TME :: Volume #16

#1597: Yu Man

Strokes the void disruption arbitrarily, Ji Hao calls out in alarm one, the Pangu clock emits continuously the chaos aura to surround the whole body, Heaven and Earth Golden Bridge exudes the resonant bellow, changes into one is several thousand li (0.5km) golden Hongqiao stretches across void, breaks out an uneventful channel stiffly, bringing Ji Hao to leave the space of this piece of smashing safely. 蛮横一击打得虚空碎裂,姬昊惊呼一声,盘古钟放出缕缕混沌气息环绕全身,天地金桥发出嘹亮的轰鸣声,化为一条长达数万里的金色虹桥横跨虚空,硬生生劈开一条风平浪静的通道,带着姬昊安然离开了这一片粉碎的空间。 Just rushed out by void that the violence destroyed, Ji Hao person's shadow is dodged, carries the Priest Hua incomparably distressed big mouth that the severe wound, the flame wound around all over the body to spit blood from Ji Hao to brave. 刚刚闯出被暴力破坏的虚空,姬昊身边人影一闪,身负重伤、通体火光缭绕的花道人无比狼狈的大口吐着血从姬昊身边冒了出来。 Ji Hao stands in Heaven and Earth Golden Bridge in golden Hongqiao, Priest Hua near golden Hongqiao, they are distanced is less than ten zhang (3.33 m). 姬昊站在天地金桥所化的金色虹桥上,花道人就在金色虹桥边,两人相距不到十丈。 Four relative, Ji Hao and Priest Hua have simultaneously gawked, next flash Ji Hao bellows, both hands bring air/Qi of the chaos, changed into the surrounding area hundred li (0.5km) size giant hand imprint overhead to pat to Priest Hua. The strength of half plate heng world pours into two palms, the sad pressure that the palm of Ji Hao has makes Priest Hua cannot help but fearful and apprehensive! 四眼相对,姬昊花道人同时愣了一下,下一瞬间姬昊一声大吼,双手带起道道混沌之气,化为方圆百里大小的巨型手印当头向花道人拍了下去。半个盘蘅世界的力量注入两只手掌中,姬昊的手掌带起的沉闷压力让花道人都不由得胆战心惊! Changes into the most flourishing condition, Priest Hua can definitely disregard the attack of Ji Hao. 换成全盛状态,花道人完全可以无视姬昊的攻击。 Priest Hua at this moment by Qing Wei Daoist and Yu Yu Daoist heavy losses, the innumerable incarnations of ever changing [say / way] derivation was cut to kill by a Yu Yu Daoist sword continuously, the Priest Hua vitality at this moment declines the extreme, does not have the strength and Ji Hao competition. 此刻的花道人连续被清微道人禹馀道人重创,千变万化之道衍生的无数化身被禹馀道人一剑斩杀,此刻的花道人元气衰落到极点,根本没力气和姬昊竞争。 Angry sighing , the Priest Hua body in a flash, changes into wisp of without a trace light fragrant wind to escape suddenly. 恼怒的叹了一口气,花道人身体一晃,突然化为一缕无影无踪的淡淡香风逃开。 Ji Hao both hands fall on the vacancy, hits void one to shiver all over, dozens chaos tides were patted by his palm crush. 姬昊双手落在空处,直打得虚空一阵乱颤,数十条混沌潮汐被他一掌拍得粉碎。 Priest Hua, you are also the senior of founder level, do you outside Heavenly Demon the method with the territory run away unexpectedly? Are you also concerned about face?” Ji Hao scolds fierce, the air/Qi results in corner of the eye to jump. Priest Hua outside Heavenly Demon the demon merit with the territory flees unexpectedly, Ji Hao does not know how should appraise his grade of act. 花道人,你也是教主级的前辈,你居然用域外天魔的手段逃走?你还要脸么?”姬昊厉声呵斥,气得眼角直跳。花道人居然用域外天魔的魔功遁走,姬昊已经不知道该如何评价他的这等行径。 Distant place several person's shadows flash through, Yu Yu Daoist and the others were a little distressed from void of collapse and was actually intact. 远处几条人影闪过,禹馀道人等人有点狼狈、却丝毫无损的从崩溃的虚空中走了出来。 Daoist Wood deep inspiration , the body appears inside and outside several thousands in a flash. His wisp of fragrant wind has fluttered, Priest Hua has appeared the personal appearance, has pulled out a jade bottle under the cover of Daoist Wood in a hurry, pulled out 18 thumb size [gold/metal] Shikotan pills to force in the mouth. He heard the Ji Hao roaring sound, actually treats as has not heard general, the facial skin shakes has not vibrated. 木道人深深的吸了一口气,身体一晃在数万里外出现。