TME :: Volume #16

#1589: Half world

By the principle perpetual flow of plate heng world, Daoist Wood and Pangu clock deep pesters together. Through some aura that the Pangu clock lends, Daoist Wood clear feeling Ji Hao within the body nine Sun strange changes! 透过盘蘅世界的法则长河,木道人盘古钟深深的纠缠在一起。通过盘古钟散发出的一些气息,木道人清晰的感受到了姬昊体内九颗太阳怪异的变化! Daoist Wood is anxious and angry, angry occurring together looks to roll up one group, the body just likes the Ji Hao this damn young man junior of embryo, unexpectedly with stealing the [say / way] of dying out, makes nine Sun fall into the boundary of dying out forcefully, transforms nine Sun sources, to promote their strengths forcefully. 木道人又急又气、恼怒交集的看着蜷缩成一团,身躯犹如胎儿的姬昊这个该死的后生小辈,居然用偷师的寂灭之道,强行让九颗太阳陷入寂灭之境,强行转化九颗太阳的本源、提升他们的力量。 After one such as Bodhi tree withers is decayed, a residual bodhi plants to swallow the immeasurable vitality, suddenly the rebirth is one brand-new, is more formidable, more energetic Bodhi tree, this is the [say / way] of dying out most mysterious, most core essence is. 一如菩提树枯萎腐朽后,一颗残留的菩提种吞噬无量生机,蓦然重生为一株崭新的、更强大、更有活力的菩提树,这是寂灭之道最玄奥、最核心的精髓所在。 Under the Daoist Wood place did not have a disciple disciple to understand and comprehend this type the Grand Dao essence that has the merit of infinite good fortune, Ji Hao can make nine Sun that within the body seals fall into the boundary of dying out with the [say / way] of dying out unexpectedly. 木道人座下还没有一个门人弟子能够理解、领悟这种有无穷造化之功的大道精髓,姬昊居然已经能够用寂灭之道让体内封存的九颗太阳陷入寂灭之境。 Good the beautiful jade, monstrous talent intelligence, how is the hanger- on old enemy, Daoist Wood this time angry such as crazy, wishes one could to make into the sediment by a Pangu clock palm Ji Hao. Ash-gray mist that in his hand spouts is even more rich, transmits to Ji Hao dying out aura even more thickly by the Pangu clock, the ash-gray mist changes into a gigantic cocoon shortly, the Ji Hao entire package in inside. 良才美玉,妖孽资质,奈何是老对头的门下,木道人这一次恼怒如狂,恨不得透过盘古钟一掌将姬昊打成渣滓。他手上喷出的灰色雾气越发浓郁,透过盘古钟传送到姬昊身边的寂灭气息越发的浓厚,眼看着灰色雾气化为一个硕大的茧子,将姬昊整个包裹在了里面。 Ji Hao does not know that the Daoist Wood mood changes, he is only the static feeling the whole body vigor is reducing one group, Dao Embryo almost concentrates the strange feeling of weak ray \; His static observing and emulating nine Sun in mutation, if he knows that the Daoist Wood mood changes, he wants to tell Daoist Wood actually very much, nine Sun fall into the boundary of dying out, this and he has nothing to do! 姬昊不知道木道人的心境变化,他只是静静的感受着全身精气神压缩成一团,道胎几乎凝成一点微弱光芒的奇异感觉\;他静静的观摩着异变中的九颗太阳,如果他知道木道人的心境变化,他其实很想告诉木道人,九颗太阳陷入寂灭之境,这和他无关啊! The Ji Hao no doubt talent does not go bad, has not actually been this degree just to look at a Daoist Wood dying out Grand Dao [say / way] rhyme to evolve, can utilize this unsurpassed Grand Dao to practice directly. 姬昊固然天分不坏,却也没有达到这种程度刚刚看了一眼木道人的寂灭大道的道韵衍化,就能直接运用这种无上大道进行修炼。 Nine Sun volumes in collapse, in collapse rapidly, with incisive crow whining noises, nine Sun within the body all heterogeneous [say / way] rhymes just like leaf peelings voluntarily on the wane, has only left behind the most succinct core source. 九颗太阳的体积在塌缩,在急速的塌陷,伴随着一声声尖锐的鸦鸣声,九颗太阳体内所有驳杂的道韵犹如凋零的树叶自行的剥离,只留下了最精粹的核心本源。 When nine Sun volume collapses to the limit, the Pangu clock have exuded one to thunder, a continuously [gold/metal] color mark rapidly glitters on the Pangu clock, this was the spine of Pangu sage suppresses the Pangu world world innumerable years, Sun star times of Pangu world did not pass by from Sky Pillar Buzhou Mountain, times inscribed own Sun rhyme in the [say / way] mark brand mark that on Buzhou Mountain did not leave behind. 