TME :: Volume #16

#1591: The chaos chase down

The chaos like the thin rice gruel, fearful tide be continuous trillion li (0.5km), such as the big rivers flow rapidly, the chaotic mutual hit and swallowing, curl up the boundless flame, to extinguish world Thunder Zai. The vision institute and place, or randomly becomes an opacitas brilliance, either is the dazzling flame thunder, often has the giant chaos vortex and black hole multiplies recklessly. 混沌如稀粥,一道道可怕的潮汐绵延亿万里,如大江大河奔流不息,乱糟糟的相互撞击、吞噬,卷起无边火光、灭世雷灾。目光所及之处,或者是乱成一片的浑浊光焰,或者是刺目的火光雷霆,更不时有巨大的混沌漩涡和黑洞肆意滋生。 In the limitless chaos tide in great confusion, the obvious 35 statures are occasionally huge, appearance strangely is above the giant life that the average man imagines is partly visible. Segmental appendages and tentacles disrupt to stir in the tide randomly, stir about, everything may become vulnerable earth-shakingly. 在无边无际乱成一团的混沌潮汐中,偶尔可见35头身躯巨大、模样怪异超乎常人想象的巨大生灵若隐若现。一条条节肢、一条条触手在潮汐中乱打乱搅,搅合得天翻地覆、地动山摇。 Wisp of clear light wonderful quick incomparable, just likes small boat light and lively unusual shuttle chaos, one was trillion li (0.5km) distance loses in a flash after behind. The Heaven and Earth Golden Bridge suppression chaos, still Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind, opens thoroughfare Grand Dao in the boundless confusion, Ji Hao controls Heaven and Earth Golden Bridge to dash about wildly to the Pangu world with the quickest speed. 一缕清光奇快无比,犹如一叶扁舟轻灵异常的穿梭混沌,一弹指间就是亿万里距离丢在了身后。天地金桥镇压混沌,平定地水火风,在无边混乱中开辟出一条通衢大道,姬昊驾驭着天地金桥用最快的速度向盘古世界狂奔。 Before entering the plate heng world compares, the Ji Hao human body strength has promoted far more than a lot of times, has swallowed half plate heng world and eight plate heng Sun, Magic Power was abundant a lot of times. 和进入盘蘅世界之前相比,姬昊的肉体力量提升了何止千百倍,又吞噬了半个盘蘅世界和八颗盘蘅太阳,法力更是雄厚了千百倍。 Takes advantage of the tyrannical strength, Ji Hao shuttle void speed compared with before also quick a lot of times, just likes the time in wipes the projection that in the chaos stays behind to be ordinary, these have not seen clearly the Ji Hao form in the chaos giant beast that in the chaos stirs up trouble, clear light flashes through, Ji Hao has scratched their bodies to fly rapidly, stayed behind spatially has deducted the chaos giant beast to have the flesh and blood of infinite attraction to be fragrant. 依仗强横的力量,姬昊穿梭虚空的速度比之前也快了千百倍,真个犹如时光在混沌中留下的一抹投影一般,那些在混沌中兴风作浪的混沌巨兽还没看清姬昊的身影,一点清光闪过,姬昊就已经擦着他们的身体急速飞过,空留下了一抹对混沌巨兽有着无穷吸引力的血肉芬芳。 ~~~ roar! ‘嗷嗷~~~吼’! Felt is plundering the past good food aura from the mouth, a capitiform like the rubber ball, lived the strange giant beasts of hundreds of thousands of black tentacles crazy is brandishing the eruption of tentacle hysteria. He has curled up dozens giant chaos tides, maliciously is striking against all around. 感受着从嘴巴边上掠过去的美食气息,一头形如皮球,生了数十万条黑色触手的怪异巨兽疯狂的挥舞着触手歇斯底里的爆发了。他卷起了数十条巨大的混沌潮汐,狠狠的拍击着四周。 The dense aura raids together, a length and breadth does not know many li (0.5km), assumes the ancient bronzes luster all over the body, the surface motley seemed experienced the innumerable years baptism, the old dark green ancient metal city beyond description dispelled Earth, Water, Fire, and Wind, broke the innumerable chaos tides, having the deafening startled day sound to come. 一道森森气息袭来,一座长宽不知道多少里,通体呈古铜色泽,表面斑驳好似经历了无数岁月洗礼,苍老苍古难以形容的金属城池排开地水火风,震碎了无数混沌潮汐,带着震耳欲聋的惊天响声呼啸而来。 This bad luck giant beast happen to kept off on the progress of this ancient city, the giant city howled, the giant beast was bumped gently by the city, seemed a mountain grinds an egg, the body of giant beast has exploded the smashing, afterward the strength of fearful Destruction was adhered to stick cohere by the city wall in changes into a wisp of azure smoke to dissipate baseless. 