TME :: Volume #16

#1604: Yu Huo arrives

The Yu Clan young girl on bed tremble could not speak. 床榻上的虞族少女哆哆嗦嗦的说不出话来。 The Yu Clan expensive female who after is selective, so-called has not eaten the pork, actually also sees the pig to walk. So made faction to the Yemo day shortly, Yu Clan young girl has thought of certain extremely fearful matters immediately. 毕竟是精挑细选出来的虞族贵女,所谓没吃过猪肉,却也见过猪走路的。眼看到耶摩天如此做派,虞族少女顿时想到了某些极其可怕的事情。 The forehead set upright eye of tight opening, the pupil shrinks needle-tip size, Yu Clan young girl was extolling the name of blood moon/month in a low voice, the strength of hope blood moon/month can receive and instruct her soul, making her return to the blood moon/month bosom. 眉心竖目紧张的睁开,瞳孔缩成了针尖大小,虞族少女低声的赞颂着血月之名,祈求血月之力能够接引她的灵魂,让她回归血月的怀抱。 The Yemo day arrives in front of the young girl, the optional finger has exposed her head. Sad and shrill miserable howling transmits from the young girl head deep place, a dim person's shadow was swallowed down by Yemo day one, on his pale face reappeared immediately scarlet. 耶摩天走到少女面前,随意一指头点穿了她的头颅。一声凄厉的惨嚎从少女头颅深处传来,一条黯淡的人影被耶摩天一口吞了下去,他苍白的脸上顿时浮现了一丝血色。 Idiot is an idiot. Return blood moon/month bosom?” Yemo day very strange smiling: How you possibly understand that the so-called return September's bosom, offered own soul on the 3rd with them, perished own will, always do't can be reincarnated?” “蠢货就是蠢货。回归血月的怀抱?”耶摩天很怪异的笑着:“你们怎可能明白,所谓回归三日九月的怀抱,就是将自己的灵魂献与他们,沦丧自身意志,永世不得超生?” Shakes the head, the Yemo day sighed lightly: But, this grade of matter, your these despicable and despicable stupid thing, do not need to know.” 摇摇头,耶摩天轻叹道:“不过,这等事情,你们这些下贱又下贱的蠢物,是没必要知道的。” Before the light step arrives at a cavern corner leaf of enormous landing colored glaze mirror, sized up in the mirror carefully thin has appeared the somewhat frail body, Yemo day very narcissism, both hands cuns (2.5cm) touched own tip of the toe from the top of the head. On his palm has the strange flame to shine, the palm place visited, his body becomes spotless, has covered strange dim light. 轻步走到洞窟角落一扇极大的落地琉璃镜前,在镜子中仔细的打量了一下自己瘦削而显得有些孱弱的身体,耶摩天很自恋的,双手一寸寸的从头顶一路抚摸到了自己的脚尖。他的手掌上有奇异的火焰亮起,手掌所过之处,他的身体变得一尘不染,镀上了一层怪异的幽光。 Also the good body, by his intelligence, probably takes the standard year in 3572 also three months 17 days to have nine times, can make this body have the main body 70% strengths.” Yemo day in a low voice was muttering: Short time, but does not have such patient and persistent work now. Results in the shortcut! Shortcut! Shortcut!” “还不错的身体,以他的资质,大概需要标准年3572年又三个月17天带九个时刻,可以让这具身体拥有本体七成的实力。”耶摩天低声的咕哝着:“短暂的时间,但是现在可没这么个水磨工夫。得走捷径!捷径!捷径!” The corners of the mouth have pulled pulling, revealed two fair shining small canine teeth, the Yemo Heavenly Dynasty the mirror has been making a movement of throwing out the chest crank, then shaking the head of gently: Not long good chicken bastard...... Has blood crown that idiot, made such an illegitimate child? However is also, the illegitimate child, is used to install the pretence in the Saint territory, wants according to the Saint law, invades the Pangu world reasonably legitimately the pretence, does not need to train too splendidly.” 嘴角扯了扯,露出两颗白生生明晃晃的小虎牙,耶摩天朝着镜子做了一个挺胸曲臂的动作,然后轻轻的摇了摇头:“没长好的小鸡崽子……血冕那蠢货,怎么弄了这么个私生子?