TME :: Volume #16

#1602: The sword builds up ominously obstinate

Ji Hao sits in Jianmen, looked that Yu Yu Daoist pulls out three weird looking beautiful jade, the right hand sword refers to moistening the holy blood that the shoulder has left behind, inscribing sword symbol in the beautiful jade, during the short several breath has made rapidly three ruler allow Chang sword symbol. 姬昊坐在剑门中,就看禹馀道人掏出三块奇形美玉,右手剑指沾了沾肩头留下的圣血,迅速在美玉上铭刻剑,短短几个呼吸间就制成了三枚尺许长的剑 Yu Yu Daoist both hands push, listens to thunderous, three ray shining sword symbol changed into the thunder to arrive at Ji Hao respectively, in front of greatly scarlet Daoist and Qing Wei Daoist. Three people simultaneously cried loud and long, extended both hands to take sword symbol, Magic Power spurted on sword symbol, the sword was only immediately faint, they and entire sword have had a tacit relation beyond description. 禹馀道人双手一推,就听一声雷鸣,三枚光芒灿灿的剑化为雷霆分别来到了姬昊、大赤道人清微道人面前。三人同时长啸一声,伸出双手取了剑,一口法力喷在了剑上,顿时剑光隐隐,他们和整个剑阵就产生了一份难以形容的默契联系。 Yu Man hissing roars, he a little startled looks at all around, he has felt Yu Yu Daoist this sword uncommonness. 虞蛮嘶声怒吼,他有点惊慌的看着四周,他已经感受到了禹馀道人这座剑阵的不凡。 So cut-throat swift and fierce slaughtering sword, the bonus is the Panyu world to high Grand Dao is the [say / way] of Destruction, Yu Man also never in the strategy that the Panyu world experiences so with raw hate has left no ground. 如此凶狠凌厉的杀戮剑阵,饶是盘虞世界的至高大道就是毁灭之道,虞蛮也从未在盘虞世界见识过如此凶狠不留余地的阵法。 Pangu world......” Yu Man a little helpless was talking over, was actually the Pangu world what macrocosm? Why links so cut-throat evil and cruel sword to evolve? 盘古世界……”虞蛮有点无奈的念叨着,盘古世界究竟是一个什么样的大世界?为什么连如此凶狠歹毒的剑阵都能衍化出来? With the sad explosive sound, just rose from all directions by the great city internal heat light that the sword light tore in half together, innumerable in city defended Restriction to be broken out by the sword light, has triggered the chain explosions of many defense strategies, palace pavilions vanished into thin air in the flame, innumerable foreign race elite wept and wailed is fleeing from the city distressedly. 伴随着沉闷的爆炸声,刚刚被一道剑光撕成两半的巨城内火光四起,城内的无数防御禁制被剑光劈开,引发了好些防御阵法的连环爆炸,一座座宫殿楼阁在火光中化为乌有,无数异族精锐哭喊着从城内狼狈奔逃。 Yu Man deep inspiration, his calm evil ways heart, puts out a hand to that giant metal city one move. Saw that the none remaining of bunch of shining sends out the formidable Magic Power fluctuation, various places since the city flies unceasingly, just likes the meteor shower falls into Yu Man hand generally. 虞蛮深深的吸了一口气,他镇定下道心,伸手向那座巨大的金属城池一招。就看到一团团流光溢彩的精光散发出强大的法力波动,不断从城内各处飞起,犹如流星雨一般落入虞蛮手中。 These light roll completely are the innate most precious objects that the Yu Man innumerable years collect, usually in he refine his occupying city these treasures, took advantage of these innate most precious objects the might, his occupied the city may be called the impenetrable fortress city, able to move unhindered the innumerable world can destroy the slightest from nobody. 这些光团尽是虞蛮无数年来收集的先天至宝,平日里他将这些宝物炼进了自己的居城,依仗这些先天至宝的威力,他的这座居城堪称金汤城池,纵横无数个世界从无人能够破坏分毫。 Cannot think that Yu Yu Daoist sword so ruthless spicy swift and fierce, a sword cuts his occupying city broken, Yu Man is shocked in a sword might, was bite back these innate most precious object guards. 想不到禹馀道人的剑阵如此狠辣凌厉,一剑就将他的居城斩破,虞蛮震惊于剑阵的威力,更是急忙收回了这些先天至宝护身。 Lost these innate most precious object suppression, in the giant metal city innumerable formidable strategy Restriction lose control in abundance, more hot groups shoot up to the sky, the innumerable foreign race elite miserable numbers were being embezzled by the flame, was not exploded the skeleton to save. 失去了这些先天至宝镇压,巨大的金属城池内无数强大的阵法禁制纷纷失控,更多的火团冲天而起,无数异族精锐惨号着被火光吞没,被炸得尸骨无存。 