TME :: Volume #17

#1607: Plunders the disaster of soul

Outside attacked manor, with golden casting, the modeling exaggerates extremely magnificently, just likes hill sedan carriage gradually to the manor line. 被袭击的庄园外,一座用黄金熔铸而成,造型极度夸张华丽,犹如一座小山的轿辇缓步向庄园行来。 Entire 18,000 Jia Clan Warrior just like the draft animal same four limbs is well-grounded, is shouldering giant sedan carriage gradually forward running. Their mouths and eyes sewed on by the gold thread, the mouth cannot say, the eye cannot regard, just likes the good-for-nothing is actuated to crawl by some invisible strength equally forward slowly. 整整18000名伽族战士犹如牲口一样四肢着地,背负着巨大的轿辇一步一步向前行进。他们的嘴巴、眼睛都被金丝缝上,口不能言,目不能视,犹如行尸走肉一样被某种无形的力量驱动着向前缓缓爬行。 Yu Huo sits top giant sedan carriage, the side is kneeling a looks pretty Yu Clan young girl, the left hand slanting by the cushioning, the right hand is carrying a gigantic wine class, five fingers gently rocking liquor, often lowers the head sip mellow liquor water. 虞惑坐在巨大的轿辇顶部,身边跪着一圈儿姿容俏丽的虞族少女,左手斜靠在软垫上,右手端着一个硕大的酒杯,五指轻轻晃动酒盏,不时低头抿一口香醇的酒水。 Emperor Shi kills the corners of the mouth to bring back high, on face is hanging the smiling face of exaggeration, maintains the posture that 90 degrees depth is bowing stands in attendance as before. Except that Emperor Shi kills, the leading figures of another dozens Liangzhu City various respected families are hanging the woodcarving equally stiff smiling face, deep bending the waist stands on sedan carriage. 帝释杀嘴角高高勾起,脸上挂着夸张的笑容,依旧保持着90度深鞠躬的姿势侍立一旁。除了帝释杀,还有另外数十名良渚城各大家族的首脑人物挂着木雕一样僵硬的笑容,深深弯腰站在轿辇上。 Wears heavy armor innumerably Warrior overstepping sedan carriage silently, approaches to the direction of manor fast. They grasp the strong bow, is away from distantly marches forward while draws the archery to the manor, the specially-made armor piercing arrow brings the dazzling Symbol flash to cut the air, innumerable arrow change into covers the front occupying land area that the dense curtain of rain blots out the sky is about 56 li (0.5km) small manor. 无数身披重甲的战士悄然无声的越过轿辇,快速向庄园的方向逼近。他们手持强弓,隔着远远的就一边行进一边向庄园开弓射箭,特制的破甲箭带着刺目的符文闪光划破空气,无数箭矢化为黑压压的雨幕铺天盖地的笼罩前方占地不过56里的小小庄园。 Has the Yu Clan aristocrats of troop troop float in the midair, in their three eyes pupils does not see any appearance, only has the Magic Power fluctuation of terror to rush to well up continuous. Their low and deep reading aloud incantations, summoned that loud on the 3rd they were consecrating the honorific titles of September, fell in torrents in might astonishing Magic the manor unceasingly. 更有大群大群的虞族贵族悬浮在半空,他们三支眼眸中不见任何神采,唯有恐怖的法力波动奔涌不休。他们低沉的念诵咒语,高声呼唤着他们供奉的三日九月的尊号,将一道道威力惊人的法术不断倾泻进庄园中。 The flame and blood have covered the entire manor, the dark clan servant soldier and demon who slave the troop troop serves as the cannon fodder have broken through the fence of manor, the hissing keenly blowing were intruding in the manor. 火光和鲜血笼罩了整个庄园,大群大群充当炮灰的闇族仆兵和精怪奴隶已经攻破了庄园的围墙,嘶声尖啸着闯入了庄园内。 The guard in manor is counter-attacking at risk of life, intrudes the dark clan servant soldier in manor just likes innumerably with the demon slave the fragrant-flowered garlic same by taking down, the blood incarnadine the ground, the stump residual limb broke the arm to sprinkle everywhere is. Many from underground is drilled by the rhizome of black rose the flame affected, just liked the strange python same sweeps in all directions randomly, swallowed the innumerable flesh and blood. 庄园中的护卫在拼死反击,无数闯入庄园的闇族仆兵和精怪奴隶犹如韭菜一样被一茬一茬的放倒,鲜血染红了地面,残肢断臂洒得满地都是。不少没有被火焰波及的黑玫瑰的根茎从地下钻了出来,犹如怪蟒一样四处乱扫,将无数血肉吞噬一空。 As the massive flesh and blood were swallowed, was fired the ashes by the flame the black rose rebirth, the innumerable flowering branches twist are growing to the sky, has the big big black rose to bloom in the raging fire. 