TME :: Volume #16

#1590: Cuts the enemy to draw back

Nine rounds Sun hang void, a side mainland lies its under. 九轮太阳高悬虚空,一方大陆静卧其下。 Between Sun and mainland, boundless void, the innumerable stars circle to dance in the air slowly, the light brilliance is not enough to vie with Sun, actually sufficiently adorns the side void especially magnificent gods and ghosts of Ji Hao within the body. 太阳和大陆之间,茫茫虚空中,无数星辰缓缓盘旋飞舞,淡淡光辉不足以和太阳争辉,却足以妆点得姬昊体内的这一方虚空格外的瑰丽神异。 Nine rounds Sun mediation cloths have become imperial palace pure yang large formation, but the innumerable stars voluntarily defer to the Pangu world in the Prehistoric starry sky the revolution paths of innumerable stars, composed one to be not very complete, actually quite somewhat meteorological sidereal revolution stars large formation. 九轮太阳居中布成了九宫纯阳大阵,而无数星辰则是自行按照盘古世界的洪荒星空中无数星辰的运转轨迹,组成了一座不够完整、却颇有几分气象的周天星辰大阵 After is the source of world is not very abundant, the stars quantity in plate heng world Prehistoric starry sky, only then Pangu world Prehistoric starry sky partly cannot become. However after sidereal revolution stars large formation revolves, continuously thick pure Star Light changes into the light waterfall to drop from the clouds, just likes Milky Way rewinds to crash below mainland, nourishes the land lushly, smart it. 毕竟是世界的本源不够雄厚,盘蘅世界洪荒星空中的星辰数量,只有盘古世界洪荒星空的半成不到。但是按照周天星辰大阵运转起来后,缕缕浓厚精纯的星光化为光瀑从天而降,犹如天河倒卷坠落在下方的大陆上,将其滋养得土地肥美、灵性十足。 Except for not having birds beast and fish and shrimp turtle turtle decoration, the side of Ji Hao within the body is void, already quite somewhat complete Small world embryonic form. 除了没有飞禽走兽、鱼虾龟鳖装饰,姬昊体内的这一方虚空,已经颇有几分完整小世界的雏形。 The Pangu clock thunders gently, presses the roaring sound that Daoist Wood had become angry out of shame. 盘古钟轻轻轰鸣,压过了木道人恼羞成怒的咆哮声。 Ji Hao from the bellow of Pangu clock, understood the Pangu world suddenly...... No, is opens the Pangu world the Pangu sage peak Grand Dao objective to evolve immeasurably by oneself void, the Pangu world loading in the tyrannical incomparable mortal body, takes the body of Pangu as the boundless primordial chaos void meng chong great ship, provides the power with the entire world, roams through in the primordial chaos for the great ship at will. 姬昊盘古钟的轰鸣声中,突然明白了盘古世界……不,是开辟盘古世界的盘古圣人巅峰大道的宗旨以自身衍化无量虚空,将盘古世界装载于强横无比的肉身之中,以盘古之躯为茫茫鸿蒙虚空中的艨艟巨舰,用整个世界提供动力,供巨舰于鸿蒙中随意遨游。 [Say / Way] of Human Race Great Magus practice...... Human Race Magus God accepts the stars to enter body the [say / way] of Magus God...... And even Daoist Wood and Priest Hua open the pure world the [say / way]...... In the final analysis, but is a wisp of slight projection of Pangu sage that unsurpassed Grand Dao, a mystery that intercepts.” 人族大巫修炼的道……人族巫神纳星辰入体的巫神之道……乃至木道人花道人开辟清净世界的道……归根到底,不过是盘古圣人那无上大道的一缕细微投影,从中截取的一段奥秘而已。” Pangu clock bellow sound, the Ji Hao Dao Embryo whole body is rippling the mysterious inobservable profound light, his thought limpid like water, ravelled instantaneously were more once the doubts puzzled issue. 盘古钟轰鸣声声,姬昊道胎周身荡漾着玄妙不可测的玄光,他的念头清澈如水,瞬间弄明白了很多很多曾经疑惑不解的问题。 He, Ji Hao, is walking on most correct Pangu Grand Dao. True, is purest, is most primitive, is greatest, most inconceivable Pangu Grand Dao. At this moment after the Pangu clock tears forcefully, is integrated the half plate heng world in within the body, is Ji Hao Pangu Grand Dao ‚the work of foundation laying. 他,姬昊,正行走在最正确的盘古大道上。真正的,最纯粹,最原始,最宏大,最不可思议的盘古大道。此刻被盘古钟强行撕裂后纳入体内的半个盘蘅世界,正是姬昊盘古大道的‘奠基之作’。 Yes, present Ji Hao, is the true visit residence, has stepped into the Pangu Grand Dao threshold, laid the Grand Dao foundation officially. 