TME :: Volume #16

#1595: Money moves the will of the people

Ha, the old blockhead, my family teacher comes, you have the exceedingly high method, gesticulates with my family teacher by all means that the boy I do not accompany!” “哈哈哈,老木头,俺家师尊来也,你有通天手段,只管和俺家师尊去比划,小子俺不奉陪了!” Saw that Yu Yu Daoist grasped the long sword to kill wickedly, Ji Hao laughed loudly, Heaven and Earth Golden Bridge clear light dodged, leading him to transfer inside and outside several hundreds instantaneously. He deeply inspired, was hit the broken bone and hashed meat that flies by the seven treasures branch just likes the intelligential bird turns over to the nest to be ordinary, has flown back to the Ji Hao body in abundance, pieced together rapidly in one. 眼看禹馀道人手持长剑恶狠狠的杀了过来,姬昊放声大笑,天地金桥清光一闪,带着他瞬间挪移到了数百里外。他深深吸了一口气,被七宝树枝打飞的碎骨、碎肉就犹如有灵性的鸟儿归巢一般,纷纷飞回了姬昊身体,迅速拼凑在了一起。 Human Race Divine Magi has the big of magical powers drop blood rebirth, let alone did Ji Hao this cultivate existence of Pangu true body true meaning? His each drop of flesh and blood has not drained, all returned to the Ji Hao main body, all flesh and blood heal in a flash such as beginning, cannot see a scar. 人族巫帝都有滴血重生之大神通,何况姬昊这修得了盘古真身真意的存在?他的每一滴血肉都没有流失,全部返回了姬昊本体,弹指间所有骨肉都愈合如初,看不出一丝伤痕。 Daoist Wood and Priest Hua rapid standing side-by-side in one, looked to Yu Yu Daoist that extremely dreaded. 木道人花道人迅速肩并肩的站在了一起,万分忌惮的看向了禹馀道人 The sole Yu Yu Daoist magical skill boundary can press Priest Hua to plan, compared with Daoist Wood perhaps about the same, perhaps has some were inferior. But Yu Yu Daoist received Pangu sage Yuan spirit reading of murdering going on an expedition, attacks the strength of killing to excel by far the world. 单单禹馀道人的道行境界能压过花道人一筹,比起木道人或许在伯仲之间,或许有些许不如。但禹馀道人秉承了盘古圣人元灵中的杀伐征战之念,攻杀之力冠绝天下。 What awfully is, his covering Pangu world innate murders first sword is a fellow awfully, sword 10%, then pursues soul rope life nobody to run away. Daoist Wood and Priest Hua do not fear Yu Yu Daoist, actually to his set of sword quite afraid. 更要命的是,他那套儿盘古世界先天杀伐第一的剑阵可是个要命的家伙,剑阵一成,则追魂索命无人能逃。木道人花道人不怕禹馀道人,却对他那套剑阵颇为心虚。 Wooden fellow Daoist , Priest Hua, you want the facial skin to be also useless, making this poor Daoist chop to you!” Yu Yu Daoist holds a sword the long and loud cry, the whole body sword glow is swift and fierce, has ripped open the innumerable clearly discernible transparent sword marks in void, he points at Daoist Wood and Priest Hua to shout to clear the way fierce: You by Venerable of solemn founder, take the sage to cultivate, unexpectedly collaborates to insult this poor Daoist hanger-on disciple, what are you also concerned about face to make?” “木道友,花道人,你们要脸皮也没用,让贫道给你们劈下来吧!”禹馀道人仗剑长啸,周身剑芒凌厉,在虚空中撕开了无数条清晰可见的透明剑痕,他指着木道人花道人厉声喝道:“你们以堂堂教主之尊,以圣人修为,居然联手欺辱贫道门下弟子,你们还要脸做什么?” Daoist Wood and Priest Hua narrow the eyes to focus to stare at Yu Yu Daoist not to utter a word, the Yu Yu Daoist words are no doubt coarse, but to suffering the two brothers of wind and rain, what was humiliation in this words considered as? 木道人花道人眯着眼盯着禹馀道人一声不吭,禹馀道人的话固然难听,但是对饱经风雨的兄弟二人来说,这点言辞上的折辱算得了什么? In Yu Yu Daoist hand green long sword, two extremely thin sword glow towering lightens in Daoist Wood and Priest Hua front, one such as Yu Yu Daoist said that his sword glow has truncated to the cheeks of two Daoist. 禹馀道人手中青色长剑一荡,两条极细的剑芒突兀的在木道人花道人面前闪出,一如禹馀道人所言,他的剑芒冲着两个道人的面皮就削了过去。 The Daoist Wood heart is furious, in the hand the seven treasures branch swings seven color gods light to swing together two sword glow, the Priest Hua top of the head 3000 fresh air shoot up to the sky, 3000 strings of pearls and precious pearl all over the body, the aura vigorous such as the mountain and modeling strange peerless incarnation soared all over the body, grasped assorted strange, with the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures reads the strange Buddhist musical instrument that the strength congealed to the Yu Yu Daoist overhead to hit. 