TME :: Volume #16

#1598: Correct [say / way]

Millions Yu Clan aristocrat and Jia Clan Warrior has exhibited the scale vast insignia in pitch-dark void, they use the mortal prostrating oneself Spiritual God the reverent vision to gaze at Yu Man, under leadership that in the evil crown Saint Venerable full of admiration worships on bended knees to salute to Yu Man. 数以百万计的虞族贵族、伽族战士在黑漆漆的虚空中摆开了规模浩大的仪仗,他们用凡人膜拜神灵的虔诚目光注视着虞蛮,在邪冕圣尊的带领下五体投地的向虞蛮跪拜行礼。 Body giant unusual Yu Man was roaring low and deep, his slowly was straight the body, but he astonishing build along with his standing up unceasing reduction, after he has stood completely the body, his height also reduced about ten zhang (3.33 m). 身躯巨大异常的虞蛮低沉的咆哮着,他慢慢的直起身体,而他过于惊人的体型随着他的站起不断的缩小,当他完全站直了身体后,他的身高也压缩到了十丈左右。 The facial features are rough and fierce, the black wool just likes a thick blanket is covering the body all over the body, except for this in body. Yu Man makes an effort about is swaying the head, the stiff neck sends out quack resounding unceasingly, seems dozens old cattle tendons, contracts in unceasing tightening. 面容粗犷而狰狞,通体黑毛犹如一层厚厚的毯子覆盖着身体,除此以外身躯上一丝不着。虞蛮用力的左右摇晃着脑袋,僵硬的脖子不断发出‘嘎嘎’脆响,好似数十根老牛筋在不断的绷紧、收缩。 Ji Hao looks at Yu Man from afar, this is the gorilla that a erectness walks, a one-eyed, lives ugly exceptionally, seems had been disfigured one's face black wool gorilla. Such an ugly one-eyed monster, on him tumbles, but [say / way] rhyme, absolutely they are same as Yu Yu Daoist, is the founder level, or sage existence of level. 姬昊远远的看着虞蛮,这就是一头直立行走的大猩猩,还是一头独眼的、生得丑恶异常,好似被毁容过的黑毛大猩猩。这么一头丑陋的独眼巨物,偏偏他身上翻滚而出的道韵,却绝对和禹馀道人他们一样,是教主级,或者说‘圣人’级的存在。 Effort has moved the nape of the neck, is the both arms, the waist, the both legs, the both feet. 用力活动了一下脖颈,然后是双臂,腰身,双腿,双脚。 Waited for the joint of whole body detachably, Yu Man ka ka smiled several strangely, Qing has settled the voice, this backward grasped, a gigantic black bone club departed from the city, having the low and deep howl to fly into his hand. 等全身的关节都活络了一番,虞蛮‘咔咔’怪笑了几声,清了清嗓门,这才向后一抓,一根硕大的黑色骨头棒子从城池内飞出,带着低沉的啸声飞入他的手中。 Wields at will is being several feet bone club, had an intermittently dizzy dizzy howling sound, Yu Manjiang bone club on the shoulder, cast off the stride to here line. He behind millions Yu Clan aristocrat and Jia Clan Warrior just likes demented same suppressed red the face, shouting oneself hoarse is shouting the slogan. 随意挥动着长达数丈的骨头棒子,带起了一阵阵让人头昏目眩的呼啸声,虞蛮将骨头棒子架在肩膀上,甩开大步向这边行了过来。他身后数以百万计的虞族贵族、伽族战士犹如癫狂一样憋红了面孔,声嘶力竭的喊着口号。 Ji Hao hears clearly, these foreign race shouted the language that the slogan uses is some ancient modern language of Panyu world, when is obscurely difficult to understand the intonation is coarse coarse, is far different from the nowadays Panyu world Yu Clan aristocrats general gorgeous frivolous language. 姬昊听得清楚,这些异族喊口号所用的语言是盘虞世界的某种古代语,晦涩难懂之余语调更是粗陋难听,和现今盘虞世界虞族贵族们通用的华美轻佻的语言迥然相异。 The foreign race aristocrats who invades the Pangu world did not have study this type of qualifications system it is said contained the magic language, Ji Hao also from plundering in the repairing clan ancient book, has learned some simplest phonetic notation fragmentarily. He distinguishes approximately, these foreign race aristocrats are using the complete enthusiasm to extol Yu Man merit, extolled him to destroy the great achievements of 30,000 different world. 侵入盘古世界的异族贵族们还没有资格系统的学习这种据说蕴藏了神奇力量的语言,姬昊也只是从搜刮的脩族典籍中,零星学会了一些最简单的音标。