TME :: Volume #16

#1599: Shape like animal

Daoist Wood and Priest Hua complexion changes, Ji Hao shouted abuse to Yu Man, what was at variance with on their faces has slapped a face maliciously? 木道人花道人脸色微变,姬昊对虞蛮破口大骂,又何异于在他们脸上狠狠的抽了一耳光? Yu Man is animal common gadget, are they who then forms an alliance with Yu Man what? 虞蛮是禽兽一般的玩意儿,那么和虞蛮结盟的他们又是什么? The Daoist Wood look gloomy has not opened the mouth, Priest Hua is in a towering rage points at Ji Hao to scold fierce: Ji Hao young child, you how dare......” 木道人神色阴沉没有开口,花道人则是怒气冲天的指着姬昊厉声呵斥:“姬昊小儿,你焉敢……” The words have not said that Yu Man has held up the head to laugh loudly. Just likes laughter that the group beast whooshes billowing, broke the Priest Hua scolding sound, all suppressed in his remaining all words the belly. 话没有说完,虞蛮已经昂着头放声大笑。犹如群兽嘶吼的笑声滚滚而出,震碎了花道人的呵斥声,将他剩下的所有话语全都憋回了肚子里。 „The [say / way] of animal? Wonderful, however, my line is the [say / way] of animal, actually how?” Yu Man stared in a big way the one-eyed, was interested looks at Ji Hao: „To eat, I eat \; To drink, I drink \; Thinks the woman, I at will stress and hundred and thousands of women to flaunt the big desire \; To kill people, I at will slaughter the innumerable lives.” “禽兽之道?妙哉,然也,吾行的就是禽兽之道,却又如何?”虞蛮瞪大了独眼,很感兴趣的看着姬昊:“想吃,我就吃\;想喝,我就喝\;想女人,我就随意抓一个、百个、千万个女人一逞大欲\;想杀人,我就随意屠戮无数生灵。” All move as one desires, all send along with the nature, follow in the heart to be most primitive the simplest most and honorable desire, realizes itself all matters that with the most direct strength most purely wants to handle, this said that this is in the world is most primitive the purest [say / way], this is in society most basic [say / way]!” “一切随心而动,一切随性而发,遵循心中最原始最淳朴的欲念,用最纯粹最直接的力量实现自己想要做的一切事情,这就是道,这就是天地间最原始最纯粹的道,这就是世间最根本的道!” Yu Man aims at the position that the distant place Pangu world was at fiercely, he shouted to clear the way fierce: Young child, I asked you, Sky Opening sage Pangu of your side world, he opened the world universe time, he from struck in the instinct furiously...... Carefully has thought deeply about the innumerable years in the fetal membrane, grasps principles devotedly hundred million ten thousand years, has this broken out that side world?” 虞蛮猛地指向了远处盘古世界所在的方位,他厉声喝道:“小儿,我问你,你那一方世界的开天圣人盘古,他开辟天地宇宙的时候,他是发自于本能奋力一击……还是在胎膜中仔细思索了无数年,悉心悟道亿万载,这才劈开了那一方天地?” Ji Hao becomes silent, Yu Man words quibbled very much, but a little Ji Hao is really unable to refute his Pangu Sky Opening to develop, from instinct, stemmed from other reasons? 姬昊默然无语,虞蛮的话很强词夺理,但是有一点姬昊真的无法反驳他盘古开天辟地,是发自于本能,还是出自于其他的缘故? In Spiritual Space, phantom sits cross-legged to sit, he knits the brows, two brows just like two Flood Dragon are wriggling fiercely: Pangu Sky Opening , because instinct wants to do, after he thinks, thought that should do? Hissing...... This issue...... Who can solve it?” 神魂空间中,虚影盘膝而坐,他皱着眉,两条眉头犹如两条蛟龙剧烈的蠕动着:“盘古开天,是因为本能想要那么做,还是他深思熟虑后觉得应该那么做?嘶……这个问题……谁能解之?” Silent long time, phantom selected with a finger has selected own Chest: I not good...... You?” 沉默半晌,虚影用一根手指点了点自己的心口:“我不行……你们呢?” By the eye of Ji Hao, phantom looked at greatly scarlet Daoist, Qing Wei Daoist and Yu Yu Daoist. Three people simultaneously fell into some unusual silence, their vision twinkle, in the brain suddenly some innumerable thought life and death vanish, they entered the sudden enlightenment condition. 透过姬昊的眼睛,虚影看了一眼大赤道人清微道人禹馀道人。三人同时陷入了某种异样的沉默中,他们目光闪烁,脑子里瞬息间有无数念头生死幻灭,他们进入了顿悟状态。 