TME :: Volume #17

#1613: Zhu Rong advice

The fire Yuan recounted on and on that told the Zhu Rong red bow all that he knows. 火元娓娓述说,将他所知的一切都告诉了祝融彤弓。 The matter that the fire Yuan recounted, genuinely has had history, was the stained scar, is the dripping bloodstain, is a all previous ancestor of Zhu Rong clan one's own has experienced laughter , anger , sorrow and happiness. 火元述说的事情,是真正发生过的历史,是斑斑的伤痕、是淋漓的血印,是祝融一族的历代先祖亲生经历过的喜怒哀乐。 But to the Zhu Rong red bow, although he is the Spiritual God descendant, he thought one are listening to the myth. 而对祝融彤弓而言,虽然他身为神灵的后裔,他却觉得自己在听神话。 Formidable Zhu Rong god clan and Gonggong god clan, for cannot the anti- strength write off by the darkness in thoroughly, like other god clans thorough on the wane, unexpectedly they are willing, whatever Human Race whips on. Even to tie up Human Race war chariot, don't they hesitate to erupt the intense conflict? 强大的祝融神族和共工神族,为了不被冥冥中不可抗的力量彻底抹杀,像其他神族一样彻底凋零,他们居然心甘情愿的任凭人族驱策。甚至为了将自家绑上人族战车,他们不惜爆发激烈的冲突? Facts showed that captured Human Race to offer a sacrifice to a Zhu Rong god clan of liquor duty smoothly greatly, all previous descendants were luxuriant, bloodlines were continuous, such as Zhu Rong was numerous on the children. 事实证明,顺利夺得了人族大祭酒一职的祝融神族,历代子孙繁茂、血脉绵绵不绝,诸如祝融氏就子女众多。 But Gonggong lineage/vein? They have not obtained Human Race to offer a sacrifice to liquor greatly the position, they can only hold to shield under Human Race reluctantly, therefore since near Five Dynasties, a descendants descendant person of Gonggong lineage/vein even more has been thin, Gonggong who fallen from the sky even has a Gong Gong Wuyou male offspring! 共工一脉呢?他们没有得到人族大祭酒的职位,他们只能勉强托庇于人族之下,所以近五代以来,共工一脉的子孙后裔越发的人丁稀薄,已经陨落的共工氏甚至只有共工无忧一个子嗣! Those who make the Zhu Rong red bow speechless is, for does not initiate writing off of dark force majeure quantity, a Gonggong clan is also good, a Zhu Rong clan is also good, after their clansmen grow to certain strength, on driving escaping into primordial chaos chaos. They to not seek for the Panyu world is, does not invade the Pangu world for the thorough destruction foreign race...... 更让祝融彤弓无语的是,为了不引发冥冥中不可抗力量的抹杀,共工一族也好,祝融一族也好,当他们的族人成长到一定的实力之后,就主动的遁入了鸿蒙混沌。他们并不是为了寻找盘虞世界的所在,并不是为了彻底覆灭侵入盘古世界的异族…… They asked that but can continue to go on living? 他们所求的,只是能够继续活下去? What exaggerates, the Zhu Rong red bow stared in a big way the eye, was bringing inconceivable and shocking of full belly, the delay looked to catch fire Yuan even Human Race all previous Human Emperor and Daxian, these advanced into the Human Race big energy of boundary of Magus God smoothly, that population in the quantity by no means public ancient book recording...... But is hundred times and thousand times of quantities? 更夸张的是,祝融彤弓瞪大了眼睛,带着满肚皮的不可思议和震惊,呆滞的看着火元甚至人族的历代人皇、大贤,那些顺利跻身巫神之境的人族大能,数量并非公开典籍中记载的那点人数……而是百倍、千倍的数量? These Human Race Magus God powerhouses, they either imprisoned in the Prehistoric stars fell into the playing dead condition, either on own initiative escaped into the primordial chaos chaos, one such as a these older generation powerhouses of Gonggong clan and Zhu Rong clan, for also avoided dark the writing off strength? 那些人族巫神强者,他们要么是自我囚禁在了洪荒星辰中陷入假死状态,要么就是主动遁入了鸿蒙混沌,一如共工一族和祝融一族的那些先辈强者,为的也只是避开冥冥中的抹杀力量? Dad!” The Zhu Rong red bow has turned head, is bringing a face looks at Zhu Rong inconceivable: „Are these matters, really?” “阿爹!”