TME :: Volume #16

#1584: Main road most precious object

Under four clothing/taking the Panyu world Sky Opening sage holy blood, combustion Blood Essence and soul, the chaos ominous beast of thorough insanity, four lethality astonishing innate most precious object black flame embroidered balls, both puts together the might that erupts to make the Ji Hao peak however change countenance. 四头服下盘虞世界开天圣人圣血,燃烧精血和灵魂,彻底疯魔的混沌凶兽,四颗杀伤力惊人的先天至宝黑炎绣球,两者加在一起爆发出的威力让姬昊都耸然动容。 If these four chaos ominous beasts the normal state, their cultivating for compared with fusing eight plate heng Sun beforehand Ji Hao phase differences are similar, Ji Hao by the Pangu the strength of clock and Pangu sword, strikes to kill them is the matter that a sword can solve. 这四头混沌凶兽若是正常状态,他们的修为比融合八颗盘蘅太阳之前的姬昊相差仿佛,姬昊凭借盘古钟、盘古剑的力量,击杀他们不过是一剑就能解决的事情。 However, under after the clothing/taking the holy blood, falls into the enchanted condition, four ominous beasts have practiced innumerable year of saving huge Magic Power, but can also continue the innumerable year of prolonged lives to erupt in a short double-hour, the strength that they every strikes is they usually over thousand times! 然,服下圣血、陷入疯魔状态后,四头凶兽修炼了无数年积攒的庞大法力,还能持续无数年的绵长寿命在短短一个时辰内爆发出来,他们每一击的力量都是他们平日里的千倍以上! One such as Sun, according to the normal Heavenly Dao principle sending out light and heat, his life can continue several billions years and several hundred hundred million years of even longer time, in this long years, his light and hot is temperate and stable. 一如一颗太阳,按照正常的天道法则散发光和热,他的寿命可以持续数十亿年、数百亿年甚至更长的时间,在这漫长的岁月中,他的光和热是温和而稳定的。 Once there is an external force to be exciting, this Sun strength erupts in a short double-hour, the strength that he releases every single minute absolutely is 1 trillion times in ordinary day, the lethality that creates may be called extinguishes world. 一旦有外力刺激,这颗太阳的力量在短短一个时辰内爆发出来,他每分每秒释放出的力量绝对是平日里的1000000000000倍,造成的杀伤力堪称‘灭世’。 Four ominous beasts at this moment are so, they are whooshing crazily, just likes the absolutely irreconcilable foe pounces upon suddenly to fiercely attack to Ji Hao generally. Embroidered ball that four black inflammations wind around circles to dance in the air around them, hits unceasingly on the Pangu clock. 此刻的四头凶兽就是如此,他们疯狂的嘶吼着,犹如不共戴天的仇敌一般向姬昊猛扑猛打。四颗黑炎缭绕的绣球绕着他们盘旋飞舞,不断撞击在盘古钟上。 Ji Hao only thinks that tremendous strengths from raid in all directions, he cannot even see clearly the movements of four ominous beasts, every at least has several billions from ominous beast lackeys in a flash attacks, several times have the lackey to break through the chaos air current that the Pangu clock spouts, hit directly on the Pangu clock main body, hit Pangu clock sparks to scatter, ding to be unceasing. 姬昊只觉一股股巨大的力量从四面八方袭来,他甚至看不清四头凶兽的动作,每一弹指间起码有数亿道来自凶兽爪牙的攻击攻击上来,好几次有爪牙突破盘古钟喷出的混沌气流,直接打在了盘古钟本体上,打得盘古火星四溅、钟声不断。 Ji Hao is in the weakest time, his human body strength and Magic Power abundant full Ying, was his Dao Embryo weak to the extreme, he is unable to control his human body and Magic Power. He is rolling up the body, just likes under the asylum of Pangu clock by the billard ball that the naughty child plays with, is bringing the grating sound everywhere randomly flying chaotic ball from out of the blue. 姬昊正处于最虚弱的时期,他的肉体力量和法力充沛满盈,可是他道胎虚弱到了极点,他根本无法掌控自己的肉体和法力。他蜷缩着身体,在盘古钟的庇护下犹如一颗被顽童玩弄的弹子,带着刺耳的破空声漫天乱飞乱弹。 Under four embroidered ball unceasing bang, every struck has blasted out the big group black flame on the Pangu clock. 四颗绣球不断轰下,每一击都在盘古钟上炸开了大团黑色火光。 