TME :: Volume #16

#1605: Yu Huo greedy

Blurred strange light appears in the eye pupil that Emperor Shi kills quietly, Emperor Shi kills the desperate color on face even more to be also rich. 一丝迷离的奇光在帝释杀的眼眸中悄然浮现,帝释杀脸上的绝望之色也越发浓郁。 He felt that his I consciousness resemble a candle in hurricane, he exhausts compensation protection this point weak is his ray, however in front of sweeping across his entire Spiritual Space Destruction hurricane, his resistance so weak. 他感到自己的本我意识就好像飓风中的一根蜡烛,他用尽全部力量守护这一点微弱的属于他自己的光芒,但是在席卷他整个神魂空间毁灭飓风面前,他的抵抗是如此的微弱。 Yu Huo smiling gently, extremely enjoys looks Emperor Shi kills on the face desperate and struggles. 虞惑轻轻的笑着,万分享受的看着帝释杀脸上的绝望和挣扎。 He has left behind the little strength desirably, making Emperor Shi kill maintains this me to realize reluctantly, making him be in frequently the brink of collapse. Is so, Emperor Shi kills is frightened and desperate, but his frightened and despair, actually become the small desserts that Yu Huo most enjoyed. 他刻意留下了一点点力气,让帝释杀勉强维持着本我意识,让他时刻处于崩溃的边缘。越是如此,帝释杀越是恐惧和绝望,而他的恐惧和绝望,却成了虞惑最享受的小点心。 You...... Why......” Emperor Shi kills the body to shiver slightly, shouting oneself hoarse asked the heart biggest doubts. “您……为什么……”帝释杀身体微微颤抖着,声嘶力竭的问出了心头最大的疑惑。 „Will I, why appear on the Yemo day body?” Shaking the head of Yu Huo smiling gently, bits off very much: „, This is a huge secret, since you asked that, I am very then benevolent, explained your doubts?” “我,为什么会出现在耶摩天的身上?”虞惑轻轻的笑着,很神经兮兮的摇了摇头:“哦,哦,哦,这可是一个巨大的秘密,但是既然你问了出来,那么,我就很仁慈的,解释一下你的疑惑?” Gained ground, Yu Huo said with a smile in a soft voice: Destruction arming, you knows that wants casting might also good Destruction arming, other primordial chaos materials also ordinary common, are only that control the soul core of Destruction arming, the entire Panyu world, only has the soul crown Saint Venerable to forge.” 抬起头来,虞惑轻声笑道:“毁灭武装,你知道,想要铸造一件威力还不错的毁灭武装,其他的鸿蒙材料都还普通寻常,唯独是那枚操控毁灭武装的灵魂核心,整个盘虞世界,唯有魂冕圣尊能够锻造。” Emperor Shi kills looks at Yu Huo panic-stricken, the soul crown Saint Venerable, in Panyu world Saint territory one of the status highest 12 Crown Saint Venerable, he is skilled in all with the soul related equipment casting, the unusual equipment only has the soul crown Saint Venerable to forge successfully, naturally included has controlled the soul core of Destruction arming. 帝释杀惊恐的看着虞惑,魂冕圣尊,盘虞世界圣域中地位最高的12位‘冕’号圣尊之一,他精通一切和灵魂有关的装备铸造,很多奇特的装备唯有魂冕圣尊才能锻造成功,其中自然就包括了操控毁灭武装的灵魂核心。 Destruction arming is so tyrannical, strength resists the Magus God level to exist sufficiently, Yemo day own strength so is weak, wish lets frail Yemo day control so formidable Destruction arming, must transform through the soul core. 毁灭武装是如此强横,实力足以对抗巫神级存在,耶摩天自身实力却如此微弱,想要让孱弱的耶摩天操控如此强大的毁灭武装,就必须通过灵魂核心来进行转换。 Soul crown Saint Venerable, is I most reverent follower...... Or he is I most useful clone.” Yu Huo looks at Emperor Shi to kill temperately, finger gently delimits Emperor Shi to kill the cheek that finally pointed at according to his forehead vertical: Therefore, so long as is the soul crown Saint Venerable the refinement in all soul cores, hid my losing concentration.” “魂冕圣尊,是我最虔诚的信徒……或者说,他是我最有用的一具分身。”