当九颗太阳的体积塌缩到了极限,盘古钟发出一声轰鸣,一缕缕金色道纹在盘古钟上急速闪烁,这是盘古圣人的脊椎骨镇压盘古世界天地无数年,盘古世界的太阳星一次次从天柱周山上路过,一次次将自身太阳道韵铭刻在不周山上留下的道痕烙印。 These [gold/metal] color marks that on the Pangu clock presents, complete complete record the Grand Dao principle of Pangu world Sun star. 盘古钟上出现的这些金色道纹,完整无缺的记载了盘古世界太阳星的大道法则。 If any follower fortunately, can see these [gold/metal] color marks in this moment, and has comprehended, he can grasp all Grand Dao deep meanings of Pangu world Sun star completely, if he can defeat Ji Hao to displace in the future, he can the logical growth for next ‚the Lord of Sun. 任何一个修炼者如果有幸,能够在这一刻看到这些金色道纹,并且有所领悟的话,他就能完整的掌握盘古世界太阳星的一切大道奥义,如果他未来能够击败姬昊取而代之,他就能顺理成章的成长为下一任‘太阳之主’。 ‚Under chī chī in sound, collapses nine Three-legged Golden Crow that destroys dead out to remain that weak Golden Light just likes the air flush ball same inflates, they change into [gold/metal], rapidly about circles in flight on nine Sun, with the inconceivable speed a Sun mark that the Pangu clock surface reappeared carving on nine Sun. 嗤嗤’声中,崩毁寂灭的九头三足金乌残留下的那一点微弱的金光犹如吹气球一样膨胀起来,他们化为一点金芒,急速的在九颗太阳上左右飞旋,用不可思议的速度将盘古钟表面浮现的太阳道纹‘雕刻’在了九颗太阳上。 Continuously purely purely Golden Light spews out from nine gloomy Sun, nine fell into collapse condition Sun to scatter within the body all heterogeneous [say / way] rhymes and morality and justice rapidly, only then nine suns [gold/metal] in rapidly engraved the unsurpassed [say / way] rhyme of Pangu world Sun star. 一缕缕纯净纯粹至极的金光从九颗黯淡无光的太阳上喷涌而出,九颗陷入急速塌陷状态的太阳已经驱散了体内一切驳杂的道韵、道义,只有九点金乌所化的金芒在急速的将盘古世界太阳星的无上道韵刻印上来。 Plate jia Sun is also good, eight plate heng Sun are also good, they turning over a new leaf, gained the new student suddenly. They got rid of originally all heterogeneous strengths, is turning toward nine rapidly purely free of evil intention Pangu Sun evolution. 盘泇太阳也好,八颗盘蘅太阳也好,他们‘洗心革面’,突然获取了新生。他们摆脱了原本一切驳杂的力量,正在急速向着九颗‘纯正无邪’的‘盘古太阳’进化。 Viscous just likes the gold of melting, blazing scalding hot unusual Golden Light expands, slow newborn Sun within the body to flow from nine slowly. Does not have plate jia Sun again, does not have plate heng Sun again, only has Ji Hao within the body nine purely exceptionally, the strength is smaller and weaker than the Pangu world Sun star, but strength attribute pure incomparable Sun. 粘稠犹如融化的黄金,炽烈灼热异常的金光从九颗缓缓壮大、缓慢新生的太阳体内奔涌而出。再也没有盘泇太阳,再也没有盘蘅太阳,唯有姬昊体内九颗纯正异常,力量比盘古世界太阳星弱小许多,但是力量属性纯正无比的‘太阳’。 After nine Nirvana, newborn Three-legged Golden Crow stands in the Sun core, exudes the full of vitality sharp howl unceasingly. 九头涅槃后新生的三足金乌站在太阳核心中,不断发出生机勃勃的尖锐啸声。 pure yang to just, contained infinite thermal energy, contained the infinite life aura, nourished the myriad things, to be pregnant the Sun ray of myriad things to be full the Ji Hao whole body, rapid and the withered deathly stillness and spiritless dying out strength had the fierce conflict. 纯阳至刚,蕴藏无穷热力,蕴藏无穷生命气息,滋养万物、孕化万物的太阳光芒充盈姬昊全身,迅速和枯萎死寂、死气沉沉的寂灭之力发生了剧烈的冲突。 Nine Sun shine the sidereal revolution, changes into most primitive imperial palace pure yang large formation to suppress void, the ash-gray mist of Ji Hao within the body exudes the low and deep bellow, by immeasurable Golden Light one layer upon layer refining up and a ablation layer upon layer in invisible. 九颗太阳普照周天,化为一座最原始的九宫纯阳大阵镇压虚空,姬昊体内的灰色雾气发出低沉的轰鸣声,被无量金光一层层的炼化、一层层的消融于无形。 When Golden Light fills Ji Hao whole body each slit, Ji Hao regains consciousness suddenly. 