TME :: Volume #16

#1596: A broken day

Ji Hao stands in the one side observes, saw that Qing Wei Daoist gets rid towering, strokes the Priest Hua seven orifices torching, cannot help but claps hands to laugh. 姬昊站在一旁观战,眼看着清微道人突兀出手,一击打得花道人七窍喷火,不由得抚掌大笑。 Solely spurts the blood, by Priest Hua foundation foundation, injures slightly the vitality, the recuperation can restore slightly, is not affected much in Michimori. However Qing Wei Daoist mesosaurus tiger jade is pleasant, is actually the top innate most precious object, the might greatly, in the Priest Hua seven orifices spouts is not the blood, but is a wisp of this life that in Dao Embryo bursts out is really hot. 单单是喷血,以花道人的根基底蕴,也不过是伤损丝毫元气,稍加调养就能恢复,于道基并无大碍。但是清微道人手中龙虎玉如意,却是顶尖的先天至宝,威力宏大至极,花道人七窍中喷出的不是鲜血,而是道胎中迸发的一缕本命真火。 In this life really hot ordinary day deep conceal in state of mind, is not only the life fire, is the soul fire, once extinguishes, when is the dying [say / way] disappears, obviously its critical. Priest Hua was hit the seven orifices torching, clearly was the source foundation received the heavy losses. 这一丝本命真火平日里深藏于神魂之中,既是命火,又是魂火,一旦熄灭,就是身死道消之时,可见其紧要。花道人被打得七窍喷火,分明是本源根基受了重创。 Qing Wei Daoist!” The hissing scream of Priest Hua quite a little hysteria. 清微道人!”花道人颇有点歇斯底里的嘶声尖叫。 Solemn Qing Wei Daoist, usually in dignified solemn most scrupulously follows the regular character, unexpectedly has learned the back sneak attack, moreover in the most precious object that begins is he along carries the lethality biggest dragon tiger jade is pleasant! 堂堂清微道人,平日里威严端庄最是恪守规则的人物,居然学会了背后偷袭,而且一动手就是他随身携带的至宝中杀伤力最大的龙虎玉如意! Priest Hua only thinks that five main internal organs (entrails) turns randomly, brain fluid probably is catching fire, in the throat anger (Fire Qi) puff out far away, his body is shivering slightly, intermittent becoming dark, completely had forgotten at present where he places, right occupation what. 花道人只觉五脏六腑一阵乱翻,脑浆子都好像在着火,嗓子眼里一道道火气喷出去老远,他的身体微微颤抖着,眼前一阵阵的发黑,完全忘记了自己身处何方、正行何事。 Qing Wei Daoist strikes to go well, hits Priest Hua pitch-dark not to know own life and death long, Yu Yu Daoist smiles, in the hand the green treasured sword swings to wipe the shining sword glow, just likes a rainbow soars, shortly will pierce the Priest Hua that huge incarnation chest. 清微道人一击得手,打得花道人昏天黑地不知道自身生死,禹馀道人一声长笑,手中青色宝剑荡起一抹灿灿剑芒,犹如一条长虹腾空而起,顷刻间刺穿了花道人那尊巨大化身的胸膛。 Green sword rainbow circles to dance in the air, the Priest Hua huge incarnation was cut torn to pieces, 36 innate most precious objects by Yu Yu Daoist grasping under. 青色剑虹一阵盘旋飞舞,花道人的巨大化身被切得支离破碎,36件先天至宝被禹馀道人一把抓下。 The Daoist Wood anger sound cried loud and long, his personal appearance dodged Yu Yu Daoist suddenly behind, in the hand the seven treasures branch changed into together the dazzling seven color none remaining, just liked a handle sharp sword punctures once more to the Yu Yu Daoist back of the body. 木道人怒声长啸,他身形骤然一闪到了禹馀道人身后,手中七宝树枝化为一道刺目的七彩精光,犹如一柄利剑再次向禹馀道人后心刺去。 The Yu Yu Daoist personal appearance glitters again and again, is having the grating crack spatial sound unceasingly from out of the blue escaping line, in the Daoist Wood hand seven color none remaining puncture were suddenly innumerable, have such a distance of least bit from the body of Yu Yu Daoist throughout. 禹馀道人身形连连闪烁,带着刺耳的裂空声不断破空遁行,木道人手中七彩精光瞬息间穿刺了无数次,却始终距离禹馀道人的身体有这么一丝半点的距离。 Such the difference of tiny particle is actually the ends of the earth, how whatever Daoist Wood stimulates to movement the Magic Power magical powers, his attack cannot fall on Yu Yu Daoist throughout. This and other near bodies slaughter and fight hand-to-hand the method of wrestle, discussed, three Daoist Wood added not to have warlike Yu Yu Daoist is fierce. Attacked long of enemy by oneself short, Daoist Wood is the air/Qi silly has also made such matter. 