Daoist Wood and Priest Hua a little distressed looked at one mutually. Their tracks down the [say / way] of dying out, wants from dying out tracks down the Nirvana mighty force, with the aid of the strength of Transcendent imprisonment Nirvana \; Their evolves the ever changing magical powers, wants to push to spread out various insufficient of world Grand Dao with the change that not measures, found the [say / way] of Transcendent from the slight defect of world. 木道人花道人有点狼狈的相互望了一眼。他们一个追寻寂灭之道,想要从寂灭中追寻涅槃伟力,借助涅槃之力超脱禁锢\;他们一个衍化千变万化神通,想要用莫测的变化推衍出天地大道的各种不足,从天地的瑕疵中找到超脱之道。 They are not Pangu are authentic, therefore faces Yu issue, they thought that laughable, actually cannot look like greatly scarlet Daoist, Qing Wei Daoist and Yu Yu Daoist like that suddenly enters the sudden enlightenment condition that some type cannot be explained. 他们不是盘古正宗,所以面对虞蛮的问题,他们只是觉得‘可笑’,却没能像大赤道人清微道人禹馀道人那般,突然进入某种不可言喻的顿悟状态。 Therefore they feel very distressed, is very awkward, they very angry wish interrogation world good fortune similarly is the founder level sage, why are they ratio greatly scarlet Daoist, Qing Wei Daoist and Yu Yu Daoist? 所以他们感到很狼狈,很尴尬,他们很恼怒的想要质问天地造化同样是教主级的‘圣人’,为什么他们就是比不过大赤道人清微道人禹馀道人 Yu Man has smiled very much fiercely, his corners of the mouth four fang prominent lips, the whole body black grows hair to support straightly. He bellowed suddenly, the right hand has carried that giant bone club, the body brings together the black hurricane, howled has been firing into Ji Hao. 虞蛮很是狰狞的笑了起来,他嘴角四颗獠牙突出嘴唇,浑身黑色长毛一根根挺得笔直。他突然大吼了一声,右手拎起那根巨大的骨头棒子,身体带起一道黑色狂飙,呼啸着冲向了姬昊 First kills weakly, then attacks the time weakly!” Yu Man dashes about wildly the charge, while roared loudly: Wound its ten fingers, are inferior to its one finger \; Ten birds in the forest, are inferior to a bird in the hand \; The [say / way] of murdering, kills is [say / way]!” “先杀最弱的,再攻次弱的!”虞蛮一边狂奔冲锋,一边大声咆哮:“伤其十指,不如断其一指\;十鸟在林,不如一鸟在手\;杀伐之道,杀死的才是‘道’!” The bone club swings together the evil customs, howled is pounding to Ji Hao. 骨头棒子荡起一道恶风,呼啸着砸向了姬昊 Ji Hao busy offered a sacrifice to the Pangu clock, Zhong Ming shot up to the sky, the big bone club fell on the Pangu clock maliciously, only listened to a bang, the Pangu clock to jump all over the body projects the innumerable dazzling flames, Zhong Mingzhen resulted in the person to be dizzy, the Ji Hao whole body just liked the thunder bombardment tingles with numbness generally all over the body, a five main internal organs (entrails) severe pain, tumbled is hit to fly by a club together with the Pangu clock together far away. 姬昊百忙中祭起了盘古钟,一声钟鸣冲天而起,大骨头棒子狠狠落在了盘古钟上,只听一声巨响,盘古钟通体迸射出无数刺目的火光,一声声钟鸣震得人头昏目眩,姬昊浑身犹如雷霆轰击一般通体发麻,五脏六腑一阵剧痛,翻滚着连同盘古钟一起被一棒子打飞了老远。 Breaks its one finger, breaks its one finger, breaks its one finger......” Yu Man just likes the insanity same is bellowing, he jumps like the thunder, moved sideways in front of Ji Hao, big bone club consecutively for three bang on the Pangu clock. “断其一指,断其一指,断其一指……”虞蛮犹如疯魔一样大吼着,他蹦跳如雷,一个闪身到了姬昊面前,大骨头棒子连续三次轰在了盘古钟上。 Ji Hao does not base steadily, the Pangu clock was pounded humming sound chaotic sound, fearful brute forces by Pangu Zhong explosion on him, shake his whole body joint to be numb, the five main internal organs (entrails) severe pain is difficult to bear, at present is Venus dodges randomly, a throat mouth intermittent fishy smell flushed, a blood arrived at the throat. 姬昊根本立足不稳,盘古钟被砸得‘嗡嗡’乱响,一股股可怕的蛮力透过盘古钟轰在他身上,震得他浑身骨节酥麻,五脏六腑剧痛难当,眼前更是金星乱闪,喉咙口一阵阵腥味冲了起来,一口血已经到了嗓子眼。 Finally the Ji Hao chest rib simultaneously disruption, his blood has spouted far away. 