TME :: Volume #16

#1583: Fitting in easily

In the upper air, the Ji Hao supine Tianchang smiles. 高空中,姬昊仰天长笑。 Within the body chaos void, round golden color fiercely positive spout immeasurable raging fire Golden Light, eight volumes are bigger than this Sun several points, was actually the pale-green, or combines faint trace golden Sun to encircle one perfectly round to be fierce regarding the golden color, similarly spout the boundless light and heat. 体内混沌虚空中,一轮金色烈阳喷涌出无量烈火金光,八颗体积比这颗太阳还要略大几分,却呈淡绿色、又或者混杂了一丝丝金色的太阳围成一个浑圆围绕着金色烈阳,同样喷涌出无边光和热。 Ji Hao Dao Embryo sits cross-legged fiercely in center positive sky over, the Pangu clock emitted the air/Qi of faint trace continuously chaos to surround the whole body, both hands law seal fluctuates and have the innumerable remnant shades. 姬昊道胎盘坐在正中烈阳上空,盘古钟放出丝丝缕缕混沌之气环绕全身,双手法印变幻、带起了无数条残影。 Just he almost pressed out to do Dao Embryo, this forced to drag into within the body with the help of plate jia Sun eight plate heng Sun. At this moment his human body strength is abundant, but Dao Embryo is gloomy, the soul strength is exhausted the pinnacle, is beyond control including a finger. 刚刚他几乎榨干了道胎,这才勉强在盘泇太阳的帮助下将八颗盘蘅太阳拉入体内。此刻他肉体力量充沛无比,但是道胎黯淡无光,灵魂力量匮竭到极致,连一根手指头都无法控制。 Has the Pangu clock to blow Dao Embryo luckily, has in the human body huge Blood Essence to return nurturing to parents Dao Embryo, jia Sun transports a faint trace pure unusual pure yang thermal energy to pour into Dao Embryo slowly, a spiritual then restoration of Ji Hao. 幸好有盘古钟镇住道胎,更有肉体中庞大精血反哺道胎,还有盘泇太阳缓缓输送一丝丝精纯异常的纯阳热力注入道胎中,姬昊的精神这才一丝一丝的恢复。 Eight plate heng Sun quite a little not law-abiding in the Ji Hao within the body extreme twist, formidable repel wills gushes out from these Sun core places unceasingly. Although these Sun my wills are ignorant and small and weak, but they feel very much clearly, Ji Hao drags into here them to them is not a good deed. 八颗盘蘅太阳颇有点不安分的在姬昊体内急速旋转,一股股强大的排斥意志不断从这些太阳核心处涌出。这些太阳的本我意志虽然懵懂且弱小,但是他们很清楚的感受到,姬昊将他们拉入这里对他们而言并非好事。 Fierce Ding, pale-green plate heng Sun does not shoot up to the sky, the innumerable roaring flame concentrate giant tentacles to brush void to all around. Is restoring the Dao Embryo strength Ji Hao to gain ground reluctantly, conveniently to this tumult restless plate heng Sun one finger. 猛不丁的,一颗淡绿色的盘蘅太阳冲天而起,无数条烈焰凝成一根根巨大的触手向四周虚空抽打过去。正在恢复道胎力量的姬昊勉强抬起头来,随手向这颗骚动不安的盘蘅太阳一指。 The Pangu sword sends out low and deep thundering, changes into a black glare to tear suddenly void, jabbed into this plate heng Sun core place maliciously. Weak this I who plate heng Sun has not awakened consciousness by a sword am cut broken, vanishes into thin air thoroughly. 盘古剑发出一声低沉的轰鸣,骤然化为一条黑色强光撕裂虚空,狠狠刺进了这颗盘蘅太阳核心处。盘蘅太阳尚未觉醒的微弱本我意识被一剑斩碎,彻底烟消云散。 In plate jia Sun golden flame ran out together, changes into huge Three-legged Golden Crow to crash in pale-green plate heng Sun. Was cut plate heng Sun not any action of revolt killed this me to realize by Ji Hao, whatever this Three-legged Golden Crow moved into oneself core. 盘泇太阳中一道金色火光冲出,化为一头巨大的三足金乌冲进了淡绿色的盘蘅太阳。被姬昊斩杀了本我意识的盘蘅太阳没有任何反抗的举动,任凭这头三足金乌入驻自己核心。 Bang a Golden Light Sheng, this pale-green plate heng Sun core locates Golden Light to shine greatly, afterward proliferated various whole body places rapidly. During the short several breath, plate heng Sun turned into Sun that Golden Light four have shot all over the body, his aura also becomes has over 90% similar to plate jia Sun, faintly nearly Pangu Sun aura. ‘轰’的一声金光大盛,这颗淡绿色的盘蘅太阳核心处一点金光亮起,随后急速扩散到了全身各处。短短几个呼吸间,盘蘅太阳就已经变成了一颗通体金光四射的太阳,他的气息也变得和盘泇太阳有九成以上相似,隐隐近乎盘古太阳的气息。 