TME :: Volume #17

#1611: Non- of de-archiving prays

The body reaches as high as more than ten zhang (3.33 m), did not have to pray just likes a hill keeps off in the Yemo luo coconut tree and woman Ka's front. 身躯高达十余丈,无支祈犹如一座小山挡在了耶摩椤椰和婆罗迦的面前。 Whole body silver blue growing hair just likes the algae in water gently is swaying, in the beautiful silver blue color dim light is flooding the suffocating dangerous aura. Terrifying Monster Qi just likes the mud in bog, invades the body of all around foreign race Warrior from each pore, compelling them to open mouth, can obtain reluctantly maintains the life little air. 浑身银蓝色的长毛犹如水中的水藻轻轻的晃荡着,美丽的银蓝色幽光中充斥着让人窒息的危险气息。恐怖的妖气犹如沼泽中的泥浆,从每个毛孔侵入四周异族战士的身体,逼得他们必须张开嘴,才能勉强获得一点点维持生命的空气。 Ka bone split sound is lingering on faintly, does not have prays heartily releases own Monster Qi, the exposing person who before the Prehistoric great monster true terror does not conceal, his Monster Qi creates the huge pressure, his side in hundred li (0.5km) the skeletons of all foreign race Warrior were ground ka ka make noise, the strength is slightly weak a point foreign race Warrior whole body joint cracking to fall down. ‘咔咔’骨裂声不绝于耳,无支祈尽情的释放自己的妖气,洪荒巨妖真正的恐怖毫无掩饰的展露人前,他的妖气带来巨大的压力,他身边百里内所有异族战士的骨骼都被碾得‘咔咔’作响,实力稍微弱一点的异族战士已经浑身骨节崩裂瘫倒在地。 Does not have smiling that prays to look fierce, sturdy both arms gently wields the thick ice to congeal the big beam that. 无支祈龇牙咧嘴的笑着,粗壮的双臂轻轻的挥动着玄冰凝成的大杠子。 Just foreign race Warrior crazily slaughtered Human Race Warrior of Yi Di subordinates, does not have prayed to turn a blind eye to him in loyally following the request of Ji Hao, acted does not know where ran to go to why Si Wenming, he dedicated, he may be disinclined to get rid to save these Human Race boys. 刚刚异族战士疯狂屠杀羿地麾下的人族战士,无支祈视若无睹他可是在‘忠诚’的遵照姬昊的要求,扮演不知道跑去哪里干什么的姒文命,他尽忠职守,他可懒得出手救这些人族小子。 He is the Huai River water deity, the evil spirit thumb that the Prehistoric time survives, he has seen deceased person were many, what are the casualty hundreds of thousands of Human Race boys? Didn't the innumerable years, how many have Qi Qinzi has damaged the Human Race clansman to have by him? 他可是淮河水神,洪荒时代存活下来的妖魔巨擘,他见过的死人多了,死伤数十万个人族小子算什么?无数年来,被他无支祈亲自祸害过的人族族人就有多少? However the Yemo luo coconut tree wants to strike to kill Yuan Li, did not have to pray to stand immediately. 但是耶摩椤椰想要击杀袁力,无支祈顿时站了起来。 Although many descendants descendants, but who didn't Yuan Li have to pray in all child most promising to make Yuan Li invest the Yu Yu Daoist hanger-on? Only then experiences these formidable lives of Prehistoric time really to understand that Yu Yu Daoist means anything. 虽然有很多很多的子孙后裔,可是袁力是无支祈所有孩儿中最有前途的一个谁让袁力投入了禹馀道人门下呢?只有经历过洪荒时代的那些强大生灵才真正明白,禹馀道人意味着什么。 Young girl, how my family child has provoked you, being worth your late at night running killing people?” Does not have prays numerous big beam pestle on the ground, immediately all around everything may become vulnerable, silver blue cold air howl such as the blade to all around ****, rips torn to pieces palace pavilions. “小妞,俺家孩儿怎么招惹了你,值得你们半夜三更的跑来杀人?”无支祈重重的将大杠子杵在了地上,顿时四周一阵地动山摇,一道道银蓝色的寒气呼啸如刀向四周****,将一座座宫殿楼阁撕得支离破碎。 The Yemo luo coconut tree and woman Ka bring strange small to look that does not have to pray. 耶摩椤椰和婆罗迦带着怪异的微小看着无支祈。 If they are they, they decide however not to pray to demonstrate the terrifying power that frightens turns around to walk. However now, they ignorant fearless looks that does not have to pray, has shouldered the chin arrogantly, contemptuous and unremitting cold snort|hum. 若是他们还是他们自己,他们定然已经被无支祈展示出来的恐怖力量吓得转身就走。但是现在,他们无知无畏的看着无支祈,倨傲的挑起了下巴,轻蔑而不懈的冷哼了一声。 