TME :: Volume #16

#1588: The sun dies out

Read lives, read extinguishes. 一念生,一念灭。 Lives to extinguish, the Ji Hao mortal body becomes spiritless, one such as decayed trillion years of dead wood, does not have any vitality vigor again. 生灭之间,姬昊肉身变得死气沉沉,一如腐朽了亿万年的枯木,再没有任何生机活力。 So the mutation immediately has alarmed Daoist Wood, he gained ground fiercely, in anxiety face extremely has revealed an extremely inconceivable shock. The quick shock transforms as the envy, envies changes into the dreadful anger rapidly! 如此异变立刻惊动了木道人,他猛地抬起头来,愁苦万分的面孔上露出了一丝极度不可思议的震惊。很快震惊就转化为嫉妒,紧接着嫉妒迅速化为滔天的怒火! He envies Yu Yu Daoist to have such disciple unexpectedly! 他嫉妒禹馀道人居然有如此弟子! He is furious Ji Hao to dare to go against heaven's will the method to steal his unsurpassed Grand Dao unexpectedly! 他震怒姬昊居然敢以逆天手段偷取他的无上大道 Looks on the Ji Hao mortal body that light vague dying out aura, gradually this field of endeavor innumerable year of Daoist Wood are well aware, Ji Hao has reached highest knowledge regarding the [say / way] of dying out, had extremely not the weak attainments. 姬昊肉身上那一股淡淡的若有若无的寂灭气息,浸淫此道无数年的木道人心知肚明,姬昊对于寂灭之道已经登堂入室,拥有了极其不弱的造诣。 Even, Ji Hao regarding the sensibility of [say / way] of dying out, teaches by personal example several that and instructs earnestly to pass on the disciple also compared with his Daoist Wood to be higher than one section. But all these, actually occur in the short several double-hour. Is Daoist Wood dies out by oneself in the several double-hour of Grand Dao invasion plate heng world world principle, Ji Hao uses to steal the day method, has resulted in his [say / way]! 甚至,姬昊对于寂灭之道的感悟,比他木道人言传身教、耳提面命的几个亲传弟子还要高出一截。而这一切,却是在短短的几个时辰内发生的。就是木道人以自身寂灭大道侵染盘蘅世界天地法则的几个时辰内,姬昊就用偷天手段,得了他的道! Grand Dao most precious object, really wonderful peerless. The [say / way] of this poor Daoist, has not been separated from the Pangu world world Grand Dao pattern eventually, was actually being taken this Grand Dao most precious object by the boy as the boost, has resulted in my [say / way]!” The Daoist Wood what kind character, he will shortly ravel on Ji Hao dead out the origin of Grand Dao. 大道至宝,果然神妙绝伦。贫道的道,终究没有脱离盘古世界天地大道的窠臼,却被着小子以这大道至宝为助力,得了吾的道!”木道人何等人物,他顷刻间就弄明白了姬昊身上寂灭大道的来源。 Ji Hao, allowing you to be serious.” Daoist Wood raises both hands slowly, his palm becomes wants to drop gradually green, simultaneously gradually is transparent, quick can penetrate the transparent green flesh and blood, sees in his palm the green and lustrous phalanx. 姬昊,容你不得了。”木道人缓缓举起双手,他的手掌逐渐变得苍翠欲滴,同时逐渐透明,很快就能透过透明的绿色血肉,看到他手掌中绿莹莹的指骨。 Looks to roll up Ji Hao under Pangu clock, Daoist Wood has laid out two palms to Ji Hao with deep veneration gently. He behind dry glory two Bodhi tree quietly appear, that luxuriant growth of leaves and branches Bodhi tree crazy is waving the complete branch, green gods light shoot up to the sky, stir the void confusion of plate heng world. 看着蜷缩在盘古钟下的姬昊,木道人肃然向姬昊轻轻的拍出了两掌。他身后有一枯一荣两棵菩提树悄然浮现,其中那株枝繁叶茂的菩提树疯狂的舞动着全部的枝条,一道道绿色神光冲天而起,搅得盘蘅世界的虚空一片混乱。 The shade crown Saint Venerable, the evil crown Saint Venerable to be away from Daoist Wood to be slightly nearer, the consecutively 18 green gods light has swept on them, solemn two Great Saint also spat blood, the endoskeleton ruptured, exudes the parched beans common crowded broken bone sound, in gulps spurted the blood to fly to fall to the distant place. 影冕圣尊、邪冕圣尊距离木道人略近了一些,连续18道绿色神光扫在了他们身上,堂堂两大圣尊同时吐血,体内骨骼爆裂,发出爆豆子一般密集的碎骨声,大口大口的喷着血向远处飞坠。 