是的,现在的姬昊,才算是真正的登堂入户,踏入了盘古大道的门槛,正式奠定下了大道根基。 But other people, even includes Yu Yu Daoist and Qing Wei Daoist, greatly scarlet Daoist these three master gate elders, perhaps they had the inconceivable achievement on Grand Dao, but on true Pangu Grand Dao, they still shake outside the threshold. 而其他人,甚至包括禹馀道人清微道人、大赤道人这三位师门长辈,他们或许在大道上已经有了不可思议的成就,但是就真正的‘盘古大道’而言,他们还在门槛外晃悠呢。 Seven color gods light come together, just likes big rivers, enormous and powerful washout on the Pangu clock. Being red in the face Daoist Wood breathless was roaring, just liked the insanity same wields the seven treasures branch to bellow to kill again and again. Pangu clock fierce is swaying, under attack that Daoist Wood is outspoken, stance that the Pangu clock a little cannot resist. 一道七彩神光呼啸而来,犹如一条大江大河,浩浩荡荡的冲刷在了盘古钟上。面红耳赤的木道人气急败坏的咆哮着,犹如疯魔一样连连挥动七宝树枝大吼杀来。盘古钟剧烈的晃荡着,在木道人毫无保留的攻击下,盘古钟也有点抵挡不住的架势。 Ji Hao opened to open the eyes, looks up Pangu clock one. 姬昊睁开眼开,抬头看了盘古钟一眼。 It is not the Pangu clock is weak, but is cultivating of Ji Hao to be relative to Daoist Wood is too weak. The seven treasures branch in Daoist Wood hand is also the unsurpassed most precious object, has the infinite wondrous use. In the most precious object scale differs situation in as if, must compare to grasp magical skill Magic Power of person of most precious object to cultivate is, Daoist Wood has had the too big superiority in this aspect very much obviously. 不是盘古钟不够强,而是姬昊的修为相对于木道人还是太弱。木道人手中的七宝树枝也是无上至宝,更有无穷妙用。在至宝档次相差彷佛的情况下,就要比较手持至宝之人的道行法力修为,很显然木道人在这方面占了太大的优势。 The seven treasures branch has the Daoist Wood Magic Power in addition to hold completely, the Pangu clock depended upon own prestige to resist one reluctantly, must unable to resist shortly. 七宝树枝有木道人全部法力加持,盘古钟依靠自身威能勉强抵挡了一阵,眼看着就要招架不住。 Ji Hao deeply inspired, his intention moves, the mainland and stars in within the body half plate heng world, nine Sun simultaneously shine, Ji Hao only thinks that the whole body is full exceptionally, his one types are hard to move the feeling that feeling of body suddenly, probably a person one can have three bowls of food, actually stiffly filled three pot rice to get down, the body was full. 姬昊深吸了一口气,他心念一动,体内半个盘蘅世界的大陆、星辰,还有九颗太阳同时亮起,姬昊只觉浑身饱涨异常,他突然有一种难以挪动身体的感觉那种感觉,就好像一个人一顿能吃三碗饭,却硬生生塞了三锅米饭下去,身体过于充盈了。 The Pangu clock calculates is exquisite, half plate heng world, is the limit that the present Ji Hao body can seal, even if are many gravel, the body of Ji Hao will be overhung the innumerable fissures. Has half plate heng world, is most appropriate, is safest. 盘古钟计算得很是精妙,半个盘蘅世界,是如今的姬昊身体能够封存的极限,哪怕再多一颗砂砾,姬昊的身体就会被撑出无数的裂痕。只有半个盘蘅世界,是最合适、最稳妥的。 Daoist Wood!” Ji Hao looks Daoist Wood that threatens shows a faint smile: Insanely what do you send?” 木道人!”姬昊看着气势汹汹的木道人微微一笑:“你发哪门子疯?” The spoken language teased Daoist Wood, Ji Hao while poured into Magic Power to promote his prestige energy to the Pangu clock, simultaneously quickly was adapting to the full strength. 一边言语调侃木道人,姬昊一边向盘古钟注入法力提升他的威能,同时迅速的适应着过于饱满的力量。 Insanely what does Daoist Wood clench teeth not to utter a word he to send? Half plate heng world! 木道人咬着牙一声不吭他发哪门子疯?半个盘蘅世界! Had been treated as the plate heng world of it's in the bag by Daoist Wood, had been won half by Ji Hao stiffly! 已经被木道人当做囊中之物的盘蘅世界,硬生生被姬昊夺走了半个! If Ji Hao were depends upon own ability to win half plate heng world, Daoist Wood thought some fortunately. However Ji Hao completely depends upon the Pangu clock seal world, after having locked all Heavenly Dao principles of plate heng world forcefully, depends upon the Heavenly Dao most precious object the might, has won half forcefully by the Daoist Wood scheduled plate heng world. 