TME :: Volume #16

#1592: law fights the double Saint

The Ji Hao attention has all placed on Daoist Wood and Priest Hua, sets upright the eye to turn a blind eye to that giant city above black. 姬昊的注意力全放在了木道人花道人身上,对那座巨大城池上空的黑色竖目视若无睹。 Seven color god light vast soup come, Ji Hao cried loud and long suddenly, the body was full a long hair to disrupt in a flash, listened ‚’ to just like the sound that the innumerable fireworks exploded resounds, each broke sends the incarnation is Ji Hao clone, turns a somersault to flee in all directions. 七彩神光浩浩汤汤呼啸而来,姬昊突然长啸一声,身体一晃满头长发纷纷碎裂,就听‘啪啪啪’犹如无数烟花爆炸的声音响起,每一根断发都化身为一尊姬昊分身,翻着跟头向四面八方窜去。 The Pangu clock has been hidden in Ji Hao main body within the body, continuously the chaos aura and Ji Hao mortal body coincide, has provided more formidable defensive power. The Ji Hao main body mixes in innumerable clone, similarly turns a somersault, having the innumerable remnant shades to scurry about to all around. 盘古钟已经隐没在姬昊本尊体内,缕缕混沌气息和姬昊肉身相合,更提供了更强大的防御力。姬昊本尊混在无数分身中,同样翻着跟头,带起无数残影向四周乱窜。 Secret technique that this turning a somersault, is Ji Hao to the Yuan Li study, although the posture is not really elegant, is actually changeable and treacherous unpredictable. Each somersault turns over, dozens remnant shades organize the twinkle, is extremely superior confusing enemy and mystique magical powers of attraction attack. 这门翻跟头的秘术,是姬昊袁力学来,虽然姿势不甚雅观,却最是变化多端、诡谲难测。每一个跟头翻转,都有数十条残影腾挪闪烁,是极其上等的迷惑敌人、吸引攻击的秘法神通。 In addition full Touduan sends the incarnation to act similarly according to law, saw that everywhere is the Ji Hao form randomly turns get lost randomly, Daoist Wood and Priest Hua cannot help but at present one intermittently is also dazzled, was made to be caught off guard by Ji Hao. 加上满头断发化身同样依法施为,就看到漫天都是姬昊的身影乱翻乱滚,木道人花道人也不由得眼前一阵阵眼花缭乱,被姬昊弄了个措手不及。 The Priest Hua cloth has gotten down numerous lotus flower Restriction, from all directions seal void, Ji Hao is unable to escape reasonably. However Ji Hao both hands even/including Dian, continuously light ash-gray mist flies high to fly to shoot, hits on these lotus flower Restriction, tall and pleasing to the eye lotus flowers are in abundance on the wane, suddenly a everywhere Restriction confusion. 花道人布下了重重莲花禁制,从四面八方封印了虚空,按理姬昊无法从中逃脱。但是姬昊双手连点,一缕缕淡淡的灰色雾气凌空飞射,打在这些莲花禁制上,一朵朵美轮美奂的莲花纷纷凋零,一时间漫天禁制一片混乱。 The Daoist Wood complexion becomes anxiety is suddenly unusual: Ever changing, spreads out Dao Fruit!” 木道人的脸色骤然变得愁苦异常:“千变万化,衍之道果!” Whispered, Daoist Wood while helpless looked at one to Priest Hua. Dao Fruit of this ever changing spreading out, after Priest Hua was taken possession greatly comfortably, filled the top to lose to Ji Hao Ji Hao so to be about forcefully to have a thorough understanding of the ever changing essential meaning? 一边嘀咕,木道人一边无奈的向花道人看了一眼。这千变万化的衍之道果,还是花道人被大自在附身之后,强行灌顶输给姬昊姬昊怎么就这么快吃透了千变万化的精义? Priest Hua is also astonished looks ash-gray mist that the Ji Hao center point leaves: Life and death vanishes, dies out Dao Fruit!” 花道人也是一脸愕然的看着姬昊手中点出的灰色雾气:“生死幻灭,寂灭道果!” Priest Hua cannot bear turn the head, in the pupil seven color dim light twinkles, exceptionally looked at Daoist Wood one deeply: Senior brother...... Your my their unsurpassed Grand Dao, actually gets together in a person of body now. Only from Dao Fruit, this child may be called peerless Tianjiao...... How him is not our disciples!” 花道人忍不住转过头来,眸子里七彩幽光闪烁,异常深沉的看了木道人一眼:“师兄……你我两人的无上大道,如今却齐聚一人之身。单从道果而言,此子堪称绝世天骄……奈何他可不是我们门人!” Daoist Wood deeply inspired, he points at a ball, everywhere Ji Hao flies in the remnant shade that gently randomly get lost randomly, side each remnant shade the bodhi wonderful thunder quietly condenses. Listens to a clear thunderous sound to get up, bodhi wonderful Thunder Baokai, the innumerable remnant shades completely become the powder powders. 