虞惑温和的看着帝释杀,手指轻轻的划过帝释杀的面颊,最终手指按在了他的眉心竖目上:“所以,只要是魂冕圣尊炼制的所有灵魂核心中,都隐藏了一丝我的分神。” Each loses concentration, is my tentacle, the sensation strength is keen, insight strong tentacle. If had not discovered that any valuable game, they will not be awakened. Once they discover interesting certain, valuable existence, they like today.” “每一丝分神,都是我的一条触手,感知力敏锐,洞察力超强的触手。如果没有发现任何有价值的猎物,他们不会被唤醒。一旦他们发现某些有趣的、有价值的存在,他们就会像今天这样。” Yu Huo very bright smiling, continuously strange dim light unceasingly pours into the forehead that Emperor Shi kills from his fingertip: „The Yemo day soul, had been digested the absorption by me, I arrive at this world, I felt great and wonderful of this world, I will have ultimately this world.” 虞惑很灿烂的笑着,一缕缕奇异的幽光不断从他的指尖注入帝释杀的眉心:“耶摩天的灵魂,已经被我消化吸收,我降临此这个世界,我感受到了这个世界的伟大和神妙,我将最终拥有这个世界。” Looks at Emperor Shi to kill gradually blurred look, Yu Huo light saying: Told you while convenient an unfortunate news, crowns through the Yemo day and soul between blood implicated, I can feel, the blood crown died. In this case, should not have miscellaneous personnel to know existence of Pangu world? I should have enough time, swallows and digests this world all advantage.” 看着帝释杀逐渐迷离的眼神,虞惑淡淡的说道:“顺便告诉你一个不幸的消息,通过耶摩天和血冕之间的灵魂牵连,我能感受到,血冕已经陨落。这样的话,应该没有闲杂人等知道盘古世界的存在了吧?我应该有足够的时间,吞噬和消化这个世界的一切好处。” Emperor Shi kills desperate sighing, gave up all resistances. 帝释杀绝望的叹了一口气,放弃了一切抵抗。 Originally, when he Destruction arming takes to the Yemo day from the Panyu world, they thoroughly fell into Yu Huo trap. Even if then, the outright failure does not have what good regret, the blood crown Saint Venerable after is only one of the 12 Crown Saint Venerable, but Yu Huo, that is keeps aloof Yu the member. 原来,当他将毁灭武装从盘虞世界带给耶摩天的时候,他们就已经彻底沦入了虞惑的陷阱中。那么,就算彻底失败也没有什么好遗憾的了,血冕圣尊毕竟只是12位‘冕’号圣尊之一,而虞惑,那可是高高在上‘虞’之成员。 Moreover, he is most horrible, has controlled the soul control secret technique Yu. 而且,他是最让人恐怖的,掌控了灵魂操控秘术的‘虞’。 Emperor Shi kills intelligent flame in pupil to extinguish suddenly, what replaces it is one group of pollution vacant dim light. Passed probably one tea time, an intelligent fire of wisp of twinkle the pupil deep place that kills from Emperor Shi appears, Emperor Shi killed has smiled several very much surreptitiously, stretched out the red tongue to lick the licking lips corner/horn, respectful kneed down, effort kissed Yu Huo barefoot. 帝释杀眸子里的智慧火光骤然熄灭,取而代之的是一团浑浊茫然的幽光。过了大概一盏茶时间,一缕闪烁的智慧之火从帝释杀的眸子深处浮现出来,帝释杀很诡秘的笑了几声,伸出通红的舌头舔了舔嘴角,毕恭毕敬的跪倒在地,用力的亲吻虞惑的赤足。 Go away!” A Yu Huo foot killed to trample to fly Emperor Shi, his hand finger, the closet front door in cavern corner opened, one gorgeous formal clothes fluttered. A each article gentle fibroin clothing dresses gradually voluntarily on Yu Huo, is quick his attire one newly. “滚开!”虞惑一脚将帝释杀踹飞了出去,他手一指,洞窟角落里的衣柜大门开启,一套华美的礼服飘了出来。一件件轻柔的丝质衣物逐次自行穿戴在虞惑身上,很快他就装束一新。 I like arriving at a new world with others' body, because I can avoid the suppression that world I consciousness like this, will not come under the attack of strength of world source.” Yu Huo in has sized up one own physique that in the floor mirror satisfied, has turned around with a smile, leisure walked to the cavern. “我喜欢用别人的身躯降临一个新的世界,因为这样我就能够避开世界本我意识的压制,更不会受到世界本源之力的打击。”虞惑在落地镜中满意的打量了一番自己的身姿,笑着转过身,慢悠悠的向洞窟外走了过去。 Emperor Shi kills following in reverential awe in Yu Huo behind, his waist time is maintaining the posture of 90 degrees bowing, both hands incomparably discrete is sticking to the body, the vision keeps close to Yu Huo foot heel. 