最终姬昊胸口肋骨齐齐碎裂,他一口血喷出了老远。 Yu Man strength rare powerful, the big bone club on his hand is the prestige energy that has not measures, at least is the most precious object of Pangu clock same step. 虞蛮的力量超乎寻常的强悍,他手上的大骨头棒子更是有着莫测的威能,起码是和盘古钟同阶的至宝。 The big bone club has counter-balanced the defensive power of Pangu clock perfectly, after Yu Man terror strength the Pangu clock weakened most, there is a less than half solid bang on the body of Ji Hao. The Ji Hao Pangu true body has achievement luckily, changed into other people already continuously to be shelled to shake the smashing by this. 大骨头棒子完美抵消了盘古钟的防御力,虞蛮恐怖的力量被盘古钟削弱了大半后,有一小半结结实实的轰在了姬昊的身上。幸好姬昊盘古真身颇有成就,换成其他人早已被这连续轰击震成粉碎。 „Can't my 30% strengths, kill you unexpectedly?” Yu Man looks at Ji Hao puzzled, he brandishes the big bone club suddenly maliciously came toward own head, then ka ka smiles strangely: Was, your clock, was the same with my weapon, with plate body refinement? My weapon, is a femur refinement of Panyu, does your clock refine with the Pangu that body together?” “我的三成力量,居然打不死你?”虞蛮不解的看着姬昊,他突然抡起大骨头棒子狠狠的朝着自己的脑袋来了一下,然后‘咔咔’怪笑起来:“是了,你的这口钟,和我的兵器一样,是用‘盘’的身躯炼制而成?我的这根兵器,是盘虞的一条大腿骨炼制而成,你的钟是用盘古的那一块身躯炼制的?” Ji Hao pitch-dark gaining ground, has not waited for him to reply that Yu Man jumped in front of him once more, blow to the head child bang on the Pangu clock. 姬昊昏天黑地的抬起头来,还不等他回答,虞蛮再次跳到了他面前,当头一棒子轰在了盘古钟上。 40% strengths, explode to me!” Yu Man hissing bellows, on the big bone club faint trace black flame shoots up to the sky, was just more fearful than many strengths by the Pangu clock, rumbled maliciously on Ji Hao. “四成力道,给我爆啊!”虞蛮嘶声大吼,大骨头棒子上一丝丝黑色火焰冲天而起,比刚刚可怕了许多的力道透过盘古钟,狠狠轰在了姬昊身上。 Ji Hao stuffy snort|hum, within the body many skeletons disrupt, a blood spouts once more, he this was stroked together with the Pangu clock flew hundreds of thousands of li (0.5km), almost hits on Yu that metal city. 姬昊闷哼一声,体内好些骨骼碎裂开,一口血再次喷出,他连同盘古钟被这一击打飞了数十万里,差点一头撞在虞蛮的那座金属城池上。 Those who disappoint Yu Man is, although Ji Hao is injured, however his body such as he has not wanted such explodes everywhere meat sauce. Moreover, along with Ji Hao breath in gulps, the injury in his within the body by speed cicatrization that rapidly the people can see. 让虞蛮失望的是,姬昊虽然受伤,但是他的身躯并没有如他想要的那样爆成漫天肉酱。不仅如此,随着姬昊大口大口的呼吸,他体内的伤势以众人所能见的速度急速的愈合。 Bastard boy, breaks its one finger, breaks its one finger, how haven't you died?” Yu Man just likes is talking over, dispersed the stride that the lunatic same tosses about to clash to Ji Hao once more. “混蛋小子,断其一指,断其一指,你怎么还不死?”虞蛮犹如疯子一样翻来覆去的念叨着,撒开大步向姬昊再次冲了过来。 However this time, has not waited for him to approach Ji Hao, the green sword light behind the hurricane came from him together, Yu Yu Daoist that a face gets angry used fully a sword thorn to Yu Man back of the body strategic point. 但是这一次,还不等他靠近姬昊,一道青色剑光从他身后狂飙而来,一脸嗔怒的禹馀道人倾尽全力一剑刺向了虞蛮的后心要害。 Cannot break its one finger, that...... Severely wounded ten fingers!” Yu Man has bellowed, he has turned around to avoid a Yu Yu Daoist fully sword fiercely, opened the big mouth just likes the mad dog same has fired into Yu Yu Daoist, the full mouth fair big tooth has nipped to the Yu Yu Daoist nape of the neck maliciously. “不能断其一指,那就……重伤十指!”虞蛮大吼了一声,他猛地转过身避开了禹馀道人全力一剑,张开大嘴犹如疯狗一样冲向了禹馀道人,满口白生生的大牙狠狠向禹馀道人的脖颈咬了下来。 The fight style of this male servant, really and animal is without change.( To be continued.) 这厮的战斗风格,果然和禽兽一般无二。(未完待续。) The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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