就这么纤毫之差却是天涯海角,任凭木道人如何催动法力神通,他的攻击始终落不到禹馀道人身上。这等近身厮杀、肉搏格斗的法门,真个论起来,三个木道人加起来也没有好战成性的禹馀道人厉害。以己之短攻敌之长,木道人也是气糊涂了才作出这样的事情。 Ji Hao looks delightedly in the one side. Yu Yu Daoist fends, his personal appearance like the sword, having a wisp of swift and fierce incomparable sword intent shuttle to be void, the chaos tide frailly just likes the bean curd, could not become to other party any hindrance. 姬昊在一旁看得眉飞色舞。禹馀道人闪避之间,他身形如剑,带着一缕凌厉无匹的剑意穿梭虚空,混沌潮汐脆弱犹如豆腐,对他造成不了任何阻碍。 Every one step takes, each personal appearance changes, had elaborated in the Yu Yu sword Secret Art, but Yu Yu Daoist displays, among his each movement unusual conditions and passing clouds and flowing water made Ji Hao feel quite a faint trace strange Dao of Sword rhyme. 每一步迈出,每一个身形变化,都在禹馀剑诀中有所阐述,但是禹馀道人施展开来,他的每一个动作都浑然天成、行云流水之间让姬昊颇感到了一丝丝奇异的剑道道韵。 Observes a Yu Yu Daoist war, endures perceives through meditation Dao of Sword hundred years of obtained compared with Ji Hao oneself. Ji Hao delighted, dances with joy, in his whole body each pore has the dense sword air/Qi to gush out suddenly, obviously under the leadership of Yu Yu Daoist profound step, he fell into some strange sudden enlightenment boundary. 禹馀道人一战,堪比姬昊自身参悟剑道百年所得。姬昊眉飞色舞、手舞足蹈,突然间他浑身每一个毛孔内都有森森剑气喷薄而出,显然在禹馀道人高深步法的带领下,他已经陷入了某种奇异的顿悟境界。 In Spiritual Space, phantom sits cross-legged in midair, in the hand is holding appreciatively handle big axe phantom: „, Does Yu Yu this male servant, what sword play? In every possible way the weapon is the side door heretical ways, only then the big axe is Pangu is authentic!” 神魂空间中,虚影盘坐在半空中,手中把玩着一柄大斧虚影:“啧,禹馀这厮,玩什么剑?百般兵器都是旁门左道,只有大斧子才是盘古正宗啊!” Shakes the head, phantom very helpless sighing of: Oneself took crookedly the road, but also has had a bad effect on the apprentice, really...... Exerts a baneful influence infinitely!” 摇摇头,虚影很无奈的叹了一口气:“自己走歪了路也就算了,还带坏了徒弟,真是……流毒无穷!” Daoist Wood pursues Yu Yu Daoist that is laughing loudly to disrupt to pound randomly, the Yu Yu Daoist dance, steps it fully, fends the attack of Daoist Wood, while does not fall the hand held appreciatively just to rob 36 innate most precious objects that. 木道人追着放声大笑的禹馀道人乱打乱砸,禹馀道人手舞之、足蹈之,一边闪避木道人的攻击,一边不落手的把玩着刚刚抢夺下来的36件先天至宝。 Was inferior that Pangu world Sky Opening develops to live the most precious object, actually indeed is innate most precious object Pin Jie, some were always inferior that might also only weak first-grade two, becomes the disciple disciple reposes Primordial Spirit and treasure of card [say / way] sufficiently!” Yu Yu Daoist laughs to say loudly: Good treasure, your two old lechers, to snatch the treasure from this poor Daoist gate person hand unexpectedly!” “不如盘古世界开天辟地所生至宝,却的的确确是先天至宝品阶,总有不如,威力也只弱了一等两等,足以成为门人弟子寄托元神、证道之重器!”禹馀道人放声大笑道:“好宝贝呵,你们这两个老不修的,居然从贫道门人手中抢宝贝!” Greatly scarlet Daoist, Qing Wei Daoist and Yu Yu Brother Daoist among three have the mysterious and strange soul relation, Yu Yu Daoist carefully examines 36 innate most precious objects at the same time, greatly scarlet Daoist and Qing Wei Daoist simultaneously knew these most precious objects function, might, origin and root foot. 大赤道人清微道人禹馀道人兄弟三个之间有着神秘而奇异的灵魂联系,禹馀道人审视36件先天至宝的同时,大赤道人清微道人同时知道了这些至宝的功用、威力、来源、根脚。 The Qing Wei Daoist brow selects, the top of the head fresh air clashes several thousand li (0.5km) high together, the right hand wields Dragon Huyu pleasant is fiercely attacks to fiercely attack to Priest Hua. 清微道人眉头一挑,头顶一道清气冲起数万里高,右手挥动龙虎玉如意冲着花道人就是一通猛攻猛打。 The Priest Hua fierce long and loud cry, consecutively several was hit by Qing Wei Daoist pleasant on the body, hits his whole body flame to scatter, faint trace life is really hot spouts from the whole body pore unceasingly, making his body faintly transparently just like together the colored glaze of combustion. 