TME :: Volume #17

#1608: Performs becomes the convict

The bloody battle is still continuing. 血战还在继续。 foreign race Warrior in groups whooshes crazily is crashing in the underground road, in groups was guarded the master guard of road to cut to kill. The stair of blood in following road flows downward, formed the creek to pour into the palace gradually unceasingly. 成群结队的异族战士疯狂嘶吼着冲进地下甬道,成群结队的被驻守甬道的高手护卫斩杀。鲜血顺着甬道中的台阶向下流淌,渐渐汇成了小河不断注入殿堂。 In the palace gathered one foot deep blood plasma, actually obviously outside to have cut to kill many people. Accompanying guard Yemo luo coconut tree their authority elders have exuded the startled angry occurring together roaring sound, Warrior that wells up crazily are too many, when rush extremely in crazy, even if they have had the absolute superiority in individual strength, they also tired. 殿堂内已经蓄起了一尺多深的血浆,可见外面究竟已经斩杀了多少人。随行护卫耶摩椤椰他们的权力长老已经发出了惊怒交集的咆哮声,疯狂涌来的战士太多,冲杀时太过于疯狂,就算他们在个人战力上占了绝对的优势,他们也‘累’了。 Cuts may be own elite that kills, many familiar faces, that is their descendants later generations. 斩杀的可都是自家的精锐,其中不乏一些熟悉的面孔,那是他们的子孙后辈。 Several authority elder fierce not Ding from caressing the face to raid among the enemy who to see own descendant, their getting rid slightly hesitant, had holds on them who the shining sword was relentless. 好几个权力长老猛不丁的从扑面袭来的敌人当中看到了自己的儿孙,他们的出手只是稍微犹豫了一下,就有明晃晃的刀剑毫不留情的捅在了他们身上。 Over and over again, these authority elders can only clench jaws cuts to kill all people of attack completely. They have killed numbly, kills tiredly, a little killed the hand and foot to become tender. 三番五次之后,这些权力长老只能咬牙切齿的将所有来袭之人全部斩杀。他们已经杀得麻木,杀得疲乏,杀得手足都有点发软了。 They who has a high and respected position, are not really able to adapt at present just like the battlefields of hell, is unable to just like with these young man younger generation that the malicious ghost same rushes ahead continues to fight again. Several authority elders became are distracted, if not keeping thinking about palace Yemo luo coconut tree and the others, they already ran out of the encirclement ring to escape. 养尊处优的他们,实在无法适应眼前犹如地狱的战场,无法再和这些犹如恶鬼一样冲杀上来的后生晚辈继续战斗下去。好几个权力长老已经变得神思恍惚,如果不是惦记着殿堂中的耶摩椤椰等人,他们早就冲出包围圈逃跑。 Retreats!” Woman Ka is listening attentively to outside the shocking war cry, finally helpless shaking the head of: Retreats, elders...... Could not bear.” “撤退!”婆罗迦倾听着外面震天的喊杀声,最终无奈的摇了摇头:“撤退吧,长老们……受不了了。” Could not support, but could not bear, woman Ka fully realized that Yu Clan race characteristics, they are not one tribal group that is good at fighting, fights a bloody battle this matter always to complete by these elite Jia Clan Warrior. When the innumerable Jia Clan Warrior group forms an army starts flees the impact, Yu Clan authority elders are unable to support are too long. 不是支撑不住了,而是受不了了,婆罗迦深知虞族的种族特性,他们并不是一个擅长战斗的族群,浴血奋战这种事情向来由那些精锐的伽族战士完成。当无数伽族战士组成军阵发动亡命冲击的时候,虞族的权力长老们根本无法支撑太久。 Yemo luo coconut tree angry snort|hum: Retreats...... Luckily this is my clan respective secret foothold, here has one to occupy transmission of city to me. Let the elders draw back, first withdrew my occupying city to say other again.” 耶摩椤椰恼怒的哼了一声:“撤退……幸好这是我族所属的秘密据点,这里有一个通往我居城的传送阵。让长老们退回来吧,先撤去我的居城再说其他。” Float in midair, the Yemo luo coconut tree arrived in the corner of palace, she recited several incantations in a soft voice, the bloody water in ground has burst with joy immediately. A glare gushes out from the ground, transmission revolved to rise from the ground slowly. The Yemo luo coconut tree has hit several hand imprints continuously in transmission, determined after transmission all functions maintain complete, her satisfied nod. 