金光充满姬昊全身每一处缝隙时,姬昊突然苏醒。 Formidable erupts from the Ji Hao Dao Embryo core place to the inconceivable life strength loudly, one such as a seed was buried in the fertile soil, enjoyed nourishing of sunlight rain and dew, innate production great sent full of vitality, irresistible broke through all hindrance, heartily was clamoring enormously and powerful, was divulging, roared own sound to the sidereal revolution universe. 一股强大到不可思议的生命力量从姬昊道胎核心处轰然爆发,一如一颗种子被埋在了肥沃的土壤中,享受到了阳光雨露的滋养,先天生成的博大生机勃勃而发,势不可挡的冲破一切阻碍,尽情的喧哗着、浩浩荡荡的宣泄着,向周天宇宙咆哮出了属于自己的声音。 Although small and weak, is actually not able to prevent. 虽然弱小,却无法阻挡。 Ji Hao Dao Embryo erupts vigorous state of mind strengths, he felt the formidable body, felt within the body full the strength of Sun, felt in Dao Embryo abundant Magic Power, felt the thick [say / way] rhyme that the Pangu clock has sent out. 姬昊道胎爆发出一道道浑厚的神魂力量,他感受到了强大的身体,感受到了体内充盈的太阳之力,感受到了道胎中雄厚的法力,更感受到了盘古钟散发出的浓浓道韵。 Ben Yong of indescribable mysterious [say / way] rhymes from the Pangu clock, on Ji Hao Dao Embryo increase to wipe the strange [say / way] mark unceasingly, many Ji Hao have never contacted the [say / way] rhyme continuously fuses with his Dao Embryo, in his Dao Embryo has left behind Grand Dao seed. 一道道难以言喻的玄奥道韵从盘古钟上奔涌而下,姬昊道胎上不断增加一抹抹奇异的道纹,很多姬昊从未接触过的道韵不断与他的道胎融合,在他道胎中留下了大道的‘种子’。 So that's how it is!” Ji Hao has put out four characters subconsciously, after weak Dao Embryo experienced one time died out recovery the samsara, restored the complete strength, moreover Dao Embryo becomes concise, the magical skill obtained the enormous promotion. “原来如此!”姬昊下意识的吐出了四个字,原本虚弱的道胎经历了一次‘寂灭复苏’的轮回之后,已经恢复了全部的力量,而且道胎变得更加的凝练,道行得到了极大的提升。 The billowing state of mind strength spews out from Dao Embryo, Ji Hao is warming-up slightly, he can control the body, to control Magic Power, to control nine Sun all strengths perfectly. Moreover he feels clearly, at this moment his state of mind, his **, but can also withstand many strengths. 滚滚神魂力量从道胎中喷涌而出,姬昊微微活动着身体,他能完美的掌控身体、掌控法力、掌控九颗太阳的所有力量。而且他清楚的感受到,此刻他的神魂、他的**,还能承受更多的力量。 The Pangu clock already and entire plate heng world connection, Ji Hao can penetrate the Pangu clock, feels the entire plate heng world the revolution rule. 盘古钟已经和整个盘蘅世界接驳,姬昊能透过盘古钟,感受到整个盘蘅世界的运转规律。 He smiles putting out a hand, Sun that in within the body nine rays are insufferably arrogant radiantly is erupting the terror the strength, his arm turned instantaneously golden yellow, spout the fearful high-temperature roaring flame. About the both arms of flaming combustion a point, heard ‚’ a bang, the plate heng world is torn two halves. 他微笑着伸出手,体内九颗光芒璀璨不可一世的太阳爆发出恐怖的力量,他的手臂瞬间变成了金黄色,喷涌出可怕的高温烈焰。熊熊燃烧的双臂左右一分,就听到‘咔嚓’一声巨响,盘蘅世界被撕裂成了两半。 All of plate heng world, except for these birds beasts and other lives, other natural myriad things tear completely. 盘蘅世界的所有一切,除了那些飞禽走兽等生灵,其他的自然万物全部撕裂。 Sky all stars were ripped open two halves, the main mainland of plate heng world are torn two halves, all mountain peaks, all rivers and all canyons...... Even is tiniest gravel, was torn two halves. 天空所有的星辰被撕开成两半,盘蘅世界的主大陆被撕裂成了两半,所有的山峰、所有的河流、所有的峡谷……甚至是最细小的一颗砂砾,都被撕裂成了两半。 „!” Ji Hao both hands have tied a graceful law seal, in torn plate heng world, half plate heng world dodge slightly, submerged Ji Hao within the body instantaneously.( To be continued.) “化!”姬昊双手结了一个曼妙的法印,被撕裂的盘蘅世界中,有半个盘蘅世界微微一闪,瞬间没入了姬昊体内。(未完待续。) The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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