花道人厉声长啸,被清微道人连续十几如意打在身上,打得他浑身火光四溅,丝丝本命真火不断从浑身毛孔中喷出,令他身体都隐隐透明犹如一块燃烧的琉璃。 Priest Hua was damaging severely vitality, this disrupted to pound randomly, did not close up some time with concentration, vitality Magic Power and magical skill of loss cultivated to are unable to restore. Along with injuring of vitality, Priest Hua fends the Qing Wei Daoist attack even more distressed, several times almost by dragon tiger jade pleasant racket on forehead. 花道人是大伤元气了,这一通乱打乱砸,不潜心闭关一段时间,损耗的元气法力、道行修为是无法恢复的。随着元气的伤损,花道人闪避清微道人攻击时越发的狼狈,好几次差点被龙虎玉如意拍在了脑门上。 Daoist Wood sees Priest Hua to be weak, he awakens suddenly Priest Hua ever changingly spreading out [say / way], actually happen to by the Dao Fruit restraint of Qing Wei Daoist . Moreover the Qing Wei Daoist magical skill, may strive to excel a big truncation compared with Priest Hua! 木道人眼看花道人不支,他突然醒悟花道人千变万化的‘衍’之道,却正好被清微道人道果克制,而且清微道人的道行,可比花道人要强出了一大截! A long and loud cry, Daoist Wood throws down Yu Yu Daoist, moves sideways to reenforce Priest Hua. 一声长啸,木道人丢下禹馀道人,一个闪身就要去增援花道人 Big scarlet Daoist that nearby the stealth has observed cried loud and long to get rid suddenly, his personal appearance such as the crane flew slowly, then a peerless steep dive struck to below quickly, wooden club heavy bang that in the hand an amethyst made after Daoist Wood carried on the back. 一直隐身一旁观战的大赤道人突然长啸出手,他身形如鹤冉冉飞起,然后快捷绝伦的一个大角度俯冲向下一击,手中一根紫玉制成的棒槌沉甸甸的轰在了木道人的后背上。 Daoist Wood has a dream has not thought that usually in most will be amiable light big scarlet Daoist also suddenly will get rid, will be nearly getting rid of sneak attack. Greatly scarlet Daoist magical skill is as deep as a well, Qing Wei Daoist and Yu Yu Daoist confessed that was inferior compared with him greatly. 木道人做梦都没想到平日里最是谦和平淡的大赤道人也会突然出手,而且是近乎偷袭的出手。大赤道人道行高深莫测,清微道人禹馀道人自认比他都大有不如。 Daoist Wood were once innumerable guesses the magical skill standard of oversized scarlet Daoist, he suffered such one to attack fiercely until today personally, he suddenly awakened greatly scarlet Daoist, was really too terrifying, was too terrorist! 木道人曾经无数次揣测过大赤道人的道行水准,直到今天他亲自挨了这么一下猛击,他才突然醒悟大赤道人,真的是太恐怖,太恐怖! In greatly scarlet Daoist hand amethyst wooden club is not he usually in life most precious object along, but is one does not know the weapon where touches conveniently, such a not commonly used weapon, strokes the Daoist Wood five main internal organs (entrails) almost to crush, the pain results in the Daoist Wood almost hissing to weep bitterly. 大赤道人手中紫玉棒槌并非他平日里随身的本命至宝,而是一件不知道从哪里随手摸出来的兵器,就这么一件不怎么常用的兵器,一击打得木道人五脏六腑几乎粉碎,痛得木道人差点嘶声痛哭。 „The Priest Dachi brother, shows mercy!” Daoist Wood opens mouth rocket is mixing the massive bloody water blowout together, he who the vitality damages severely panic-stricken unusual whooshes: Looks in my fellow apprentices two people with the friendship of Pangu sage in!” 大赤道兄,手下留情!”木道人张口一道火箭混着大量血水喷出,元气大伤的他惊骇异常的嘶吼起来:“看在我师兄弟二人和盘古圣人的情份上!” Greatly scarlet Daoist is preparing to rumble second strikes concentrates suddenly, on the face of widow who does not remarry revealed one to hesitate. 大赤道人正准备轰出的第二击骤然一凝,古井不波的脸上露出了一丝迟疑。 At this time, in distant place that giant city roared to shoot up to the sky. 就在这时候,远处那一座巨大的城池中一声怒吼冲天而起。 The next flash, is several million li (0.5km), on looked unfamiliar to fill the jet black arms of dense and numerous black wool to search from the city fiercely, a palm of the hand clapped the chaos that in the people have engaged in fierce battle void. 下一瞬间,一支长达数百万里,上面生满了密密麻麻黑毛的漆黑手臂从城池中猛地探了出来,一巴掌拍在了众人鏖战的这一片混沌虚空中。 A bang, this chaos crush void loudly.( To be continued.) 一声巨响,这一片混沌虚空轰然粉碎。(未完待续。)
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