这头倒霉的巨兽正好挡在了这座古老城池的前进道路上,巨大的城池呼啸而过,巨兽被城池轻轻一碰,就好似一座大山碾过一颗鸡蛋,巨兽的身躯炸成粉碎,随后被城墙上附着的可怕毁灭之力化为一缕青烟凭空消散。 Daoist Wood and Priest Hua stand top the god tower of city roof, joins hands behind the back distantly looks that runs away in the front rapidly Ji Hao that. 木道人花道人站在城池最高处的一座神塔顶部,背着手远远的看着在前方急速逃窜的姬昊 Their panic-stricken color, often lowers the head wear a look to the ancient city of under foot looks at one. A city of so giant pure metal overall forging and stamping formation, actually compares favorably with control Ji Hao that Heaven and Earth Golden Bridge runs away in the speed in the chaos flying. 他们面带惊骇之色,不时低头向脚下的古老城池望上一眼。如此巨大的一座纯粹金属整体锻压成型的城池,在混沌中飞行的速度却比得上驾驭天地金桥逃窜的姬昊 The prestige of this metal city can be able be imagined! 这座金属城池的威能可想而知! But Daoist Wood and Priest Hua discernment place visited, saw clearly the power core of this metal city, impressively is the strong large formation method that one set of 360 innate most precious object composes. In 360 innate most precious object crazy extraction chaos heterogeneous chaos energy, its transformation is one type extremely hot tempered, wants the hot tempered ten thousand times of fearful energies compared with the thunder strength, sends in flight law of city to promote the city to go forward. 木道人花道人法眼所过之处,更是看清了这座金属城池的动力核心,赫然是一套360件先天至宝组成的强大阵法。360件先天至宝疯狂的抽取混沌中驳杂的混沌能量,将其转化为一种极其暴躁,比雷霆力量还要暴躁万倍的可怕能量,送入城池的飞行法阵中推动城池前进。 The strategy of conversion of energy, is flight law of this giant metal city, strategy Symbol that all Symbol structures and Daoist Wood and Priest Hua know is different. 无论是能量转化的阵法,还是这座巨大金属城池的飞行法阵,一切的符文结构都和木道人花道人所知的阵法符文迥异。 If Daoist Wood and Priest Hua perceive through meditation voluntarily, but strategy Symbol may be called is exquisite and mysterious, then strategy Symbol of this metal city utilization is ‚is extremely crude and is extremely flagitious. 360 innate most precious objects suppress forcefully, the owner of this city does not need to consider that the strategy to the huge burden that the city causes, only needs to stimulate to movement the city to fly vigorously rapidly becomes. 如果说木道人花道人自行参悟而出的阵法符文堪称‘精妙、玄奥’,那么这座金属城池运用的阵法符文则是‘极度粗暴、极度凶残’。有360件先天至宝强行镇压,这座城池的主人根本不用考虑阵法对城池造成的巨大负担,只需要极力的催动城池急速飞行就成。 Pupil seven color dim light twinkles, Priest Hua suddenly low and deep saying: Dragon clan so-called richest in the world, compared with this fellow Daoist , how?” 眸子七彩幽光闪烁,花道人突然低沉的说道:“龙族所谓的富甲天下,和这位道友相比,如何?” Daoist Wood looks down the giant city of under foot, in his pupil the cold brightness twinkle, crossed for a long time for a long time, he uses the soul secret technique, spooky sneers to say to Priest Hua: This city, has the affinity with my brother two people. In your my pure world, if can have this city to suppress, I teach the foundation to be forever solid.” 木道人低头看着脚下的巨大城池,他眸子里寒光闪烁,过了许久许久,他才用灵魂秘术,幽幽的向花道人冷笑道:“此城,与我兄弟二人大有缘法。你我清净世界中,若是能有这座城池镇压,我教根基永固矣。” A Daoist shade flashes through, the evil crown Saint Venerable to appear before them. 道人影闪过,邪冕圣尊出现在两人面前。 Is having fear, the evil crown Saint Venerable to Daoist Wood and Priest Hua deep raising slightly good a ritual: Two seniors, our supreme masters are regaining consciousness from the eternal deep sleep, he requires the time to restore the strength...... Therefore, but also please two seniors get rid, cut to kill that with the shameless method, has killed the boy of shade crown.” 