帝释杀诚惶诚恐的跟在虞惑身后,他的腰身时刻保持着90度鞠躬的姿势,双手无比谨慎的紧贴着身体,目光寸步不离虞惑的脚后跟。 In the entire Panyu world all perhaps Yu, I am have the world to conquer to experience richest one. Like Yu Man, Yu Zhan these rash idiots, they do not take advantage of the violence to invade a world each time forcefully, each time they will come under the serious attack of strength of world source, each severe wound they need the long deep sleep to restore the injury.” “在整个盘虞世界所有的‘虞’中,或许我是拥有世界征服经验最丰富的一个。像虞蛮、虞战这些莽撞的蠢货不一样,他们每次都依仗暴力强行侵入一个世界,每一次他们都会受到世界本源之力的沉重打击,每一次重伤他们都需要漫长的沉睡来恢复伤势。” They depended upon the violence to conquer world, but where did they have enough time to appreciate these world the beauties? Enjoys these world to take to their infinite benefit?” “就算他们依靠暴力征服了一个又一个世界,但是他们哪里有足够的时间去欣赏那些世界的美丽?享受那些世界带给他们的无穷利益?” Only then I, arrive at these directly in the goal world birth and growth, the body of lucky fellow receives a goal world principle aura many years of corrosion, with their bodies as the shield, I can avoid the attention of goal world Heavenly Dao principle perfectly, having one's wish handles the matter that I want to handle.” “只有我,直接降临那些在目标世界诞生、生长,受到目标世界法则气息多年侵蚀的幸运儿的身体,用他们的躯壳作为掩护,我就能完美的避开目标世界天道法则的注意,随心所欲的做我想要做的事情。” Therefore for these years, I have conquered many world similarly, but I do not have the wound, my strength is getting stronger and stronger. As for these crude idiots, oh, thinks to look, if one day, Yu Man, Yu Zhan they became my clone......” “所以这么多年来,我同样征服了很多世界,但是我丝毫无伤,我的实力越来越强。至于那些鲁莽的蠢货,噢,想想看,如果有一天,虞蛮、虞战他们都成为了我的一具分身……” Wipes the bad risk the dim light in the eyeground twinkle that Yu is puzzled: The I who someday, I can invade the Panyu world consciousness. That is I to high goal, the I who I will substitute for the Panyu world, making me the Panyu world to the high Heavenly Dao incarnation, I can true eternal not extinguish.” 一抹凶险的幽光在虞惑的眼底闪烁:“或许有一天,我能够侵入盘虞世界的本我意识。那是我至高的目标,我将取代盘虞世界的本我,让我成为盘虞世界至高天道的化身,我就能真正的永恒不灭。” Emperor Shi kills has not spoken, but is maintaining the posture of 90 degrees bowing, following of blindly following suit in Yu Huo behind. 帝释杀没吭声,而是保持着90度鞠躬的姿势,亦步亦趋的跟在虞惑身后。 Yu Huo went out of the cavern, stayed several thousand Jia Clan Warrior in Valley simultaneously looked to him, these Jia Clan Warrior also saw followed in Yu Huo behind, maintained strange posture Emperor Shi is killing. 虞惑走出了洞窟,停留在山谷中的数千名伽族战士同时向他看了过来,这些伽族战士也同时看到了跟在虞惑身后,保持着怪异姿势的帝释杀。 Standing up that many Jia Clan Warrior feel helpless, they are wanting to ask anything, Yu Huo points at a ball, the heads of several thousand Jia Clan Warrior simultaneously explode, the form that one continuously moves fast departs from their within the body unceasingly, pours into Yu Huo mouth in abundance. 好些伽族战士不知所措的站起身来,他们正想要问些什么,虞惑手指一弹,数千伽族战士的头颅同时爆开,一缕缕飘忽的身影不断从他们体内飞出,纷纷注入虞惑的嘴里。 Has swallowed several thousand Jia Clan Warrior souls, on Yu Huo face once more flood blushing. 一口吞噬了数千伽族战士的灵魂,虞惑的脸上再次泛起了红晕。 Are more, are more, I need more souls and Blood Essence, Emperor Shi kill, I most loyal servant, can you certainly satisfy my this small desire? Leads me to go to Liangzhu, quick, I was impatient!”( To be continued.) “再多一些,再多一些,我需要更多的灵魂和精血,帝释杀,我最忠诚的仆人,你一定能满足我这个小小的愿望吧?带我去良渚,快,我已经迫不及待了!”(未完待续。)
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