悬浮在半空中,耶摩椤椰来到了殿堂的角落里,她轻声吟唱了几声咒语,地面上的血水顿时沸腾起来。一道强光从地面喷薄而出,一座传送阵缓缓旋转着从地面上升了起来。耶摩椤椰连续打了几道手印在传送阵上,确定传送阵的一切功能都保持完好后,她满意的点了点头。 Come, making the elders......” the Yemo luo coconut tree then call the ruling Great Emperor on the scene, a fierce Ding's bang, in transmission extremely important several space Symbol do not split suddenly, ray eye-catching transmission rapid dim. “来吧,让长老们……”耶摩椤椰回头招呼在场的执政大帝们,猛不丁的一声巨响,传送阵上至关紧要的几处空间符文骤然裂开,光芒夺目的传送阵迅速黯淡了下来。 This...... How possible?” Yemo luo coconut tree panic-stricken staring in a big way the eye, she looks at dim transmission hissing the sound track: Some people in my occupying city, destroyed transmission. But this secret transmission, besides me, person not over ten that entire Dark Sun lineage/vein know.” “这……怎么可能?”耶摩椤椰惊恐的瞪大了眼睛,她看着黯淡的传送阵嘶声道:“有人在我的居城,破坏了传送阵。可是这个秘密传送阵,除了我之外,整个闇日一脉知道的人不超过十个。” All person complexions in palace change suddenly, the occupying city of Yemo luo coconut tree north the side of Liangzhu, as a ruling Great Emperor of Dark Sun lineage/vein, her occupying city guards the imperial palace the stern, common person is unable to step into easily half step. 殿堂内的所有人脸色骤然变化,耶摩椤椰的居城在良渚的极北方,作为闇日一脉的执政大帝,她的居城禁卫森严,寻常人根本无法轻易踏入半步。 So secret transmission was destroyed unexpectedly, obviously the tentacle of enemy seeped each corner of Dark Sun lineage/vein, even the Yemo luo coconut tree most in-depth secret had been touched by the enemy. 如此秘密的传送阵居然都被人破坏了,可见敌人的触手已经渗透了闇日一脉的每一个角落,甚至耶摩椤椰最深层的机密都已经被敌人触及。 Dark Sun lineage/vein so, then other 11 ruling families? 闇日一脉如此,那么其他11个执政家族呢? Giant sedan carriage had been knelt Jia Clan Warrior that crawls to load on a pack animal outside the manor, Yu Huo lets somebody cool off or calm down looks at blood stream manor everywhere, suddenly has smiled in a soft voice: „, To run away? Has asked me? Without my permission, wants to run away is not good.” 巨大的轿辇已经被跪地爬行的伽族战士驮负到了庄园外,虞惑冷冷的看着血流满地的庄园,突然轻声笑了起来:“哦,哦,想要逃走?问过我没有?没有我的允许,想要逃走可不行。” Hee hee has smiled several, Yu Huo has torn off one from the body long black dim light in a big way, his both hands rub the gossamer that these soul strengths are congealing, twisted a gigantic black light group it, the road entrance to underground palace lost to the manor conveniently. ‘嘻嘻’的笑了几声,虞惑从身上长长的黑色幽光中拔下了一大把,他双手揉搓着这些灵魂力量凝成的游丝,将其拧成了一个硕大的黑色光团,随手向庄园内通往地下殿堂的甬道入口一丢。 The black light rolls if quickly lightning has flown the road entrance, listens to buzz a sound, the light group explodes, a fearful soul impact changed into the naked eye obvious black wave to rumble into the road, following road rapidly to underground spread. 黑色光团快若闪电的飞到了甬道入口,就听‘嗡’的一声响,光团爆开,一股可怕的灵魂冲击化为肉眼可见的黑色浪潮轰入了甬道,顺着甬道急速向地下蔓延。 The soul impact place visited, these had been fought to make the authority elders wail that bloody is perturbed, both hands hold the head tumbling to fall to the ground with one voice, after the body twitched several next, in abundance faint in the past. 灵魂冲击所过之处,那些本来已经被血腥战斗弄得神魂不定的权力长老们齐声哀鸣,双手抱着脑袋翻滚倒地,身体抽搐了几下后纷纷昏厥了过去。 Under the 12 ruling Great Emperor in underground palace are caught off guard, had been rumbled by the black soul impact. Their dazzling dodges to be luminous, was attacked a bang , after by the soul crushes. Yemo luo coconut tree and the others call out in alarm in abundance, shakes and shows the whites of the eyes on the state of mind the crash ground. 