Black flame might greatly, not only the temperature is extremely high, the strength that evil and cruel corrosions, swallow contains. Also is Pangu clock main body stable is unusual, has is above the defensive power of imagination, this is intact under the attacks of four embroidered balls, but can also protect the completeness of Ji Hao. 黑色的火焰威力宏大至极,不仅温度极高,更有一种歹毒的腐蚀、吞噬的力量蕴藏其中。也就是盘古钟本体坚固异常,有着超乎想象的防御力,这才在四颗绣球的攻击下丝毫无损,还能护住姬昊的周全。 The Pangu sword humming sound thunders in Ji Hao within the body, he wants to rush ahead to drink to heart's content impatiently warm-blooded of four ominous beasts. 盘古剑在姬昊体内‘嗡嗡’轰鸣,他迫不及待想要冲杀出去痛饮四头凶兽的热血。 Ji Hao actually does not dare to use the sword. At this moment his Divine Sense arrives at pinnacle weakly, Divine Sense emits outside the body most to feel a surrounding area hundred li (0.5km) sound, but four ominous beasts run such as fly, frequently moved sideways inside and outside trillion, then taking advantage of rushed to the charge the tendency to hit fiercely maliciously on the Pangu clock. 姬昊却不敢出剑。此刻他的神识虚弱到极致,神识放出体外最多能感受到方圆百里的动静,可是四头凶兽奔走如飞,动辄就闪身到了亿万里外,然后借着猛奔冲锋的势头狠狠撞击在盘古钟上。 At this time uses the sword, not cuts to kill the assurance of ominous beast, Ji Hao is afraid to make Daoist Wood and Priest Hua catch the opportunity, robs the Pangu sword directly. 此时出剑,并无斩杀凶兽的把握,姬昊更害怕会让木道人花道人逮到机会,直接抢走盘古剑。 Thump number sound, the Pangu clock is shaking fiercely, the bodies of four ominous beasts have fired four groups of fireballs, cannot see originally lion completely carriage. Their lives arrived at the final flash brightest time, is their complete strengths and complete souls, they passes the time that innumerable year of long life all brilliance brand marks erupt instantaneously. ‘咚咚’数声响,盘古钟剧烈的震荡着,四头凶兽的身体已经烧成了四团火球,完全看不出原本‘狮子’的体态。他们的生命已经到了最后一瞬间最灿烂的时刻,也是他们全部的力量、全部的灵魂、他们过去无数年漫长寿命一切光辉烙印瞬间爆发的时刻。 Four groups of black flame explode loudly, embroidered ball that four black inflammations are winding around, all thorough explosions of four ominous beasts. Four groups of black fires just liked four huge incomparable extinguishing world hot lotuses bind the Pangu clock all round, overlapped innumerable [say / way] terrifying impact air wave unceasing falling on the Pangu clock. 四团黑色的火焰轰然爆开,连带着四件黑炎缭绕的绣球,连带着四头凶兽的一切彻底的爆炸开来。四团黑火犹如四朵巨大无比的灭世火莲团团裹住了盘古钟,重重叠叠无数道恐怖的冲击气浪不断的落在盘古钟上。 Ji Hao was shaken dizzy, body uncontrolled in chaos air current that in the Pangu clock spouts all round chaotic revolutions. 姬昊被震得头昏眼花,身体不受控制的在盘古钟喷出的混沌气流中团团乱转。 A terrifying pressure pressure layer upon layer on the body, is fortunate enough to Ji Hao the human body strength to be astonishing now, these pressures cannot become the injuries to other party in fact, but lets his skin split slightly, just like the fissure of spider web. 恐怖的压力一层层的压在身上,幸得姬昊如今肉体力量惊人,这些压力并没能对他造成实质上的伤害,只是让他皮肤裂开了细微的、犹如蜘蛛网的裂痕。 A blood has not seeped out, Ji Hao clenches teeth to withstand the dizzy distressed feeling stubbornly, whole body Blood Essence is rushing like the tide, repairs the fissure that the body surface is presenting voluntarily. 一丝鲜血都没有渗出,姬昊死死咬着牙承受着天旋地转的狼狈感觉,周身精血澎湃如潮,自行修复着体表出现的裂痕。 Injuring on this body is not even the injury, Ji Hao cannot give a thought to the wound of this superficial knowledge, complete attention as before centralized on Daoist Wood, Priest Hua and two [gold/metal] clothes men. 这点皮肉上的伤损甚至算不上伤势,姬昊顾不得这点皮毛之伤,全部注意力依旧集中在了木道人花道人和两个金衣男子身上。 The black flame diverges finally, the Pangu clock expanded to the hundred zhang (333m) voluntarily high and low, covered Ji Hao firmly in center. Dark heavy did not have the gloss clock body to be covered by strange profound light, faint trace light profound light sends out from the clock body, unexpectedly the feeling of shining sidereal revolution. 