TME :: Volume #17

#1606: Sudden killing intent

Outside Liangzhu City, some common young feudal lord manor. 良渚城外,某个不起眼的小领主庄园。 Is exquisite outside three tall Baishi Old castle that a little curries favor with the world, in flower garden type rose that has filled black. The dense and numerous flowering branches twine in together, wants the slender stinger to interlock compared with the ox hair needle mutually, the stinger in the dark night is also sparkling the light cold glow. 精巧得有点媚俗的三层高白石古堡外,花圃中种满了黑色的玫瑰花。密密麻麻的花枝缠绕在一起,比牛毛针还要纤细的毒刺相互交错,在黑夜中毒刺还闪耀着淡淡的寒芒。 The fist size black rose opens incomparably brilliantly, the breeze has blown, the black pollen changed into a floating the fog to cover the entire manor. Insect that many travel by night silent has flown the flower garden, silent crash, silent was corroded by the black pollen, the sediment does not have remaining. 拳头大小的黑色玫瑰开得无比绚烂,微风吹过,黑色的花粉化为一层浮动的雾霭笼罩了整个庄园。好些夜行的虫子无声无息的飞过花圃,无声无息的坠落,无声无息的被黑色花粉腐蚀一空,就连一点儿渣滓都没剩下。 Occasionally with the wind floated in several wooded mountains naturally to be pregnant the fresh evil spirits, the spirit bodies of these invisible non- marks have delimited sky over the manor, immediately has the big piece black pollen to soar, just liked the living creature surrounds these evil spirits equally all round. 偶尔随风飘来了几条山林中自然孕生的魑魅魍魉,这些无形无迹的灵体划过庄园上空,立刻有大片黑色花粉腾空而起,犹如活物一样将这些魑魅魍魉团团环绕。 chī chī in sound, in midair flashes through several black rays, the evil spirits is corroded by the black pollen, similarly has not left any trace. 嗤嗤’声中,半空中闪过几点黑色光芒,魑魅魍魉被黑色花粉腐蚀一空,同样没有留下任何痕迹。 In underground, the black rose tree tall and slender rhizome just likes the spider web same circles to interweave, in underground has woven a diameter several li (0.5km) gigantic network. Is located in this network core place with the palace that an entire Magic Crystals carving becomes, was contained the poisonous black rhizome to wrap innumerably certainly all round. 在地下,黑色玫瑰花树细长的根茎犹如蜘蛛网一样盘旋交织,在地下织造了一个直径数里的硕大网络。一座用一整块巫晶雕刻而成的殿堂位于这个网络核心处,被无数蕴藏绝毒的黑色根茎团团包裹着。 The length and breadth in about square shape palace, the Yu Dynasty 12 rule Great Emperor looks with deep veneration sits in a circle high at a round table. 长宽高都在里许左右的方形殿堂内,虞朝12位执政大帝神色肃然环坐在一张圆桌旁。 Just returned to woman Ka who to be cloudy the face to be looking at other 11 people from the plate heng world, in the hand subconscious the sacrifice blade that holds appreciatively a handle black bone to make. On the knife point wipes ash-gray dim light twinkle, occasionally cuts open the air to exude the sharp howl. 刚刚从盘蘅世界返回的婆罗迦阴沉着脸看着其他11人,手中下意识的把玩着一柄黑色骨头制成的祭刀。刀锋上一抹灰色幽光闪烁,偶尔切开空气发出尖锐的啸声。 Lives certainly the looks Li's Yemo luo coconut tree to smile is looking at woman Ka, soft-spoken saying: Was good, woman Ka, we are the people on one's own side, although initially a little misunderstood, but I hope that everybody can understand, our benefits were a body.” 生得姿容绝丽的耶摩椤椰微笑着看着婆罗迦,细声细气的说道:“好了,婆罗迦,我们才是自己人,当初虽然有点误会,但是我希望大家都能明白,我们的利益是一体的。” Including letting me dies?” Woman Ka is cloudy the face to look at the people: You should understand why I recently walked with Ji Hao near. It is not my mistake, but was you violates making a mistake. When you abandon my flash, I......” “包括让我去死?”婆罗迦阴沉着脸看着众人:“你们应该明白,我这些日子为什么和姬昊走得近。不是我的错,而是你们犯下了错。