随着大量的血肉被吞噬,被火光烧成灰烬的黑玫瑰大片大片的重生了出来,无数花枝扭曲着向天空生长,更有大朵大朵的黑玫瑰在烈火中绽放。 Under the innumerable servant soldiers nourish with the flesh and blood of slave, these black roses had the fearful variation, not the excellent nape of the neck high below rose tree just likes the weeds same growth recklessly, short tea time had several biggest rose trees to be long the hundred zhang (333m) high , the underground rhizome was just likes big dragons stretches out the ground to disrupt the racket generally randomly. 无数仆兵和奴隶的血肉滋养下,这些黑玫瑰发生了可怕的变异,原本不过人脖颈高下的玫瑰花树犹如野草一样肆意的生长,短短一盏茶时间就有几株最高大的玫瑰花树长到了百丈高下,地下的根茎更是犹如一条条巨龙一般伸出了地面乱打乱拍。 The rose tree rhizome of wreaking havoc sweeps the intruder who is approaching the manor crazily, the dark clan servant soldier and demon who slave acts as the cutting edge was killed by suppressing. With the sad and shrill miserable howling sound, a void invisible soul vortex quietly appears, the souls of all dying in battle were swallowed by this vortex one. 肆虐的玫瑰花树根茎疯狂的扫荡着靠近庄园的入侵者,充当先锋的闇族仆兵和精怪奴隶被大片大片的剿杀。伴随着凄厉的惨嚎声,虚空中一个无形的灵魂漩涡悄然出现,所有战死者的灵魂都被这个漩涡一口吞了进去。 Yu Huoxie by sedan carriage, his body slightly is shivering, cheek one intermittent flood red. His forehead sets upright the eye to open, continuously frightening strange cold brightness quietly appears, a continuously thin extremely [say / way] mark unceasingly condenses the twinkle in the cold brightness, aura that Yu Huo lends even more great profound. 虞惑斜靠在轿辇上,他的身体微微的颤抖着,面皮一阵阵的泛红。他眉心竖目张开,一缕缕让人心惊胆寒的奇异寒光悄然浮现,一缕缕极细的道痕在寒光中不断凝聚闪烁,虞惑散发出的气息越发的宏大深邃。 More and more Warrior fell into the demented condition, with the low and deep war bugle call, elite Jia Clan Warrior in groups has crashed in the manor, they just liked the crazy wild animal same will resist stubbornly the manor guard who chop the meat sauce, the hysteria the ground manor to show one's true nature to face upwards, was quick they to find the dense [say / way] to underground palace. 越来越多的战士陷入了癫狂状态,伴随着低沉的战号声,成群结队的精锐伽族战士冲进了庄园,他们犹如疯狂的野兽一样将负隅顽抗的庄园守卫剁成了肉酱,歇斯底里的将庄园的地面翻了个底朝天,很快他们就找到了通往地下殿堂的密道。 They intruded the dense [say / way], has crashed in the crisis on top of crisis underground. 他们闯入了密道,冲进了危机重重的地下。 Guarding in the underground road, is 12 ruling Great Emperor most trusted friends, the most intrepid near body bodyguard, many status and Yemo kill a suitable master to guard. Warrior of battalion supported into the road, saw that the road entrance big piece blood has sprayed, the innumerable stump residual limbs broke the arm just like the volcanic eruption same spurt the number hundred zhang (333m) to be high. 驻守在地下甬道中的,是12位执政大帝最心腹、最强悍的近身侍卫,更有好些身份和耶摩杀一相当的高手驻守在内。大队大队的战士拥入了甬道,就看到甬道入口处大片鲜血喷洒了出来,无数残肢断臂犹如火山爆发一样喷起来数百丈高。 As long as intrudes the road was struck to kill, does not have an exception. More souls shoot up to the sky, weep and wail are swallowed by that invisible soul vortex. 但凡闯入甬道的都被击杀,没有一个例外。更多的灵魂冲天而起,哭喊着被那个无形的灵魂漩涡吞噬。 Yu Huo facial color becomes the scarlet-red piece, are getting more and more, more and more formidable soul strength to pour into his body, this from the Yemo day, was strengthened a body to reach the limit of transformed absorption by him slightly. 虞惑的面色变得赤红一片,越来越多、越来越强大的灵魂力量注入他的身体,这具来自耶摩天,被他稍微强化过一番的身躯已经达到了转化吸收的极限。 Stems from greedy that in the natural disposition remembers with eternal gratitude, Yu Huo does not give a thought to the pressure of body, nearly demented continues to swallow the continuous soul strength. 出自本性中刻骨铭心的贪婪,虞惑不顾身体的压力,近乎癫狂的继续吞噬源源不断的灵魂力量。 