The plate heng world takes Qingmu as base, even nine Sun in originally floods great quantity Aoki to say the mark, mixed with the rich Qingmu spiritual energy in the fire of pure yang. The relations that because Heavenly Dao of plate heng world maintains forcefully, the plate heng Sun open fight between factions of pure yang has not ignited these Qingmu spiritual energies, instead mixed with the thick Qingmu aura in the pure yang flame. 盘蘅世界以青木为基,甚至原本的九颗太阳中都充斥着巨量的青木道痕,在纯阳之火中更是夹杂了浓郁的青木灵气。因为盘蘅世界的天道强行维持的关系,盘蘅太阳中的纯阳之火并没有将这些青木灵气引燃,反而在纯阳火焰中都夹杂了浓浓的青木气息。 Ji Hao actually directly cut to kill this plate heng Sun the me to realize, has cut off him and all relations of plate heng world, takes Sun Grand Dao that oneself comprehended to enter plate heng Sun for the kindling direct bang, this probably threw matches on one pile of firewoods, the entire pile firewood was ignited instantaneously. 姬昊却直接斩杀了这颗盘蘅太阳的本我意识,斩断了他和盘蘅世界的一切联系,以自己领悟的太阳大道为火引子直接轰入盘蘅太阳,这就好像在一堆木柴上丢了一根火柴,整堆木柴瞬间被引燃。 Fire to subdue|grams wood, this is the most basic five lines engenders and overcomes the principle, before was only because plate heng world Heavenly Dao principle maintenance of forcefully, this had plate heng world nine to flood great quantity Qingmu spiritual energy existence of greenishness Sun this grade of freak. 火克木,这是最基本的五行生克法则,以前只是因为盘蘅世界天道法则的强行维持,这才有了盘蘅世界九颗充斥着巨量青木灵气的浅绿色太阳这等怪胎的存在。 Ji Hao is bringing order out of chaos, making this plate heng Sun return legitimate. 姬昊算是‘拨乱反正’,让这颗盘蘅太阳回归了正统。 Sun, should the light shining in all directions and pure yang to just, flood the purest flame strength all over the body, where need other attribute strengths exist? 一颗太阳,本来就应该光芒四射、纯阳至刚,通体充斥着最纯正的火焰力量,哪里需要其他属性的力量存在? Plate heng Sun seemed has taken off all fetters, suddenly the Fire Phoenix phoenix that soared from the egg shell, suddenly changed an appearance, the infinite Qingmu spiritual energy that within the body contained was detonated instantaneously, changed into the main body formidable energy to originate completely. 盘蘅太阳好似脱去了身上所有束缚,突然从蛋壳中一飞冲天的火凤凰,骤然间变了一个模样,体内蕴藏的无穷青木灵气瞬间被引爆,全部化为了本体强大的能量来源。 duo, goes!” The Ji Hao both hands law seal wields again and again, the Pangu sword glitters continuously seven times, cuts to kill remaining seven trembling my wills of plate heng Sun completely. “咄,去!”姬昊双手法印连连挥动,盘古剑连续闪烁七次,将剩下七颗瑟瑟发抖的盘蘅太阳的本我意志全部斩杀。 Plate jia Sun fierce is shivering, seven Three-legged Golden Crow howl is departing from his within the body, if quickly injects into seven plate heng Sun within the body like lightning. Suddenly Ji Hao within the body Golden Light greatly Sheng, thermal energy soar to the heavens, entire nine pure golden Sun is emitting the raging fire, according to imperial palace position static float in his within the body. 盘泇太阳剧烈的颤抖着,七头三足金乌呼啸着从他体内飞出,快若闪电般注入七颗盘蘅太阳体内。一时间姬昊体内金光大盛、热力冲天,整整九颗纯金色的太阳喷吐着烈火,按照九宫方位静静的悬浮在他体内。 The formidable heat flow wells up the whole body, was steamed the whole body to sweat profusely by the formidable odd heat flow at the Ji Hao present human body intensity as before, his Mo Yunxuan merit, static derives in nine Sun not to have impurity the air/Qi of pure yang to supplement the Dao Embryo consumption. 强大的热流涌遍全身,以姬昊如今的肉体强度依旧被强大离谱的热流蒸得浑身大汗淋漓,他默运玄功,静静的汲取九颗太阳中毫无杂质的纯阳之气补充道胎消耗。 A little light has dragged, form light Dao Embryo gradually becomes a great strength of clear, feeble aura also faint trace. 已经有点光影摇曳、身影淡薄的道胎逐渐变得清晰,衰弱的气息也一丝丝的强大。 