TME :: Volume #16

#1586: Dying out main road

The Pangu clock, is the Pangu sage spine does not melt Buzhou Mountain, the Pangu world world key position, the suppression world myriad things and stable world principles. 盘古钟,根本为盘古圣人脊椎骨所化不周山,盘古世界天地枢纽,镇压天地万物、稳定天地法则。 Above the heavenly bodies, hang \; Mountains land features, deep conceal its under \; The Pangu ten thousand clans, in Qi the multiplication live \; Trillion principles, take him as the universe pillar. Each intelligent living thing, has not left behind own aura on Buzhou Mountain \; Each world principle, did not carve own Grand Dao mark seal on Buzhou Mountain. 日月星辰,高悬其上\;山川地脉,深藏其下\;盘古万族,于其脚下繁衍生息\;亿万法则,以他为乾坤柱石。每一个智慧生物,都在不周山上留下了属于自己的气息\;每一条天地法则,都在不周山上刻下了自己的大道纹印。 The innumerable year of infiltrations nourish, in Buzhou Mountain each tiniest earth pellet, has not left behind the Pangu world world Grand Dao thick [say / way] rhyme. 无数年浸润滋养,不周山每一处最细小的土颗粒中,都留下了盘古世界天地大道浓浓道韵。 The Pangu clock inherited not Buzhou Mountain all, naturally also includes Pangu world all Heavenly Dao principles the [say / way] rhyme. One such as the bird passing over gently and swiftly water surface stayed behind wiped the beautiful figure, one such as the family|home bird passed through one line of tracks that the snowy area left behind, by the Pangu clock, can touch, derivation that the entire Pangu world had, fluctuated, but all Grand Dao aura. 盘古钟继承了不周山的一切,自然也包括盘古世界一切天道法则的道韵。一如飞鸟掠过水面留下的一抹倩影,一如家雀走过雪地留下的一行足印,透过盘古钟,就能触摸到整个盘古世界拥有的、衍生的、变幻而出的一切大道气息。 The profound light continuously, has locked plate heng world all world principles. The plate heng world compared with Pangu world small and weak a lot of times, his Qingmu principle has not left the Pangu world has Qingmu Grand Dao the pattern, except for having extremely few several changes, other 99% Qingmu principles and Pangu world are completely same. 玄光缕缕,锁定了盘蘅世界一切天地法则。盘蘅世界比盘古世界弱小千百倍,他的青木法则并没有脱出盘古世界拥有‘青木大道’的窠臼,除了有极少几处变化,其他99的青木法则与盘古世界完全相同。 Only revolves unreliably, the world principle of plate heng world by Pangu clock locking, all world principles just likes precise gear mutual embedments, all world principles stopped the revolution, but just likes the coagulation clock and watch core stands one's ground steadfastly generally. 玄光旋转,盘蘅世界的天地法则被盘古钟锁定,所有天地法则就犹如一枚枚精密的齿轮相互嵌合,所有天地法则停止了运转,而是犹如凝固的钟表核心一般岿然不动。 The principle is motionless, world seal, space and time freeze, myriad things ossification. 法则不动,天地封印,时空冻结,万物僵化。 In the Pangu clock low and deep bellow, all of plate heng world stopped the revolution, all life completely stiff standing in same place, the mind fire of soul also just likes the iceberg same coagulates, cannot turn the least bit thought ripple again. The space has locked, the time has frozen, the rotations of all stars also stagnated, the wind does not blow, the water does not flow, the airborne raindrop is entirely still sluggishly void...... 盘古钟低沉的轰鸣声中,盘蘅世界的一切都停止了运转,所有生灵全部僵硬的站在原地,脑海中的灵魂之火也犹如冰山一样凝固,再也翻不起半点儿念头波纹。空间锁定了,时间冻结了,一切星辰的转动也都停滞了,风不吹,水不流,空中的雨滴迟滞虚空纹丝不动…… The shade crown Saint Venerable, the evil crown Saint Venerable to look the panic-stricken color, just likes the small insect in amber, the body becomes is unable to move. In their pupils god glittering, thoughts just like the river bed bottom air bubble, shakes the small body to rise the river surface slowly, actually drifts in the river surface is unable to split. 影冕圣尊、邪冕圣尊面露惊骇之色,犹如琥珀中的小虫子,身体也变得无法动弹。他们的眸子里神光闪烁,一个又一个念头犹如河床底部的气泡,缓慢的摇动着小小的身体升上河面,却飘浮在河面迟迟无法裂开。 