他大致分辨出,这些异族贵族在用全部的热情赞颂虞蛮的功绩,赞颂他摧毁了30000个不同世界的丰功伟业。 Ji Hao feels the souls of these foreign race aristocrats in the ebullition, blazing beliefs read the strength just like the molten iron of melting, howled is submerging Yu Man body. Obtains these beliefs to read in addition of strength to hold, Yu Man somewhat is stiff, the stereotypical body thoroughly the motion to be free after the short several breath, does not have any obstruction again. 姬昊感受到这些异族贵族的灵魂在沸腾,一道道炽热的信仰念力犹如融化的铁水,呼啸着没入虞蛮的身体。得到这些信仰念力的加持,虞蛮还有些僵硬、呆板的身体在短短几个呼吸后就已经彻底行动自如,再无任何窒碍。 Carried the big bone club to arrive in front of Ji Hao and the others, Yu Man stared in a big way the forehead one-eyed, one by one deep had taken a look at Ji Hao and the others. 扛着大骨头棒子来到了姬昊等人面前,虞蛮瞪大了眉心独眼,挨个深沉的将姬昊等人打量了一番。 How other people feel Ji Hao not to know, but Yu Man one-eyed looks to his time, Ji Hao felt that a Yu Man vision probably handle handle is extremely tiny, the penetrating power strong knife, the knife point is cutting his each cell certainly crazily, seems must analyze his within the body all secrets completely clearly. 其他人是如何感受姬昊不知道,但是虞蛮的独眼看向他的时候,姬昊感到虞蛮的目光就好像一柄柄极其细小、穿透力绝强的小刀,刀锋疯狂的切割着他的每一个细胞,好似一眼就要将他体内所有的秘密全部剖析清楚。 Had the aggressive vision extremely, Ji Hao feels the dreadful evil intention and crazy from Yu vision. 极其有侵略性的目光,姬昊更从虞蛮的目光中感受到了滔天的恶意和疯狂。 Two allies!” Yu Man grinned to smile suddenly, he did not smile fortunately, smiles his big mouth to open just likes a bloody big hole, revealed the mouth to live the dense and numerous three rows of big teeth. “两位盟友!”虞蛮突然咧嘴笑了起来,他不笑还好,一笑他的大嘴就张开犹如一个血淋淋的大窟窿,露出了嘴里生得密密麻麻的三排大牙。 The so ugly shape, Ji Hao looked at distant place these to live the good-looking exquisite Yu Clan aristocrat subconsciously, looked at these to live Jia Clan Warrior of vigorous and healthy military might. Ji Hao is unable to imagine, these almost perfect foreign race from shape, are Yu Man this coarse and ugly biology source leave lineage/vein unexpectedly! 如此丑恶的形态,姬昊下意识的看了看远处那些生得俊俏优美的虞族贵族,看了看那些生得健壮威武的伽族战士姬昊无法想象,这些从形态上几乎完美无缺的异族,居然是和虞蛮这种粗陋、丑恶的生物源出一脉! He He!” The greatly scarlet Daoist sudden chuckle, has worn two finger ring on finger to hit slightly, sends out a resounding. “呵呵!”大赤道人突然轻笑了一声,佩戴在手指上的两枚指环微微撞击了一下,发出一声脆响。 Daoist Wood and Priest Hua looked at one mutually, their hesitation moment, then the diving posture, fell side Yu Man. A Daoist Wood face anxiety has not spoken, but Priest Hua was with deep veneration bows good a ritual to Yu Man: Yu Man fellow Daoist , this poor Daoist was this time courteous.” 木道人花道人相互望了一眼,他们沉吟片刻,然后飞身而起,落在了虞蛮身边。木道人一脸愁苦的没有吭声,而花道人则是肃然向虞蛮稽首行了一礼:“虞蛮道友,贫道此番有礼了。” Yu Man ka ka smiles one strangely, beckoned with the hand to Priest Hua at will: Idle talk little said that these useless courtesy not any significances. Your my three people collaborate...... Um, in the middle of these three people, the one who is weakest is who? Three people collaborate to strike, first kills one, remaining was good to solve.” 虞蛮‘咔咔’怪笑一声,随意向花道人摆了摆手:“废话少说,这些无用的礼节并无任何意义。你我三人联手……嗯,这三人当中,最弱的是谁?三人联手一击,先弄死一个,剩下的就好解决了。” Daoist Wood and Priest Hua simultaneously stayed at the scene. 木道人花道人同时呆在了当场。 Yu Man conduct attitude keeps them from accepting completely, did this saying say? 