木道人深吸了一口气,他手指轻轻一弹,漫天姬昊乱飞乱滚的残影中,每一条残影身边都有一枚菩提妙雷悄然凝聚。就听一声清脆的雷鸣声响起,菩提妙雷爆开,无数残影尽成齑粉。 In Ji Hao main body also booth a bodhi wonderful thunder, he stuffy snort|hum, with the aid of the powerful defensive power of Pangu clock hard anti- lightning-flame, the personal appearance such as the electricity brought clear light to go together instantaneously from out of the blue. Just the clone myriad flash, Heaven and Earth Golden Bridge had broken the strange field of force that giant city has sent out, instantly brings Ji Hao to escape to this sphere space. 姬昊本尊也摊上了一枚菩提妙雷,他闷哼一声,借助盘古钟的强悍防御力硬抗了一枚雷火,身形如电带起一道清光瞬间破空而去。就是刚刚分身万千的一瞬间,天地金桥已经破开了那座巨大城池散发出的奇异力场,即刻带着姬昊遁离了这个球形空间。 Daoist Wood and Priest Hua simultaneously get angry roar, that float set upright the eye to open and close in the giant city above black slightly, the diameter trillion li (0.5km) sphere space elongated suddenly rapidly, with the grating bellow, this had the sphere field of force of strength of greatly strengthened imprisonment to draw a long chains, continually in city, continually on Ji Hao. 木道人花道人同时怒啸一声,那枚悬浮在巨大城池上空的黑色竖目微微开合了一下,原本直径亿万里的球形空间突然急速拉长,伴随着刺耳的轰鸣声,这个拥有极强禁锢之力的球形力场拉成了一条长长的锁链,一头连在了城池中,一头连在了姬昊身上。 The attribute of field of force had the strange change, Ji Hao just escaped not far, the arm thick or thin field of force came together, just liked a big python starts and circle the upward winding from his ankle area. 力场的属性又发生了奇异的变化,姬昊刚刚遁出没有多远,一道手臂粗细的力场呼啸而来,犹如一条大蟒从他脚踝开始、盘旋着向上缠绕而来。 Ji Hao body one stiff, cannot move once more. 姬昊身体一僵,再次动弹不得。 At present the person's shadow dodges, Daoist Wood and Priest Hua simultaneously appear side Ji Hao, they draw out a handle separately in the innate most precious object that the plate heng world receives, a god beast seal and a Yin-Yang command bring the billowing multi-colored sunlight overhead to pound down. 眼前人影一闪,木道人花道人同时出现在姬昊身边,两人分别拔出一柄在盘蘅世界收起的先天至宝,一枚神兽印、一枚阴阳令带着滚滚霞光当头砸下。 Takes Daoist Wood and Priest Hua status with cultivating as, they do not want collaboration of honor to attack Ji Hao, god beast seal and Yin-Yang command are the might enormous art of making oneself invisible most precious objects, listens to Ji Hao within the body Zhong Ming, he was hit all over the body the multi-colored sunlight ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) and flame twinkles, a tyrannical human body fierce shake, the five main internal organs (entrails) just likes the blade stirs the same severe pain. 木道人花道人的身份和修为,两人不要脸面的联手攻击姬昊,神兽印、阴阳令又是威力极大的奇门至宝,就听姬昊体内一声钟鸣,他被打得通体霞光万丈、火光闪烁,强横的肉体一阵剧烈的震荡,五脏六腑犹如刀搅一样剧痛。 ‚’ An old blood blowout, Ji Hao looked at one to Daoist Wood and Priest Hua with amazement. ‘哇’的一声一口老血喷出,姬昊骇然向木道人花道人看了一眼。 By him tyrannical human body in this way, Ji Hao even can recognize now, in now Pangu world, without any person of human body intensity can compared with him. Is such powerful mortal body, depends upon the formidable defense of Pangu clock, unexpectedly was stroked the wound. 以他如今强横如斯的肉体,姬昊甚至可以认定,在当今的盘古世界,没有任何一人的肉体强度能够和他相比。就是这样强悍的肉身,依靠盘古钟的强大防御,居然被一击打伤。 The injury is not serious, was the five main internal organs (entrails) had several extremely thin fissures, the counter blood flushed together, has spurted a blood. 伤势不重,也就是五脏六腑有了几条极细的裂痕,一道逆血冲起,喷了一口血而已。 A breath, in within the body huge Blood Essence tumbling, all injuries completely healed, Ji Hao opens mouth void to attracts maliciously, the be continuous trillion li (0.5km) chaos tide branches out a width to reach the hundred zhang (333m) together the branch, thunders is submerging Ji Hao within the body, complements Blood Essence that had just consumed instantaneously. 