他身边一缕香风飘过,花道人显出了身形,在木道人的掩护下匆匆掏出了一个玉瓶,掏出18颗拇指大小的金色丹丸塞进了嘴里。他听到了姬昊的怒吼声,却当做没听到一般,脸皮抖都没有抖动一下。 Greatly scarlet Daoist, Qing Wei Daoist and Yu Yu Daoist throw down the vitality is damaged quite serious Daoist Wood and Priest Hua, the look with deep veneration looked that to the distant place just liked a giant metal city of Prehistoric giant beast. 大赤道人清微道人禹馀道人丢下元气受损颇为严重的木道人花道人,神色肃然的看向了远处犹如一头洪荒巨兽的巨大金属城池。 fellow Daoist what to come? Comes this what Wei?” Greatly scarlet Daoist will hit just hard the Daoist Wood amethyst wooden club to lay aside, slowly pulled out one from the sleeve has seemed like the common wooden bat grasps slightly in the hand, pulled out a banana plant banana leaf of green desire drop to insert in the collar. 道友何来?来此何为?”大赤道人将刚刚重击木道人的紫玉棒槌藏起,缓缓的从袖子里掏出了一根看似丝毫不起眼的木棒握在手中,又掏出了一张苍翠欲滴的芭蕉叶插在了衣领中。 As if on worry two most precious objects is unable to cope with the unknown powerful enemy, greatly scarlet Daoist took out the gem finger ring set that two light rosy clouds wound around on the left hand finger. Along with the movement of greatly scarlet Daoist finger, two finger ring spout clear muddy two aura, congealed a dim Taiji method seal on greatly scarlet Daoist palm. 似乎是担心手上两件至宝无法对付未知的强敌,大赤道人又取出了两枚光霞缭绕的宝石指环套在了左手手指上。随着大赤道人手指的动作,两枚指环喷出一清一浊两条气息,在大赤道人手掌上凝成了一枚朦朦胧胧的太极法印。 Yu Clan aristocrat and Jia Clan who Warrior on giant metal city, wears the magnificent mail-armor and helmet numerously soars, static float in midair. 巨大的金属城池上,众多身穿华丽甲胄的虞族贵族、伽族战士腾空而起,静静的悬浮在半空中。 The city deep place has heard low and deep laughter, he he sneering sound is low and deep and hoarse, just likes the stuffy thunder of summer night slowly has rolled the horizon. Pollution chaos change color void suddenly, all in Ji Hao field of vision turned into the extremely unlucky black. 城池深处传来了低沉的笑声,‘呵呵’冷笑声低沉而沙哑,犹如夏夜的闷雷缓缓的滚过天际。浑浊一片的混沌虚空骤然变色,姬昊视野中的一切都变成了极度不祥的黑色。 The black chaos, black tide, the innumerable black chaotic energies hit mutually, burst out the black electric light and thunder, some gigantic swallows all black holes to multiply quietly. All around becomes is silent, only has that coarse he he sneering sound just likes the maggot of tarsal bone, resounds in Ji Hao Spiritual Space unceasingly. 黑色的混沌,黑色的潮汐,无数黑色的混乱能量相互撞击,迸发出黑色的电光和雷霆,更有一个个硕大的吞噬一切的黑洞悄然滋生。四周变得寂静无声,唯有那难听的‘呵呵’冷笑声犹如跗骨之蛆,不断在姬昊神魂空间中响起。 , This he he laughter hits the reverberation gradually mutually, becomes more and more loud, is getting more and more noisy, just likes the innumerable decayed tattered swords maliciously is tearing the body and soul of Ji Hao, making him Venus dodge and let the discomfort that his whole body could not say at present randomly. 渐渐地,这‘呵呵’笑声相互撞击回荡,变得越来越响,越来越嘈杂,犹如无数腐朽的破烂刀剑狠狠的撕扯着姬昊的身体和灵魂,让他眼前金星乱闪、让他浑身说不出的难受。 „Does demon outlet, how dare cause trouble?” Qing Wei Daoist frowned, the hand mesosaurus tiger jade toward void strikes pleasant suddenly maliciously. “邪魔外道,焉敢作祟?”清微道人皱起眉头,手中龙虎玉如意突然狠狠往虚空一击。 Listens to a Hong greatly dignified thunderclap to resound loudly, in Ji Hao brain noisy he he laughter was swept away suddenly. Ji Hao deep inspiration, read silently hurriedly purifies the mind suppresses the heart demon with rapt attention the true words incantation, frightened the mind in the mystique. 就听一声弘大威严的雷声轰然响起,姬昊脑子里嘈杂的‘呵呵’笑声突然被一扫而空。姬昊深深的吸了一口气,急忙默诵清心凝神镇压心魔的真言咒语,以秘法震慑心神。 Pangu clock float in the Ji Hao top of the head, Zhong called transmits unceasingly, one and protected Ji Hao Dao Embryo Primordial Spirit together with the true words incantation. 