TME :: Volume #16

#1593: Taking action with just reasons

Beyond Pangu world, in boundless primordial chaos. 盘古世界外,无边鸿蒙中。 Wears the ash-gray long gown, sits cross-legged to sit in boundless chaos, the personal appearance such as a great clock is stable, the whole body has the old person of immeasurable profound light spout to open both eyes faintly suddenly. 身穿灰色长袍,于茫茫混沌中盘膝而坐,身形如一口巨钟稳固浑圆,周身隐隐有无量玄光喷涌的老人突然睁开双眼。 When he closes one's eyes, the side chaos ebullition tumbling, just likes the angry sea in hurricane \; When he opens eyes, the Pangu world peripheral primordial chaos chaos are suddenly tranquil, one such as a gigantic crystal ball, clear thorough not slightly mighty waves production. 他闭眼时,身边混沌沸腾翻滚、犹如飓风中的怒海\;他睁眼时,盘古世界周边的鸿蒙混沌骤然宁静,一如一颗硕大的水晶球,晶莹透彻没有丝毫波澜产生。 The chest that did not fluctuate moves suddenly, old person deep inspiration of, the peripheral trillion li (0.5km) chaos tide changes into two big dragons to fly into his nostril. Afterward his long air/Qi blowout, just the swallowed trillion li (0.5km) chaos mighty currents changed into together the sparkling pure spiritual energy, delightedly jumped for joy has crashed in the Pangu world, supplemented in the world spiritual energy of Pangu world. 原本毫无起伏的胸膛突然一动,老人深深的吸了一口气,周边亿万里的混沌潮汐化为两条巨龙飞入他的鼻孔。随后他一口长气喷出,刚刚被吞噬的亿万里混沌洪流化为一道亮晶晶的纯粹灵气,欢喜雀跃的冲进了盘古世界,补充到了盘古世界的天地灵气中。 Shouted attracts, in the old person double pupil had the immeasurable mountains rivers and mountains to flash past faintly, when he breathed, the world diaphragm of Pangu world also along with fluctuating, the rhythm that the frequency and old person breathed is maintaining completely consistent. 一呼一吸之间,老人双眸中隐隐有无量的山川河岳一闪而过,他呼吸之时,盘古世界的世界膈膜也随着起伏,频率和老人呼吸的节奏保持着完全的一致。 Come!” The old person summoned one suddenly in a soft voice. “来!”老人突然轻声呼唤了一声。 In old person's behind chaos aura, combed the young lad of buffalo and cow horns chignon to dodge. His left hand carries a Yu Qing, the right hand is carrying a small [gold/metal] pestle to knock toward Yu Qing on, biting a resounding is melodious, fast to passed on all directions. 老人身后的混沌气息中,一名梳了牛角发髻的童子闪了出来。他左手端着一个玉磬,右手拎着一根小小的金杵往玉磬上一敲,‘叮’的一声脆响悠扬悦耳,飞快的向四面八方传了过去。 Is guarding the four directions, strikes to kill big scarlet Daoist, Qing Wei Daoist and Yu Yu Daoist that chaos giant beast wants to intrude the Pangu world simultaneously a god, they looked up one to the direction that the old person was, under foot Xiangyun lived suddenly, was bringing fast their to the old person flew. 正驻守四方,击杀想要闯入盘古世界的混沌巨兽的大赤道人清微道人禹馀道人同时一愣神,他们抬头向老人所在的方向望了一眼,脚下祥云骤生,带着他们飞快的向老人飞了过去。 A fresh air be continuous surely , the old person sits cross-legged on the immeasurable fresh air, the whole body profound light is faint, with the internal combustion engine of Pangu world continually as one. Greatly scarlet Daoist, Qing Wei Daoist and Yu Yu Daoist tread the cloud to come, character dispelling stood before the old person, bowed a ritual to the old person with deep veneration, simultaneously declared teacher constantly. 道道清气绵延千万里,老人盘坐在无量清气上,周身玄光隐隐,和盘古世界的气机连为一体。大赤道人清微道人禹馀道人踏云而来,一字儿排开站在了老人面前,肃然向老人稽首一礼,同时口称‘老师’不迭。 The old person nods slowly, his facial features are auspicious, just likes the well is ordinary, on the face the expression does not see changes slightly. In his pupil floods one not to have the sentiment and chaos primitive blurred god light, from left to right sweeps the oversized scarlet Daoist fellow apprentices three people, crossed slowly said for a long time: Goes...... Acts at will!” 老人缓缓点头,他面容祥和,却又犹如古井一般,脸上表情不见丝毫变化。他眸子里充斥着一股毫无感情、混沌原始的迷离神光,自左而右扫过大赤道人师兄弟三人,过了许久才慢慢说道:“去……随意施为!” A right hand finger, the fresh air soars together, the big piece light glitters, three people saw that in the light the Ji Hao left hand holds the Pangu clock, the right hand to grasp the Pangu sword, not measures refuses to compromise by the magical powers and Daoist Wood and Priest Hua that with hardship. 