TME :: Volume #16

#1603: Skyscraping changes

The end deep deep pool, looks following the steep cliff wall, red light of faintly visible center of earth rock magma blowout. 地底极深之渊,顺着陡峭的崖壁望下去,隐隐可见地心岩浆喷出的红光。 Because thermal energy of underground rock magma ascension, provides the energy that the life multiplied to need for this underground abyss world, was used to the shrubbery of underground dark environment to grow massively crowded, under bush dense and numerous arrangements great quantity fluorescent dried mushrooms. 正因为地下岩浆升腾的热力,为这一方地下深渊世界提供了生灵繁衍所需的能量,大量习惯了地下幽暗环境的灌木丛密集的生长着,灌木下密密麻麻的排列着巨量的荧光菌菇。 Rodent in groups is shuttling back and forth in the shrubbery, seeks food that all symbol are satisfying one's liking. 成群结队的啮齿动物在灌木丛中穿梭着,寻找着一切合胃口的食物。 The hunting hideaway of mass in shadow, static is peeping at these huge quantity of meat. 更大体积的猎食者隐藏在黑影中,静静的窥视着这些数量庞大的肉食。 Roared to transmit suddenly, jet black sword tooth leopard soared an all over the body, to mighty mouse killing of enough two chi (0.33 m) lengths under. The mighty mouse was frightened scared shitless, has not run away with enough time, in the slanting thorn a handle big axe circles to fly, strikes to cut the head of sword tooth leopard. 骤然间一声咆哮传来,一头通体漆黑的剑齿豹腾空而起,向一头足足有两尺长短的巨鼠扑杀而下。巨鼠被吓得屁滚尿流,还没来得及逃窜,斜刺里一柄大斧盘旋着飞来,一击将剑齿豹的头颅斩下。 The blood scatters, the small life in shrubbery was frightened scatters in all directions to flee. Jia Clan Warrior look separated bush that with deep veneration several wear heavy armor walked, their vigilant looked around, especially to upper-level world looked at several to top of the head a road, that this feels relieved carries the sword tooth leopard that has cut to kill. 鲜血四溅,灌木丛中的小生灵被吓得四散奔逃。几名身穿重甲的伽族战士神色肃然的分开灌木走了过来,他们警惕的四下张望了一阵,尤其向头顶一条通往上层世界的甬道看了几眼,这才放心的一把拎起了斩杀的剑齿豹。 Sword tooth leopard sweep trace, buries all bloodstains fast appropriately, several Jia Clan Warrior are having a relaxed smiling face, carries the game half step to return. 快速将剑齿豹收拾干净,将所有血迹都掩埋妥当,几个伽族战士带着一丝轻松的笑容,扛着猎物快步返回。 In an underground canyon, several thousand terse Jia Clan Warrior pass and out in some caves, on the bonfire has built the assorted game, the fat roller get lost, in the air is filling the thick barbecue fragrance. 一条地下深谷中,数千名精悍的伽族战士在一些山洞中进进出出,篝火上已经架起了各色猎物,肥油滚滚而下,空气中弥漫着浓浓的烤肉香味。 Emperor Shi kills to sit cross-legged on a big stone, knits the brows to look in the hand a golden crystal disc. His often reading aloud incantation, makes together magic arts seal toward the disc on, on the disc golden castle shape Symbol is splendid, does not have any sound throughout. 帝释杀盘坐在一块大石上,皱着眉看着手中一块金色的水晶圆盘。他不时的念诵咒语,往圆盘上打出一道道法印,圆盘上一枚金色的城堡状符文熠熠生辉,却始终没有任何动静。 What's the matter? How a little sound? Reasonably, reasonably...... Should arrive!” Emperor Shi kills heavyheartedly looks castle shape Symbol that on the disc is entirely still, the forehead sets upright the eye often to open and close, glitters profound gods light. “怎么回事?怎么一点儿动静都没有?按理,按理……应该到了啊!”帝释杀忧心忡忡的看着圆盘上纹丝不动的城堡状符文,眉心竖目不时开合,闪烁出一道道幽深的神光。 He has not known that blood crown Saint Venerable already died, only thinks that the blood crown Saint Venerable is bringing the scale huge crack troops to rush to the Pangu world. He was anticipating the blood crown Saint Venerable to be able soon to arrive, soon will put down eight sides, integrates the control the Pangu world as well as the peripheral world group thoroughly. 他还不知道血冕圣尊已然陨落,只以为血冕圣尊正带着规模庞大的精锐部队正在赶赴盘古世界。他期待着血冕圣尊能够早日降临,早日扫平八方,将盘古世界以及周边的世界群彻底纳入掌控。 