TME :: Volume #17

#1610: Evil spirit face

Sudden slaughtering, hits Yi Di and Yuan Li to be caught off guard. 突如其来的杀戮,打得羿地袁力措手不及。 Looks at the potential such as insanity woman Ka, they have not counter-attacked with enough time, in all around palace pavilion, simultaneously ran out of the troop Yu Clan aristocrat. They grasp the scepter, was reciting loud on the 3rd the name of September, strange strengths flowed from their within the body, change into the Magic mighty current that blotted out the sky to cover the square that Human Race Warrior has rested. 看着势如疯魔的婆罗迦,他们还没来得及反击,四周的宫殿楼阁中,同时冲出了大群虞族贵族。他们手持权杖,高声吟唱着三日九月之名,一道道奇异的力量从他们体内奔涌而出,化为铺天盖地的法术洪流覆盖了人族战士休憩的广场。 Dozens float the air fight fort and drifting mountain peak rapid speeds along to come from the distant place, Jia Clan Warrior of troop troop stands in fighting the fort with the mountain peak on, in the hand Longbow sprinkled the raindrop same armor piercing heavy arrow. 数十座浮空战堡和飘浮山峰迅速从远处飞驰而来,大群大群的伽族战士站在战堡和山峰上,手中长弓洒下了雨点一样的破甲重箭。 Has courage outstanding Jia Clan Warrior to laugh to throw from the upper air a handle handle heavy javelin and sharp flying axe, with the aid of the high superiority, the javelin and flying axe has broken the body of Human Race Warrior with ease, sewed them on ground, or has deducted two pieces them. 更有勇力超群的伽族战士大笑着将一柄柄沉重的标枪、锋利的飞斧从高空投掷下来,借助高度的优势,标枪和飞斧轻松的破开了人族战士的身体,将他们钉在了地上,或者将他们劈成了两片。 Yi Di and Human Race Warrior of Yuan Li governance just returned from the plate heng world, formed an alliance in Yu Dynasty and Human Race, prepares to meet head-on the critical moment that the blood crown Saint Venerable together, who can think that these foreign race will get angry suddenly? 羿地袁力统辖的人族战士刚刚从盘蘅世界返回,在虞朝人族结成了联盟,准备共同迎战血冕圣尊的紧要关头,谁能想到这些异族会突然翻脸? By the bonfire eats Human Race Warrior that the meat drinks happily, Warrior that only then 1% do not arrive is dressing up simple Leather Armor, all heavy armor lay in the camp in distant place. Facing enemy who fully-armed kills towering, the Human Race Warrior hissing roars is launching the counter-attack, the courage is actually not able to make up for the inferiority on equipment, Human Race Warrior of troop troop falls to the ground unceasingly. 篝火旁开开心心吃肉喝酒的人族战士,只有1不到的战士披挂着简单的皮甲,所有的重甲都码放在远处的营地中。面对全副武装突兀杀来的敌人,人族战士嘶声怒吼着发动反击,勇气却无法弥补装备上的劣势,大群大群的人族战士不断倒地。 The thick smoke spouted from the Human Race Warrior team, hides Human Race Poison Magus in team has released in the hand fully most vicious Magus Poison. The colorful toxic smoke fast spreads to all around, charges is miserable in several thousand Jia Clan Warrior of front line immediately falls to the ground howlingly, body fierce is twitching. 大片大片的浓烟从人族战士队伍中喷出,隐藏在队伍中的人族毒巫全力释放了手上最狠毒的巫毒。五颜六色的毒烟快速向四周扩散,冲锋在最前方的数万名伽族战士当即惨嚎倒地,身体剧烈的抽搐着。 Behind all around palace, Yu Zushen soars quietly, under the troop Yu Clan aristocrat's control, above the god tower the float vertical stroke eye opens, lethality fearful gods light howl to fall. 四周宫殿后方,一座座虞族神塔悄然腾空而起,在大群虞族贵族的操控下,神塔上方悬浮的竖目张开,一道道杀伤力可怕的神光呼啸落下。 Each god of journeys light triggered the fierce explosion, the roaring flame and flame has covered the entire square rapidly. Body frail Human Race Poison Magus exudes one without enough time miserably howling, was only exploded by the god is split up. 每一道神光都引发了剧烈的爆炸,烈焰、火光迅速覆盖了整个广场。身躯孱弱的人族毒巫来不及发出一声惨嚎,就被神光炸得四分五裂。 Some gods actinic for big piece light fog lingering all around, rapidly with the toxic smoke mix that Magus Poison creates in some, several neutralized fearful Magus Poison in a flash, many foreign race Warrior whooshed has been crashing in the square, rushed in Human Race Warrior in the middle in great confusion rapidly. 