祝融彤弓扭过头,带着一脸的不可思议看着祝融氏:“这些事,可是真的?” Zhu Rong pulled out a brand-new liquor bottle gourd to lose from the sleeve to the fire Yuan, extracted a liquor bottle gourd toward own mouth but actually several liquor, then nod of slowly: Your response, before your paternal grandfather passed on is the same in the past to the dad, the dad also such asked your paternal grandfather in the past.” 祝融氏从袖子里掏出了一个崭新的酒葫芦丢给了火元,又抽出一个酒葫芦往自己嘴里倒了几口酒,然后缓缓的点了点头:“你的反应,就和你阿公当年传位给阿爹前一样,阿爹当年也是这么问你阿公的。” Dad also thought at that time that our Zhu Rong clan is formidable, the god 1 million, the god soldier are innumerable, in all subjects of Southern Wastelands boundary is a deployment of my Zhu Rong clan, we have controlled the how formidable strength!” “阿爹那时候也觉得,我们祝融一族多么强大啊,神将1000000,神兵无数,在南荒地界的所有子民都是我祝融一族的部署,我们掌控了多么强大的力量!” Do not say that our Zhu Rong clan holds the post of Human Race to offer a sacrifice to the liquor greatly the position, we and Human Race share weal and woe, we and Human Race collaborate, is a Pangu world pivotal strength, we are fearless.” “更不要说,我们祝融一族担任着人族大祭酒的职位,我们和人族荣辱与共,我们和人族联手,是盘古世界举足轻重的一股力量,我们根本无所畏惧。” „When dad is young also supercilious believing, a Gonggong clan is a life and death archenemy of my Zhu Rong clan, so-called foreign race...... These foreign race, are only emperor Yao is incompetent, if changed into the dad to make Human Emperor, already presided the army to utterly destroy foreign race, already......” “阿爹年轻时也心高气傲的认为,共工一族才是我祝融一族的生死大敌,所谓的异族嘛……那些异族,只是帝尧无能,如果换成阿爹做了人皇,早就统辖大军将异族斩尽杀绝,早就……” Shakes the head, Zhu Rong has drunk several liquor, his light saying: Who can think? What if not we are willing is Human Race whips on, mixes this clan destiny and Human Race forcefully in the same place, shields this clan request under Human Race, perhaps had we already unravelled?” 摇摇头,祝融氏又喝了几口酒,他淡淡的说道:“谁能想到呢?如果不是我们心甘情愿的为人族驱策,将本族气运和人族强行掺合在一起,将本族托庇于人族之下,我们或许早就已经灰飞烟灭了?” That, is actually who?” The Zhu Rong red bow is unforgiving continues to inquire Zhu Rong. “那么,究竟是谁?”祝融彤弓不依不饶的继续询问祝融氏。 Actually is who?” Zhu Rong silent for a long time. “究竟是谁?”祝融氏沉默许久。 Passed the period of time, Zhu Rong has squatted, put out a hand to draw a Taiji chart and one in the snow pleasant, a handle long sword, a big tree and a lotus flower...... Hesitated the moment, Zhu Rong has drawn two handle staggered long swords, finally he drew the large snake that two conditions slenderly have become spiral-shaped coils around becomes. 过了好一阵子,祝融氏蹲了下来,伸出手在积雪上画了一个太极图、一枚如意、一柄长剑、一株大树、一朵莲花……沉吟了片刻,祝融氏又画了两柄交错的长剑,最后他画了两条体型修长成螺旋状盘绕而成的长蛇。 By two large snakes, Zhu Rong has drawn a facial features plain old person, has drawn an imposing manner overwhelming power beautiful woman. 在两条长蛇旁边,祝融氏画了一个面容古朴的老人,又画了一尊气势威猛的美妇。 Was unspeakable, cannot say, the dad left a Zhu Rong clan time, will print your state of mind these things with the mystique.” Zhu Rong light saying of: You now, and remembers these...... Pangu world...... Can be they? Perhaps is, perhaps is not...... If a first ancestor of my fire god lineage/vein, the qualifications spoke before them, present we, are actually...... Did not suffice above.” “不可说,不可言,阿爹离开祝融一族的时候,会用秘法将这些东西印入你的神魂。”祝融氏淡淡的说道:“你如今,且记住这些……盘古世界……会是他们么?或许是,或许不是……若是我火神一脉的始祖,还有资格在他们面前说话,如今的我们,却已经是……够不上边了。” But, child does not understand.” Zhu Rong red bow very honest said to Zhu Rong. “可是,孩儿不懂。”祝融彤弓很老实的向祝融氏说道。 Actually, the dad does not understand.” Zhu Rong looks deeply he in these patterns in the snow drawing, numerous sighing, he waves, the snow was melted, changes into one group of strong steam to vanish without the trace. “其实,阿爹也不懂。”