TME :: Volume #16

#1594: ……

Chaos void, the Ji Hao sword light differentiation, a sword cuts to injure Priest Hua. 混沌虚空中,姬昊剑光分化,一剑斩伤花道人 Priest Hua lowers the head with amazement, looks on own chest the Pangu sword by the sword cut that penetrates, the whole face completely is the inconceivable color. 花道人骇然低头,看着自己胸膛上被盘古剑穿透的剑伤,满脸尽是不可思议之色。 By his magical skill, by his Magic Power, even if the stars die, the big landslide to destroy, is hard to injure his one to send. Few days ago incautiously, had cut off an arm by a Ji Hao sword, that was Priest Hua is indeed negligent. 以他的道行,以他的法力,就算星辰陨落、大地崩毁,也难以伤损他一根毫发。前些日子一不小心,被姬昊一剑斩断了一条胳膊,那的确是花道人大意了。 But today, Priest Hua has spurted including oneself protecting oneself god Liandu, concentrating on tackled Ji Hao, was wounded by him unexpectedly again. Moreover is not only the body spot immaterial injury, but is the chest strategic point is pierced. 可是今日,花道人连自己护身神莲都喷了出来,全神贯注的对付姬昊,居然再次被他击伤。而且不仅仅是肢体部位无关紧要的伤势,而是胸膛要害被洞穿。 Ji Hao young child!” The Priest Hua hissing roars, just opened the mouth on together the blood from the pores of the feet blowout far away. 姬昊小儿!”花道人嘶声怒吼,刚一开口就一道血箭喷出老远。 Ji Hao cried loud and long, he carried to Daoist Wood, whatever a Daoist Wood branch brushed maliciously after oneself has carried on the back, hit his dorsal flesh and blood horizontally to splash, left hand Pangu clock and right hand Pangu sword maliciously has hit to Priest Hua. 姬昊长啸一声,他背对木道人,任凭木道人狠狠一树枝刷在了自己后背上,打得他后背血肉横溅,左手盘古钟、右手盘古剑狠狠的向花道人打了下去。 Moreover, Ji Hao is the body in a flash, behind the nape of the neck has given baseless birth to four arms, the newborn four arms form law seal, four palms bring broad chaos air waves, has patted to the Priest Hua surface gate face to face. 不仅如此,姬昊更是身体一晃,脖颈后面凭空又生出了四条胳膊,新生的四条手臂结成法印,四只手掌带起一道道恢弘的混沌气浪,当面向花道人的面门拍了下去。 The Pangu clock hits maliciously on the head of Priest Hua, a Priest Hua top of the head lotus flower runs out keeps off before the Pangu clock, must crush by Pangu clock Zhong Mingzhen. The Pangu sword illness punctures Priest Hua forehead strategic point, Priest Hua frightens the hissing keenly blowing, fresh air fill the air, covers in the chaos air current all over the body, the luster fast changing primordial chaos god lotus bloomed to welcome in his forehead quietly to the Pangu sword. 盘古钟狠狠撞在花道人的脑袋上,花道人头顶一朵莲花冲出挡在盘古钟前,被盘古钟一声钟鸣震得粉碎。盘古剑疾刺花道人眉心要害,花道人吓得嘶声尖啸,一道道清气弥漫,一朵通体笼罩在混沌气流中,色泽瞬息万变的鸿蒙神莲在他眉心悄然绽放迎向了盘古剑。 The Daoist Wood air/Qi results in the hissing to roar: Greatly comfortable, if not want to fall from the sky, get lost, making my family|home Junior brothers go forth to battle personally! You offer a sacrifice to junior brother main body god lotus, if there are injures slightly, you are also doomed!” 木道人气得嘶声怒吼:“大自在,若不想陨落,滚回去,让吾家师弟亲自上阵!你祭出师弟本体神莲,若是有丝毫伤损,你也在劫难逃!” Seven color dim light in Priest Hua pupil glitter slightly, seven color rays vanish suddenly, the pupil of Priest Hua becomes limpid such as the water, cool like the ice. Restored normal Priest Hua to look at Ji Hao one deeply, primordial chaos god lotus that his forehead just emitted ‚’ one took back within the body, chaos void suddenly fierce shake between he and Ji Hao. 花道人眸子里的七彩幽光微微闪烁,七彩光芒骤然消失,花道人的眸子变得清澈如水、清凉如冰。恢复了正常的花道人深沉的看了姬昊一眼,他眉心刚刚冒出的鸿蒙神莲‘唰’的一下收回体内,他和姬昊之间的混沌虚空突然剧烈的震荡起来。 Originally Ji Hao and Priest Hua great distance, be only less than three zhang (3.33 m), along with the chaos void fierce shake, among them three zhang (3.33 m) void, suddenly the overlapped overlay several billions, each thick amounted to ten thousand li (0.5km)! 