TME :: Volume #17

#1609: Bloody surprise attack

When Yemo luo coconut tree and the others Yu Huo captures, in Liangzhu City, Yi Di and Yuan Li by the bonfire are putting together the liquor. 耶摩椤椰等人被虞惑俘获时,良渚城内,羿地袁力正在篝火旁拼酒。 All around is the foreign race unique gorgeous big palace, these in the palace that in the dark night brightly shines, has not obtained Yi Di and other Human Race Warrior the favors. They selected the bonfire in the smooth square, built has washed to dig up the clean game, the fragrance of barbecue fills the four directions, the pure strong wine flavor was smokes the human desire to be drunk. 四周都是异族特有的华美高大的殿堂,这些在黑夜中都熠熠发光的殿堂,却并未得到羿地人族战士的青睐。他们在平坦的广场上点起了篝火,架起了洗扒干净的猎物,烤肉的香味弥漫四方,醇酒的味道更是熏人欲醉。 The curtain day on the ground, sang loudly to the liquor, has the good wine, to have the good meat, in numerous clans the brothers happily gathered in one place, gain ground to see the radiant starry sky, the cool breeze surround in the side, this was the scene that Human Race Warrior most liked. 幕天席地,对酒高歌,有美酒、有好肉,众多族中兄弟欢聚一堂,抬头能看到璀璨的星空,清风在身边环绕,这才是人族战士最喜欢的场景。 Big palace, gorgeous arrangement and pretty maidservant, graceful enjoys...... The gadget that these foreign race most like, simple and honorable and ingenuous and straightforward Human Race Warrior, have not learned to enjoy these temporarily. 高大的殿堂、华美的陈设、俏丽的侍女、雍容的享受……这些异族最最喜欢的玩意儿,淳朴而憨直的人族战士们,暂时还没有学会享受这些。 Was a pity, I and other strengths were what a pity mean, cannot add on busy of Ji Hao.” Holds up big wine pot, has filled several strong liquor toward the belly , the Yi Di a little dejected deep sigh: Ji Hao, Magus God boundary , the world bestows to seal, enjoyed the God honorific titles, the strength even more is as deep as a well. We, may by far be fallen.” “可惜,可惜,我等实力低微,帮不上姬昊的忙。”举起一个大酒坛子,往肚皮里灌了几口烈酒,羿地有点颓然的长叹了一声:“姬昊,巫神境,又得天地赐封,享天帝尊号,实力是越发的高深莫测了。我们,可都被远远落下了。” Yuan Li frowned, a monkey face wrinkled is very ugly: Hurried, hurried really? Is the parents raises, who was worse than whom went inadequately? Ji Hao can have now the strength, is in the battle scene fights with all might. We practice wholeheartedly diligently are, did our present good fortunes miss? Your 24 solar terms arrow, have you perceived through meditation several points?” 袁力皱起了眉头,一张猴子脸皱巴巴的很是难看:“慌甚,慌甚?都是爹娘养的,谁比谁差了去不成?姬昊能有如今实力,也是尸山血海中拼杀出来的。俺们一心一意努力修炼就是,难道我们现在的造化就差了?你的24节气箭,你参悟了几分?” Yi Di a little awkward lowering the head, his hollow laugh several shook the head does not speak. 羿地就有点尴尬的低下了头,他干笑了几声摇头不语。 24 solar terms arrow powerful force of Yu Yu Daoist instruction, exquisite infinite, he just resulted in some superficial knowledge, the distance has reached highest knowledge also misses much. If can comprehend this earthshaking perfectly straight route magical powers really thoroughly, Yi Di can step into the Magus God boundary absolutely with ease. 禹馀道人传授的24节气箭威力强大、精妙无穷,他只是刚刚得了一些皮毛,距离登堂入室还差了不少呢。如果真能彻底领悟了这门惊天动地的箭道神通,羿地绝对能够轻松踏入巫神境界。 Just, how many year of times has he resulted in this inheritance? Isn't he Ji Hao this freak, where progress so is quick? 只不过,他得了这门传承才几年功夫?他又不是姬昊这个怪胎,进度哪里有这么快? Does not have to pray as before is maintaining Si Wenming image, is cloudy the face to sit in the corner has not spoken. All around Human Race Warrior drinks is red in the face, the detection of instinct does not have Si Wenming that’ prays to dress up in day for peace to have the difference greatly, everybody subconscious is not willing to be intimate with him, therefore also nobody provokes him. 无支祈依旧保持着姒文命的形象,阴沉着脸坐在角落里没吭声。