不过也是,私生子,用来在圣域装幌子,想要依照圣律,合理合法侵占盘古世界的幌子,不需要培养得太出色。” Best is a waste, waited to control the Pangu world occupied legitimately is authorized, displaced with the son of first wife again, if I, will do such.” The Yemo day chī chī has smiled several, his both hands have tied a strange law seal, saw that in the air a aura of continuously dim light twinkle baseless condenses, fast swallows by he thin and frail body. “最好是一个废物,等掌控了盘古世界的合法占有权,再用嫡子取而代之,若是我,也会这么做。”耶摩天‘嗤嗤’笑了几声,他双手结了一个怪异的法印,就看到空气中一缕缕幽光闪烁的气息凭空凝聚,快速的被他瘦削而孱弱的身体吞噬。 Just likes the air flush ball is the same, the Yemo day frail body gradually becomes plentiful, a little under the unnatural pale skin, vigorous and healthy muscles gradually stick out fair and clear and even. With joint slight ka ka sound, the Yemo day height also suddenly raised one foot, the waists of some rickets also become especially tall and straight. 犹如吹气球一样,耶摩天孱弱的身体逐渐变得丰满,白净、甚至有点不自然的苍白的皮肤下,一块块健壮的肌肉逐渐隆起。伴随着骨节细微的‘咔咔’声,耶摩天的身高也骤然拔高了一尺有余,原本有些佝偻的腰身也变得格外挺拔。 Belongs to Yemo day phantom of that Destruction arming behind slowly to reappear in him, this Destruction arming Beng Hui quietly, changes into a continuously thin extremely ray to invade the Yemo day the body. Whole body body rapid is twitching, on the Yemo day forehead also has massive cold sweat unceasing exudations. 属于耶摩天的那尊毁灭武装的虚影在他身后冉冉浮现,这尊毁灭武装悄然崩毁,化为一缕缕极细的光芒侵入耶摩天的身体。浑身的皮肉急骤的抽搐着,耶摩天的额头上又有大量的冷汗不断的渗出。 Destruction arming the dim light outlined strange [say / way] marks on his skin, each mark lent the extremely formidable and surreptitious aura. In the [say / way] marks of these distortions, the faintly visible innumerable fierce faces dodge to pass, some innumerable life sad and shrill miserable howling sounds transmit faintly. 毁灭武装所化的幽光在他皮肤上勾勒出了一道道怪异的道纹,每一条道纹都散发出极其强大而诡秘的气息。在那些扭曲的道纹内,隐隐可见无数狰狞的面孔一闪而逝,更有无数生灵凄厉的惨嚎声隐隐传来。 Destroys the Destruction military equipment, transforms Destruction arming with the extremely evil different method as own strength, the Yemo day while muttered: Good, now makes me have a look, in the brain of Yemo day waste has saved anything thing.” 一边摧毁毁灭武装,用极其邪异的手段将毁灭武装转化为自身的力量,耶摩天一边喃喃自语:“好,现在让我看看,耶摩天这废物的脑子里都存了一些什么东西。” Pangu world, Human Race? Fearful multiplication strength and wisdom, are really the strange races, the best servant soldier chooses, is really good.” 盘古世界,人族?可怕的繁衍力量和智慧,真是奇异的种族,最佳的仆兵选择,真不错。” Dragon clan? So formidable human body? The multiplication strength was too what a pity weak, if acts as the servant soldier tribal group, the mean multiplication strength is doomed they unable to form an army fast, does not have the too big significance. Um? This idea is very exquisite, raises massive Dragon Clan, the regular harvesting high-quality refiner material, this idea is good.” “龙族?如此强大的肉体?可惜繁衍力量太弱了一些,如果充当仆兵族群,低微的繁衍力量注定他们无法快速成军,没有太大意义。嗯?这个构思很精妙,豢养大量龙族,定期收割高级炼器材料,这个想法不错。” Phoenix clan? Pure and formidable soul strength...... Soul strength? Soul strength! Has the strong soul strength wonderful foreign race group inborn! Damn, these idiots have not inquired this news unexpectedly! The phoenix clan, was too to me important. Must key training, moreover must find the way to increase their population levels to be right.” “凤族?啊,精纯而且强大的灵魂力量……灵魂力量?灵魂力量!一个天生拥有超强灵魂力量的奇异族群!该死的,那些蠢货居然没有打探到这个消息!凤族,对我而言太重要了。必须重点培养,而且得想办法增加他们的种群数量才对。” These many strange tribal groups? How to have so rich tribal group? Candle Dragon? Qilin Qilin? Kunpeng? Black dragon? White tiger? Rosefinch? Black Tortoise? Metaphorical animal? Brave?...... This world has the innate wisdom biological tribal group millions...... How to have so terrifying quantity? The world source of this Pangu world, compared with the Panyu world formidable hundred times? Is impossible!” “这么多稀奇古怪的族群?