TME :: Volume #16

#1587: You said that is I said

The world principle system of any world, probably enormous and powerful rivers. Independent world principles, compose the water of rivers, according to the permanent ancient rhythm, travels around in the fixed river course. 任何一个世界的天地法则系统,就好像一条浩浩荡荡的河流。一条条独立的天地法则,就是组成河流的水,按照恒古的韵律,在固定的河道中周游不息。 The Pangu clock emits the profound light, just likes external current of water, has invaded the Heavenly Dao river bed of plate heng world quietly, each profound light and has represented the world principle together running water merges into one organic whole. 盘古钟放出玄光,犹如一道道外来的水流,悄然侵入了盘蘅世界的天道河床,每一道玄光都和一道代表了天地法则的‘流水’融为一体。 Daoist Wood is also so, his dies out a intent also to change into the chaos luster actually limpidly exceptionally profound light, just likes running water, twined the Heavenly Dao principle of plate heng world quietly. 木道人也是这般,他的寂灭道意也化为混沌色泽却清澈异常的玄光,犹如一道道流水,悄然缠绕上了盘蘅世界的天道法则。 The Pangu clock and Daoist Wood closely contact through the Heavenly Dao principle of plate heng world, the extraordinary strength of Pangu clock suppression sidereal revolution has rushed Daoist Wood, but Daoist Wood dying out Grand Dao has also rushed the Pangu clock, made Ji Hao peep him dead out the Grand Dao complete picture by the Pangu clock. 盘古钟、木道人就通过盘蘅世界的天道法则紧密接触,盘古钟镇压周天的奇伟力量涌向了木道人,而木道人的寂灭大道也涌向了盘古钟,透过盘古钟让姬昊窥得了他寂灭大道的全貌。 Ji Hao only thinks that own Dao Embryo becomes is silent gradually, again extremely He Xin's soul strength production. 姬昊只觉自己的道胎逐渐变得寂静无声,再无任何新的灵魂力量产生。 Afterward his five main internal organs (entrails) gradual cold, the vigor of internal organs is dissipating quietly, the speed of flow in within the body blood also slowly drops, one such as the polar sea water congealed the glacier, the activeness of blood rapidly was also dropping. 随后他的五脏六腑逐渐的冷了下去,内脏的活力在悄然消逝,体内血液的流速也缓缓下降,一如极地的海水凝成了冰川,血液的活性也在快速下降。 Afterward the marrow freeze, the skeleton joint becomes stiff does not work, the muscle and skin become numbly do not have the consciousness. 随后骨髓冻结,骨骼关节变得僵硬不灵,肌肉、皮肤也都变得麻木毫无知觉。 Finally, own thought also quietly dispirited, Ji Hao is sluggish, had one like this same place dead in a sitting posture baseless, did not make any resistance, not to make the meaning of any perishing diligently. 最后,就连自己的念头也都悄然萎靡,姬昊懒懒散散的,凭空生出了一股就这样原地坐化,再不做任何抗争、再不做任何努力的沉沦之意。 Ji Hao is very slow feeling, oneself are together the charcoal of flaming combustion, has a chaos luster ice-cold meaning faint trace and a winding continuously in all directions, gradually makes the fire of his life cooling and dimness, gradually arrived at the extinguishment edge. 姬昊‘很缓慢’的感觉,自己就是一块熊熊燃烧的火炭,四面八方有混沌色泽的冰冷之意一丝丝、一缕缕的缠绕上来,逐渐让他的生命之火变得冷却、黯淡,渐渐的就到了熄灭的边缘。 Daoist Wood dying out Grand Dao is terrorist, solely by the aura contamination that the Pangu clock transmits, makes Ji Hao fall into the critical point that some type was unable to explain. 木道人的寂灭大道过于恐怖,单单是透过盘古钟传来的气息沾染,就让姬昊陷入了某种无法言喻的临界点。 The vigor of whole body subconscious contracts to within the body, within the body nine Golden Light radiant Sun emit the immeasurable thermal energy, protected the Ji Hao complete vigor all round, sheltered his vigor to be insufficient dead out Grand Dao to suppress at one fell swoop. 全身的精气神下意识的向体内收缩,体内九颗金光璀璨的太阳放出无量热力,团团护住了姬昊全部的精气神,庇护着他的精气神不至于被寂灭大道一举扑灭。 [Say / Way] genuine solution of Yu Yu Daoist instruction changes into the innumerable Zhang Daoyun rich Purple gold reel to reappear from Ji Hao Dao Embryo suddenly, the chart of innumerable innate day after tomorrow art of making oneself invisible strategy will reappear on these reels quietly, mysterious [say / way] beyond description will intend to the Ji Hao within the body full to circle. 