Buzz two palms that a sound, the Daoist Wood green light lingers according to chaos air/Qi that in the Pangu clock has spouted, quick had the air/Qi of several chaos to turn into the emerald green colored, just likes the chaos air/Qi that the green crystal carved rubs the hit mutually, sent out to bite resounding unceasingly. ‘嗡’的一声响,木道人绿光萦绕的两支手掌按在了盘古钟喷出的混沌之气上,很快就有几丝混沌之气变成了翠绿色,犹如绿水晶雕成的混沌之气相互摩擦撞击,不断发出‘叮叮’脆响。 These emerald green colored chaos air/Qi shook off the control of Pangu clock quickly, just likes most virulent and fiercest poisonous snake, lifted the upper part to grip to Ji Hao rapidly fiercely. 这些翠绿色的混沌之气很快就摆脱了盘古钟的控制,犹如最恶毒、最凶猛的毒蛇,迅速的抬起了上半身向姬昊猛地扎了过去。 The Pangu clock spouts profound light slightly in a flash, side the Ji Hao void sudden coagulation, the naked eye looked that probably together the dim ash-gray crystal entire bound Ji Hao in inside. The green chaos aura gripped maliciously on void of this coagulation, listened gratingly crashed to transmit, the air/Qi of several green chaos disrupted, changed into a dim light to scatter. 盘古钟喷出的玄光微微一晃,姬昊身边的虚空突然凝固,肉眼看去就好像一块黯淡的灰色水晶将姬昊整个裹在了里面。绿色的混沌气息狠狠扎在了这块凝固的虚空上,就听刺耳的碎裂声传来,几根绿色混沌之气碎裂开,化为点点幽光飘散。 So the magical things, does your this yellow mouth young child, have this welldoing and this good fortune to control him?” Daoist Wood muttered, shaking the head of gently: Ji Hao, this poor Daoist cannot attend to bully thing weak today, must defeat the bone to raise the ash, to hit you you to be frightened out of one's wits.” “如此灵物,你这黄口小儿,怎有这德行、这福分去掌控他?”木道人喃喃自语,轻轻的摇了摇头:“姬昊,今日贫道顾不得以大欺小,也要将你挫骨扬灰、打得你魂飞魄散。” In dry glory two Bodhi tree, that decayed unusual Bodhi tree to shiver dry slowly several. 一枯一荣两株菩提树中,那株枯朽异常的菩提树慢慢的颤抖了几下。 The double palm of Daoist Wood turned into the grey slowly, a continuously ash-gray aura seeps out from his palm, is nervous and troubled the myriad things that moves completely to melt the nihility, his palm nearby plate heng world void also fiercely is wriggling, slow vanishing into thin air. 木道人的双掌缓慢的变成了灰色,一缕缕灰色气息从他手掌中渗出,灰气碰触到的万物尽化虚无,就连他手掌附近的盘蘅世界虚空也都剧烈的蠕动着,缓慢的化为乌有。 Ash-gray double palm slowly approaches to the Pangu clock, the Daoist Wood vision looks at fixedly on Ji Hao, by void of Ji Hao side that coagulation, towering has continuously component scarce extremely ash-gray mist to appear. 灰色的双掌慢慢的向盘古钟靠近,木道人的目光凝注在姬昊身上,姬昊身边那块凝固的虚空旁,突兀的有一缕缕份量极其稀少的灰色雾气出现。 The ash-gray mist winding on void of coagulation, void breaks up quietly, empty, gradually melts. 灰色雾气缠绕在凝固的虚空上,一块块虚空悄然崩解、虚化,逐渐消融。 Daoist Wood has shown the self-satisfied smiling face: Sky Pillar Buzhou Mountain, the spine of Pangu sage, does not inscribe Pangu world world Grand Dao, is perfect and impregnable. How Ji Hao young child obtained Buzhou Mountain of not to be incomplete, section of Buzhou Mountain were not gathered by Qing Wei Daoist, this clock no doubt prestige can be inexhaustible, after all had the slight defect.” 木道人露出了得意的笑容:“天柱周山,盘古圣人的脊椎骨所化,铭刻盘古世界天地大道,完美无缺、无懈可击。奈何姬昊小儿所得的不周山并不完整,有一截不周山清微道人收取,这口钟固然威能无穷尽,终归有了瑕疵。” In Ji Hao Spiritual Space, phantom quietly has appeared the personal appearance, he by the body of Ji Hao static looks at Daoist Wood, in the profound double pupil the tile blue god light spouts several thousand zhang (3.33 m) far, just liked two giant Thunder light has illuminated entire Spiritual Space. 姬昊神魂空间中,虚影悄然显出了身形,他透过姬昊的身体静静的看着木道人,深邃的双眸中瓦蓝色的神光喷出数万丈远,犹如两根巨大的雷光照亮了整个神魂空间 Small blockhead, had to progress, unexpectedly can look through on the Pangu clock that improper careless mistake.” phantom smiles slightly: World myriad things, how can there be perfect? Is Grand Dao of Pangu world, there is one that runs away...... The Pangu clock is doomed unable to be perfect, was perfect, that is not Pangu clock, but does not know that was other anything thing.” “小木头,有长进了,居然能看破盘古钟上那一丝不该有的纰漏。”