盘古钟悬浮在姬昊头顶,声声钟鸣不断传来,连同真言咒语一并护住了姬昊道胎元神 Demon outlet?” That giant metal city core place has heard an extremely crude and tyrannical hoarse roar: To me, you are the demon outlets!” “邪魔外道?”那巨大的金属城池核心处传来了一个极其粗暴、暴虐的沙哑吼声:“对我而言,你们才是邪魔外道!” With giant roar, is one is several million li (0.5km), black wool the giant arm of all over the body searched from the metal city, two giant arms held the city wall of metal city fiercely, the tremendous strength pinches bronze city wall ka ka to make noise. 伴随着巨大的吼声,又是一条长达数百万里,遍体黑毛的巨大手臂从金属城池中探了出来,两条巨大的手臂猛地抓住了金属城池的城墙,巨大的力量捏得古铜色的城墙‘咔咔’作响。 Slowly, a huge person's shadow slow drew out the upper part, distant looked to here. 慢慢的,一个巨大的人影缓慢的直起了上半身,远远的向这边看了过来。 That is one is strange, the huge form, even if separated by trillion li (0.5km), as before seems the close at hand. All people can see the black wool that in clearly he rough and wild face grows thickly, saw his forehead that gigantic has filled the one-eyed of Destruction wild meaning. 那是一条何等怪异、何等巨大的身影,哪怕相隔亿万里,依旧好似近在眼前。所有人都能清楚的看到他粗犷而野性十足的面孔上丛生的黑毛,看到他额头那颗硕大的充满了毁灭狂暴意味的独眼。 The appearance of this fellow so rough, has probably not evolved the complete chimpanzee, his head maliciously had been whipped dozens by giant stone tossing about from now on, the head distorted, appearance became the distortion was fierce, then turned into the intelligent biology from the wild animal directly. 这家伙的长相是如此的粗犷,就好像一头没有进化完全的黑猩猩,他的脑袋被巨石狠狠的翻来覆去的拍打了数十次后,脑袋变形了、模样变得扭曲狰狞了,然后直接就从野生动物变成了智慧生物。 Rough and barbaric, crude and ferocious, in the face of distortion cannot see the intelligent biological proper keenly intelligent ray, only then the will of through wild and destruction is tumbling. His corners of the mouth are hanging two lines of long saliva, one such as has resulted in rabies the saliva of ominous vicious dog class outflow. The one-eyed of his forehead is also red, that is the blood capillary of innumerable inflation is wriggling the variety the luster that forms together. 粗犷而野蛮、粗暴而狞恶,扭曲的面孔上看不到智慧生物应有的灵慧光芒,只有彻头彻尾的野性和破坏的意志在翻滚。他的嘴角挂着两行长长的涎水,一如得了狂犬病的凶猛犬类流出的口水。他眉心的独眼也是通红的,那是无数膨胀的毛细血管蠕动着簇在一起形成的色泽。 I am Yu Man.” The giant two giant arms are shivering slightly, is supporting body standing up slowly. “我是虞蛮。”巨人两条巨大的手臂微微颤抖着,强撑着身体缓缓的站起。 It seems has too has not moved body for a long time, the speed that the giant stands up is very slow, is very difficult. Is away from giant far away, Ji Hao can hear ka ka sound that his within the body joint sends out. 好似有太长时间没有活动身躯,巨人起立的速度很是缓慢,很是艰难。隔着老远的巨人,姬昊都能听到他体内关节发出的‘咔咔’声响。 Each world has own [say / way]. Each world control of [say / way], thinks one are the correct path. Each world control of [say / way], these boasts of being sage existence, thinks that other people are the demon outlets.” “每个世界都有自己的道。每个世界的道的掌控者,都认为自己才是正道。每个世界的道的掌控者,那些自诩为‘圣人’的存在,都认为其他人是邪魔外道。” Yu Man lives is coarse and barbaric, words that but he said that actually quite somewhat truth. 虞蛮生得粗陋而野蛮,但是他说出来的话,却颇有几分道理。 I have conquered, the Destruction excessively innumerable world. I think that these by my Destruction control of world are the demon outlets, they think that I am the demon outlet. But final result? The victors are the correct paths, but all losers, all are the demon outlets.” “我征服过、毁灭过无数的世界。我认为那些被我毁灭的世界的掌控者是邪魔外道,他们认为我是邪魔外道。而最终的结果呢?胜利者才是正道,而所有失败者,全都是邪魔外道。” I am more formidable than you, therefore you are the demon outlets.” “我比你们强大,所以你们才是邪魔外道。” This is the absolutely correct [say / way] that in my long life comprehends!”( To be continued.) “这就是我漫长的生命中领悟出的绝对正确的道!”(未完待续。) The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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