TME :: Volume #16

#1585: Seal world

Ji Hao is very amazed inexplicably looks at Daoist Wood, looks at the anxiety transformation of his whole face is murderous aura of face. 姬昊很惊诧莫名的看着木道人,看着他满脸的愁苦转化为一脸的杀气。 Crossed for a long time, shaking the head of for a long time, for a long time, Ji Hao makes an effort: A little, falls the sale price, always said!” 过了许久,许久,许久,姬昊才用力的摇了摇头:“有点,掉身价呀,老道!” Daoist Wood looks at Ji Hao in consternation, did he misunderstand? Senior does not have including one, but is old [say / way]? 木道人愕然看着姬昊,他听错了么?连一个‘前辈’都没有,而是‘老道’? Ji Hao young child! Today......” a Daoist Wood heart wisp of inexplicable flame direct impact, burns his Yuan spirit one intermittent shake to be restless, looks at the Ji Hao wind light Yun Dan smiling face, the Daoist Wood suddenly inexplicable wish breakdown point anything's impulsion. 姬昊小儿!今日……”木道人心头一缕莫名火焰直冲了上来,烧得他元灵都一阵阵的震荡不安,看着姬昊风轻云淡的笑脸,木道人突然有一种莫名的想要破坏点什么的冲动。 This type impulsive has never appeared in the Daoist Wood long life, his self-torture dying out magic arts, the heart such as the dying wood and widow who does not remarry, little have the thing to touch his mood extremely truly. But today, after seeing the Pangu clock, Ji Hao old [say / way] makes his heart lake explode the innumerable mighty waves, he very much wants to make anything now. 这种冲动在木道人漫长的寿命中从未出现过,他苦修寂灭道法,心如死木、古井不波,极少有东西真正能触动他的心境。可是今日,看到盘古钟后,姬昊一声‘老道’却让他心湖炸起无数波澜,他现在很想做点什么。 For example, bodhi divine thunderbolts that will refine forces in the mouth of Ji Hao, unites to explode the smashing his head with his Dao Embryo together? 比如说,将自己炼制的菩提神雷塞进姬昊的嘴里,把他的脑袋联同他的道胎一起炸成粉碎? Right, falls sale price very much, old [say / way]!” Ji Hao very earnest said to Daoist Wood: Meets, probably blocks the way the mountain bandit who takes by force, compelling me to hand over my guard most precious object, doesn't this fall in price?” “没错,是很掉身价啊,‘老道’!”姬昊很认真的向木道人说道:“一见面,就好像拦路打劫的山匪,逼着我交出我的护身至宝,这难道不掉价么?” Daoist Wood and Priest Hua have not spoken, the shade crown Saint Venerable Venerable to pursue with the evil crown Saint, stood behind up and down sizes up Ji Hao in Daoist Wood and Priest Hua. Sees the Pangu clock, their also eye of dew greedy color, but they very discrete this wisp of greedy rapid collection in the eyeground, the vision flash resumed limpidly. 木道人花道人没吭声,影冕圣尊和邪冕圣尊已经追了上来,站在木道人花道人身后上下打量姬昊。看到盘古钟,他们也目露贪婪之色,但是他们很谨慎的将这一缕贪婪迅速的收藏在了眼底,目光一瞬间就恢复了清澈。 You should say that this most precious object relations world common people life, my Ji Hao incapacity does not have virtue, cannot be joined to this most precious object, but on you reposes on the destiny and for the common people, this most precious object Chinese angelica you govern, from this can universe Qingning and peace throughout the country, so be able everybody to enjoy a good and prosperous life, enjoying infinite luck report.” “你们应该说,这件至宝关系天下苍生性命,我姬昊无才无德,配不上这件至宝,而你们上应天命、为苍生寄托,这件至宝当归你们掌管,由此才能乾坤清宁、天下太平,如此才能人人安居乐业,尽享无穷福报。” Ji Hao is very cruel very unkindly, looks that two old [say / way] sneer saying: Lazily says including the little pompous words, the direct seat of honor prepares to seize, two old [say / way], you fall in price really very much!” 姬昊很阴损、很刻薄的看着两个老道冷笑道:“连一点点冠冕堂皇的话都懒怠说出口,直接上手就准备强抢,两位‘老道’,你们真的很掉价!” Daoist Wood has not spoken, he is only sizes up the Pangu clock earnestly, in the hand the seven treasures branch is emitting the eye-catching god unceasingly light. The Priest Hua facial color suddenly changed were innumerable, in his pupil seven color dim light emitted faint trace seven color clouds and mist continuously to soar, congealed one group of brilliant seven color cloud rainbow in his top of the head. 