更有一些神光化为大片光雾萦绕四周,迅速和巫毒造成的毒烟混合在一些,几个弹指间就中和了可怕的巫毒,更多的异族战士嘶吼着冲进了广场,迅速闯进了乱成一团的人族战士当中。 Human Race Warrior on the scene are the Dongyi archers who Yi Di leads, when they and enemies are maintaining enough distance, the Dongyi archers are in the battlefield the most fearful human life harvester. Now foreign race Warrior is but near at hand, they rushed to the Dongyi archers side and their near body execute. 在场的人族战士多是羿地率领的东夷箭手,当他们和敌人保持着足够距离的时候,东夷箭手是战场上最可怕的人命收割机。可是现在异族战士近在咫尺,他们冲到了东夷箭手们身边和他们近身格杀。 Troop body tall Shou, both arms slender Dongyi archers distressed is wielding the short-sword and foreign race of Warrior guard is bathed in blood to slaughter, in long gun|spear great halberd facing foreign race Warrior hand and heavy axe flail and so on long weapon, the exquisite sharp short-sword 2-3 were hit crushes, the thousands Dongyi archers cannot project arrow to be cut to kill by the enemy at the scene. 大群身躯高瘦、双臂修长的东夷箭手狼狈的挥动着护身的短剑和异族战士浴血厮杀,面对异族战士手中的长枪大戟、重斧连枷之类的长兵器,精巧锋利的短剑三两下就被打得粉碎,数以万计的东夷箭手没能射出一支箭矢就被敌人斩杀当场。 Blood incarnadine entire square, the innumerable point bonfires stepped on disorderly mess, the charcoal of innumerable group flaming combustion get lost on the ground randomly, in the ground full is the flame, the flame of twinkle has illuminated the wounded person who ground corpse in confusion and miserable wept bitterly howlingly carelessly. 鲜血染红了整个广场,无数点篝火被踩踏得乱七八糟,无数团熊熊燃烧的火炭在地上乱滚,地面上满是火焰,胡乱闪烁的火光照亮了地上狼藉的尸体和惨嚎痛哭的伤员。 Woman Ka, you damn!” Yi Di behind a pair of all colors wing opens, under he looks at the slaughtered clansman, shouting oneself hoarse is bellowing toward woman Ka: Your does Yu Dynasty, want to exterminate the clan?” “婆罗迦,你该死!”羿地身后一对儿五彩羽翼张开,他看着下方惨遭屠戮的族人,声嘶力竭的朝着婆罗迦大吼着:“你们虞朝,想要被灭族么?” A black rose silent the rapid flight from the dark night comes, the sharp floral axis just likes arrow, maliciously thorn to the Chest of Yi Di. 一朵黑色玫瑰无声无息的从黑夜中疾飞而来,锋利的花茎犹如箭矢,狠狠刺向了羿地的心口。 Yuan Li responded quickly, in the hand the long stick swung together the wind and thunder, rumbled maliciously on the black rose. A bang black rose exploded the smashing, the body of Yuan Li shook shaking slightly, was shaken backward backed up several steps. 袁力反应得快,手中长棍荡起一道风雷,狠狠轰在了黑色玫瑰上。一声巨响黑色玫瑰炸成了粉碎,袁力的身体微微晃了晃,被震得向后倒退了几步。 The black rose changed into the big piece black pollen to bind Yi Di suddenly with Yuan Li, they only think that a tip of the nose intermittent light delicate fragrance raided, suddenly a whole body weakness, within the body rushed such as tide Wu Li (magus power) just likes the ebb tide same is defeated and dispersed rapidly, the both arms grasp the weapon softly are not steady. 黑色玫瑰骤然化为大片黑色花粉裹住了羿地袁力,两人只觉鼻头一阵阵淡淡的幽香袭来,突然浑身一阵酥软,体内澎湃如潮的巫力犹如退潮一样急速溃散,双臂松软就连兵器都抓不稳了。 In the pupil sparkles crazy flame, the whole body black air/Qi is ascending, the beautiful face just liked side the spirit same nearly translucent Yemo luo coconut tree was drifting the innumerable black roses, the step silent entered the square. 眸子里闪耀着疯狂的火焰,周身黑气升腾,绝美的面庞犹如幽灵一样近乎半透明的耶摩椤椰身边飘浮着无数的黑色玫瑰,步伐无声的走进了广场。 All dared to approach her Human Race Warrior silent falling to the ground, in the ground in the big piece corpse rapidly multiplies the black flowering branch, attracted, but the gloomy black rose rapid bloomed on the black flowering branch. The big piece black pollen turned into sparkling light fog, has covered the entire square, has covered all foreign race Warrior and Human Race Warrior that slaughters crazily. 所有敢于靠近她的人族战士都无声无息的倒地,地面上大片尸体内迅速滋生出了黑色的花枝,一朵朵魅惑而阴森的黑色玫瑰迅速在黑色花枝上绽放开。