TME :: Volume #17

#1612: These years matters

Does not have to pray is erupting Monster Qi recklessly, billowing Monster Qi rushes to the sky, 12 as if have not induced anything with the water world of Pangu world fusion completely, erupts suddenly the inexhaustible water elementary force, under not having Qi Yaoli the infection, the water elementary force changes into the whirling snow, thick falling dropping from the clouds. 无支祈肆意的爆发着妖气,滚滚妖气冲上天空,12个尚未和盘古世界完全融合的水世界仿佛感应到了什么,骤然喷发出无穷无尽的水元力,在无支祈妖力的感染下,水元力化为漫天大雪,纷纷扬扬的从天而降。 Palm of the hand size and sincere solid snowflake circle, having the grating sound from out of the blue to crash from the upper air. 巴掌大小、厚重结实的雪片打着旋儿,带着刺耳的破空声从高空坠落。 A surrounding area several billions li (0.5km) void paleness, in each snowflakes wisp of light silver blue color Monster Qi just likes the flame same is glittering. Does not have to pray is releasing Monster Qi heartily, but the water elementary forces of 12 water world releases have given him the most formidable support, lets his monster strength in this moment unceasing promotion and unceasing dramatic rise. 方圆数亿里的虚空一片惨白,每一片雪花上都有一缕淡淡的银蓝色妖气犹如火光一样闪烁着。无支祈尽情的释放着妖气,而12个水世界释放的水元力给了他最强大的支持,让他的妖力在这一刻不断的提升、不断的飙升。 How many years did father have not to do?” Did not have laughing wildly sound shaking of praying entire Liangzhu, shook just had restored most in Liangzhu City the innumerable brand-new palace pavilion in abundance avalanche, innumerable city garrison Restriction crushed loudly. “老子有多少年没这么干过了?”无支祈的狂笑声震动了整个良渚,震得刚刚修缮了大半了良渚城内无数崭新的宫殿楼阁纷纷崩塌,无数城防禁制轰然粉碎。 The cold wind curled innumerable Ice Blade to cover Liangzhu, did not have to pray just likes harvests the life specially the god of death, laughed wildly is wielding his giant beam, jumps transfers in Liangzhu City that fled such as flies in all directions dashes, crazy striking killed all lives in line of sight. 寒风卷着无数冰刀覆盖了良渚,无支祈犹如专门收割生命的死神,狂笑着挥动着他那根巨大的杠子,蹦窜如飞的在良渚城内四处挪移飞奔,疯狂的击杀视线中的一切生灵。 Several authority elders who woman Ka and spreads out moon/month lineage/vein die at the scene, they turned into beach flesh and blood in confusion, by freeze that the cold frozen hard dies on the ground. They do not have a stick of praying not to block, his relaxed clubbed the meat patty. 婆罗迦和衍月一脉的几个权力长老陨落当场,他们变成了一滩狼藉的血肉,被寒冰死死的冻结在了地上。他们连无支祈的一棒都没挡住,被他轻松的一棍打成了肉饼。 Should not, not be this completely.” Yu Huo sits top sedan carriage, cheerful swallowing did not have Qi Jisha the foreign race Warrior soul, while unceasing shaking the head thought aloud: Does not have the strength of praying should not be so strong, he has fully achieved the Crown Saint Venerable the level the strength, even has it in lethality Shangyou.” “完全不应该,真不应该是这样。”虞惑坐在轿辇顶部,一边欢快的吞噬被无支祈击杀的异族战士的灵魂,一边不断的摇头自言自语:“无支祈的战力不应该有这么强,他完全达到了‘冕’号圣尊级的战力,甚至在杀伤力上犹有过之。” This crowd of lucky families whose fortunes are on the decline, they dare saying that unexpectedly they have conquered the Pangu world?” Yu Huodai an inconceivable awkward smiling face, distant looks non- that slaughters wantonly prays: „Is this called to conquer? One group of authority elders cannot block one not to pray...... With existence that he shares the honor, the sole Gonggong god clan has eight, do not mediate the Gonggong god clan ten thousand years is the Zhu Rong god clan of enemy!” “这群幸运的破落户,他们居然敢说他们征服了盘古世界?”虞惑带着一丝不可思议的尴尬笑容,远远的看着大肆杀戮的无支祈:“这叫做征服?一群权力长老都挡不住一头无支祈……和他齐名的存在,单单共工神族就有八个,更不要说和共工神族万年为敌的祝融神族!” Outside Liangzhu City, in everywhere wind and snow, summit of the mountain, a scarlet, the whole body covers Zhu Rong under light flame is carrying a gigantic liquor bottle gourd, drinking to heart's content good wine, while static looks in Liangzhu City crazy slaughtering. 