This time, the heart of Ji Hao suddenly fiercely was beating several, the achievement Pangu true body, although does not have the Pangu sage to be like that tyrannical incomparable, the Ji Hao human body quite had several points of wonderful, his painstaking care tide moves, considers the matter to occur, moreover definitely is greatly has the disadvantageous matter to him. 就在这时候,姬昊的心脏突然剧烈的跳动了几下,成就盘古真身,虽然没有盘古圣人那般强横无匹,姬昊的肉体已经颇有了几分神妙,他心血一阵潮动,当是有事发生,而且肯定是对他大有不利的事情。 Opened both eyes hurriedly, Ji Hao lowers the head to Daoist Wood engaged in fierce battle four lion the direction looked. 急忙睁开双眼,姬昊低头向木道人鏖战四头‘狮子’的方向望了过去。 Nine Sun of plate heng world were thoroughly destroyed, eight were won by Ji Hao, now the entire world does not have the light dimly, the entire world rapidly is becoming cloudy and cold moist. The darkness is unable to prevent the line of sight of Ji Hao, do not say that Daoist Wood and Priest Hua are sending out the eye-catching brilliance all over the body. 盘蘅世界的九颗太阳一颗被彻底摧毁,八颗被姬昊夺走,如今整个世界昏暗无光,整个世界正在急速变得阴冷潮湿。黑暗无法阻挡姬昊的视线,更不要说木道人花道人正通体散发出夺目的光彩。 He noticed that two suddenly appears with the [gold/metal] clothes man who the blood crown Saint Venerable the general appearance side Daoist Wood, side several person void fierce distortions shivered, Ji Hao is well aware, this is they with is formidable is above the soul fluctuation that the average man imagines exchanges. 他看到两个和血冕圣尊一般打扮的金衣男子突然出现在木道人身边,几个人身边的虚空剧烈的扭曲颤抖了起来,姬昊心知肚明,这是他们正在用强大得超乎常人想象的灵魂波动进行交流。 Under this exchange way, the countless words are also the matter that the flash can complete. 在这种交流方式下,千言万语也就是一瞬间就能完成的事情。 By Daoist Wood and Priest Hua magical skill, they can have trillion thoughts in a flash, the flash can also extinguish kill trillion thoughts, lives to extinguish in the uncertain thought from innumerable, they can grasp to take the decision-making to they most advantageous that thought accurately, then carries out with the quickest speed. 木道人花道人的道行,他们一瞬间就能生出亿万个念头,一瞬间也能灭杀亿万个念头,从无数个生灭不定的念头中,他们能够准确的把握住对他们最有利的那个念头作为决策,然后用最快的速度执行下去。 Suddenly, Daoist Wood and Priest Hua, the emergying two [gold/metal] clothes men simultaneously looked to Ji Hao. 骤然间,木道人花道人,还有新出现的两个金衣男子同时向姬昊这边望了过来。 Four roar to roar, gathered round lion that’ Daoist Wood throws to strike crazily sudden body one stiff, they have turned around slowly, the pupil that the ominous light four shoot has locked the body of Ji Hao stubbornly. ‚’ Bellows, the embroidered ball that four black inflammations wind around brings the terror bellow to come from out of the blue, broke void, suddenly arrived in front of Ji Hao. 四头怒吼咆哮,原本围着木道人疯狂扑击的‘狮子’突然身体一僵,他们缓缓转过身来,凶光四射的眸子死死锁定了姬昊的身体。‘嗷嗷’一阵大吼,四颗黑炎缭绕的绣球带着恐怖的轰鸣声破空而来,一路震碎了虚空,眨眼间就到了姬昊面前。 conceal emits in the Pangu clock of Ji Hao within the body hurriedly, the sincere chaos air/Qi wall kept off before four embroidered balls together. 藏于姬昊体内的盘古钟急忙放出,一道厚重的混沌气墙挡在了四颗绣球前。 An earthshaking bang transmits, the fearful great strength has ventilated the wall bang on Ji Hao, Ji Hao was shaken all over the body tingles with numbness, the Dao Embryo vitality has not replied, his strength of Divine Sense feebly to the pinnacle, at this moment he has the tyrannical human body spatially, is actually not able to direct the human body combat freely. 一阵惊天动地的巨响传来,可怕的巨力透过气墙轰在了姬昊身上,姬昊被震得遍体发麻,道胎元气未复、他的神识之力衰弱到了极致,此刻他空有强横的肉体,却无法自如的指挥肉体作战。 Bases not steady Ji Hao distressed backed up backward dozens steps, with amazement and startled however looked to Daoist Wood and Priest Hua one line.( To be continued.) 立足不稳的姬昊狼狈的向后倒退了数十步,骇然、惊然的看向了木道人花道人一行。(未完待续。)
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