只是一个呼吸,体内庞大的精血一阵翻滚,所有伤势就已经完全愈合,姬昊张开嘴向虚空狠狠一吸,一道绵延亿万里的混沌潮汐分出一道宽达百丈的支流,轰鸣着没入姬昊体内,瞬间补全了刚刚消耗的精血 Human Race merit law, is really weary!” Daoist Wood and Priest Hua simultaneously induced the instantaneous cicatrization of Ji Hao injury, they similarly angry has scolded one, under collaborated to stroke once more fully. 人族功法,果然让人厌烦!”木道人花道人同时感应到了姬昊伤势的瞬间愈合,两人同样恼怒的呵斥了一声,再次联手全力一击打下。 Daoist Wood gets rid once more is the eye of dew ominous light one such as the preamble says, under the Yu Yu Daoist place, had has been able to take advantage of own Magic Power to shoulder him hardly, as soon as strikes Po that does not die, if are many Ji Hao, in the Yu Yu Daoist disciple disciple, the talent rather were also too many. 木道人再次出手的时候更是目露凶光一如前文所言,禹馀道人座下,已经有了可以依仗自身法力硬扛他一击而不死的阿宝,如果再多一个姬昊的话,禹馀道人的门人弟子中,天才也未免太多了一些。 To vent anger, to attack Yu Yu Daoist, for on Ji Hao many most precious objects, Daoist Wood these time has used the complete magical skill deep meaning, in the hand god beast seal was being wrapped by thick ash-gray mist, has hit to the Ji Hao forehead fully. 一个为了发泄怒火,一个为了打击禹馀道人,一个为了姬昊身上的诸多至宝,木道人这一次动用了全部的道行奥义,手中神兽印被一层浓浓的灰色雾气包裹着,全力向姬昊头部打了下来。 Ji Hao cried loud and long, his left hand picked up Pangu Zhong Dang to god beast seal in Daoist Wood hand, the right hand has wielded the Pangu sword, bringing the Yin-Yang command of swift and fierce unusual sword glow to the Priest Hua hand to keep off together. 姬昊长啸了一声,他左手托起了盘古钟挡向了木道人手中的神兽印,右手挥动盘古剑,带起一道凌厉异常的剑芒向花道人手中阴阳令挡了上去。 Zhong Mingzhen all around the chaos are stave, twine collapse in Ji Hao field of force chains loudly, the Pangu clock was also hit to fly dozens zhang (3.33 m) far, god beast seal in Daoist Wood hand sends out a wail, was hit by the Pangu clock stiffly crushes. 一声钟鸣震得四周混沌破碎,缠绕在姬昊身上的力场锁链轰然坍塌,盘古钟被打得飞起来数十丈远,木道人手中的神兽印也发出一声哀鸣,被盘古钟硬生生撞得粉碎。 ‚’, Grasped to shaking has struck, Ji Hao left hand all bodies that in the Pangu clock and Priest Hua hand god beast seal met the tough head-on with toughness split, the massive blood blowout far away, then by an invisible strength resorption the body, during wound breath completely were healed. ‘咔嚓’一声,手持盘古钟和花道人手中神兽印硬碰硬的对撼了一击,姬昊的左手所有皮肉裂开,大量鲜血喷出老远,然后又被一股无形之力吸回了身体,伤口一个呼吸间就全部愈合。 The Pangu sword rips open the chaos, having the grating keenly blowing sound to divide to make in the Yin-Yang. 盘古剑撕开混沌,带着刺耳的尖啸声劈在了阴阳令上。 A resounding, has not measured the Yin-Yang that wondrous use made to be ripped open by the point that the Pangu sword destroyed the hardest defenses, a sword that the Ji Hao five types united swung together the arc light, shortly will arrive at the Priest Hua front. 一声脆响,拥有莫测妙用的阴阳令被盘古剑无坚不摧的锋芒撕开,姬昊五式合一的一剑荡起一道弧光,顷刻间到了花道人的面前。 In spite of being very busy, the Priest Hua opens mouth spouted seven color god lotuses to keep off before Jianfeng, the Ji Hao wrist|skill shook, in Yu Yu Dao of Sword extremely wise imperial sword mystique ‚the dispersion of light shade sword Secret Art displayed, a handle Pangu sword changed into seven handle substantive sword light suddenly, the front three sword light divided on seven color god lotuses, the following four sword light chopped directly before the chest of Priest Hua. 百忙之中,花道人张口喷出一朵七彩神莲挡在了剑锋前,姬昊手腕一震,禹馀剑道中极其高明的御剑秘法‘分光化影’剑诀施展开来,一柄盘古剑突然化为七柄实质剑光,前面三道剑光劈在了七彩神莲上,后面四道剑光径直砍在了花道人的胸膛前。 The sword light like the water, contains kills intent greatest. 剑光如水,却蕴藏莫大杀意。 Seven color god lotuses had been deducted two pieces, Priest Hua miserably by three swords howling, four sword light simultaneously broke the body.( To be continued.) 七彩神莲被三剑劈成了两片,花道人一声惨嚎,四条剑光已经同时破体而过。(未完待续。)
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