Does not have the material of praying winds through in the Yemo luo coconut tree and woman Ka's heart, in some strange relation following the soul, Yu Huo on several hundred inside and outside that huge pure gold sedan carriage has known the Yemo luo coconut tree and all materials of woman Ka's rapidly to not having praying. 无支祈的资料在耶摩椤椰和婆罗迦的心头流过,循着灵魂中某种奇异的联系,数百里外那座巨大的纯金轿辇上的虞惑迅速得知了耶摩椤椰和婆罗迦对无支祈的所有资料。 Official under this world water attribute primitive god clan and a water Jinza?” Yu Huo eyeball has stagnated subconsciously, he gained ground fiercely, felt not to have unscrupulous and insolent hot tempered Monster Qi that prayed to release carefully, the fair face twitched maliciously: This crowd of inferior family families whose fortunes are on the decline, they are really...... Good luck!” “这个世界水属性原始神族、水神座下的一个臣子?”虞惑的眼珠下意识的凝滞了一下,他猛地抬起头来,仔细的感受了一下无支祈释放出的肆无忌惮、张狂暴躁的妖气,白皙的面孔狠狠的抽搐了起来:“这群下等家族破落户,他们真是……好运气啊!” Yu Huo very puzzled looks that did not have Monster Qi that prays to release to map a set the silver blue sky. 虞惑很是不解的看着被无支祈释放出的妖气映成了银蓝色的天空。 So tyrannical Monster Qi, in the sensation that Yu is puzzled, absolutely not Venerable the slightly bad tyrannical aura compared with the Crown Saint of Panyu world, is one of the water deity Gonggong place next eight big high-ranking court officials merely? Cracks a joke? Either was these idiots who invaded the Pangu world has made a mistake, either was...... These barbaric living thing of Pangu world, they hid are also too good. 如此强横的妖气,在虞惑的感知中,绝对不比盘虞世界的‘冕’号圣尊稍差的强横气息,仅仅属于水神共工座下八大重臣之一?开什么玩笑?要么是侵入盘古世界的那些蠢货弄错了,要么就是……盘古世界的这些土著生物,他们隐藏得也太好了。 Or, certain unknown internal contradictions?” Smiling that Yu Huo has a relish: When these lucky families whose fortunes are on the decline invade this world, these have the great power exists...... Do they want taking the opportunity to weaken their competitor? Interesting, was too interesting. Enemy who I like this playing with plans, was too interesting.” “或者,某些不为人知的内部矛盾?”虞惑饶有兴致的笑着:“在这些幸运的破落户侵入这个世界的时候,这些拥有强大力量的存在……他们想要借机削弱自己的竞争对手?有趣,太有趣了。我喜欢这种玩弄心机的敌人,太有趣了。” Did not have to pray Monster Qi of release to strike to kill troop foreign race Warrior recklessly, the terrifying cold air stirred the fragment their souls. 无支祈肆意释放的妖气击杀了大群异族战士,恐怖的寒气将他们的灵魂都搅成了碎片。 The innumerable soul fragments change into silver luminous spot to shoot up to the sky, is swallowed by the soul vortex that Yu Huo makes rapidly. Brings the soul fragment of piercing cold air to be swallowed by Yu Huoda mouth, in Yu Huo innumerable black gassed threads faintly has taken gradually light silver. 无数灵魂碎片化为银色的光点冲天而起,迅速被虞惑制造的灵魂漩涡吞噬。带着刺骨寒气的灵魂碎片被虞惑大口吞噬,渐渐地,虞惑身上无数黑色的光丝中就隐隐带上了一层淡淡的银色。 „Is this world about the water and cold ice Heavenly Dao principle?” Strange aura that in cold Monster Qi that the Yu Huo static sensibility these soul fragments are bringing contains: Although thin, but to me understood that this world the world principle has the advantage very much.” “这是这个世界关于水和寒冰的天道法则么?”虞惑静静的感悟着那些灵魂碎片带来的寒冷妖气中蕴藏的奇异气息:“虽然稀薄,但是对我理解这个世界的天地法则很有好处。” „, My slaves, kill this big monkey!” Yu Huo is smiling shaking the head, gentle saying: „The Yemo luo coconut tree, I most beautiful treasured possession, comes back, if your perfect cheek the scratch of least bit, will make me grieved!” “那么,我的奴隶们,杀死这头大猴子!”虞惑微笑着摇了摇头,轻柔的说道:“耶摩椤椰,我最美丽的珍藏品,回来吧,你完美的面颊如果有一丝半点的划痕,都会让我心痛啊!” The Yemo luo coconut tree and woman who who Ka lets somebody cool off or calm down looks at not to say a word does not have to pray to lower the head: Said that your annoying three little rascal, your brains did shatter? Or you and is Human Race forming an alliance, a plot?” 