祝融氏深沉的看着他自己在积雪上画出的那些图样,重重的叹了一口气,他一挥手,积雪被融化,化为一团浓烈的蒸汽消失无踪。 In the past the paternal grandfather to the words that the dad spoke, now you also remember are wish let the bloodlines forever multiplication of my Zhu Rong, its one was, Human Race offered a sacrifice to the liquor the position unable to lose greatly, my Zhu Rong lineage/vein must hold to shield under Human Race.” “当年你阿公对阿爹说的话,如今你也记住就是想要让我祝融氏的血脉永远的繁衍下去,其一就是,人族大祭酒的职位不能丢,我祝融一脉必须托庇在人族之下。” Its two are, if discovered again the immemorial god clan descendant, one such as a clansman of Gonggong lineage/vein, must utterly destroy. Only had to exterminate the destiny of these god clans, can increase my Zhu Rong lineage/vein the destiny, can make my Zhu Rong lineage/vein continue prosperously.” “其二就是,若是再发现太古神族后裔,一如共工一脉的族人,必须斩尽杀绝。唯有灭绝了这些神族的气运,才能增加我祝融一脉的气运,才能让我祝融一脉继续昌盛。” Its three, this is dad to your advice.” Zhu Rong smiles to look at the Zhu Rong red bow, very temperate saying: Man Man looked for a good man, the dad not to think that in the past that common boy, will have the present good fortune. Man Man can get married with him, can multiply the descendant with him...... However, later Zhu Rong lineage/vein are Zhu Rong lineage/vein, after Man Man gets married, cannot be a doll of Zhu Rong clan, later, cannot have any involving with her again.” “其三,这是阿爹对你的忠告。”祝融氏笑看着祝融彤弓,很温和的说道:“蛮蛮找了个好男人,阿爹也没想到,当年那个不起眼的小子,会有如今的造化。蛮蛮会和他成亲,会和他繁衍后代……但是,以后祝融一脉就是祝融一脉,蛮蛮嫁人之后,就不能算是祝融一族的女娃,以后,不许再和她有任何牵扯。” The Zhu Rong red bow looks at Zhu Rong with amazement: Man Man...... Improper what does Ji Hao have?” 祝融彤弓骇然看着祝融氏:“蛮蛮……姬昊有什么不妥么?” Zhu Rong frowned, his heavy saying: Any improper, has not been only too proper...... Less than hundred -year-old child, promote Magus God, became the God, enjoyed the top digit in Human Race...... Taishun, Taishun, was smooth the dad to be afraid.” 祝融氏皱起了眉头,他沉沉的说道:“没什么不妥,只是太妥了一些……一个不足百岁的娃娃,晋巫神,成天帝,在人族享有高位……太顺了,太顺了,顺利得阿爹都害怕了。” These years, you, and carefully looks, Ji Hao that can child, have the place that a least bit is not suitable for? Some setbacks, always safely were actually passed by him. Any person who and he opposes, in the past these can the relaxed finger grind the person who kills him and his sun unit, where now went to?” “这些年来,你且仔细看,姬昊娃娃,可有一丝半点不顺的地方?些许的挫折,却总是被他平安度过。凡是和他作对的人,当年那些可以轻松一指头将他和他的金乌部碾杀的人,如今都去了哪里?” Taishun, the destiny was too abundant. The dad is afraid, fears behind this...... This following conceal too many too many things.” Zhu Rong stands up, very earnest looks at Zhu Rong: „Since remembers these words that just a fire Yuan elder spoke, a Zhu Rong clan can preserve, is not easy.” “太顺了,气运太盛了。阿爹害怕,怕这后面……这后面藏了太多太多的东西。”祝融氏站起身来,很认真的看着祝融氏:“记住刚刚火元长老说的那些话,祝融一族能够留存至今,不容易。” Do not have like Gonggong lineage/vein improper ambition, well is living, do not want to obtain too the improper thing.” “不要像共工一脉那样有非分之想,好好的活着,不要想得到太多不该有的东西。” Can descendants bloodlines unceasing going on living, be better than anything.” “能够子孙血脉不断的活下去,比什么都好。” In cold wind of blotting out the sky, Zhu Rong verbose had confessed to the Zhu Rong red bow the lots, he pointed at the Liangzhu City direction to smile finally: Now, first makes us straighten up did not have to pray this old hedgehog hydnum to say again.”( To be continued.) 铺天盖地的寒风中,祝融氏絮絮叨叨的向祝融彤弓交代了很多东西,最终他指着良渚城的方向笑了起来:“现在,先让我们拾掇了无支祈这老猴头再说。”(未完待续。)
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