木道人没吭声,他只是认真的打量着盘古钟,手中七宝树枝不断放出夺目神光。花道人面色瞬息间变化了无数次,他眸子里七彩幽光放出丝丝缕缕的七彩烟霞飞腾而起,在他头顶凝成了一团绚烂的七彩云霓 „The Ji Hao little friend, one such as you said that this valuable clock relations were major, did not have virtue to have the talent, to have the person of big destiny unable to control. This valuable clock relates common people life, your this yellow mouth child is unable to display his proper prestige energy, is please this valuable Zhong Xian and this poor Daoist, hands over to govern by this poor Daoist. So world common people much hope, so sidereal revolution universe much hope.” 姬昊小友,一如你所言,这口宝钟关系重大,非有德有才、有大气运之人不能掌控。这口宝钟关系苍生性命,你这黄口孺子根本无法发挥他应有的威能,还是请将这宝钟献与贫道,交由贫道掌管罢。如此天下苍生幸甚,如此周天宇宙幸甚。” Priest Hua is having the bright smiling face, soft-spoken said pompous words according to the opinion of Ji Hao. He even also very graceful bowed good a ritual to Ji Hao, he deep bending the waist, did not even have the relaxing board. 花道人带着灿烂的笑容,细声细气的按照姬昊的意见说出了一番冠冕堂皇的话。他甚至还很雍容的向姬昊稽首行了一礼,他甚至还深深的弯下腰,迟迟没有直起腰板。 His sound moves fast to be faintly recognizable, is having an inexplicable charm, compels completely attention that the person must concentrate on strongly in his words, but his words turned into immeasurably deep black hole, once attention centralized, then the entire soul has the possibility to be swallowed by the black hole instantaneously, since then perishes thoroughly always can not be reincarnated. 他的声音飘忽而飘渺,带着一股莫名的魔力,逼得人必须全神贯注的将全部注意力集中在他的话语中,而他的话语则变成了一个深不可测的黑洞,一旦将注意力集中在内,则整个灵魂都有可能瞬间被黑洞吞噬,从此彻底沉沦永世不得超生。 Ji Hao smiled, has not spoken. 姬昊笑了笑,没吭声。 Actually is the person of speech Priest Hua? Greatly is comfortable? Who knows? Looked the moving fast illusory images of innumerable world and innumerable life that in the Priest Hua top of the head seven color neon gushes out suddenly, Ji Hao even suspected the perishing Demonic Path that Priest Hua been willing, he and already had merged greatly into one organic whole comfortably. 说话的人究竟是花道人?还是大自在?谁知道呢?看花道人头顶七彩霓虹中突然涌出的无数世界、无数生灵的飘忽幻影,姬昊甚至怀疑花道人已经心甘情愿的沉沦魔道,他和大自在早就已经融为一体。 Daoist Wood has not spoken , he ponders over wonderful of Pangu clock in careful sizing up. 木道人也没吭声,他只是在仔细的打量、琢磨盘古钟的神妙。 The shade crown Saint Venerable, the evil crown Saint Venerable is the complexion suddenly changes, their bodies in a flash, on the face three eye pupils are also scattered in disorder, the vision becomes extremely delicate. They listened respectfully to the Priest Hua words carefully, finally they by Priest Hua belt Jinkeng, almost thoroughly were almost perished. 影冕圣尊、邪冕圣尊则是脸色骤然一变,他们身体一晃,脸上三个眼眸同时散乱,目光变得极其柔弱。他们仔细聆听了花道人的话,结果他们差点被花道人带进坑里,差点就彻底沦丧。 A sad long roaring sound resounds from their mind deep place luckily, has scattered in the Priest Hua spoken language forcefully not measures the charm, this made them fight a shiver, sobered suddenly. 幸好一声沉闷悠长的怒吼声从他们脑海深处响起,强行驱散了花道人言语中的莫测魔力,这才让两人打了个寒战,骤然清醒过来。 Their panic-stricken backed up backward far away, they look at Priest Hua panic-stricken, they are revere the Panyu world whole world revolution path and control to the 108 Saints of high lawful right, only 12 obtain crown the title to high. 两人惊恐的向后倒退了老远,他们惊恐的看着花道人,他们可是盘虞世界掌控世界运转轨迹、掌控至高权柄的108位圣尊中,仅有的12位获得‘冕’之称号的至高者。 Takes their magical skills to cultivate, they cannot withstand including Priest Hua light a few words unexpectedly...... 以他们的道行修为,他们居然连花道人轻飘飘的一句话都承受不住…… Really, they do not have the qualifications become Daoist Wood and Priest Hua match, only has them behind that fearful existence, has the qualifications and Daoist Wood and Priest Hua such sage level can contest greatly. 果然,他们根本没资格成为木道人花道人的对手,唯有他们身后那个可怕的存在,才有资格和木道人花道人这样的‘圣人’级大能过招。 