无支祈低着头,冷冷的看着一言不发的耶摩椤椰和婆罗迦:“说吧,你们这些烦人的三眼小鬼,你们的脑子坏掉了么?或者说,你们和人族的结盟,本来就是一个阴谋?” Yemo luo coconut tree mysterious smiles, her both hands pull the palace skirt slightly, to not having prayed to bow good a ritual, then turned around to submerge in the darkness silently. 耶摩椤椰神秘的一笑,她双手微微拉扯宫裙,向无支祈屈膝行了一礼,然后转身无声无息的没入了黑暗中。 Grasps the woman Ka face distortion of denticle broadsword, is having hysteria crazily fiercely to not having prayed to: Heroic Panyu Warrior, follow me, attack!” 手持锯齿大刀的婆罗迦面孔扭曲,带着一丝歇斯底里的疯狂猛地向无支祈冲了过来:“英勇的盘虞战士们,跟随我,进攻!” For spreads out moon/month that the wisdom is famous an lineage/vein present age rule Great Emperor woman Ka, just likes brave warrior who most is brave in battle, bringing innumerable foreign race Warrior to fire into crazily did not have to pray. foreign race Warrior in groups turned into the black tide, treads in the tread not to have prays Monster Qi the silver blue color ice layer, fearless rush. 以智慧著称的衍月一脉当代执政大帝婆罗迦,犹如一个最英勇善战的勇士,带着无数的异族战士疯狂的冲向了无支祈。成群结队的异族战士变成了黑色的潮水,踏着地面上无支祈妖气所化的银蓝色冰层,毫无畏惧的冲杀了上来。 Did not have to pray Ha Ha to smile, Monster Qi that his body released was even more strong and mellow, finally changed into a silver blue air column direct impact upper air. Reaches the hundred zhang (333m) the air column to revolve thickly rapidly, stirred diameter thousand li(500 km) gigantic Yun Wo in the dark clouds of upper air. 无支祈‘哈哈’笑了起来,他身上释放的妖气越发的浓烈、醇厚,最终化为一根银蓝色的气柱直冲高空。粗达百丈的气柱急速的旋转着,在高空的黑云中搅出了一个直径千里的硕大云涡。 Unrestrained feeling is good, can truly for the feeling that oneself fight, had too for a long time not to feel too for a long time.” “无拘无束的感觉不错,能够真正为自己战斗的感觉,真的有太久太久没有感受到了。” „After becoming the retainer of Gonggong, some...... No...... The father does not have to pray, had the feeling that many year of this types warm-blooded have not rushed!” “成为共工氏的家臣后,某……不……老子无支祈,已经有很多年没有这种热血澎湃的感觉了!” Endless plot, planning without limits, plots, plotting time and time again, father able to move unhindered Prehistoric warm-blooded, the father sweeps away trillion water monsters the heroic feelings, all he - mother - by Gonggong that crowd of soft eggs castrating - sheared!” “无休止的阴谋,无止境的算计,一个又一个阴谋,一次又一次的暗算,老子纵横洪荒的热血,老子横扫亿万水妖的豪情,全他-娘-的被共工氏那群软蛋给阉-割了!” Both hands hold up the giant thick ice beam, does not have to pray to be excited the whole body to shiver: Therefore, thank Si Wenming and Ji Hao these two boys, Gonggong did exterminate the clan? Ha, exciting, the father does not have to pray...... Came back!” 双手举起巨大的玄冰杠子,无支祈激动得浑身都在颤抖:“所以,感谢姒文命姬昊这两个小子,共工氏灭族了?哈哈哈,大快人心,老子无支祈……回来了!” ‚’ Bellows, does not have to pray opens mouth fiercely, the full mouth rugged fang is glittering the dazzling cold brightness, he holds up the thick ice big beam maliciously place struck the bang on the ground. A surrounding area 300 li (0.5km) ground is shaking fiercely, the earth split the innumerable big size small fissures, cold air shoot up to the sky from the fissure, the innumerable Ice Blade doping howl in the cold air, strikes to cut to kill all foreign race Warrior in this piece of region! ‘嗷呜’一声大吼,无支祈猛地张开嘴,满口嶙峋的獠牙闪烁着刺目的寒光,他举起玄冰大杠子狠狠地的一击轰在了地上。方圆300里的地面剧烈的震荡着,大地裂开了无数大大小小的裂痕,一道道寒气从裂痕中冲天而起,无数冰刀掺杂在寒气中呼啸而出,将这片区域内的所有异族战士一击斩杀! This is the father does not have to pray, true non- prays!” Does not have to pray to grin fiendishly, in top of the head silver blue color Monster Qi three huge blue eddy currents proliferate suddenly loudly.( To be continued.) “这才是老子无支祈,真正的无支祈!”无支祈狞笑着,头顶银蓝色妖气中突然有三个巨大的蓝色漩涡轰然扩散开。(未完待续。)
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