foreign race of battalion elite soars, just likes piece by piece dark cloud float in airborne. The hissing that they feel helpless is calling out in alarm, until they saw self-poise Yu Man of standing in void, these foreign race calms down immediately. The evil crown Saint Venerable is shouting out loudly, directed the number to arrange one huge armed forces by foreign race of 1.0001 trillion ideas in the midair. 大队大队的异族精锐腾空而起,犹如一片片乌云悬浮在空中。他们不知所措的嘶声惊呼着,直到他们看到了‘镇定自若’的站在虚空中的虞蛮,这些异族顿时定下心来。邪冕圣尊大声呼喝着,指挥着数以1000100000000计的异族在半空中摆下了一座庞大的军阵。 Ji Hao narrows the eyes to focus, the information that static sensibility in sword symbol is transmitting, probably one tea time, he understood how to operate executes all sort of methods of immortal Jianmen, saw that these foreign race tie in the midair, Ji Hao pushes conveniently forward, together Yu Yu divine thunderbolts numerous bang on sword symbol. 姬昊眯着眼,静静的感悟着剑中传来的信息,大概一盏茶时间,他已经明白了如何操作诛仙剑门的诸般手段,看到那些异族在半空中结阵,姬昊随手向前一推,一道禹馀神雷重重的轰在了剑上。 Sword symbol moves, the execution immortal Jianmen sound of Ji Hao top of the head, the scarlet red sword light is shaking loudly fiercely, that scale huge be continuous trillion li (0.5km) foreign race armed forces sky suddenly has scarlet red sword light of innumerable [say / way] thumb thick or thin one foot length to sprinkle. 一动,姬昊头顶的诛仙剑门轰然响动,赤红色的剑光剧烈的震荡着,那座规模庞大绵延亿万里的异族军阵上空突然有无数道拇指粗细一尺长短的赤红色剑光洒落。 Whish the sound is from out of the blue continuous, the sad and shrill sound from out of the blue shakes the person eardrum severe pain. ‘飕飕’破空声绵绵不绝,凄厉的破空响声震得人耳膜剧痛。 The boundless immeasurable scarlet red sword light just likes the rainstorm same overhead pounds to fall, foreign race Warrior also without enough time haunched the shield to be pierced the body by the sword light. The scarlet red sword light place visited myriad things all break, even if these foreign race Warrior were cut to break an oil skin instantaneously to be frightened out of one's wits. 无边无量的赤红色剑光犹如暴雨一样当头砸落,大片大片的异族战士还来不及撑起盾牌就被剑光洞穿了身体。赤红色剑光所过之处万物皆破,那些异族战士哪怕被斩破了一丝油皮都瞬间魂飞魄散。 To high great......” had foreign race Warrior to shout loud on the 3rd the honorific titles of September, defended the magic weapon to lose completely entirely. “至高伟大的……”有异族战士高声呼喊着三日九月的尊号,将自己全部的防御法宝通通丢了出来。 The innumerable Daoist believers corona around these foreign race Warrior, various strange defense Buddhist musical instrument modeling are fine and dazzling, the aura that lends are formidable exceptionally. 无数道流光环绕着这些异族战士,各种稀奇古怪的防御法器造型精美、琳琅满目,散发出的气息更是强大异常。 Whish in sound innumerable scarlet red sword light thick falling sprinkling, what kind defense Buddhist musical instrument, even is the evil crown Saint Venerable top in head one emperor crown that is congealed by the skeletons of innumerable distortion is struck the breakthrough by the scarlet red sword light. ‘飕飕’声中无数赤红色剑光纷纷扬扬的洒落,无论是何等防御法器,甚至是邪冕圣尊顶在头上的一顶由无数扭曲的骸骨凝成的帝冕都被赤红色剑光一击突破。 Master!” The evil crown Saint Venerable by together the scarlet red sword laser-induced breakdown the head, he was screaming hoarsely, difficult reached out Yu Man. “主人!”邪冕圣尊被一道赤红色剑光击穿了头颅,他声嘶力竭的尖叫着,艰难的向虞蛮伸出了手。 Dozens scarlet red sword light follow to fall, the evil crown Saint Venerable is unable to make any sound again, his state of mind wrote off instantaneously, the body was being built up the flying ash by the sword light. 数十道赤红色剑光接踵落下,邪冕圣尊再也无法发出任何声音,他的神魂瞬间被抹杀,连带着身体都被剑光炼成了飞灰。 Enormous and powerful be continuous trillion li (0.5km) Pang Dajun, the number elite was cut to kill in the short quarter by foreign race of 1.0001 trillion ideas completely. All foreign race elite are all frightened out of one's wits, skeleton not to save, on them all armor weapons vanished into thin air by the sword light. 浩浩荡荡绵延亿万里的庞大军阵,数以1000100000000计的异族精锐在短短一刻钟内被斩杀殆尽。所有异族精锐全都是魂飞魄散、尸骨无存,连带他们身上所有的铠甲兵器都被剑光化为乌有。 