The thought is motionless, the shade crown Saint Venerable, the evil crown Saint Venerable also lost all wills, they exhausted the compensation to struggle crazily, throughout is actually not able to move a finger. Their face distortions, instinct revealed the desperate and panic-stricken color. 念头不动,影冕圣尊、邪冕圣尊也就丧失了一切意志,他们用尽全部力量疯狂挣扎,却始终无法动弹一根手指。他们的面孔扭曲,本能的流露出了绝望、惊恐之色。 And cultivated to the magical skills of their this level is, had been prohibited such a long time by the enemy with the rare treasure, enough they died 100 million times, to be frightened out of one's wits 1 billion times! 到了他们这个层次的道行和修为,被敌人用异宝封禁了这么长时间,足够他们死掉100000000次、魂飞魄散1000000000次! In the Priest Hua pupil seven color dim light twinkles, his both hands are shivering slightly, face one intermittent twitches to struggle \; Stems from the Priest Hua original intention, he wants to break through the terrifying prestige energy of Pangu clock seal world forcefully, restores the ability to act to help Daoist Wood suppress Ji Hao. 花道人眸子里七彩幽光闪烁,他双手微微颤抖着,面孔一阵阵的抽搐挣扎\;出自花道人的本意,他想要强行攻破盘古钟封印天地的恐怖威能,恢复行动能力帮助木道人镇压姬昊 However leaves the arrogant comfortable original intention he to be glad to look on Daoist Wood and Ji Hao very much makes the life and death gambling to fight, regardless of they who loses who wins, regardless of they who lives who dies, so long as they attack brutally, so long as they injured the vitality, so long as the Daoist Wood strength were weakened...... This is greatly comfortable opportunity. 但是出自大自在的本意他很乐意旁观木道人姬昊做生死赌斗,无论他们谁输谁赢,无论他们谁生谁死,只要他们大打出手,只要他们伤损了元气,只要木道人实力被削弱了……这就是大自在的机会。 Seven color dim light have glittered for a long time, Priest Hua has not gotten rid. He has one to act with constraint the self-satisfied smiling face to sit cross-legged in void, in the pupil has the phantom of innumerable mountains rivers and mountains and innumerable birds beast to pass. 七彩幽光闪烁了许久,花道人没有出手。他带着一丝矜持得意的笑容盘坐在虚空中,眸子里有无数山川河岳、无数飞禽走兽的虚影晃过。 The face of Priest Hua is also having the slight change, is good to seem to be innumerable masks unceasing appears from his cheek deep place, then unceasing rupturing, constantly is changing the appearance and makings. His top of the head continuously strange light shoots up to the sky, wears the string of pearls, all over the body decorates the colored glaze, pearl, coral, diamond and cat eye and other gem of the incarnations to stand on the wonderful light, one such as Priest Hua is ordinary, their faces in rapidly is fluctuating. 花道人的面孔也发生着细微的变化,好似有无数张面具不断的从他面皮深处浮现,然后不断的爆裂开来,不断的变化着长相和气质。他头顶一缕缕奇光冲天而起,一具一具身披璎珞,遍体装饰着琉璃、珍珠、珊瑚、金刚石、猫儿眼等宝石的化身站在奇光上,一如花道人一般,他们的面孔都在急速的变幻着。 Ever changing spreading out [say / way], Priest Hua entered some wonderful sudden enlightenment boundary in this moment. 千变万化的‘衍’之道,花道人在这一刻进入了某种其妙不可言的顿悟境界。 Not is only own [say / way] is fluctuating, Priest Hua one ‚a heart is fast changing, or dignified holily just likes Saint Buddha, or the contamination degenerates just likes the devil, or gentle genially just likes the neighbor old men, or fierce savage just likes the hell malicious ghost...... 不仅仅是自身的‘道’在变幻,花道人的一颗‘道心’更是瞬息万变,或者庄严圣洁犹如圣佛、或者污秽堕落犹如恶魔、或者慈祥和善犹如邻家老翁、或者狰狞凶残犹如地狱恶鬼…… My [say / way]......!” Priest Hua smiles slightly, his top of the head several thousand strange incarnation within the body simultaneously spread rumble such as the thunderous happy howl. “吾之道……得矣!”花道人微微笑着,他头顶数千具奇异化身体内同时传出隆隆如雷鸣的欢啸声。 Daoist Wood the big magical powers influence by Pangu clock seal world, his body stiff coagulation was hard to move similarly, his Yuan spirit was prohibited the thought to be hard to live similarly. His difficult turning the head came to see Priest Hua one, on the anxiety unusual face jumped a wisp of light smile, but smiled quickly turned into even more strong worry and bitterness and astringency. 