Stupid blood crown Saint Venerable, who he has not clarified the enemy who oneself must deal with is, on stupid arrived here!” Drearily and actually two Great Saint looks secretly take pleasure in others'misfortunes in whispered at heart secretly. “愚蠢的血冕圣尊,他根本没弄清自己要对付的敌人是谁,就愚蠢的来到了这里!”两大圣尊神色阴郁、却又暗自幸灾乐祸的在心里暗自嘀咕。 Priest Hua saw that the words cannot have any influence to Ji Hao, in his pupil wisp of an extreme greedy color of not mincing matter spews out, wicked stares at the Pangu clock to size up to keep up and down. 花道人眼看自己一番话没能对姬昊造成任何影响,他的眸子里一缕毫不掩饰的极度贪婪之色喷涌而出,恶狠狠的盯着盘古钟上下打量个不停。 The Priest Hua facial color treacherous, did not say a word, Daoist Wood slowly has held up the seven treasures branch, seven color wonderful light spouted from the brilliance eye-catching branch together, change into one extremely long to be extremely long, width to reach ten thousand li (0.5km) seven color rainbows to cross void, just liked a colored long needle pierced the entire plate heng world. 花道人面色诡谲、一言不发,木道人则是缓缓举起了七宝树枝,一道七彩奇光从光焰夺目的树枝上喷出,化为一条极长极长、宽达万里的七彩长虹横贯虚空,犹如一条彩色的长针洞穿了整个盘蘅世界。 The Heavenly Dao principle of plate heng world is shivering slightly, Daoist Wood, not measures the magical powers by oneself unsurpassed Magic Power outrageously, uses the dying out magic arts invasion plate heng world forcefully the Heavenly Dao principle. 盘蘅世界的天道法则微微颤抖着,木道人悍然以自己无上法力、莫测神通,强行用寂灭道法侵染盘蘅世界的天道法则。 The world key position of plate heng world had been won by Ji Hao, pioneer plate heng of plate heng world was cut to kill by Ji Hao, the plate heng world at this moment is weakest and most ignorant vacant time. The I of world consciousness in front of Daoist Wood tyrannical incomparable Divine Sense just like a light slip of paper, was struck to pierce and grind the smashing by Daoist Wood instantaneously. 盘蘅世界的天地枢纽已经被姬昊夺走,盘蘅世界的开辟者盘蘅被姬昊斩杀,此刻的盘蘅世界正是最虚弱、最懵懂茫然的时刻。世界的本我意识在木道人强横无比的神念面前犹如一张薄薄的纸片,瞬间就被木道人一击洞穿、碾成粉碎。 Slowly, the entire sky seven color auspicious light of plate heng world passed, the main tone is the pale-green plate heng world, is transforming toward seven colored Ze. In this seven colored accent hid an inexplicable cloudy and cold and deep aura, this is the Daoist Wood dying out magic arts unique makings, one type makes the entire world fall into the deathly stillness condition the makings. 慢慢的,盘蘅世界的整个天空都有七彩祥光透了出来,原本主体色调是淡绿色的盘蘅世界,正朝着七彩色泽转化。偏偏这种七彩色调中隐藏了一种莫名的阴冷、深沉的气息,这是木道人的寂灭道法特有的气质,一种让整个世界陷入死寂状态的气质。 Ji Hao looks to display the magical powers Daoist Wood, sighing of gently. 姬昊看着施展神通的木道人,轻轻的叹了一口气。 If Daoist Wood has controlled the entire plate heng world, the Heavenly Dao principle of entire world was controlled by him, then the plate heng world will change into a giant prisoner's cage, Ji Hao will be imprisoned not to withdraw in the prisoner's cage. 如果木道人掌控了整个盘蘅世界,整个世界的天道法则都被他掌控,那么盘蘅世界就将化为一个巨大的囚笼,姬昊将被禁锢在囚笼中脱身不得。 However now the Ji Hao Dao Embryo vitality has not replied, he wants to flee with the aid of the Heaven and Earth Golden Bridge strength is extremely difficult, his whole body Magic Power basic on reassignment many. 但是现在姬昊道胎元气没有回复,他想要借助天地金桥的力量遁走都极其困难,他浑身的法力根本就调动不了多少。 Sighed, Ji Hao simply sits cross-legged to sit well, both hands tie seal, is used to communicate the Pangu clock the complete mind. 叹了一口气,姬昊干脆盘膝坐定,双手结印,将全部心神都用来沟通盘古钟。 The strange profound light that on the Pangu clock emits becomes is even more dim and bright, the innumerable wisp of profound light shine void, Ji Hao snort|hum said gently: Seal world, a beauty body!” 盘古钟上放出的奇异玄光变得越发的朦胧、皎洁,无数缕玄光照耀虚空,姬昊轻轻哼道:“封印天地,天人一体!” The Pangu clock shook the cry loudly, the plate heng world shivered slightly.( To be continued.) 盘古钟轰然震鸣,盘蘅世界微微的颤抖了一下。(未完待续。)
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