当你们抛弃我的那一瞬间,我……” Adjoined arrow nu to interrupt the woman Ka's words: Said a digit, you need many prices, can become our friends, our partners, our firm allies. Do not tell me, you are being dead set on and Human Race form an alliance, was too laughable.” 毗矢伮打断了婆罗迦的话:“说个数字,你需要多少代价,才能重新成为我们的朋友,我们的伙伴,我们坚定的战友。不要告诉我,你是死心塌地的和人族结盟,太可笑了。” Woman Ka silent, he looked at the Yemo luo coconut tree, to adjoin arrow nu and Emperor Shi Yama and the others one by one, has pulled out an animal skin reel from the sleeve, has written one line of characters with charcoal pencils above fast. The palm pushes gently, animal skin reel slid following the round table, stopped exactly in the core position of round table. 婆罗迦沉默了一阵,他挨个看了耶摩椤椰、毗矢伮、帝释阎罗等人一眼,从袖子里掏出了一张兽皮卷轴,用一支炭笔在上面快速的书写了一行字。手掌轻轻一推,兽皮卷轴顺着圆桌滑了出去,恰好停在了圆桌的核心位置。 Ten obscure Divine Sense have swept the reel together rapidly, the group looked at one mutually, hesitant, then uniform nod. 十一道晦涩的神识迅速扫过卷轴,一行人相互望了一眼,犹豫了一阵,然后整齐划一的点了点头。 The Yemo luo coconut tree patted clapping gently, in the secret door of palace corner had one line of pretty Yu Clan young girl to walk, held the tray on the scene to offer the good wine to 12 ruling Great Emperor. People carry the wine class, is bringing from the heart the smiling face, blessed with the Yu Clan unique tedious courtesy mutually, tosses down the good wine. 耶摩椤椰轻轻的拍了拍手,殿堂一角的暗门内就有一行俏丽的虞族少女走了出来,捧着托盘给在场的12位执政大帝奉上了美酒。一众人端起酒杯,带着‘发自内心’的笑容,用虞族特有的繁琐礼节相互祝福了一番,将美酒一饮而尽。 Has scratched liquor stain of corners of the mouth, the woman Ka throwing out the chest chest cavity, light saying: I know that everybody wants to know anything...... In the plate heng world, I witness arrival that the blood crown Saint Venerable. Fearful war, very fearful strength, however final victory......” 擦了擦嘴角的一点酒渍,婆罗迦挺起了胸膛,淡淡的说道:“我知道大家想要知道什么……在盘蘅世界,我亲眼目睹了血冕圣尊的降临。可怕的战争,非常可怕的力量,但是最终的战果……” Spreads out both hands, woman Ka is bringing a doubt and alarmed and afraid, a little scruple saying: I do not know that finally had anything. Since everybody has shown enough sincerity, then I must to spread out moon/month a status of lineage/vein wisdom to propose to everybody advice that is from the heart......” 摊开双手,婆罗迦带着一丝狐疑、一丝惊惧,有点迟疑的说道:“我并不知道最后发生了什么。但是既然大家已经表现出了足够的诚意,那么我必须以衍月一脉一名智慧者的身份向大家提出发自内心的忠告……” Gained ground, has organized a while words and phrases carefully, woman Ka character by character saying slowly: I saw Daoist Wood and Priest Hua...... Ancestors who initially our ancestors, the first batch invaded the Pangu world, they easily had once defeated Daoist Wood and Priest Hua. Although they once gave our ancestor to create the enormous battle loss, after our ancestors start to take seriously them, they rapid being defeated, and disappears without a trace.” 抬起头来,仔细的组织了一会儿词句,婆罗迦一个字一个字缓缓的说道:“我见到了木道人花道人……当初我们的先祖,第一批侵入盘古世界的先祖们,他们曾经轻松击败了木道人花道人。虽然他们曾经给我们的先祖造成了极大的战损,可是当我们的先祖开始重视他们之后,他们就迅速的落败,而且不知去向。” Adjoins arrow nu to frown: This is our ancestors leave behind «that Conquers the record in Epic poem», Daoist Wood and Priest Hua, two strength not much plant life bodies, their a little strength, is actually not enough to revolt against us.” 毗矢伮皱起了眉头:“这是我们的先祖留下的《征服史诗》中的记载,木道人花道人,两棵实力不怎么样的植物生命体而已,他们有一点力量,却不足以反抗我们。” Woman Ka knit the brows: Or was our ancestors lies...... Naturally, this matter occurred frequently, in our Yu Clan history is flooding the rumor and false, this matter is unavoidable...... We to be deceived.” 