虞蛮的行事作风完全让他们无法接受,这话是怎么说的? Some people spoke to come straight to the point, some people worked to come straight to the point, but to their this status and this status, the style should not be more graceful or everybody to work should not pompous, covered up falsely? 有人说话开门见山,有人做事单刀直入,但是到了他们这种身份、这种地位,难道行事风格不应该更加的雍容一些或者说,大家做事不应该冠冕堂皇一点,虚伪遮掩一些么? Words that although Yu Man spoke, is Daoist Wood and Priest Hua continuously the matter that wants to handle, but is very obvious, the words cannot say that the matter cannot such do! 虽然虞蛮所说的话,是木道人花道人一直想要做的事情,但是很显然,话不能这么说,事不能这么做! Therefore, Daoist Wood and Priest Hua were awkward, they looked subconsciously to greatly scarlet Daoist, Qing Wei Daoist and Yu Yu Daoist, intertwining of face, could not say a character good long while. 所以,木道人花道人尴尬了,他们下意识的看向了大赤道人清微道人禹馀道人,一脸的纠结,好半天说不出一个字来。 Therefore, what you do not understand the genuine [say / way] are. You do not understand anything are the correct [say / way]!” Yu Man noticed that Daoist Wood and Priest Hua so display, is very shaking the head of disdains, very loud roared: Correct [say / way], handles the matter that oneself want to handle.” “所以,你们不懂真正的道是什么样的。你们也不懂什么才是正确的道!”虞蛮看到木道人花道人这般表现,很是不屑的摇了摇头,很大声的咆哮道:“正确的道,就是做自己想要做的事情。” The wealth of settling on, snatches. The treasure of settling on, snatches. The opposite sex that settles on, snatches. So long as is competent, the temporals are my, since is my, then I want to obtain, I do not want Destruction. Because I am formidable enough, therefore I the heart want. Because I am formidable, therefore I am omnipotent!” “看中的财富,抢过来。看中的宝贝,抢过来。看中的异性,抢过来。只要有实力,世间万物都是我的,既然是我的,那么我想要就一定要得到,我不想要就一定要毁灭。因为我足够强大,所以我所心所欲。因为我强大,所以我无所不能!” Therefore I see these three people, they are I conquer the hindrance of Pangu world, but two ally that is I have a liking, you should fully with me coordinate, not to hesitate at all costs, strikes to kill in them a person, we naturally got the advantage.” “所以我看到这三人,他们是我征服盘古世界的阻碍,而两位是我看上的盟友,你们就应该全力和我配合,不惜一切代价,击杀他们三人中的一人,我们自然就占了优势。” Yu Man looks at Daoist Wood very much earnestly: Do not consider that do not think, do not hesitate, any consideration, thinking and hesitation, are the side door heretical ways. Only then follows own natural disposition, complies with own conscience, slaughters, destroys, grabs and goes obscenely - shame, this is the most correct [say / way], this is the strongest [say / way], this is......” 虞蛮很认真的看着木道人:“不要考虑,不要思索,不要犹豫,任何考虑、思索和犹豫,都是旁门左道。只有追随自己的本性,遵从自己的本心,去杀戮、去破坏、去劫掠、去淫-辱,这才是最正确的道,这才是最强的道,这才是……” This is the [say / way] that the draft animal wild animal tracks down!” Ji Hao in one side chilly saying: Without any rationality, without any thinking, complies with the instinct to kill and burn to plunder completely, this does not have the draft animal of any spirit wisdom to have the [say / way] that!” “这才是牲口野兽才追寻的道!”姬昊在一旁冷飕飕的说道:“没有任何的理性,没有任何的思索,完全遵从本能去烧杀掳掠,这是没有任何灵智的牲口才有的道!” Yu Man, you is a draft animal of front tailstock! Aren't you, clear? Also wants me to say?” Very much Ji Hao disdains has spat spit toward the foot: Has not evolved on your this type completely the primitive organism, do you also dare to discuss correct [say / way] extravagantly ‚’?” “虞蛮,你就是一头车头车尾的大牲口!你,难道不明白?还非要我说出来?”姬昊很不屑的往脚边吐了一口吐沫:“就你这种没有进化完全的原始生物,你也敢奢谈‘正确的道’?” Fart! Unbearable stink!” Ji Hao points at Yu Man to curse maliciously.( To be continued.) “放屁!臭不可闻!”姬昊指着虞蛮狠狠的咒骂起来。(未完待续。) The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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