Had the resources of Pangu world and peripheral numerous world, Emperor Shi kills to think that he sooner or later can have the blood crown Saint Venerable such fearful strength. But blood crown Saint Venerable, can go a step further naturally, has the terrors in Panyu world these fables unsurpassed prestige energy that but great existence can control. 有了盘古世界和周边众多世界的资源,帝释杀认为他迟早能够拥有血冕圣尊那样的可怕实力。而血冕圣尊么,自然而然能够更进一步,拥有盘虞世界那些传说中的恐怖而伟大的存在才能掌控的无上威能。 „A Emperor Shi clan, is doomed because of me, but achievement unsurpassed glory.” Emperor Shi kills to have a expectation to mutter in a low voice: Perhaps, one day, I can also have crown the honorific titles, perhaps...... Also can go a step further? Who knows?” 帝释一族,注定要因为我而成就无上的荣耀。”帝释杀带着一丝憧憬低声咕哝道:“或许,总有一天,我也能拥有‘冕’之尊号,或许……还能更进一步?谁知道呢?” Emperor Shi kills after behind cave, with the cavern of large quantities of gold and in crystal decoration, extremely luxurious four column beds is having the rhythm is extremely swaying. On the soft and smooth animal skin mattress, the Yemo day is hugging attacking that a beautiful unusual Yu Clan young girl is trying hard. 帝释杀身后的山洞中,一个用大量黄金和水晶装饰的洞窟里,一架极度奢华的四柱大床正在极其有韵律的摇晃着。柔软而光滑的兽皮褥子上,耶摩天正搂着一个美艳异常的虞族少女努力的攻伐。 Sound of body hit reverberates, the eye socket next two pale black pouch extremely striking Yemo day faces that in the cavern gets sucked into is twisting slightly, both hands grab thoughtlessly on the Yu Clan young girl in bosom carelessly pinch randomly. 皮肉撞击的声音在洞窟中回荡,深陷的眼眶下两个淡黑色眼袋极其醒目的耶摩天面孔微微扭曲着,双手胡乱在怀中的虞族少女身上乱抓乱捏。 With Yu Clan young girl, if slight cry that cries such as to sob, Yemo day body suddenly one stiff, two turn white twitches. Passed the period of time, the Yemo day relaxed the body slowly, the whole body perspiration left like the thick liquid, eye weak closed, in gulps breathed heavily the thick air/Qi. 伴随着虞族少女如哭如泣的细微叫声,耶摩天的身体突然一僵,两眼翻白的抽搐起来。过了好一阵子,耶摩天慢慢的放松了身体,浑身汗出如浆,眼睛无力的闭合,大口大口的喘起了粗气。 Yu Clan young girl is touching the Yemo day frontal eminence carefully, inquired several in a low voice. 虞族少女小心的抚摸着耶摩天的额角,低声的询问了几句。 The Yemo day shook the head, he opened to see forcefully young girl eyes, both hands when the mattress grabbed thoughtlessly, were not many grasped a pink medicine bottle, pulled out the red pill pill that smell irritated the nose to force in the mouth. 耶摩天摇了摇头,他强行睁开眼看了少女一眼,双手在褥子中一阵乱抓,不多时抓出了一个粉红色的药瓶,从中掏出了一颗气味刺鼻的红色丹丸塞进了嘴里。 After short half quarter, the bed also very much has the rhythm sways gently, the squeal of young girl has flooded the entire cavern once more. 短短半刻钟后,大床又很有韵律的轻轻摇晃起来,少女的尖叫声再次充斥了整个洞窟。 This time, is the common robust man digs up time of one bowl of rice, Yemo day long ahem, has shown the whites of the eyes from the young girl stands up from failure, two slender legs are shivering slightly, trembling has climbed down the bed, walks near a belt vulture [gold/metal] round table, gave itself but actually one glass of liquor. 这一次,也就是寻常壮汉扒拉一碗米饭的时间,耶摩天长长的哼唧了一声,翻着白眼从少女身上翻身而下,两条纤细的腿子微微颤抖着,哆哆嗦嗦的爬下了床,走带一张雕金的圆桌边,给自己倒了一杯酒。 Grinned, has drunk good wine, the Yemo day suddenly numerous the wine class loses on the ground. 咧咧嘴,喝了一口美酒,耶摩天突然重重的将酒杯丢在了地上。 Yu Clan young girl frightens the whole body to tremble, had the body startled sound to ask hurriedly: Master, you how?” 虞族少女吓得浑身一哆嗦,急忙直起了身体惊声问道:“主人,您怎么了?” The Yemo day has swayed head, stared Yu Clan young girl one eyes maliciously: I, am not very good, my unusual is not good, my mood very not good...... Every day to this you exactly the same face, you thought so where my mood can good to go?” 