Faint trace sparkling black dim light within the body that is puzzled from Yu grows, just likes the innumerable black grows hair in his body surface carrier carries to float. These black dim light are the soul strengths that his body suddenly is unable to absorb, was transformed by Yu Huo as this strange shape stores up in outside the body. 一丝丝亮晶晶的黑色幽光从虞惑的体内长出,犹如无数黑色长毛在他身体表面载波载浮。这些黑色幽光正是他身体一时间无法吸收的灵魂力量,被虞惑转化为这种奇异的形态储存在体外。 From the marrow to the skeleton, from internal organs to the muscle, from the hair to the skin, Yu Huo body by the soul strength unceasing strengthening of coming in a steady stream, his aura becomes more and more profoundly and more and more evil different, his strength also fast dramatic rise, quick achieved endured to compare the Human Race Magus God boundary. 从骨髓到骨骼,从内脏到肌肉,从毛发到皮肤,虞惑的身体被源源而来的灵魂力量不断的强化,他的气息变得越来越深邃、越来越邪异,他的力量也快速的飙升,很快就达到了堪比人族巫神的境界。 In the underground palace, 12 ruling Great Emperor sized up one with the doubt vision first mutually each other, they have then raised the hand, with oneself ancestor's spirit pledged that outside foray and had nothing to do. 地下殿堂中,12位执政大帝先用狐疑的目光相互打量了一番彼此,然后他们纷纷举起手,用自己祖先的魂灵儿发誓外面的突然袭击和自己无关。 Quick they achieved the tacit understanding, approved an everybody's pledge rule Great Emperor not to be stupid, when also on the scene launched such attack, by the natural disposition of Yu Clan aristocrat, they wanted to have any schemes and tricks, the first matter was the distant departure scene. 很快他们就达成了默契,认可了大家的誓言没有一个执政大帝会蠢到在自己也在场的时候发动这样的袭击,以虞族贵族的本性,他们想要有任何的阴谋诡计,第一件事情就是远远的离开现场。 Who is?” Yemo luo coconut tree angry scream: Who is? Those who launch the attack is our people! Is our clansmen! Actually is who?” “是谁?”耶摩椤椰气恼的尖叫着:“是谁?发动进攻的是我们的人!是我们的族人!究竟是谁?” Thump several sounds, the front door of palace was hit, the head that 35 everywhere randomly get lost rolled following steps. Looks at these gigantic and fierce heads, four eye pupils stare perfectly round, in the eye pupil has the prismatic form twinkle faintly, clearly is sharpest Jia Clan Warrior. ‘咚咚’几声响,殿堂的大门被撞开,35颗满地乱滚的头颅顺着门外的阶梯滚了进来。看那些硕大而狰狞的头颅,四颗眼眸瞪得溜圆,眼眸中隐隐有棱光闪烁,分明都是最精锐的伽族战士 This was my scarlet date lineage/vein...... Several of scarlet date imperial guard commanded!” Adjoins arrow nu just likes damn same rises with a spring, points at the several heads of ground to exclaim fierce: Why can they attack us? Rebellion? Is who? Damn, is my these not law-abiding brothers? I already should while kill them randomly!” “这是我赤日一脉……赤日禁军的几个统领!”毗矢伮犹如见鬼一样一跃而起,指着地上的几个头颅厉声吼道:“他们为什么会来进攻我们?叛乱么?是谁?该死的,是我那些不安分的兄弟?我早就该趁乱弄死他们!” Works as ringing several sounds, a Yu Clan youth gripped tightly a law stick to fall the gateway, his eye stared perfectly round, the incomplete body was flowing the blood rapidly outward. In January a Moroccan throat imaginary hissing of lineage/vein shouted to clear the way: Moroccan throat not many...... My nephew...... He, how does he possibly come to here?” ‘当朗朗’几声响,一名虞族青年紧握着一根法杖摔进了门户,他的眼睛瞪得溜圆,残缺的身体迅速向外流淌着鲜血。元月一脉的摩喉幻嘶声喝道:“摩喉莫多……我的侄儿……他,他怎么可能来这里?” The tactical situation is getting more and more frigid, steals into the corpse of palace to be getting more and more following the steps, the complexions of 12 ruling Great Emperor gradually become jet black ugly. 战况越来越惨烈,顺着阶梯溜进殿堂的尸体越来越多,12位执政大帝的脸色逐渐变得漆黑难看。 They found the clansman who oneself have been familiar with from these corpses, the core members of 12 ruling families, here appear. 他们从这些尸体中都找到了自己熟悉的族人,12个执政家族的核心成员,都在这里出现。 To soul strength most sensitive evening moon/month lineage/vein woman tuo Yuan chilly saying: Their souls...... Was missing completely. Has the person, some people in collection soul...... Moreover, they, they were controlled.”( To be continued.) 对灵魂力量最为敏感的夕月一脉婆陀元冷飕飕的说道:“他们的灵魂……全部失踪了。有人,有人在收集灵魂……不仅如此,他们,他们都被控制了。”(未完待续。)
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