右手一指,一道清气腾空而起,大片光影闪烁出来,三人看到光影中姬昊左手托着盘古钟,右手握着盘古剑,正以莫测的神通和木道人花道人苦苦僵持。 When they see in the Ji Hao hand the Pangu sword to wield seven substantive sword light, cuts the broken Priest Hua protecting body god lotus outrageously, when penetrates the Priest Hua chest, loudly Yu Yu Daoist cried loud and long and smiles applauded again and again constantly \; Greatly scarlet Daoist complexion moves slightly, having a smiling face to nod slowly \; Qing Wei Daoist is the complexion suddenly sinks, maliciously stared one to Ji Hao in light. 当他们看到姬昊手中盘古剑挥出七条实质剑光,悍然斩破花道人的护体神莲,击穿花道人胸膛时,禹馀道人是放声长啸、满脸笑容的连连鼓掌不迭\;大赤道人的脸色微微一动,带着一丝笑容缓缓点头\;清微道人则是脸色骤然一沉,狠狠的向光影中的姬昊瞪了一眼。 Yu Yu Daoist has the progress for Ji Hao Dao of Sword greatly, unexpectedly can wield the sword cut and Priest Hua, but happy. His disciple, can kill and him unexpectedly are treated equally, magical skill Magic Power to differ top as if to exist, this makes his Yu Yu Daoist have the face extremely. 禹馀道人为了姬昊剑道大有长进,居然能够挥剑伤及花道人而大为高兴。他的门徒,居然能杀伤和他平起平坐、道行法力都相差彷佛的顶级存在,这让他禹馀道人极有面子。 The Yu Yu Daoist disposition is so, he is verve frank, but, Ji Hao is his disciple, Ji Hao has brought honor to him, he to one's heart's content laughs and cries loud and long loudly, one such as the treasured sword leaves the sheath and ray to reveal completely, without any meaning of covering up. 禹馀道人的性格就是如此,他最是刚猛直率不过,姬昊是他的门人,姬昊给他争光了,他就纵情大笑、放声长啸,一如宝剑出鞘、光芒毕露,没有任何遮掩的意思。 Greatly scarlet Daoist all things do not care, Yu Yu Daoist, his brothers, Ji Hao, his young man younger generation, his young man can have such magical powers Magic Power, greatly scarlet Daoist is happy, was happy, in addition not any other thoughts. 大赤道人万事不放在心上,禹馀道人,他兄弟也,姬昊,他后生晚辈也,自家的后生能有如此神通法力,大赤道人感到高兴,却也只是高兴,除此之外并无任何其他心思。 The [say / way] heart of greatly scarlet Daoist just likes deeply does not see the bottom the dry well, whatever your sky ten thousand Dragon Aoxiang, Caifeng fly randomly, is hard, in he said that on the heart leaves behind a least bit the trace, is hard to swing the least bit ripple in his dry well. 大赤道人的道心就犹如一口深不见底的枯井,任凭你天空万龙翱翔、彩凤乱飞,也难以在他道心上留下一丝半点的痕迹,难以在他枯井中荡起半点儿波纹。 Qing Wei Daoist is felt bad that so the monstrous talent disciple, crosses the threshold less than hundred years, unexpectedly takes advantage of the most precious object that two will produce the day after tomorrow, refuses to compromise with Daoist Wood and Priest Hua for a long time? Although fell leeward, can actually injure the Saint body law body of Priest Hua, is this astonishing matter? 清微道人则是心中不快如此妖孽弟子,入门不足百年,居然依仗两件后天生成的至宝,和木道人花道人僵持许久?虽然落了下风,却能伤损花道人的圣躯法体,这是何等惊人的事情? So isn't the talent peerless disciple, how his Qing Wei Daoist disciple? 如此天赋绝伦的门人,怎么不是他清微道人的弟子? A Pangu Yuan spirit melts the brothers three people, Qing Wei Daoist most is strive to excel and most vies for supremacy, the apprentice is inferior to the person, he only thinks that Ji Hao seemed on his face stepped on a foot maliciously, in his heart extremely unhappy. 盘古元灵所化兄弟三人,清微道人最是好强、最是争胜,徒弟不如人,他只觉姬昊好似在他脸上狠狠的踩了一脚,他心中极其的不快。 The old person watches three people of expression changes, his complexion slightly motionless has referred to one finger to Daoist Wood and Priest Hua: Goes, goes! The innumerable years, concerned about the friendship, move them not to...... This time they from behaving badly, collude with the foreign country guest, attempts to bribe the Pangu world, is actually certainly the past friendship...... The bonus is Pangu is living, absolutely not because they accompanied the sentiment of following in the past, lets off them again.” 老人将三人的表情变化看在眼里,他脸色丝毫不动的向木道人花道人指了一指:“去吧,去吧!