊人,小小一滴毒液,就连身躯巨大的龙伯国人都难以承受。 The Warrior body stiff float of thousands forced river crossing in the moat, Chamie subordinates innumerable great demon octopuses stretched out the long arm, dragged out these Warrior corpses under water. 数以万计强行渡河的战士身体僵硬的漂浮在了护城河上,夏米麾下无数巨魔章鱼伸出长长的腕足,将这些战士的尸体拖下了水底。 The moat is the wave is as before limpid, in the billowing whitecap contained was saying that did not scavenge the unclear denseness to kill intent. 护城河依旧是水波清澈,滚滚白浪中却蕴藏着说不清道不明的森森杀意。 Idiot, builds the tall ladder, crosses the moat directly, cannot launch, cannot launch!” Various military officers who is responsible for directing the fight are roaring hoarsely, after these launching, was struck various officers who kills to scold a stream of abuse by the poison-tipped arrow. “蠢货,架起天梯,直接越过护城河,不许下水,不许下水!”负责指挥战斗的各部将领声嘶力竭的怒吼着,将那些下水后被毒箭击杀的各部将士骂了个狗血淋头。 Several thousand volume giant wheelers rumble has delivered from the rear area, around these wheelers has to lift the elite armed soldier of shield to surround and protect emphatically, the wheeler stopped near the moat, innumerable strange Symbol on a length and breadth several feet wheeler bright, heard ka ka crossbow trigger sound, the spacious ladder that metal made a successively rapid found out from the wheeler, sections has extended to the city wall. 数千座体积巨大的轮车‘隆隆’的从后方送了上来,这些轮车四周都有举着重盾的精锐甲士拱卫,轮车停在了护城河边,无数奇异的符文在长宽十几丈的轮车上亮起,就听得‘咔咔’机括声响,一节节金属制成的宽大梯子迅速从轮车中探出,一截截的向城墙上延伸了过去。 In the city wall, Ji Xia laughed has been raising in the hand the long halberd: Brothers, are ready, making the heads of these fellows fill up the moat, lets blood incarnadine Yao Mountain City of these fellows, Yao Mountain City applies fertilizer with their corpses to us, scrubs them to take to our shame with their lives, prepares to slaughter!” 城墙上,姬夏大笑着举起了手中长戟:“兄弟们,做好准备,让这些家伙的头颅填满护城河,让这些家伙的血染红垚山领,用他们的尸体给我们垚山领施一遍肥,用他们的性命洗刷他们带给我们的耻辱,准备厮杀!” Warrior of innumerable sun unit cried out with one voice that is ready that near body has slaughtered! 无数金乌部的战士齐声呐喊,纷纷做好了近身厮杀的准备! However, quick, awkward matter appeared! 但是,很快,尴尬的事情出现了! Tall ladder one successively extends, stands various Warrior top tall ladder can approach the Yaoshan city wall shortly, but suddenly stopped from the tall ladder from the city wall also several feet, is unable to stretch ahead the slightest again! 天梯一节节的延伸出来,站在天梯顶部的各部战士眼看就能靠近尧山城墙,但是距离城墙还有十几丈距离天梯突然停下了,再也无法向前延伸分毫! Is away from several feet awkward distance, various Warrior on tall ladder awkward looks sun unit Warrior that in the city wall waits for gravely!( To be continued.) 隔着十几丈的尴尬距离,天梯上的各部战士尴尬的看着城墙上严正以待的金乌部战士!(未完待续。)
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