如果姬昊是依靠自己的本领夺走了半个盘蘅世界,木道人还好想一些。但是姬昊完全是依靠盘古钟封印天地,强行锁定了盘蘅世界的所有天道法则后,依靠天道至宝的威力,强行夺走了半个被木道人预定的盘蘅世界。 Dying out Dao Fruit that a Pangu treasure clock, half plate heng world, the Daoist Wood innumerable years perceives through meditation with hardship! 一口盘古宝钟,半个盘蘅世界,还有木道人无数年苦苦参悟的寂灭道果 All these, enough Daoist Wood and Ji Hao breakneck, does not keep any ample force and Ji Hao breaknecks! 这一切,足够木道人姬昊玩命,不留任何余力的和姬昊玩命! Seven color unusual brightness evolved the Tsunami hurricane from the big rivers, the Pangu clock is attacked turning round straight revolutions, Daoist Wood recites the true words, bodhi wonderful thunder lived baseless, static float in seven color unusual brightness. Only when the Pangu clock was hit slightly displaces, the innumerable bodhi wonderful thunder immediately rush to side Ji Hao, explodes him is frightened out of one's wits and meets a cruel death. 七彩宝光从大江大河衍化成了海啸飓风,盘古钟被冲击得‘滴溜溜’直转,木道人更是口诵真言,一道道菩提妙雷凭空而生,静静的悬浮在七彩宝光中。只待盘古钟被打得稍微偏移一下,无数的菩提妙雷就会立刻冲到姬昊身边,将他炸得魂飞魄散、粉身碎骨。 Looks just likes insanity Daoist Wood, Ji Hao cried loud and long, Heaven and Earth Golden Bridge departs from his forehead, clear light flashed through together, the Ji Hao Pangu clock also vanished, simultaneously he appeared is shaken flies far away, side the shade crown Saint that was spitting blood unceasingly Venerable with the evil crown Saint Venerable. 看着犹如疯魔的木道人,姬昊长啸一声,天地金桥从他眉心飞出,一道清光闪过,姬昊连带盘古钟同时消失,同时他出现在了被震飞老远,正不断吐血的影冕圣尊和邪冕圣尊身边。 Has laughed, a Ji Hao not sword, but was a palm Venerable to press to the shade crown Saint. 大笑了一声,姬昊没有出剑,而是一掌向影冕圣尊压了下去。 Buzz a bang, saw that Priest Hua and Daoist Wood of also cannot help but face Ji Hao this palm allows to change colors. ‘嗡’的一声巨响,看到姬昊这一掌的花道人木道人也不由得颜容失色。 The palm of Ji Hao suddenly becomes in this flash has ten thousand li (0.5km) size, the chaos luster palm appears the translucent shape, innumerable brilliance eye-catching stars float in the Ji Hao hand, extreme twist of mainland center his palm. Fingertip one group of Sun Jinhui of his each finger glitter, four Sun center his palm spout immeasurable Golden Light. 姬昊的手掌在这一瞬间突然变得有万里大小,混沌色泽的手掌呈半透明状,无数光华夺目的星辰悬浮在姬昊手中,更有一块大陆在他手掌正中急速旋转。他的每根手指的指尖都有一团太阳金辉闪烁,在他手掌正中还有四颗太阳喷涌出无量金光 A palm presses down, actually seemed a world overhead crush. 一掌按下,却好似一个世界当头碾压了下来。 State of mind absent-minded of Daoist Wood, he recalls to mind suddenly, in the extremely remote past, in his childhood time, he had seen a similar palm. 木道人的神思一阵恍惚,他突然记起,在极其遥远的过去,在他的‘幼年’时期,他曾经见过类似的一掌。 That opened the invincible big energy of Pangu world, facing the crazy rush of innumerable chaos demon god, he was such palm has also pressed. 那位开辟了盘古世界的无敌大能,面对无数混沌魔神的疯狂冲杀,他也是这样一掌按了下去。 A palm is a world, a palm is a world, a palm has the innumerable heavenly bodies overhead crush, the counted by the 100 million chaos demon god was ground by his palm crushes, has not escaped including a remnant soul. 一掌就是一天地,一掌就是一世界,一掌就有无数日月星辰当头碾压,数以亿计的混沌魔神就被他那一掌碾得粉碎,连一丝残魂都没有逃脱。 Miserable howling, the shade crown Saint Venerable resembles the past innumerable chaos demon god, by Ji Hao this power and influence small trillion times, actually and Pangu sage a palm source left lineage/vein a palm to hit in the past crushes. 一声惨嚎,影冕圣尊就好像当年的无数混沌魔神,被姬昊这威势小了亿万倍,却和盘古圣人当年一掌源出一脉的一掌打得粉碎。 Ji Hao laughs wildly one, a palm grinds kills the shade crown Saint Venerable, Heaven and Earth Golden Bridge dodges, he breaks the chaos to swagger away immediately.( To be continued.) 姬昊狂笑一声,一掌碾杀影冕圣尊,天地金桥一闪,他立刻破开混沌扬长而去。(未完待续。)
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