无数年来,碍于情分,动他们不得……此番他们自作孽,勾结外域来客,妄图染指盘古世界,却已是绝了当年的情分……饶是盘古在生,也断不会因为当年两人相伴相随之情,再放过他们。” In fresh air that the old person as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced, he points at a time fluctuates. 老人言出法随,他手指的清气中一片光阴变幻。 Saw that in the light had the boundless primordial chaos chaos, the giant who in chaos tide of surging forward, in huge world fetal membrane being indomitable spirit is rolling up the body, shuts tightly both eyes to hug a handle big axe to have the snoring. 就看到光影中出现了无边的鸿蒙混沌,汹涌澎湃的混沌潮汐中,一个巨大的世界胎膜中一尊顶天立地的巨人蜷缩着身体,紧闭着双眼搂着一柄大斧打着呼噜。 Immature Bodhi tree and a juicy lotus flower adhere to stick cohere outside the huge world fetal membrane, the branch flutters, lotus Ye Weichan, makes the sound of strange sounds of nature, coordinated with each other across a great distance with the snoring sound of giant, has played a graceful combination tone. 一株稚嫩的菩提树、一朵水灵灵的莲花附着在巨大的世界胎膜外,树枝招展、莲叶微颤,发出奇异的天籁之音,和巨人的呼噜声遥相呼应,奏出了一曲曼妙的合音。 Greatly scarlet Daoist, Qing Wei Daoist and Yu Yu Daoist deep looked at picture in a fresh air, they simultaneously hit to bow to the old person, jump to change into three fresh air direct impact primordial chaos deep places. Three people of internal combustion engines coordinate with each other across a great distance, three people of Magic Power pass through a body friendly, during the short several breath submerged the chaos, cannot see their form again. 大赤道人清微道人禹馀道人深深的看了一眼清气中的景象,他们同时向老人打了个稽首,纵身化为三条清气直冲鸿蒙深处。三人气机遥相呼应,三人法力融贯一体,短短几个呼吸间就已经没入混沌,再也看不见他们身影。 Old person static looked in a while fresh air to reappear the image that crossed for a long time, he shook the head: Grand Dao heartless...... Tolerates your many years by the heart of feeling emotion, reported the past friendship sufficiently. This poor Daoist follow Pangu to live, actually non- Pangu, this poor Daoist...... Does not owe you friendship.” 老人静静的看了一会儿清气中浮现的影像,过了许久,他才摇了摇头:“大道无情……以有情之心容忍你们多年,也足以报了当年的情分。贫道伴随盘古而生,却非盘古,贫道……不欠你们情分。” Wipes the fresh air conveniently grinds, the old person lifts the right hand slowly, slowly to next pressure. 随手一抹将清气碾碎,老人缓缓抬起右手,慢慢的向下一压。 Approaches the Pangu world innumerably, attempts to swallow 12 water world the times to intrude the chaos giant beast with one voice wail that while the Pangu world in the Pangu world grabs wantonly, their bodies by an invisible great strength crush, were ground the smashing suddenly. 无数靠近盘古世界,妄图趁着盘古世界吞噬12个水世界的功夫闯入盘古世界中大肆劫掠的混沌巨兽齐声哀鸣,他们的身体被一股无形的巨力碾压,眨眼间就被碾成了粉碎。 The Pangu world has opened huge mouth, big suction spews out a certainly, the skeleton wreckage of innumerable chaos giant beast were swallowed down by his one, change into manure thick falling scattering to approach the Pangu mainland in all directions. 盘古世界‘张开了巨口’,一股绝大的吸力喷涌而出,无数混沌巨兽的尸骨残骸被他一口吞了下去,化为肥料纷纷扬扬的撒向了盘古姆大陆的四面八方。 Has resulted in the skeleton wreckage of these chaos giant beasts, Pangu mainland underground were also baseless many innumerable underground spirit lineage/vein, condensed the high-grade ore factories of innumerable productivity baseless, even the soil in ground, because these flooded the giant beast wreckage of strange energy are becoming fertile. 得了这些混沌巨兽的尸骨残骸,盘古姆大陆的地下凭空又多了无数条地下灵脉,凭空凝聚了无数座丰饶的富矿厂,甚至地面上的土壤,都因为这些充斥着奇异能量的巨兽残骸变得肥沃了许多。 Pangu...... My elder brother!” The old person gained ground slowly, saying slowly: Recently, my painstaking care ebullition, in Jing becomes aware China , Tunisia to live the fearful and apprehensive feeling...... Should the great misfortune, how me?” 盘古……吾兄!”老人缓缓抬起头来,慢慢的说道:“近日来,吾心血沸腾,于静悟中突生心惊肉跳之感……大劫将至,吾该如何?” The chaos are quiet, silently, the old person long time, the personal appearance diverges along with cool breeze silent quietly.( To be continued.) 混沌静谧,悄然无声,老人沉默良久,身形随着一阵清风悄然散去。(未完待续。)
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