耶摩天摇晃了一下脑袋,狠狠的瞪了虞族少女一眼:“我,很不好,我非常的不好,我的心情很不好……每天都对这你这么一张一模一样的脸,你觉得我的心情能好到哪里去?” The young girls lowered the head do not dare to say a word, the Yemo day is swaying the head, raised both hands to look that fiercely the shining hole top was screaming hoarsely: When can also wait till? The father Sir who I respect, you a bit faster arrive! Oh...... Damn, when I return to Liangzhu, I take one day to change 1000 women!” 少女低下头不敢做声,耶摩天摇晃着脑袋,猛地举起了双手看着金灿灿的洞顶声嘶力竭的尖叫着:“还要等到什么时候?我尊敬的父亲大人啊,您快点降临吧!噢……该死的,等我回到良渚,我一定要一天换1000个女人!” Maliciously trampled a foot on the round table, the Yemo day has worked has hung, is used for the lozenge crystal of load bearing Destruction arming to shout to clear the way on the neck fierce: I am very agitated, I am very depressed, I am very angry, I am very uncomfortable! I, the Yemo day, am doomed into the Yemo day of this world control, I hide like a mouse in unexpectedly underground!” 狠狠的在圆桌上踹了一脚,耶摩天抓起了挂在脖子上、用来承载毁灭武装的棱形水晶厉声喝道:“我很烦躁,我很郁闷,我很愤怒,我很难受!我,耶摩天,注定成为这个世界主宰的耶摩天,我居然像一头老鼠一样藏在地下!” Does not see the sunlight, does not see the green grass, does not see the fresh flower...... Even links the woman, has a woman!” “不见阳光,不见绿草,不见鲜花……甚至连女人,只有一个女人!” The Yemo day clenches teeth to look at Yu Clan young girl: „If not outside is the man, so long as even if has a demon female - slave...... Oh, no, was too fearful, these ugly demons! However, my side, only then a woman, I did not have the means to go on living simply!” 耶摩天咬着牙看着虞族少女:“如果不是外面都是男人的话,哪怕只要有一个精怪女-奴隶……噢,不,太可怕了,那些丑陋的精怪!但是,我身边只有一个女人,我简直没办法活下去了!” Yemo day effort has gripped the lozenge crystal, he clenches teeth to sneer saying: Emperor Shi kills...... After the father arrives, I will give him to be attractive! Timid spiritless Emperor Shi kills, he makes me same hide with the mouse in the underground that this suffers injustice unexpectedly! Such timid spiritless waste, my in official, will not have his position in the future. I pledged that he meets......” 耶摩天用力的握住了棱形水晶,他咬着牙冷笑道:“帝释杀……等父亲降临后,我会给他好看!胆小懦弱的帝释杀,他居然让我和老鼠一样躲在这不见天日的地下!这么胆小懦弱的废物,未来我身边的臣子中,不会有他的位置。我发誓,他一定会……” The Yemo day has not noted, in the lozenge crystal in his hand the vertical stroke eye of light shines suddenly. 耶摩天没有注意到,他手中的棱形水晶中突然有一颗竖目光影亮起。 The indifferent heartless vertical stroke eye opened and closed several, the lozenge crystal has disrupted suddenly, all disintegrating slags changed into a dim light, has invaded the Yemo day body silently. Yemo day body suddenly one stiff, he stared in a big way the eye fiercely fiercely, the body twitched. 冷漠无情的竖目开合了几下,棱形水晶突然碎裂,所有的碎渣化为点点幽光,无声无息的侵入了耶摩天的身体。耶摩天的身体骤然一僵,他猛地瞪大了眼睛,身体剧烈的抽搐起来。 The massive viscous cold sweat spout from the Yemo heavenly body unceasingly, some smell ill-smelling dirt infiltrated from his within the body rapidly. 大量粘稠的冷汗不断从耶摩天体内喷出,更有一些气味难闻的污垢急速从他体内渗了出来。 Crossed the appearance of general quarter, the Yemo day has opened the eye fiercely. 过了大概一刻钟的样子,耶摩天猛地睁开了眼睛。 His vision no longer weak and incapability, instead became gloomy wither, has one type to experience the innumerable year of wind and rain succinct vicissitudes and vicious. 他的目光不复刚才的虚弱而无力,反而变得阴沉而肃杀,更有着一种经历了无数年风雨洗练的沧桑和老辣在内。 His holding up both hands slowly, narrow the eyes to focus to look at the snow white fresh-faced palm, corners of the mouth bringing back slowly, has shown a strange smiling face. 他慢慢的举起双手,眯着眼看着雪白粉嫩的手掌,嘴角慢慢的勾起,露出了一丝怪异的笑容。 Really is the sediment same body, but...... Has uses on the line!”( To be continued.) “真是渣滓一样的身体,不过……有得用就行!”(未完待续。)
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