禹馀道人传授的阵道真解突然化为无数张道韵浓郁的紫金卷轴从姬昊道胎中浮现,无数先天后天奇门阵法的阵图在这些卷轴上悄然浮现,一股股难以形容的神奇道意在姬昊体内充盈盘旋。 Nine Golden Light shining Sun defer to a strategy chart that on these Purple gold reels records to revolve immediately voluntarily, the unification lives, two meters to decompose, three to stand...... One but nine, nine but myriad, inexhaustible, changeable. Bunch Golden Light flies high to circle, Ji Hao Dao Embryo float in complex chart that in innumerable Golden Light compose, the whole body vigor condenses in Dao Embryo, whatever the meaning of dying out attacks crazily, is actually not able to break through one after another mysterious large formation besieges and pursues to block off. 九颗金光灿灿的太阳顿时按照这些紫金卷轴上记载的阵法阵图自行运转起来,一元化生、两仪分解、三才而立……一而九,九而万千,无穷无尽,变化多端。一团团金光凌空盘旋,姬昊道胎悬浮在无数金光组成的复杂阵图中,全身精气神凝聚在道胎内,任凭寂灭之意疯狂冲击,却无法冲破一座又一座神奇大阵的围追堵截。 Had a Yu Yu [say / way] to protect oneself voluntarily, the thought that Ji Hao stagnated occurred without being noticed, one such as old freshwater mussel within the body was pregnant the pearl of raising, the innumerable thoughts had the bright unusual brightness to spout quietly, Ji Hao has replied certain elaborative faculty. 有了禹馀阵道自行护身,姬昊停滞的念头又悄然而生,一如老蚌体内孕养的珍珠,无数念头带着熠熠宝光悄然喷出,姬昊回复了一定的思考能力。 Is having a mysterious smiling face, by the Pangu clock, Ji Hao just likes the bear child who most pretty widow out of the window in the village peeps, did not have the unsurpassed buried treasure that the second person can see pleasantly surprised peeping at to society again. 带着一丝神秘的笑容,透过盘古钟,姬昊犹如在村中最俏丽的寡妇窗外偷窥的熊孩子,惊喜的窥视到了世间再无第二人能够看到的无上宝藏。 Daoist Wood since Pangu sage Sky Opening has developed, perceives through meditation dying out Grand Dao that the innumerable years become with hardship, one such as has to tall and pleasing to the eye and concave-convex the attractive body, takes in everything at a glance in front of Ji Hao. 木道人盘古圣人开天辟地以来,苦苦参悟无数年而成的寂灭大道,一如一具美轮美奂、凹凸有致的诱人身躯,在姬昊面前一览无遗。 The thick [say / way] rhyme just likes a picture scroll, launches in Ji Hao at present quietly. 浓浓道韵犹如一幅画卷,在姬昊眼前悄然展开。 On limitless green prairie, a faint trace green grass such as the emerald carves, is flooding the inexhaustible life aura. 无边无际的绿色草原上,一丝丝绿草如翡翠雕成,充斥着无穷无尽的生命气息。 On boundless green prairie, two Bodhi tree distant oppositions. A Bodhi tree luxuriant growth of leaves and branches, life essence of green desire drop condenses in each leaf, each piece of leaf Meridian is clear, each Meridian is flooding graceful [say / way] beyond description. 在无边的绿草原上,两株菩提树遥遥对立。一株菩提树枝繁叶茂,苍翠欲滴的生命精华凝聚在每一片树叶中,每一片树叶都脉络清晰,每一条脉络都充斥着难以形容的曼妙之道。 But another Bodhi tree is the branches and leaves is on the wane, only then the middle branches and several main branches are maintaining the shape of big tree reluctantly. Different with that full of vitality Bodhi tree, this Bodhi tree in decayed and collapse rapidly rapidly. 而另外一株菩提树则是枝叶凋零,只有正中间的主干和几根主要枝桠勉强维持着大树的形态。和那株生机勃勃的菩提树不同,这株菩提树在急速的腐朽、急速的崩溃。 The speed that this Bodhi tree collapses is getting more and more fast, opposite that Bodhi tree branches and leaves even more are luxuriant, life strength even more rich. 这株菩提树崩溃的速度越来越快,对面的那株菩提树枝叶就越发繁茂,生命力量就越发的浓郁。 ‚’ A resounding, Ji Hao does not know how long watched, the Bodhi tree final avalanche of that withering becomes the ashes, continuously the light smoke soars, on the limitless green prairie, the innumerable green grass wither quietly the ash. ‘啪’的一声脆响,姬昊不知道观看了多久,那株枯萎的菩提树最终崩塌成灰烬,缕缕轻烟腾空而起,无边无际的绿色草原上,无数绿草悄然枯萎成灰。 