木道人心头震怒,手中七宝树枝荡起一道七彩神光将两条剑芒荡开,花道人头顶3000条清气冲天而起,3000尊通体璎珞、遍体宝珠,气息雄浑如山、造型怪异绝伦的化身腾空而起,手持各色稀奇古怪的、用七情六欲念力凝成的奇异法器向禹馀道人当头打了下来。 Yu Yu Daoist surprised staring in a big way the eye, he looks that the Priest Hua 3000 incarnations sigh with emotion heartfeltly: Spends fellow Daoist , your this ever changing technique really wonderful very...... This magical powers, had not seen you to display in the past!” 禹馀道人惊讶的瞪大了眼睛,他看着花道人3000化身由衷感慨道:“花道友,你这千变万化之术果然神妙非常……这门神通,当年可没见你施展过!” In the hand the treasured sword in a flash, 3000 sword light shoot up to the sky, change into a black dragon to pierce void. Listens to the gold and jade to crash lingeringly on faintly, Priest Hua 3000 incarnation simultaneously were pierced the chest by the Yu Yu Daoist sword light, changes into the everywhere broken jade remnant [gold/metal] to fall gently loudly. 手中宝剑一晃,3000条剑光冲天而起,化为条条青龙洞穿虚空。就听金玉碎裂声不绝于耳,花道人3000化身齐齐禹馀道人剑光洞穿胸膛,化为漫天碎玉残金轰然飘落。 The Priest Hua complexion suddenly changes, a blood spouts from the mouth, he actually suddenly loudly laughs, both hands tie seal, took blowout Blood Essence to draw a law seal as the actor's opening words in void rapidly. 花道人脸色骤然一变,一口血从嘴里喷出,他却突然放声大笑,双手结印,以喷出的精血为引子迅速在虚空中画了一枚法印。 The scarlet law seal departs, the innumerable incarnation butts are centered on this law to print, gathers suddenly inward. Listens to one to bellow just likes several thousand thunderclaps simultaneously explodes in the top of the head, four sides a height thousand li(500 km), assumes the dark golden color and to live, the strange incarnations of four foot 36 arms to condense all over the body baseless. 血色法印飞出,无数化身残片以这枚法印为核心,骤然向内一合。就听一声大吼犹如数万个炸雷同时在头顶爆开,一尊身高千里、通体呈暗金色、头生四面、四足36臂的怪异化身凭空凝聚。 Priest Hua has robbed several hundred innate Spirit Treasure and innate most precious objects in the place of plate heng world plate heng falling from the sky, around this moment this on huge incarnation of four foot 36 arms has a innate most precious object separately, swung trillion auspicious light good luck, irresistible has patted to Yu Yu Daoist. 花道人在盘蘅世界盘蘅陨落之地抢夺了数百件先天灵宝、先天至宝,此刻这尊四面四足36臂的巨大化身手上分别持有一件先天至宝,荡起了亿万条祥光瑞气,势不可挡的向禹馀道人拍了下来。 The incarnation begins at the same time, Daoist Wood moved sideways Yu Yu Daoist behind, in hand seven treasures branch ruthless spicy unusual punctures to the Yu Yu Daoist back of the body, his left hand also has gripped simultaneously a shape such as the jade innate most precious object, recited the true words stimulation jade to spout four color strange light, just liked the windmill same is revolving to the Yu Yu Daoist whole body winding. 化身动手的同时,木道人已经一个闪身到了禹馀道人身后,手中七宝树枝狠辣异常的向禹馀道人后心刺去,同时他左手也握住了一枚形如玉璧的先天至宝,口诵真言激发玉璧喷出四色奇光,犹如风车一样旋转着向禹馀道人周身缠绕而来。 Priest Hua is both hands again and again springing, strange Restriction brushes to Yu Yu Daoist unceasingly falls, Dodge light extraordinary splendor compels the Yu Yu Daoist body slightly to sway together, just likes bases in the bog mire, a whole body aura disorder. 花道人更是双手连连弹动,道道奇异禁制不断向禹馀道人刷落,一道道奇光异彩逼得禹馀道人身躯微微摇晃,犹如立足在沼泽泥潭中,周身气息一阵紊乱。 Yu Yu Daoist looks at the huge incarnation that the overhead drops, suddenly laughs loudly: Ha, Priest Hua, where do you pay dirt? 36 innate most precious objects? Your fellow apprentices they add, can have such abundant family|home background?” 禹馀道人看着当头落下的巨大化身,突然放声大笑:“哈,花道人,你这是哪里发了横财?36件先天至宝?你们师兄弟两人加起来,可有这么雄厚的家底子?” Ji Hao panted for breath several in the one side, the injury completely he who went to the vitality to restore shouted to clear the way fierce: Teacher, these innate most precious objects, are the old fogy who these two are not concerned about face take advantage of magical powers Magic Power, overtakes from the disciple hand hardly.” 