带着一丝后怕,邪冕圣尊向木道人花道人深深的欠身行了一礼:“两位前辈,我们至高无上的主人正在从永恒沉睡中苏醒,他需要时间恢复力量……所以,还请两位前辈出手,斩杀那个用无耻的手段,杀死了影冕的小子。” In the pupil flashes through wipes to take pleasure in others'misfortunes simultaneously is mixing with the complex ray of fear, the evil crown Saint Venerable drew out the body, the sinking sound track: Since two seniors had consented and our supreme masters form an alliance, uses the head of this boy, as the verification of our treaty of alliance!” 眸子里闪过一抹幸灾乐祸同时夹杂着畏惧的复杂光芒,邪冕圣尊直起了身体,沉声道:“既然两位前辈已经答允了和我们至高无上的主人结盟,那么,就用这个小子的头颅,作为我们盟约的鉴证罢!” Daoist Wood frowned, he points at the Ji Hao cold sound track that front is running away rapidly: „The Ji Hao young child has the rare treasure, Heaven and Earth Golden Bridge can break void, roams through sidereal revolution Wan Jie, takes his present cultivating as to coordinate Heaven and Earth Golden Bridge, even if this poor Daoist fellow apprentices act fully, overtakes him rarely.” 木道人皱起了眉头,他指着前方急速逃遁的姬昊冷声道:“姬昊小儿身怀异宝,天地金桥能破开虚空、遨游周天万界,以他如今的修为配合天地金桥,就算贫道师兄弟全力施为,也难得追上他。” The evil crown Saint Venerable to show a faint smile, he said indifferently: Naturally, we will also contribute the proper strength.” 邪冕圣尊微微一笑,他淡然道:“当然,我们也会贡献应有的力量。” Words that as evil crown Saint Venerable, his both hands lift gently, the giant metal city trembles slightly, a serious unusual field of force just likes the Tsunami is common, quickly peerless to spreads in all directions. 随着邪冕圣尊的话,他双手轻轻抬起,巨大的金属城池微微一颤,一股沉重异常的力场犹如海啸一般,快捷绝伦的向四面八方扩散开去。 The chaotic unusual chaos void suddenly presented a huge sphere to be empty, all chaotic energies in this cavity was suppressed, turns clear only just liked the colored glaze, peacefully just likes place - child quiet vitality. 混乱异常的混沌虚空中突然出现了一个巨大的球形空洞,在这个空洞中一切混乱的能量都被镇压,变成了澄净犹如琉璃、安静犹如处-子的静谧元气。 Ji Hao is located in this sphere empty edge, his body suddenly one stiff, Heaven and Earth Golden Bridge expresses a crisp cry, Ji Hao felt that an extremely formidable viscous suction bound own body stubbornly. From speeds along to rapidly suddenly static, a Ji Hao whole body severe pain, almost blowout blood. 姬昊正好位于这个球形空洞的边缘,他的身体骤然一僵,天地金桥发出一声脆鸣,姬昊感到一股极其强大的粘稠吸力死死裹住了自己的身体。从急速飞驰到突然静止,姬昊浑身一阵剧痛,差点喷出血来。 On Heaven and Earth Golden Bridge innumerable marvelous Symbol tight spirals dance in the air, this rare treasure is analyzing and explains field of force rapidly the strange strength, so long as gives him a breath...... No, the time of so long as to Heaven and Earth Golden Bridge snapping fingers, he can analyze the field of force thoroughly the complete deep meaning, bringing Ji Hao is separated from this smoothly strangely, the quiet sphere to be empty. 天地金桥上无数奇妙的符文急速盘旋飞舞,这件异宝正在急速的剖析、破解身边力场的诡异力量,只要给他一个呼吸……不,只要给天地金桥一弹指的时间,他就能彻底解析出力场的全部奥义,带着姬昊顺利脱离这个怪异的、静谧的球形空洞。 Two person's shadows flash through, killing that Daoist Wood and Priest Hua threaten to Ji Hao in front , the time of snapping fingers does not leave Ji Hao. 两条人影闪过,木道人花道人气势汹汹的杀到了姬昊面前,就连一弹指的时间都不留给姬昊 Priest Hua both hands rub, a lotus flower blooms rapidly side Ji Hao, layer upon layer marvelous imprisoned Restriction quietly has wrapped Ji Hao. 花道人双手一搓,点点莲花在姬昊身边急速绽放开,一层层奇妙的禁锢禁制悄然包裹了姬昊 Daoist Wood is a seven treasures branch show, the seven color gods of vast soup light just like the Yangtze River river drop to come together, brushes the Pangu clock humming sound to make noise at the scene, turning round in Ji Hao top of the head unceasing revolving, a great strength pressed Ji Hao to retrocede immediately dozens steps. 木道人则是七宝树枝一展,一道浩浩汤汤的七彩神光犹如长江大河飞泻而来,当场刷得盘古钟‘嗡嗡’作响,‘滴溜溜’的在姬昊头顶不断的旋转,一股巨力当即压得姬昊后退了数十步。 On the rear city, a pitch-dark vertical stroke eye suddenly appears, the indifferent heartless distance looked to Ji Hao.( To be continued.) 后方城池上,一只黑漆漆的竖目突然出现,冷漠无情的遥遥看向了姬昊。(未完待续。)
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