Clear sounding transmits from Bodhi tree of that luxuriant growth of leaves and branches, the whining noise like the thunder, shakes a world intermittent tumbling, the infinite [say / way] rhyme flutters from the bough, changes into continuously emerald green colored thick smoke to tumble to withering the Bodhi tree original address of collapsing flutters. 一声清脆的鸣叫从那枝繁叶茂的菩提树中传来,鸣声如雷,震得天地一阵阵的翻滚,无穷道韵从树干中飘出,化为一缕缕翠绿色的浓烟翻滚着向枯萎坍塌的菩提树原址飘去。 Withers in the Bodhi tree original address of collapsing, in pile of ashes, thumb size does not have the gloss, wrinkled just likes Bodhi tree seed soaring of withered pine cone slowly flies, worn out from the sky is circling. 枯萎坍塌的菩提树原址中,一堆灰烬中,一颗拇指大小毫无光泽、皱巴巴犹如干瘪松果的菩提树种子慢慢的腾空飞起,有气无力的在空中盘旋着。 On the small Bodhi tree seed is densely covered the innumerable traces, each trace is a principle mark of being as deep as a well, Ji Hao looks at that small Bodhi tree seed, probably saw an approximate formation macrocosm! 小小的菩提树种子上密布着无数痕迹,每一条痕迹都是一条高深莫测的法则道痕,姬昊只是看着那颗小小的菩提树种子,就好像看到了一个大致成型的大世界! Contained the infinite vitality green thick smoke to tumble has been pouring into the small Bodhi tree seed, the seed rapidly became smooth full, a full of vitality gushed out from the seed core place unceasingly, ‚’, a small shoot from seed endogenous. 蕴藏了无穷生命力的绿色浓烟翻滚着注入了小小的菩提树种子中,种子迅速变得光滑饱满,一股勃勃生机从种子核心处不断涌出,‘啪’的一声,一枚小小的嫩芽从种子内生了出来。 Gives birth to the Bodhi tree seed crash ground of shoot, deeply fell into the plump soil. 生出嫩芽的菩提树种子坠落地面,深深陷入了肥厚的土壤中。 Sigh breeze has blown, full was on the prairie of ashes has raised boundless sand storm, in ash-gray ashes that everywhere danced in the air, the innumerable delicate green grass bud dragged the physique to give birth quietly. ‘呼’的一道微风吹过,满是灰烬的草原上掀起了一片茫茫沙尘暴,在漫天飞舞的灰色灰烬中,无数细嫩的绿色草芽摇曳着身姿悄然生出。 The life aura of entire world increased one suddenly, Ji Hao saw very clearly, if before that Bodhi tree withered thoroughly, the life energy total of entire world is 1 trillion, at this moment along with giving birth of these crisp and tender grass buds, the life energy total of this world turned into 1.000000000001 trillion points! 整个世界的生命气息骤然就增加了一丝,姬昊看得很清楚,假如在那株菩提树彻底枯萎之前,整个世界的生命能量总数是1000000000000的话,此刻随着这些脆嫩草芽的生出,这个世界的生命能量总数已经变成了1000000000001点! In the Ji Hao heart clearly becomes aware, Daoist Wood Magic Power strengthened one! 姬昊心中明悟,木道人法力已经增强了一丝! Those who let the Ji Hao surprise is, he saw on that Bodhi tree seed dense and numerous traces silent are many a strip, the comprehension of Daoist Wood to world principle baseless increased one. 更让姬昊诧异的是,他看到那颗菩提树种子上面密密麻麻的痕迹又无声无息的多了一小条,木道人对天地法则的领悟又凭空增加了一丝。 On life energy along with another Bodhi tree unceasing wells up, the Bodhi tree seed raises gradually, gradually sprouts, a full of vitality full is entire, the entire world becomes especially beautiful tender and beautiful. 随着另外一株菩提树上的生命能量不断的涌来,菩提树种子逐渐拔高,逐渐萌发,一股勃勃生机充盈整个虚空,整个世界都变得格外的明媚娇艳。 Ji Hao suddenly had has sensed Daoist Wood the [say / way] of dying out, did not let all vanishing into thin air the [say / way] of Destruction. His dying out Grand Dao true goal is rebirth, one such as phoenix Nirvana, the Daoist Wood [say / way] of ultimate goal dying out is Transcendent, surmounts, saved the strength from the innumerable deaths, finally broke the shackles that he faced at one fell swoop, rushed to another brand-new boundary. 姬昊突然有了感悟木道人的寂灭之道,并非是让一切化为乌有的毁灭之道。他的寂灭大道真正的目的是‘重生’,一如‘凤凰涅槃’,木道人的寂灭之道最终的目的是超脱,是超越,是从无数次的死亡中积蓄力量,最终一举打破他面临的枷锁,冲上另外一个崭新的境界。 Your [say / way], I obtained!” Ji Hao silent has smiled. “你的道,我得到了!”姬昊无声的笑了起来。 Daoist Wood and Priest Hua, the [say / way] of two big founders, do not have any secret in front of Ji Hao since then again.( To be continued.) 木道人花道人,两大教主的道,从此在姬昊面前再无任何秘密。(未完待续。)
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