黑色火焰终于散去,盘古钟已经自行扩张到百丈上下,牢牢地将姬昊罩在了正中。原本暗沉沉毫无光泽的钟体被一层奇异的玄光笼罩,一丝丝淡淡的玄光从钟体上散发出来,居然有一种照耀周天的感觉。 Daoist Wood and Priest Hua stared in a big way the eye suddenly, they were shocked looks at the Pangu clock. 木道人花道人骤然瞪大了眼睛,他们震惊的看着盘古钟。 This type felt a faint trace extremely thin, the light profound light shines void, each profound light seemed has corresponded the world principle of plate heng world, each profound light resembled the wheel bearing to be common, exquisite incomparable inserting the core position of plate heng world world principle, having made the Heavenly Dao revolution of entire plate heng world fall into the control of Pangu clock thoroughly. 这种感觉一丝丝极细的、淡淡的玄光照耀虚空,每一道玄光都好似对应了盘蘅世界的一门天地法则,每一丝玄光都好像车轮轴承一般,精巧无比的嵌入了盘蘅世界天地法则的核心位置,让整个盘蘅世界的天道运转彻底落入了盘古钟的掌控中。 Because of the suppression and control of Pangu clock, Ji Hao plate heng world void becomes stable incomparable, four ominous beasts from exploding has not created the destructive damage to the plate heng world, but void several folded slightly. 因为盘古钟的镇压和掌控,姬昊身边的盘蘅世界虚空变得稳固无比,四头凶兽的自爆并没有对盘蘅世界造成破坏性的损坏,只是虚空略微荡起了几道皱褶。 So the gods and ghosts performance, completely has surpassed the biggest hope of Daoist Wood and Priest Hua to Pangu clock. 如此神异表现,完全超出了木道人花道人盘古钟的最大希冀。 Unexpectedly is, can suppress Heavenly Dao...... Grand Dao most precious object!” “居然是,能够镇压天道的……大道至宝!” Daoist Wood and Priest Hua were simply enchanted, their these years have looked at Ji Hao to grow, look in his hand to be many an inexplicable nameless valuable clock, saw Ji Hao to take advantage of this indestructible valuable clock Heng Xing, must have tears streaming down the face their disciple disciple lesson. 木道人花道人简直要疯魔了,他们这些年一直看着姬昊成长,看着他手上多了一口莫名的无名宝钟,更看到姬昊依仗这口坚不可摧的宝钟横行,把他们的门徒弟子教训得泪流满面。 They have thought that this is a defensive power astonishing defense most precious object. 他们一直以为,这就是一件防御力惊人的防御至宝。 Trivial defense most precious object, but also is insufficient, because this treasure has no consideration for face with Yu Yu Daoist thoroughly, therefore Daoist Wood and Priest Hua, although wants to become a buddhist get to know with the Pangu clock very much, actually concerned about Yu Yu Daoist, embarrassed really starts. 区区一件防御至宝而已,还不至于因为这件宝贝彻底和禹馀道人撕破脸,所以木道人花道人虽然很想和盘古钟结缘,却碍于禹馀道人,‘不好意思’真个下手。 But today, four chaos giant beasts from exploding to compel the true feature of Pangu clock! 可是今日,四头混沌巨兽的自爆逼出了盘古钟的真实面目! He from profound light, unexpectedly can the Heavenly Dao principle of anchorage plate heng world dispelling sending out revolve, if this moment Ji Hao has enough strength to stimulate to movement the Pangu clock, he can control the plate heng world thoroughly all! 他自行散发出的玄光,居然能定住盘蘅世界的天道法则运转,如果此刻姬昊有足够的实力催动盘古钟,他就能彻底掌控盘蘅世界的一切! The body of Daoist Wood and Priest Hua is shivering slightly, Pangu clock from the Pangu world! He can start the anchorage plate heng world unexpectedly voluntarily the Heavenly Dao principle...... This means that this clock should be the Grand Dao most precious object of Pangu world! 木道人花道人的身体微微颤抖着,盘古钟来自盘古世界啊!他居然能够自行发动定住盘蘅世界的天道法则……这意味着,这口钟应该是盘古世界的大道至宝! „The spine of Pangu sage...... Sky Pillar Buzhou Mountain, was not gathered by this boy!” Daoist Wood and Priest Hua thoroughly understood the past and present of Pangu clock suddenly and in the future. 盘古圣人的脊椎骨……天柱周山,是被这小子收取了!”木道人花道人突然彻底明白了盘古钟的过去、现在和未来。 Person's shadow in a flash, Daoist Wood and Priest Hua simultaneously to Ji Hao side. 人影一晃,木道人花道人同时到了姬昊身边。 Ji Hao, puts down this clock, today forgives you not dead!”( To be continued.) 姬昊,放下这口钟,今日饶你不死!”(未完待续。)
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