良渚城外,漫天风雪中,一座高山之巅,一身红衣,浑身笼罩在一层淡淡火光下的祝融氏拎着一个硕大的酒葫芦,一边畅饮美酒,一边静静的看着良渚城内疯狂的杀戮。 He looks that does not have Qi Dahou to yell, looks does not have Qi Beng to flee such as flies, looks that does not have to pray to wield his in the Prehistoric time ominous illustrious big beam, rumbles the smashing the foreign race authority elders of blocking the way. His clear feeling, prays within the body as non- of Gonggong god clan retainer, that is the god lu aura of Gonggong god clan to dissipate, belongs not to pray own evil spirit aura to restore. 他看着无支祈大吼大叫,看着无支祈蹦窜如飞,看着无支祈挥动着他那根在洪荒时代凶名赫赫的大杠子,将一个又一个拦路的异族权力长老轰成粉碎。他清晰的感受到,作为共工神族家臣的无支祈体内,那份属于共工神族的神箓气息正在消散,属于无支祈自身的妖魔气息正在恢复。 Does not have to pray, was extricates.” Zhu Rong calm saying of: Red bow, when you take over after the position of father Zhu Rong, the first matter, thoroughly puts to death all influences that Gonggong lineage/vein leave behind. Does not remain, kills completely.” “无支祈,算是解脱了。”祝融氏冷静的说道:“彤弓,等你接掌为父祝融之位后,第一件事情,就是彻底诛杀共工一脉留下的所有势力。一个不留,全部杀死。” The Zhu Rong red bow that for a long time has not seen wears a flame long gown similarly, the whole body is lingering a light flame, having an immeasurably deep smiling face to stand side Zhu Rong. He narrows the eyes to focus, in the double pupil the flame is faint, static looks non- that in Liangzhu City wreaks havoc prays. 许久未见的祝融彤弓同样穿着一件火红色的长袍,周身萦绕着一层淡淡的火光,带着一丝深不可测的笑容站在祝融氏身边。他眯着眼,双眸中火光隐隐,静静的看着良渚城内肆虐的无支祈。 Non- that lets loose thoroughly prays, really the ominous prestige is unparalleled, such existence, indeed should write off.” The Zhu Rong red bow shows a faint smile, respectful and prudent asked to Zhu Rong: Dad, child did not understand......” “彻底放开的无支祈,果然凶威盖世,这样的存在,的确应该抹杀。”祝融彤弓微微一笑,恭谨的向祝融氏问道:“阿爹,孩儿一直不明白……” Zhu Rong smiled, turns head to standing looked after behind one line of person's shadows. 祝融氏笑了笑,回头向站在身后的一行人影望了过去。 But a main item the person, the height about three zhang (3.33 m), under the skin are mounting the innumerable red scales densely and numerously, the robust man who the hot cloud lingers all over the body has smiled low and deep. 一名龙头而人身,身高三丈开外,皮肤下密密麻麻镶嵌着无数红色鳞片,通体火云萦绕的壮汉低沉的笑了起来。 Carefully looks that the main item of head and dragon clan of this robust man has over 90% similarities, but has a look again earnestly, will discover that the head of this robust man, exactly said that should be the qilin Qilin head. This is a powerhouse of qilin Qilin clan, aura dark green and distant hot qilin Qilin. 仔细看去,这壮汉的头颅和龙族的龙头有九成以上的相似度,可是再认真看看,就会发现这壮汉的头颅,更确切的说应该是麒头。这是一头麒一族的强者,一头气息苍古而悠远的火麒 Fire Yuan elder? Did you say to the red bow?” Zhu Rong looked that has been full of the respect to this rush of blood to the head qilin Qilin vision, is very obvious, status of this rush of blood to the head qilin Qilin in Zhu Rong clan is special. “火元长老?您给彤弓说说?”祝融氏看向这头火麒的目光中充满了敬意,很显然,这头火麒祝融一族中的地位非常特殊。 The hot qilin Qilin fire Yuan has snatched the liquor bottle gourd in Zhu Rong hand, revealed toward mouth one but actually, after drank the liquor in bottle gourd was clean, this saying of jar sound jar air/Qi: Actually, the matter has been very clear.” 