婆罗迦皱了皱眉:“或者是我们先祖说谎了……当然,这种事情经常发生,我们虞族的历史中就充斥着谎言和虚伪,这种事情是难免的……或者,我们上当受骗了。” Advice, we must face up to the Pangu world the strength. This world, we have not imagined is so simple.” Woman Ka looks to sit in his opposite Yemo luo coconut tree deeply, is appreciating that beautiful cheek: I saw with own eyes the blood crown Saint Venerable by them is devastated to beat at will...... I saw, arrival that two Crown Saints revere.” “忠告,我们必须正视盘古世界的力量。这个世界,并没有我们想象中的那么简单。”婆罗迦深沉的看着坐在他对面的耶摩椤椰,欣赏着那张绝美的脸蛋:“我亲眼见到了血冕圣尊被他们随意的蹂躏殴打……我更见到了,两位‘冕’号圣尊的降临。” In the palace the complexions of all people become extremely strange. 殿堂内所有人的脸色都变得极其的怪异。 Crossed for a long time, Yemo luo coconut tree saying cautiously: „Do three Crown Saints revere? Simultaneously arrives at the plate heng world?” 过了许久,耶摩椤椰才小心翼翼的说道:“三位‘冕’号圣尊?同时降临盘蘅世界?” Woman Ka nodded. 婆罗迦点了点头。 Also for a long time, a woman tuo Yuan fiercely fist bang of evening moon/month lineage/vein on the round table, he had then stared in a big way the forehead to set upright the eye to shout to clear the way fierce: Damn, blood crown Saint Venerable to stare. The afterward two Crown Saints Venerable, they were revere with the tree top tracing blood crown Saint. The motion that three Crown Saints revere, cannot hide the truth from the Saint territory, hides the truth from these Saints Venerable, we had troublesome.” 又过了许久,夕月一脉的婆陀元这才猛地一拳轰在了圆桌上,他瞪大了眉心竖目厉声喝道:“该死的,血冕圣尊被盯上了。后来的两位‘冕’号圣尊,他们是一路跟梢追踪血冕圣尊而来。三位‘冕’号圣尊的行动,瞒不过圣域,瞒不过那些圣尊,我们有麻烦了。” Woman Ka lets somebody cool off or calm down looks at people, his cold sound said: Troublesome? Good, huge trouble. Not is only three Crown Saints Venerable, I also experienced Daoist Wood and Priest Hua fearful strength, is above strength that we imagined, strength that I am not even able to understand...... Told everybody a not wonderful news, Ji Hao...... The strength that he has, has surpassed the Crown Saint absolutely Venerable.” 婆罗迦冷冷的看着众人,他冷声说道:“麻烦?不错,天大的麻烦。不仅仅是三位‘冕’号圣尊,我还见识到了木道人花道人可怕的实力,超乎我们想象的实力,我甚至根本无法理解的实力……更告诉大家一个不怎么美妙的消息,姬昊……他拥有的实力,绝对超过了‘冕’号圣尊。” An audiences rule Great Emperor also in the continuous bump that has not brought from woman Ka recovers, above the palace manor had been covered by the fire suddenly. 一众执政大帝还没从婆罗迦带来的连续冲击中回过神来,殿堂上方的庄园已经突然被大火笼罩。 Innumerable Yu Clan, Jia Clan Warrior presides the dark clan servant soldier and demon of slave hissing troop troop to roar, from launched the attack to the manor in all directions. Crowded such as rain arrow whiz whiz from out of the blue , the heavy flying axe and flying hammer howl have been delimiting void, assorted Magic just liked the Tsunami same fell, submerged around the manor guard thoroughly. 无数的虞族、伽族战士统辖着大群大群的闇族仆兵、精怪奴隶嘶声怒吼着,从四面八方向庄园发动了进攻。密集如雨的箭矢‘嗖嗖’破空而下,沉重的飞斧、飞锤呼啸着划过虚空,各色法术犹如海啸一样落了下来,将庄园四周的护卫彻底淹没。 12 ruling Great Emperor covertly bring here is elite of respective family, is most loyal Warrior, facing the sudden attack, they rises spiritedly to revolt, actually rapidly suffers a defeat and flees under besieging of over hundred times enemies. 12执政大帝偷偷摸摸带来这里的全都是各自家族的精锐,是最忠诚的战士,面对突如其来的打击,他们奋起反抗,却在百倍以上敌人的围攻下迅速败亡。 A bang and everything may become vulnerable, the three small old castles in ground vanishes in puff of smoke in the flame, the big piece black rose was covered by the flame, has fired the ashes rapidly.( To be continued.) 一声巨响、地动山摇,地面上的三层小古堡在火光中灰飞烟灭,大片黑色玫瑰被火光覆盖,迅速烧成了灰烬。(未完待续。)
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