地下殿堂中的12位执政大帝措手不及之下,被黑色灵魂冲击轰了个正着。他们身上一道道刺目的闪光亮起,被灵魂冲击一轰后纷纷粉碎。耶摩椤椰等人纷纷惊呼,紧接着就神魂一震、翻着白眼坠落地面。 The bloody water rippled several, has controlled Yu Dynasty to ruling Great Emperor facial color pale drifting of high lawful right in the bloody water, is different from these broken corpses of their side. 血水荡漾了几下,掌控了虞朝至高权柄的执政大帝们面色惨白的飘浮在血水中,就和他们身边的那些残破的尸身没什么两样。 After a while, one team of Jia Clan Warrior intruded the palace, they extremely crude works on Yemo luo coconut tree and the others the long hair, barbaric dragging entrained them and to draw in the ground them by force. 过了一会儿,一队伽族战士闯入了殿堂,他们极其粗暴的一把抓起耶摩椤椰等人的长发,野蛮的拖拽着他们、将他们生拉硬扯的拉上了地面。 12 ruling Great Emperor, 18 authority elders, more than 200 sharpest foreign race Warrior, all person character dispel to lie down on the ground, the body full is the bloody water, many people also dense and numerous has covered entirely the big size small wound. 12名执政大帝,18名权力长老,200多名最为精锐的异族战士,所有人一字儿排开躺在地上,身上满是血水,好些人身上还密密麻麻的布满了大大小小的伤口。 The shackles that forehead one group of black air/Qi of all people concentrate, the fires of their soul were imprisoned by the shackles, all people are completely spiritless just like the conditions of vegetable. 所有人的眉心都有一团黑气凝成的枷锁,他们的灵魂之火被枷锁禁锢,所有人都处于无知无觉犹如植物人的状态。 Oh, is the attractive young miss, the elder sister of my this body stupid owner person originally?” Yu Huo stands up, has gone down sedan carriage leisurely, is treading the back of Jia Clan Warrior, has arrived at the ground leisurely. “噢,漂亮的小姑娘,是我这具身体原本的蠢物主人的姐姐么?”虞惑站起身来,慢条斯理的走下了轿辇,踏着一个又一个伽族战士的脊背,慢悠悠的走到了地上。 He arrives at the front of Yemo luo coconut tree, lowers the head to carefully examine the Yemo luo coconut tree beautiful face. Has sized up carefully for a long time, Yu Huo corners of the mouth bring back, extremely evil different has smiled: Really is the masterpiece, such beautiful soul, making me not be cruel enough to eat her. Some souls are the artwares, should preserve to treat as the collection well, occasionally takes to hold appreciatively 12, but is not crude treating as food.” 他来到耶摩椤椰的面前,低头审视着耶摩椤椰绝美的面庞。仔细打量了许久,虞惑嘴角勾起,极其邪异的笑了起来:“真是杰作,这么美丽的灵魂,让我都不忍心食用她了。有些灵魂就是艺术品,应该好好的保存起来当做收藏,偶尔拿出来把玩12,而不是粗暴的当做食物。” Yu Huodun, finger has stroked the forehead of Yemo luo coconut tree gently. 虞惑蹲了下来,手指轻轻拂过耶摩椤椰的眉心。 The shackles that the black air/Qi concentrates diverge, the body of Yemo luo coconut tree trembles slightly, she opened the eye fiercely, panic-stricken looks at hand Yu Huo. 黑气凝成的枷锁散去,耶摩椤椰的身体微微一颤,她猛地睁大了眼睛,惊恐的看着近在咫尺的虞惑。 Yemo day...... Your this damn rebel, you...... Strength where must come?” The Yemo luo coconut tree has not bellowed to yell, has not cursed loudly, but asked that the doubts this strength of her heart, the strengths of instantaneous uniform these many people, are not the Yemo day proper strengths. 耶摩天……你这个该死的叛徒,你……从哪里得来的力量?”耶摩椤椰没有大吼大叫,也没有大声咒骂,而是问出了她心头的疑惑这种力量,瞬间制服这么多人的力量,不是耶摩天应有的力量。 Yemo...... The luo coconut tree, the beautiful name, the beautiful soul, beautiful young girl......” Yu Huo smiles is looking at the Yemo luo coconut tree, has referred to 11 ruling Great Emperor of his side conveniently: I am not the Yemo day, although my this mortal body indeed came from him.” 耶摩……椤椰,美丽的名字,美丽的灵魂,美丽的小妞儿……”虞惑微笑着看着耶摩椤椰,随手向他身边的11位执政大帝指了指:“我不是耶摩天,虽然我这具肉身的确来自于他。” Smiled, Yu Huo said indifferently: „Sorry that you now were my convict.”( To be continued.) 笑了笑,虞惑淡然道:“很抱歉,你们现在都是我的囚徒了。”(未完待续。)
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