虚影微微笑着:“天地万物,岂有完美无瑕者?就是盘古世界的大道,也有那遁去的一……盘古钟注定是不能完美的,完美了,那就不是‘盘古’钟,而不知道是其他什么东西了。” Ash-gray mist gradual collapsing destroys void that side Ji Hao coagulated, the Daoist Wood body is shivering slightly, is having an excited smiling face stubbornly is staring at Ji Hao. Slow, slow, is extremely slow, the ash-gray mist approached the body of Ji Hao. 灰色雾气逐渐的崩毁了姬昊身边凝固的虚空,木道人身体微微颤抖着,带着一丝兴奋的笑容死死的盯着姬昊。缓慢的,缓慢的,极其缓慢的,灰色雾气靠近了姬昊的身体。 Ji Hao young child, this unsensible falls from the sky!” Daoist Wood has smiled with ease. 姬昊小儿,就这样无知觉的陨落罢!”木道人轻松的笑了起来。 At this moment, on the Daoist Wood face does not have the meaning of least bit anxiety again, but exceptionally was pleasant and tasty and be exceptionally joyous, from the heart to smile. His well satisfied smiling, looked up the Ji Hao top of the head float Pangu clock. 这一刻,木道人脸上再无半点儿愁苦之意,而是异常甘美、异常欢悦、发自内心的笑了起来。他心满意足的笑着,抬起头来看着姬昊头顶悬浮的盘古钟。 Grand Dao most precious object, this is in society rarest preciousness. 大道至宝,这是世间最罕见的珍奇。 Had this Grand Dao most precious object, after Daoist Wood has the confidence returns to the Pangu world, the direct challenge innumerable years just like a mountain, the heavy pressure in his heart, almost presses him not to gasp for breath, presses him to despair, presses of his extremely anxiety to exist fearfully. 有了这件大道至宝,木道人有信心返回盘古世界后,直接挑战无数年来犹如一座大山般,沉甸甸压在他心头,压得他喘不过气来,压得他几乎绝望,压得他万分愁苦的那个可怕存在。 He has the confidence and that fearful existence chamber resists, he has the confidence to take advantage of Grand Dao most precious object suppression greatly scarlet Daoist, Qing Wei Daoist and Yu Yu Brother Daoist three people, he has the confidence to determine the Pangu world world Grand Dao, reorganization antiquity The heaven, propped up 35 puppets to ascend the throne the God throne, henceforth controlled the forces of nature, controls the Pangu world all. 他有信心和那可怕的存在分庭抗争,他有信心依仗大道至宝镇压大赤道人清微道人禹馀道人兄弟三人,他有信心重新确定盘古世界的天地大道,重组上古天庭,扶植35个傀儡登基天帝宝座,从此呼风唤雨,掌控盘古世界的一切。 So long as the Pangu clock falls into his hand, all things without cause for grief! 只要盘古钟落入他手中,万事都无忧矣! Therefore Daoist Wood has smiled, smiles exceptionally brightly, smiles exceptionally delightfully. 所以木道人笑了,笑得异常灿烂,笑得异常甜美。 In Spiritual Space, phantom both hands tie seal to wield gently, continuously ash-gray mist fast has invaded the body of Ji Hao. 神魂空间中,虚影双手结印轻轻一挥,一缕缕灰色雾气就快速的侵入了姬昊的身体。 Ji Hao fell into inexplicable grasping principles boundary, he knows nothing to the matter that the outside has. 姬昊陷入了莫名的悟道境界,他对外界发生的事情一无所知。 Only some phantom cautiously introduces his body the strength of dying out Daoist Wood emits, has poured into nine Golden Light shining Sun quietly. Suddenly has incisive coarse crow whining noise to transmit, nine Sun core places, nine Three-legged Golden Crow whole body hair also fall off, changes into the flying ash to scatter rapidly. 唯有虚影小心翼翼的将木道人放出的寂灭之力引入他的身体,悄然注入了九颗金光灿灿的太阳中。突然有尖锐难听的鸦鸣声传来,九颗太阳核心处,九尊三足金乌浑身毛发同时脱落,迅速化为飞灰飘散。 Bare Three-legged Golden Crow desperate and panic-stricken supine Tianchang hissing, their statures rapidly decays dry, rottenly, whole body strength transformation and mutation rapidly, finally only then an extremely tiny golden luminous spot remains.( To be continued.) 光秃秃的三足金乌绝望、惊恐的仰天长嘶,他们的身躯急速的枯朽、腐烂,全身力量急速的蜕变、异变,最终只有一颗极其细小的金色光点残留。(未完待续。)
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