姬昊在一旁喘息了几声,伤势尽去元气恢复的他厉声喝道:“师尊,这些先天至宝,是这两个不要脸的老家伙依仗神通法力,从弟子手上硬抢过去的。” , Ji Hao cuts to kill plate heng in the plate heng world in a few words laboriously, falls from the sky after plate heng in the main body that leaves behind had found over a thousand Spirit Treasure and most precious objects, was actually taken advantage of magical powers Magic Power to rob 50% matters to say by Priest Hua and Daoist Wood hardly. 三言两语间,姬昊将自己在盘蘅世界辛辛苦苦斩杀盘蘅,从盘蘅陨落后留下的本体中找到了上千件灵宝、至宝,却被花道人木道人依仗神通法力硬抢走了一半的事情说了一遍。 The Yu Yu Daoist brow selects, he who was all smiles kills intent to tumble suddenly, the whole person seems by dark cloud is covered, even in the Lianping date fair such as the skin color of jade became a little pitch-dark. 禹馀道人眉头一挑,原本笑容满面的他骤然间杀意翻滚而起,整个人都好似被一层乌云遮盖,甚至连平日里白皙如玉的肤色都变得有点黑漆漆的。 Innate Spirit Treasure and innate most precious object, this is sect Men foundation is, cultivates for the person of ordinary practice, if Spirit Treasure along, at least can also jump the ranks the powerful enemy who challenge magical skill Magic Power is higher than 2-3 boundaries. 先天灵宝、先天至宝,这是一家宗门的底蕴所在,一名修为普通的修炼之人若是有一件灵宝随身,起码也能越级挑战道行法力比自己高出两三个境界的强敌。 If tyrannical most precious objects protect the body, even if facing the big energy of founder level, can take advantage of the most precious object might to socialize 12, at least is insufficient to be struck by the founder at will with ease writes off. 若是有一件强横的至宝护体,就算是面对教主级的大能,也能依仗至宝威力周旋12,起码不至于被教主随意一击就轻松抹杀。 Several hundred Spirit Treasure and most precious objects? Can this make sect Men foundation promote to the what kind degree? 数百件灵宝、至宝?这能让一个宗门的底蕴提升到何等程度? Yu Yu Daoist disciple disciple is numerous, but in the hand can have the innate thing, besides several big disciples, only then few several luck transport the deep person, after all innate thing extremely in rarity, even if in Yu Yu Daoist hand also not many. 禹馀道人门人弟子众多,但是手中能拥有先天之物的,除了几个大弟子外,也就只有寥寥无几的几个福运深厚之人,毕竟先天之物太过于难得,就算禹馀道人手中也并无多少。 Daoist Wood and Priest Hua were oneself apprentice from own apprentice hand unexpectedly are also own several hundred innate treasures robbing! 木道人花道人居然‘从自己的徒弟手上把原本属于自己徒弟也就是属于自己的数百件先天宝物给抢走了’! Daoist Wood, Priest Hua, today this poor Daoist and others did not die continuous!” Yu Yu Daoist shouted to clear the way fierce: Big senior brothers and two senior brothers, begin! Other gratitude and grudges not to mention, belong to our these Spirit Treasure and most precious objects to snatch are!” 木道人,花道人,今日贫道和尔等不死不休!”禹馀道人厉声喝道:“大师兄、二师兄,动手罢!别的恩怨且不说,属于我们的那些灵宝、至宝得抢回来才是!” Greatly scarlet Daoist and Qing Wei Daoist stealth observed in the one side, the meaning of directly not having begun. 原本大赤道人清微道人隐身在一旁观战,并没有直接动手的意思。 After all the strength of Yu Yu Daoist murdering is astonishing, takes advantage of his sword strength, sufficiently and Daoist Wood and Priest Hua socialize, only if Yu Yu Daoist fell leeward, greatly scarlet Daoist and Qing Wei Daoist practicing moderation status, naturally is not willing to collaborate to oppose the enemy! 毕竟禹馀道人杀伐之力惊人,依仗他的剑阵之力,足以和木道人花道人周旋,除非禹馀道人落了下风,大赤道人清微道人自持身份,自然是不愿意联手对敌的! But listened to the Ji Hao words, besides greatly scarlet Daoist heart such as the well, slightly the mighty waves, the eyeball of Qing Wei Daoist is not as before red. 可是听了姬昊的话,除了大赤道人依旧心如古井、没有丝毫波澜外,清微道人的眼珠也红了。 The Qing Wei Daoist disciple disciple does not have Yu Yu Daoist to be like that many, however his hanger-on disciple actually also many, has innate Spirit Treasure and innate most precious object also on such few people! 清微道人的门人弟子没有禹馀道人那般多,但是他的门下弟子却也不少,拥有先天灵宝、先天至宝的也就这么寥寥几人! Do several hundred innate thing, tolerate Daoist Wood and Priest Hua to profit? 数百件先天之物,怎能容得木道人花道人占了便宜? A bang, the chaos void handle Dragon Huyu has driven out a large cave pleasant towering, Qing Wei Daoist to Priest Hua behind, one pleasant pounded maliciously in his back of the body.( To be continued.) 一声巨响,混沌虚空被一柄龙虎玉如意轰开了一个大洞,清微道人突兀的到了花道人身后,一如意狠狠砸在了他后心上。(未完待续。)
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