大片黑色的花粉变成了一片亮晶晶的光雾,笼罩了整个广场,笼罩了所有正在疯狂厮杀的异族战士人族战士 Extermination of the clan?” The Yemo luo coconut tree holds up the head, just liked is burnt the small capon of tail to smile equally incisively: Depends on you? When the great master arrives...... By Destruction can only be you, only possibly is you!” “灭族?”耶摩椤椰昂着头,犹如一只被烧了尾巴的小阉鸡一样尖锐的笑了起来:“就凭你们?当伟大的主人降临……被毁灭的只能是你们,只可能是你们啊!” Ten fingers lift, the innumerable black rays depart from the Yemo luo coconut tree fingertip, just likes the innumerable sharp knives has cut void, exudes the incisive coarse sound from out of the blue. All approaches her person, foreign race Warrior or Human Race Warrior simultaneously exudes the incisive miserable howling sound, the black gassed thread has cut their bodies, relaxed has slivered hashed meat them. 十指一抬,无数条黑色的光线从耶摩椤椰指尖飞出,犹如无数利刀切过虚空,发出尖锐难听的破空声。所有靠近她的人,无论是异族战士还是人族战士齐齐发出尖锐的惨嚎声,黑色光丝切过他们的身体,轻松的将他们切成了一块块的碎肉。 Some lucky fellow body was slivered two, suddenly can not die, the whole body twitches is struggling the tumbling on the ground, exudes the sad and shrill coarse calling out sound unceasingly. 有些‘幸运儿’身躯只是被切成了两段,一时间不得死,浑身抽搐着在地上挣扎翻滚,不断发出凄厉难听的嚎叫声。 Big piece black gassed thread changes into a big net covers to whole body worn out and aching Yi Di and Yuan Li overhead, they look desperately looks at the Yemo luo coconut tree strange and fearful attack, where wants to fend has the strength? 大片黑色光丝化为一张大网向浑身酸软的羿地袁力当头笼罩下来,两人面露绝望的看着耶摩椤椰诡异而可怕的攻击,想要闪避却哪里有力气? Low and deep roaring shoots up to the sky, the sad howl just likes the get lost land mine that in the summer the night suddenly resounds, erupts in all foreign race mind suddenly. In the square in all foreign race Warrior eyes, mouths and nostril simultaneously spout the rapid blood from the pores of the feet, their bodies are swaying, bases not the steady staggering backlash, many people sit on the ground suddenly cannot move. 一声低沉的咆哮冲天而起,沉闷的啸声犹如夏天夜里突然响起的滚地雷,在所有异族的脑海中突然爆发。广场上所有的异族战士眼里、嘴里、鼻孔里同时喷出湍急的血箭,他们身体摇晃着,立足不稳的踉跄后退,好些人突然一屁股坐在地上动弹不得。 A stuffy roar, broke the brain of thousands foreign race Warrior, the most person will shake is frightened out of one's wits. 一声闷吼,震碎了数以万计的异族战士的大脑,更将其中大半人震得魂飞魄散。 Together fearful, just likes the nightmare same makes the person whole body stiff, is bringing the smell of some irritating the nose, bringing is letting the person from the innermost soul the greatly frightened aura to shoot up to the sky certainly. Silver blue Monster Qi just likes the tide spreads equally to all around, any by foreign race Warrior that Monster Qi moves, their bodies congeal rapidly the ice, then silent broke to pieces the ice sediment. 一道可怕的,犹如梦魇一样让人浑身僵硬,带着某种刺鼻的气味,带着让人发自灵魂深处的绝大恐惧的气息冲天而起。银蓝色的妖气犹如潮水一样向四周扩散开,凡是被妖气碰触的异族战士,他们的身体迅速凝结成冰,然后无声无息的碎成了冰渣子。 Has sat in Si Wenming that’ the bonfire is entirely still has stood up slowly the body, his Zhang Renpi sudden disintegration, has revealed under a person of skin the facial features fierce water ape countenance. The whole body grows hair to send out silver blue color dim light, did not have to pray to carry the big beam that gigantic thick ice was congealing, the body arrived in front of Yi Di and Yuan Li in a flash, a palm of the hand clapped the black gassed thread of Yemo luo coconut tree conveniently crushes. 一直坐在篝火边纹丝不动的‘姒文命’缓缓站起了身体,他的那张人皮突然崩碎,露出了人皮下方面容狰狞的水猿嘴脸。浑身长毛散发出银蓝色幽光,无支祈拎着一根硕大的玄冰凝成的大杠子,身体一晃就到了羿地袁力面前,随手一巴掌将耶摩椤椰的黑色光丝拍得粉碎。 Murder, Ok...... Kills some child...... Little girl, how do you want dead?” Does not have to pray in both eyes the monster fire spout, full mouth fang randomly mixed turned from the lip.( To be continued.) “杀人,可以……杀某孩儿……妞儿,你想怎么死?”无支祈双眼中妖火喷涌,满口獠牙乱杂杂的从嘴唇里翻了出来。(未完待续。)
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