怎么会拥有如此丰富的族群?烛龙?麒?鲲鹏?青龙?白虎?朱雀?玄武?獬豸?貔貅?……啊,这个世界拥有先天智慧的生物族群数以百万计……怎么会拥有如此恐怖的数量?这个盘古世界的世界本源,难道比盘虞世界强大了百倍?不可能!” But, the Panyu world has the innate wisdom formidable tribal group...... Only then 1/1000 of Pangu world do not arrive......” “但是,盘虞世界拥有先天智慧的强大族群……只有盘古世界的1不到……” In the Yemo day eye pupil the dim light twinkle, he muttered low and deep: Said that this Pangu world really greatly has the fishy. Moreover, this world also has monster clan unexpectedly! Some innate dull-witted idiots, can absorb Natural Power to practice the monster unexpectedly!” 耶摩天的眼眸中幽光闪烁,他低沉的咕哝道:“这么说起来,这个盘古世界果然大有蹊跷。而且,这个世界居然还拥有‘妖族’!一些先天愚钝的蠢货,居然可以吸收天地元气而修炼成妖!” This strange evolution law, the Panyu world does not exist, this showed that the principle system of Pangu world is more complex than and is more complete the Panyu world strangely, not measured formidable and...... A such world, oh, oh, oh, was monopolized by me has been OK, these damn fellows, they were the obedient deep sleep!” “这种奇异的进化法则,盘虞世界并不存在,这就证明,盘古世界的法则体系比盘虞世界更加复杂、更加完整、更加的强大、更加的诡异莫测……这样的一个世界,噢,噢,噢,由我一个人独享就可以了,那些该死的家伙,他们还是乖乖的沉睡吧!” Was whispering, Emperor Shi killed the half step to walk, his eyes saw have lain down on the bed, head disruption fresh blood stream Yu Clan young girl everywhere. The face twitched several, Emperor Shi has killed to have a smiling face, respectful and prudent to the Yemo day good a ritual: „The Yemo huge person, is your this? We evacuated hurriedly, only with enough time led such a maidservant......” 正嘀咕着,帝释杀已经快步走了进来,他一眼就看到了躺在床榻上,头颅碎裂鲜血流了满地的虞族少女。面孔抽搐了几下,帝释杀带着一丝笑容,恭谨的向耶摩天行了一礼:“耶摩天大人,您这是?我们撤离得匆忙,只来得及带了这么一位侍女……” Woman? The woman is not the issue!” ‚The Yemo day has turned around, both hands hug in the front size up Emperor Shi to kill up and down: I am not interested in the human body, what I regard as important is the soul. So long as has beautiful and formidable soul, the human body sex to me is never the issue.” “女人?哦,女人不是问题!”‘耶摩天’转过身来,双手抱在胸前上下打量着帝释杀:“我对肉体并不感兴趣,我看重的是灵魂。只要拥有美丽而强大的灵魂,肉体的性别对我而言从来不是问题。” Yemo day smiling of demon, he looks at Emperor Shi to kill light saying deeply: For example, your soul ray very formidable, very beautiful, therefore, I to you also very interested.” 耶摩天’邪魅的笑着,他深沉的看着帝释杀淡淡的说道:“比如说,你的灵魂光芒就非常的强大,非常的美丽,所以,我对你也非常的有兴趣。” Emperor Shi kills the whole body fine body hair straight vertical stroke, his panic-stricken backed up backward several steps, points at ‚the Yemo day to shout to clear the way fierce: „Are you?” 帝释杀浑身寒毛直竖,他惊恐的向后倒退了好几步,指着‘耶摩天’厉声喝道:“你是?” ‚The Yemo day forwarded slowly several steps, he smiled is killing to nod to Emperor Shi, in the pupil flashed through wipes the strange dim light: Perhaps have you heard my name? Least, are least, in you become at the end of the year gift ceremony, you should prostrate oneself I...... I am Yu Huo, all beautiful souls to Yu Huo who are full of the deep love!” 耶摩天’缓缓向前走了几步,他微笑着向帝释杀点了点头,眸子里闪过一抹奇异的幽光:“或许你听说过我的名字?最少、最少,在你成年礼的仪式上,你应该膜拜过我……我是虞惑,对所有美丽的灵魂充满热爱的虞惑!” Emperor Shi kills the body one stiffly, has exuded the desperate squeal since the innermost soul.( To be continued.) 帝释杀身体一僵,打自灵魂深处发出了绝望至极的尖叫声。(未完待续。)
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