原本姬昊花道人相隔只有三丈不到,随着混沌虚空的剧烈震荡,两人之间三丈许的虚空,突然重重叠叠的叠加了数亿层,每一层都厚达万里! The Ji Hao Pangu sword punctured in the chaos of drastic fluctuation void, layer upon layer ripples unceasingly proliferated, every time pierced the chaos that a stack-up added to be void, on the Pangu sword the swift and fierce difficult to bear sword glow weakened one. Before Ji Hao only thinks Jianfeng, empty piece, to him how diligently, is hard to pierce these trillion li (0.5km) remote void, really wound to the body of Priest Hua. 姬昊盘古剑刺在了剧烈波动的混沌虚空中,一层层涟漪不断扩散开来,每刺穿一层叠加的混沌虚空,盘古剑上凌厉难当的剑芒就削弱一层。姬昊只觉剑锋之前空荡荡一片,任凭他如何努力,也难以洞穿这亿万里之遥的虚空,真个伤到花道人的身体。 Greatly comfortable I realized retrogression, a Priest Hua Yuan spirit have controlled my law body and infinite Magic Power, the [say / way] of his ever changing displayed, immediately gave Ji Hao to create the huge trouble. 大自在的本我意识消退,花道人的元灵重新掌控了自家的法体和无穷法力,他的千变万化之道施展开来,当即就给姬昊造成了巨大的麻烦。 Daoist Wood is the hissing cries loud and long, in hand the seven treasures branch brings glares to brush maliciously after Ji Hao carries on the back, the back of Ji Hao was hit the flesh and blood to scatter, quick has revealed the skeleton of back, in slit by skeletons, even can see the Ji Hao creeping motion the internal organs. 木道人更是嘶声长啸,手中七宝树枝带起一道道强光狠狠刷在姬昊后背上,姬昊的后背被打得血肉四溅,很快就露出了后背的骨架,透过骨架之间的缝隙,甚至能看到姬昊蠕动的内脏。 Bang a bang, four palms of Ji Hao method of superposition seal maliciously according to the Priest Hua overlapped chaos on void. ‘轰’的一声巨响,姬昊叠加法印的四支手掌狠狠的按在了花道人重叠的混沌虚空上。 Nine golden perfectly round law appear loudly, assumes golden law of imperial palace shape distribution complex mysterious, radiant Sun mark crustifications in circular law of diameter hundred zhang (333m), one such as golden colored glaze carving, tall and pleasing to the eye with exceptionally tyrannical aura. 九个金色浑圆的法阵轰然出现,呈九宫形排布的金色法阵复杂玄妙,一枚枚璀璨的太阳道纹镶嵌在直径百丈的圆形法阵中,一如金色琉璃雕刻而成,美轮美奂伴随着异常强横的气息。 The Priest Hua overlapped chaos are shaking void fiercely, Ji Hao this strikes fully, unexpectedly penetrated about 30% the Priest Hua overlapped several billions chaos spaces, nine Golden Light just like the day falls the infliction from god, howls the penetration to be void, void hits chaos of layer upon layer overlay torn to pieces. 花道人重叠的混沌虚空剧烈的震荡着,姬昊这全力一击,居然将花道人重叠的数亿层混沌空间击穿了三成左右,九道金光犹如天降神罚,呼啸着穿透虚空,将一层层叠加的混沌虚空打得支离破碎。 Each chaos void smashing, changes into the big piece black flame and smoke cloud spreads to all around rapidly, void flame between Ji Hao and Priest Hua four shoot, poisonous dragon general Destruction strengths overflow, to Ji Hao and Priest Hua flying upside down, incomparably distressed to behind flies. 每一层混沌虚空粉碎,都化为大片黑色的火光和烟云向四周急速扩散,姬昊花道人之间的虚空火光四射,一股股毒龙一般的毁灭力量四溢,冲得姬昊花道人倒飞而起,无比狼狈的向身后飞去。 Daoist Wood cried loud and long, his left hand has tied a law seal, maliciously according to the back of the body spine of Ji Hao. 木道人长啸一声,他左手结了一个法印,狠狠的按在了姬昊的后心脊椎骨上。 A bang, green Thunder light erupts together on the Ji Hao spine, the bone of Ji Hao was bombed several, breaks the bone such as the rain to splatter to all around loudly. And a broken bone of triangle has the fearful strength to delimit the cheek of Priest Hua, ripped open one a depth of the inch wound on his facial skin stiffly. 一声巨响,一道苍翠的雷光在姬昊脊椎骨上爆发开来,姬昊的骨头被炸断了十几节,断骨如雨轰然向四周喷溅。其中一块三角形的碎骨带着可怕的劲道划过花道人的面颊,硬生生在他的脸皮上撕开了一条深达寸许的伤口。 The Daoist Wood hissing calls out in alarm: „Is this child mortal body so tyrannical? Our disciple disciples, do not have one person to endure compared with it extremely 12!” 木道人嘶声惊呼:“此子肉身怎如此强横?吾等门人弟子,无一人堪比其万分12!” Strikes to go well, Daoist Wood had discovered finally Ji Hao mortal body strange, is stronger much, by his strikes fully, unexpectedly is unable to hit the body of Ji Hao vanishes in puff of smoke, can only break his spine! 