火麒火元一把抢过祝融氏手中的酒葫芦,兜底的往嘴里一倒,一口把葫芦中的酒喝得干干净净后,这才瓮声瓮气的说道:“其实,事情一直很明白。” One, our Zhu Rong clan and a Gonggong clan are the dead enmity, deep Qiu Xuehen who this is the antiquity The heaven [gold/metal] Mushui fire clay five side primitive God existed side by side has...... Even if Gonggong on cut off the progenies outwardly, we must chase down Gonggong.” “一,我们祝融一族和共工一族是死仇,这还是上古天庭金木水火土五方原始天帝并立的时候就结下的深仇血恨……就算共工氏明面上已经断绝了苗裔,我们还是要将共工氏追杀到底。” The fire Yuan is cloudy the face to look that does not have to pray, saying character by character: „Did the Gonggong real bloodlines of cut off? Not necessarily. Therefore, any may shelter Gonggong clan bloodlines progenies secretly, one , if no to pray, one like Kunpeng, one such as northern ocean Flood Dragon King, must utterly destroy, cannot kill, controls them stubbornly in the hand, cannot they have the opportunity of birth again.” 火元阴沉着脸看着无支祈,一个字一个字的说道:“共工氏真的血脉断绝了么?不见得。所以,任何有可能暗地里庇护共工一族血脉苗裔的,一如无支祈,一如鲲鹏,一如北溟蛟王,一定要斩尽杀绝,不能杀,也得将他们死死掌控在手中,不许他们再有出世的机会。” Two, your child always thought that these years, we were suppressed too embarrassedly by these foreign race.” The fire Yuan contemptuously shook the finger, raises the face saying: „When actually, these foreign race first invaded in the past, a that time Zhu Rong clan, a Gonggong clan, and even has deteriorated azure emperor wooden god lineage/vein, Bai a Emperor [gold/metal] Shen department...... Some families whose fortunes are on the decline, oppression that time Human Race was ninety percent sure, but our any clan can wipe out them with ease.” “二,你们这些娃娃总觉得,这些年,我们被这些异族压制得太难堪。”火元轻蔑的晃了晃手指,昂着脸说道:“其实,当年这些异族初次入侵之时,无论是那时候的祝融一族,共工一族,乃至已经衰败之极的青帝木神一脉,白帝金神一系……些许破落户,欺压那时候的人族是十拿九稳,可是我们任何一族都能轻松全歼了他们。” Cannot, not hope, does not dare!” Fire Yuan deep looks at the Zhu Rong red bow: Red bow Crown Prince, since you soon become Zhu Rong, then you must clarify now, Pangu world actually dangerous.” “不能,不愿,不敢!”火元深沉的看着祝融彤弓:“彤弓太子,既然你即将成为祝融,那么你现在就必须弄清,盘古世界究竟有多危险。” „The entire Pangu world, is a giant checkerboard. All living things, are only the board game piece on checkerboard.” Fire Yuan sinking sound track: Our primitive Spiritual God lineage/vein, once were the chess player on this checkerboard, was the time lapse, Heavenly Dao evolves, we degenerated into the board game piece now.” “整个盘古世界,是一个巨大的棋盘。芸芸众生,只是棋盘上的棋子。”火元沉声道:“我们原始神灵一脉,曾经是这个棋盘上的棋手,可是时间推移,天道衍变,我们现在沦为了棋子。” But we after all once were chess players, although we degenerated into the board game piece, who can guarantee that we cannot some day reply the vitality, became the chess player?” Fire Yuan deep looks that the Zhu Rong red bow said: Therefore, these chess players of present, want to write off us, thorough made us die without a heir and cut off the progenies.” “但是我们毕竟曾经身为棋手,所以虽然我们沦为棋子,谁能保证我们不能有朝一日又回复了元气,重新成为棋手?”火元深沉的看着祝融彤弓说道:“所以,现在的那些棋手,想要抹杀我们,彻底的让我们断子绝孙、断绝了苗裔。” These chess players, The heaven can be planned thorough withering away by them, let alone is our trivial two god?” “那些棋手,就连天庭都能被他们算计得彻底消亡,何况是我们区区两支神裔?” Therefore, to compete for that a slim chance of survival, a Zhu Rong clan and a Gonggong clan, compete become the Human Race dependency, competes Human Race to offer a sacrifice to a liquor duty greatly, racks brains, whatever Human Race whips on, only asked the bloodlines to multiply the preservation.” “所以,为了争夺那一线生机,祝融一族、共工一族,竞相成为人族附庸,竞争人族大祭酒一职,绞尽脑汁任凭人族驱策,只求血脉能够繁衍保存。” Offers a sacrifice to the liquor for Human Race greatly the position, a Gonggong clan and a Zhu Rong clan are continually the battles, this hatred even more was deep. To finally, my Zhu Rong clan has occupied this line of business, a Gonggong clan only has been steadily able to draw back to ask next.” “为了人族大祭酒的职位,共工一族、祝融一族又是连番争斗,这份仇恨却是越发的深厚了。到了最终,我祝融一族还是占稳了这个职司,共工一族只能退而求其次。” The fire Yuan mentioned on and on, the eye of Zhu Rong red bow more stared is bigger.( To be continued.) 火元娓娓说来,祝融彤弓的眼睛是越瞪越大。(未完待续。)
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