In empty void, wiped the light scarlet red sword glow to glitter, inundated the Sky Sword rain to dissipate. Includes in 1.0001 trillion li (0.5km) void sword, only then Yu Man stands in void alone, full is the long-haired pelt face rapid distortion of black wool, in the one-eyed full is inconceivable panic-stricken and frightened. 空荡荡的虚空中,一抹淡淡的赤红色剑芒闪烁了一下,漫天剑雨消散。囊括1000100000000里虚空的剑阵中,只有虞蛮一人孤零零的站在虚空中,满是黑毛的大毛脸急骤的扭曲着,独眼中满是不可思议的惊骇和恐惧。 My...... Subjects!” “吾的……子民!” Yu Man body rocked fiercely, his body is shivering slightly, shouting oneself hoarse has called out one: My...... Male offspring descendant!” 虞蛮的身体剧烈的晃动了一下,他的身体微微颤抖着,声嘶力竭的嚎叫了一声:“吾的……子嗣后裔!” Greatly scarlet Daoist, Qing Wei Daoist and Yu Yu Daoist Ji Hao vision cold and solemn looks at Yu Man, looks that he just likes the insanity jumps to jump madly in void equally randomly, looks at his whole body black wool raising up, the mouth spouts the black bubble and blood plasma unceasingly. 大赤道人清微道人禹馀道人连带姬昊都目光冷肃的看着虞蛮,看着他犹如疯魔一样在虚空中乱蹦乱跳,看着他浑身黑毛一根根的竖起,嘴里不断喷出黑色的泡沫和血浆。 The anger of this male servant is too abundant, will be mad stiffly spits blood! 这厮的怒气太盛,硬生生将自己气得吐血! You, should not come this.” Greatly scarlet Daoist sits cross-legged under Jianmen, vision cold severe looks at Yu Man. “你们,本就不该来此。”大赤道人盘坐在剑门下,目光冷厉的看着虞蛮。 „Will the world that these inferior family families whose fortunes are on the decline can conquer, why have you such formidable existence?” Yu Man definitely is unable to understand that he sees with the matter that encounters. This is Yu Dynasty 12 rule families, 12 in the family whose fortunes are on the decline family that the Panyu world sets the base, world that the expedition regiment that one crowd of lowliest outcastes are composing can conquer! “那些下等家族破落户都能征服的世界,为什么会有你们这么强大的存在?”虞蛮完全无法理解他所见和所遭遇的事情。这是虞朝12个执政家族,12个在盘虞世界垫底的破落户家族,连带着一群最卑贱的贱民组成的远征军团都能征服的世界啊! Why will have greatly scarlet Daoist, Qing Wei Daoist and Yu Yu Daoist such tyrannical life to exist? 为什么会有大赤道人清微道人禹馀道人这样强横的生灵存在? Yu Yu Daoist the sword, simply is much more intrepid...... Yu Man thought one were one plants in a pit simply, it is estimated that after these time fell down, opportunity that he has not stood up from failure again. 还有禹馀道人的这座剑阵,简直强悍得丧尽天良……虞蛮觉得自己简直就是一头栽进了一个坑里,估计这一次栽倒后,他再也没有翻身的机会。 Yu Yu Daoist he he sneers: Conquers? Stupid thing, this poor Daoist lazily with your this crowd of stupid thing gua chirp!” 禹馀道人‘呵呵’冷笑:“征服?蠢东西,贫道懒怠和你们这群蠢东西呱噪!” Right hand lightly, Yu Yu Daoist top of the head Jianmen fierce shake. 右手轻点,禹馀道人头顶剑门剧烈的震荡起来。 Greatly scarlet Daoist, Qing Wei Daoist and Ji Hao simultaneously together the divine thunderbolts bang on sword symbol, entire sword simultaneously has exuded the deafening thunderous sound. 大赤道人清微道人姬昊同时一道神雷轰在了剑上,整个剑阵同时发出震耳欲聋的雷鸣声。 Yu Man bellows, the defense most precious objects of his several innate most precious object levels soar, bound his body all round. 虞蛮一声大吼,他身上十几件先天至宝级的防御至宝腾空而起,团团裹住了他的身体。 Four color sword light flash past, chaos smashing and void disintegration, in sword void twists suddenly, only then four color sword light stuff the world, several defense most precious objects exude the grating calling out in grief sound, one unceasingly was layer upon layer ground by the sword light. 四色剑光一闪而过,混沌粉碎、虚空崩解,剑阵中的虚空骤然扭曲,只有四色剑光充塞天地,十几件防御至宝发出刺耳的悲鸣声,被剑光一层层不断磨碎。 Yu Man sits cross-legged in void, offers a sacrifice to each article defense most precious object unceasingly. 虞蛮盘坐在虚空中,不断祭起一件件防御至宝。 Ji Hao and other people sit cross-legged under Jianmen, both hands rumble unceasingly thunder shake sword, the innumerable sword light have encircled Yu Man.( To be continued.) 姬昊等四人盘坐在剑门下,双手不断轰出一道道雷霆震荡剑阵,无数剑光团团围住了虞蛮。(未完待续。)
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