木道人同样被盘古钟封印天地的大神通影响,他的身体僵硬凝固难以动弹,他的元灵同样被封禁念头难以生起。他艰难的转过头来看了花道人一眼,愁苦异常的脸上跳起了一缕淡淡的微笑,但是很快微笑就变成了越发浓重的担忧和苦涩。 Said by the demon card?” Ji Hao sits cross-legged under the Pangu clock, looks facial color that Daoist Wood fluctuates, said with a smile spookily: Can be called the Demonic Path otherwise?” “以魔证道?”姬昊盘坐在盘古钟下,看着木道人变幻的面色,幽幽笑道:“可称为魔道否?” My junior brother Grand Dao, what do you and other young children's generations understand? Even if said by the demon card that as before is the unsurpassed correct path!” In the Daoist Wood double pupil shone wisp of luster chaos actually to give people the paraesthesia limpid flame, on him had profound light to shine similarly, the innumerable wisp of profound light integrated in the hand the seven treasures branch, seven color neon of sky tumbling turned into the chaos luster gradually. “吾师弟大道,你等小儿辈懂得什么?就算以魔证道,依旧是无上正道!”木道人双眸中亮起了一缕色泽混沌却给人感觉异常清澈的火焰,他身上同样有一圈玄光照耀出来,无数缕玄光融入了手中七宝树枝,天空翻滚的七彩霓虹逐渐变成了混沌色泽。 His expression dry, is bringing difficult and speech character by character, at the same time, his dying out Grand Dao starts the crazy corroded plate heng world. 他语气干涩、带着一丝艰难、一个字一个字的说着话,与此同时,他的寂灭大道开始疯狂的侵蚀盘蘅世界。 Because of the seal of Pangu clock, the plate heng world just liked the iceberg coagulates equally stiffly. When Daoist Wood the [say / way] of dying out starts to invade the plate heng world the world principle, the entire world suddenly changed the color. 因为盘古钟的封印,盘蘅世界已经犹如冰山一样僵硬凝固。但是当木道人的寂灭之道开始侵入盘蘅世界的天地法则,整个世界骤然就变了颜色。 Grey is boundless and empty, a limpid chaos meaning just liked ink dripped into the clear water, black rapid proliferation. 灰茫茫、空荡荡,一片清澈的混沌之意犹如一点墨汁滴入了清水中,墨色迅速的扩散开。 The luster of plate heng world had the strange change, all flowers and plants trees, all birds beasts, all rock sandy soil and all mountains rivers, the luster of myriad things is abating, in dim, seemed has a mysterious big hand to screen out their all colors, has screened out their within the body all life aura. 盘蘅世界的色泽发生了奇异的变化,所有的花草树木、所有的飞禽走兽、所有的山石沙土、所有的山川河流,万物的色泽都在消退,都在黯淡,好似有一只神秘的大手抽走了他们所有的颜色,更抽走了他们体内所有的生命气息。 No!” The shade crown Saint Venerable with the evil crown Saint Venerable simultaneously sends out a panic-stricken wail they also to receive the influence of [say / way] of dying out, on their skins were many innumerable incantations, the flesh and blood became is withered and weak, the function of five main internal organs (entrails) was declining rapidly, even were the fires of their soul also swaying, unceasingly became gloomy. “不!”影冕圣尊和邪冕圣尊同时发出一声惊恐的哀鸣他们也收到了寂灭之道的影响,他们的皮肤上多了无数的咒文,血肉变得干瘪而虚弱,五脏六腑的功能正在急速衰退,甚至他们的灵魂之火也在摇摇晃晃,不断变得黯淡无光。 The entire plate heng world falls into the track that the collapse died out under the influence of [say / way] of Daoist Wood dying out, entire world in collapsing Destruction rapidly. 整个盘蘅世界都在木道人寂灭之道的影响下陷入了崩坏寂灭的轨道,整个世界都在急速的坍塌毁灭 Ji Hao gained ground, looks at Daoist Wood that lets somebody cool off or calm down. 姬昊抬起头来,冷冷的看着木道人 Afterward, Ji Hao felt Daoist Wood dead out the Grand Dao aura through the Pangu clock, light, made the person whole body ice-cold, making the person be incapable quite the same as, making the person unable to bear give up all hope the meanings of dying out raiding the heart quietly. 随后,姬昊就通过盘古钟感受到了木道人寂灭大道的气息,一股淡淡的、让人全身冰冷,让人浑然无力,让人忍不住放弃一切希望的寂灭之意悄然袭上了心头。 By the Pangu clock, Ji Hao saw suddenly Daoist Wood dies out Grand Dao complete picture.( To be continued.) 透过盘古钟,姬昊突然看到了木道人‘寂灭大道’的全貌。(未完待续。)
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