四周的人族战士一个个喝得面红耳赤,本能的察觉无支祈装扮的‘姒文命’和平日里大有不同,大家下意识的不愿意亲近他,所以也没有人过来撩拨他。 A person sits in shadow corner, does not have is pondering over the future outlet that prays to knit the brows to toss about. 一个人坐在阴影角落里,无支祈皱着眉翻来覆去的琢磨着自己未来的出路。 Yuan Li does not need to be worried, he and Ji Hao was on good terms, entered the Yu Yu Daoist hanger-on, had such a big backer, who can injure Yuan Li root hair? However does not have to pray itself...... As one of the Gonggong eight big high-ranking court officials, Gonggong raises the big flood disaster world, he did not have to pray to follow Gonggong to do some dishonorable matters very much. 袁力是不用担心的了,他和姬昊交好,入了禹馀道人门下,有了这么一座大靠山,谁能伤了袁力一根毛去?但是无支祈自己嘛……作为共工氏八大重臣之一,共工氏掀起大洪水祸乱天下,他无支祈追随共工氏很是做了一些伤天害理之事。 This hatred, can Human Race be able to put down? Even if some Ji Hao and guarantee of Si Wenming, did not have to pray is also worrying for own future. Perhaps, should he present take to one's heels to leave? But flees, where can he run away to go to? 这份仇恨,人族能放得下?就算有了姬昊和姒文命的保证,无支祈也在为自己的前途发愁。或许,他应该现在就撒腿走人?可是就算潜逃吧,他能逃去哪里? Thinks of the annoyed place, does not have to pray to carry a gigantic liquor bowl, has drunk up 35 jin (0.5 kg) strong liquor, clenches teeth to curse: Damn Gonggong, gets what one deserves dead without a heir. I make my Huai River water deity in good condition, enjoys endless, you must lead father to revolt. If there is become, 2-3 by the martial art combining various techniques of several young children melting, you are cheat!” 想到恼火处,无支祈端起一个硕大的酒碗,一口喝掉了35斤烈酒,咬着牙咒骂起来:“该死的共工氏,活该断子绝孙。俺好端端的做我淮河水神,享受无尽哩,你非要带着老子造反。若是成了也就罢了,三两下就被几个小儿的散手给化解了,你这是坑人哩!” The mouth was foul-mouthed, did not have to pray looks at one to all around, in the pupil has taken faintly scarlet, the air/Qi of his evil spirit burst out, now wants to look for several bad luck eggs to beat mercilessly very much, if can hammer meat patty that to be better them. 嘴里骂骂咧咧的,无支祈又向四周望了一眼,眸子里隐隐就带上了一层血色,他的凶煞之气迸发,现在很想找几个倒霉蛋毒打一顿,若是能把他们锤成肉饼那就更好不过了。 However all around looks, what by piles of bonfires is drinking wine to be happy is detailed the plate heng world by Ji Hao Human Race Warrior, just returned to the Pangu world along with the city of catastrophe Human Race Warrior. Does not have to pray the heart to kill intent such as crazily, actually also knows that cannot start to these Human Race Warrior carelessly, otherwise he has the behavior that the merit makes reparations, afterward will not have the good fruit to eat. 但是四周望去,一堆堆篝火旁正在饮酒欢乐的是被姬昊选派去盘蘅世界的人族战士,刚刚随着浩劫之城返回盘古世界的人族战士。无支祈心头杀意如狂,却也知道不能对这些人族战士胡乱下手,否则就算他有将功赎罪的行为,事后也不会有好果子吃。 Late at night, is the moon/month violent wind filled with dust high, goes to Liangzhu City to look for several bad luck eggs to vent anger?” Person cannot start, does not have to pray had certain darkness bad thoughts. He narrows the eyes to focus, the eyeball became the red piece, he is impatient wish looks for a pleasure now. “三更半夜,月黑风高,去良渚城内找几个倒霉蛋出口气?”身边的人不能下手,无支祈就起了某些黑暗不良的心思。他眯着眼,眼珠子已经变得通红一片,他现在是迫不及待的想要找点乐子。 Was Emperor Shi kills that Mang Huo to deceive Gonggong that old idiot, wish of acting like a madman has conquered the Pangu world with the big flood, finally actually has become a huge joke.” Does not have to pray the clenching teeth cold sound track: Emperor Shi kills, a Emperor Shi clan? Um, the station of his family|home in Liangzhu City where? Previous time as if had passed by? Does not know in his family|home currently to have several live people.” “都是帝释杀那莽货糊弄了共工氏那老蠢货,疯疯癫癫的想要用大洪水征服盘古世界,结果却成了一个天大的笑话。”