一击得手,木道人终于发现了姬昊肉身的怪异强,强得难以形容的强,以他的全力一击,居然无法将姬昊的身体打得灰飞烟灭,只能打断他的一段脊椎骨! Must know that Ji Hao these time has not protected oneself with the Pangu clock, he uses the Pangu clock, when the hammer pounded Priest Hua. 要知道,姬昊这一次可没有用盘古钟守护自身,他用盘古钟当锤子去砸花道人去了。 Therefore Ji Hao took advantage of the tyrannical incomparable mortal body to eat Daoist Wood this to strike completely hardly, Daoist Wood actually can only destroy his bone! 所以姬昊是完全依仗自己强横无匹的肉身硬吃了木道人这一击,木道人却只能打碎他的一段骨头! Daoist Wood ponders, if Yu Yu Daoist does not make any defensive measure, purely depends upon the Saint body law body to eat him to strike hardly fully, the Yu Yu Daoist ten thousand methods do not invade the Saint body law body that all generations do not extinguish, at least must break two bones! 木道人自忖,若是禹馀道人不做任何防御手段,单纯依靠圣躯法体硬吃他全力一击,禹馀道人万法不侵、万劫不灭的圣躯法体,起码也要断两根骨头! This means that the Ji Hao pure human body intensity, has been enough and greatly scarlet Daoist, Qing Wei Daoist and Yu Yu Daoist, and even Daoist Wood and Priest Hua their these founders can be repeatedly tempered, has been quenchinged the innumerable years by the Grand Dao principle infiltration Saint body to place on a par greatly! 这就意味着,姬昊单纯的肉体强度,已经足以和大赤道人清微道人禹馀道人,乃至木道人花道人他们这些教主大能千锤百炼、由大道法则浸润淬炼了无数年的‘圣躯’相提并论! The one who lets Daoist Wood creepy feeling, in their Saint body law body each inch body has inscribed a dense and numerous innumerable Grand Dao mark, their bodies were equal to that the time receives the asylum of innumerable world principle, this has so powerful defensive power! 木道人头皮发麻的是,他们的圣躯法体中每一寸身躯都铭刻了密密麻麻数不胜数的大道道纹,他们的身体等于时刻受到无数天地法则的庇护,这才有如此强悍的防御力! But Ji Hao, he purely is the dependence pure human body intensity, his pure human body intensity sufficiently with their these founder level characters Saint body resists. 姬昊,他纯粹是依靠单纯的肉体强度,他纯粹的肉体强度就足以和他们这些教主级人物的‘圣躯’相抗。 This child remains seriously!” Daoist Wood narrows both eyes to shout to clear the way fierce: Mortal body to become Sheng? Said by the strength card? We do not dare to have this fond dream, your this boy what Dehe can dare to have the so extremely arrogant thought?” “此子留不得了!”木道人眯起双眼厉声喝道:“肉身成圣?以力证道?吾等都不敢做这美梦,你这小子何德何能敢有如此狂妄的念头?” Did Ji Hao very speechless turning head look at Daoist Wood one, mortal body to become Sheng? Said by the strength card? He has never thought! 姬昊很无语的回头看了木道人一眼,肉身成圣?以力证道?他从未这么想过啊! If not reside temporarily in phantom one that in his Spiritual Space declines to leave moves carelessly - teaches...... In the final analysis, Ji Hao does not know that actually what he cultivates is any strange method, his present magical powers Magic Power, is in any case totally different from Yu Yu Daoist instruction Grand Dao in [say / way] solution! 如果不是寄居在他神魂空间中赖着不走的虚影一通胡乱调-教……说到底,姬昊也不知道他究竟修炼的是什么古怪法门,反正他现在的神通法力,和禹馀道人传授的道解上的大道迥然不同啊! Is tolerating the dorsal rending severe pain, after the Ji Hao nape of the neck, in the newborn four arms an arm ear and area around it has pulled out suddenly maliciously. 强忍着后背撕心裂肺的剧痛,姬昊脖颈后新生的四条手臂中一条手臂突然狠狠一耳光抽了出去。 Daoist Wood is calling out in alarm the anger to roar, arm wonderful sudden of Ji Hao elongated over a thousand zhang (3.33 m), just liked a spirit snake same winds, an ear and area around it pulled out maliciously on the shamelessness of Daoist Wood! 木道人正在惊呼怒啸,姬昊的手臂神乎其神的突然伸长到了上千丈,犹如一条灵蛇一样蜿蜒而出,一耳光狠狠抽在了木道人的老脸上! Ha Ha, great!” A distant place long and loud cry transmits, wears Yu Yu Daoist of scarlet to tread the immortal light stride to catch up together.( To be continued.) “哈哈,打得好!”远处一声长啸传来,身穿红衣的禹馀道人已经踏着一道仙光大步赶来。(未完待续。)
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