无支祈咬着牙冷声道:“帝释杀,帝释一族?嗯,他家的驻地在良渚城哪里?上次似乎路过过?啧,不知道他家里现在有几口活人。” Vision twinkle dissociation looked around to all around, does not have to pray stands up slowly, top the face of Si Wenming to walk outward. 目光闪烁游离的向四周张望了一阵,无支祈缓缓站起身来,顶着姒文命的脸就要往外走。 The lithe sound of footsteps transmits, be with smile on the face woman Ka is carrying gigantic wine pot, is having several bodyguard half steps walked. Walks, woman Ka while said with a smile: Sir Yi Di, tastes me to spread out moon/month lineage/vein with snow god liquor that the mystique brews ‚’, this liquor is bitter cold, actually air/Qi of embodiment wisp of day after tomorrow pure yang, most can the warm and nourish state of mind.” 轻盈的脚步声传来,面带微笑的婆罗迦拎着一个硕大的酒坛子,带着十几个侍卫快步的走了过来。一边走,婆罗迦一边微笑道:“羿地大人,尝尝我衍月一脉用秘法酿造的‘雪神酒’,这酒酷寒难当,却内蕴一缕后天纯阳之气,最是能温养神魂的。” Shook wine pot in hand, woman Ka's mysterious saying: This liquor brewing difficulty, material is most difficult to collect, in my clan altogether few altars|jars.” 晃了晃手中的酒坛子,婆罗迦神秘兮兮的说道:“此酒酿造困难,材料最难收集,我族中拢共没有几坛呢。” During the speeches, woman Ka carried wine pot and to lead the guard to arrive in front of Yi Di and Yuan Li. 说话间,婆罗迦拎着酒坛子、带着护卫就到了羿地袁力面前。 Yi Di and Yuan Li are the people of nice wine, hears woman Ka to do intentionally the mysterious introduction, had 56 feeling of being drunk two mouth dripping with greed looked to wine pot in his hand. 羿地袁力都是好酒之人,听到婆罗迦故作神秘的介绍,已经有了56分醉意的两人馋涎欲滴的看向了他手中的酒坛子。 Woman Ka he he smiles, has delivered to front of wine pot them, the sincere black glazed pottery pot crushes loudly, the big piece white liquor hydration was a continuously thin extremely long needle is howling high and low punctured to Yi Di and Yuan Li all over the body randomly. 婆罗迦‘呵呵’笑着,将酒坛子送到了两人面前,厚重的黑釉陶罐轰然粉碎,大片白茫茫的酒水化为一缕缕极细的长针呼啸着向羿地袁力通体上下乱刺了过来。 Yi Di Hong vast clothes shines suddenly, tenacious feather is emitting a piece by piece the rays of light, is resisting the assassination of liquor water long needle stubbornly. 羿地身上鸿澔衣骤然亮起,一片片坚韧的羽毛喷吐着毫光,死死抵挡着酒水长针的刺杀。 The Yuan Li body in a flash, the body changed into wisp of silver cold brightness to jump out instantaneously far away, moon escaping law displayed, these Long March did not have one to move his body. 袁力身体一晃,身躯化为一缕银色寒光瞬间窜出了老远,太阴遁法施展开来,那些长征却没有一根能碰触到他的身体。 No matter woman Ka also own attack whether injured Yi Di and Yuan Li, he screamed hoarsely: Kills! Kills off these lowly stupid barbaric! Their souls, gives to the supreme control!” 婆罗迦也不管自己的攻击是否伤到了羿地袁力,他声嘶力竭的尖叫起来:“杀!杀光这些卑贱愚蠢的土著!将他们的灵魂,献给至高无上的主宰!” As the foreign race wise, woman Ka has drawn out a handle heavy wolf fang denticle machete outrageously, a wicked blade divided on drunken Human Race Warrior. Felt sorry for this Dongyi Warrior not to clarify to have anything, was chopped two by an enchanted woman Ka blade. 作为异族的智者,婆罗迦悍然拔出了一柄沉重的狼牙锯齿大砍刀,恶狠狠的一刀劈在了一个醉醺醺的人族战士身上。可怜这东夷战士还没弄清发生了什么,就被疯魔的婆罗迦一刀剁成了两段。 To flush from the darkness that in the innumerable pupils sparkles the dim light of pollution, the intelligence completely was not being controlled foreign race Warrior that acts like a madman by oneself, just liked the tide same has fired into feeling helpless Human Race Warrior. 无数眸子里闪耀着浑浊的幽光,神智完全不受自己控制的异族战士疯疯癫癫的从黑暗中冲了出来,犹如潮水一样冲向了不知所措的人族战士 The sword and spear sword halberd has chopped randomly, Human Race Warrior that does not guard against was put to turn several thousand people at the scene, the blood sprinkles everywhere is.( To be continued.) 刀枪剑戟乱砍了下来,毫无防范的人族战士当场就被放翻了数千人,鲜血洒得满地都是。(未完待续。)
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