TME :: Volume #16

#1600: Puts to death falls certainly

Yu Yu Daoist uses strong language body to fend strangely, was nipped by Yu Man one as before on the shoulder. The white full mouth big tooth deeply falls into the shoulder neck muscle, the pain results in the Yu Yu Daoist face to pull out very distressedly! 禹馀道人一声怪叫横身闪避,依旧被虞蛮一口咬在了肩膀上。白晃晃的满口大牙深深陷入肩颈肌肉中,痛得禹馀道人面孔微抽好不狼狈! Ji Hao is scared, greatly scarlet Daoist and Qing Wei Daoist also shocked. 姬昊傻眼,大赤道人清微道人也震惊了。 The strength of Pangu world murdering may be called first Yu Yu Daoist, what enemy has disputed, the Prehistoric big energy, is the character of founder level, by getting up to slaughter the experience of fight, the Pangu world does not have one person to surpass Yu Yu Daoist. 盘古世界杀伐之力堪称第一的禹馀道人,什么样的敌人都较量过,无论是洪荒大能,还是教主级的人物,论起厮杀战斗的经验,盘古世界无一人能超过禹馀道人 The number of times of beginning were many, Yu Yu Daoist has also formed own fight habit, has fostered oneself uniquely fight judgment. 动手的次数多了,禹馀道人也养成了自己的战斗习惯,养成了自己独特的战斗判断。 If slaughters with these chaos giant beasts, naturally is various methods all uses it extremely, how with raw hate evil and cruel how to come, method Yu Yu Daoist that various types may be called the lower reaches also has. However begins with the character of founder level, Yu Yu Daoist naturally subconsciously will act with constraint some, to get rid also subconsciously maintains dignified. 若是和那些混沌巨兽厮杀,自然是各种手段无不用其极,怎么凶狠歹毒怎么来,各种堪称下流的手段禹馀道人也不是没有。但是和教主级的人物动手,禹馀道人自然会下意识的矜持一些、出手也会下意识的保持一点体面。 Makes the example by Daoist Wood and Priest Hua, this fellow apprentices two fight after the person with Yu Yu Daoist also has many times, regardless of everybody said a word on is how intense, began always Fang Jiaozhu, always had sage dignity. 木道人花道人做例子,这师兄弟两个和禹馀道人在人后交手也有很多次,无论大家言语上怎么激烈,动手的时候总有一方教主、总有‘圣人’的体面在。 Therefore Yu Yu Daoist has a dream has not thought that Yu Man from Panyu world, magical skill Magic Power endures compared with the Pangu world sage, wants to come in the status of Panyu world is also suitable Yu Man, unexpectedly the opens mouth bites! 所以禹馀道人做梦都没想到,来自盘虞世界的虞蛮,道行法力堪比盘古世界‘圣人’,在盘虞世界的身份地位想来也是相当的虞蛮,居然张口就咬! Just likes mad dog same opens mouth randomly bites air/Qi, this hit Yu Yu Daoist one to be caught off guard directly. 犹如疯狗一样张口就乱咬一气,这直接就打了禹馀道人一个措手不及。 Roar roar! Severely wounded ten fingers!” In Yu Man belly hears the sad bellow, the moving head that he makes an effort, the full mouth big tooth bites Yu Yu Daoist shoulder neck ka ka to make noise, a continuously luster Purple gold and smell mellow fragrant and faintly visible innumerable Grand Dao trace entanglement holy blood has flowed from the Yu Yu Daoist shoulder shortly. “吼吼!重伤十指!”虞蛮肚子里传来沉闷的轰鸣声,他用力的甩动脑袋,满口大牙咬得禹馀道人肩颈‘咔咔’作响,眼看着一缕缕色泽紫金、气味醇厚芬芳、隐隐可见无数大道纹路纠缠其中的圣血从禹馀道人肩膀上流淌了出来。 Daoist Wood and Priest Hua look stare dumbfounded, long time could not speak. The Pangu world strength first, the innumerable second rollings their fellow apprentices two is hitting randomly, Yu Yu was Daoist that has never suffered a loss, bitten by Yu Man one unexpectedly? 木道人花道人看得瞠目结舌,半晌说不出话来。盘古世界战力第一,无数次压着他们师兄弟两个一通乱打,从未吃过亏的禹馀道人,居然被虞蛮一口咬伤? Priest Hua subconscious ka and ka has moved a next age, early knows that bites to injure Yu Yu Daoist with the tooth, perhaps...... 花道人下意识的‘咔吧、咔吧’活动了一下牙口,早知道用牙齿咬可以打伤禹馀道人,或许…… Junior brother, when you you are the wild dog are inadequate?” Daoist Wood hears the Priest Hua tooth clash sound, angry stared his one eyes maliciously. Cracks a joke? Yu Man can so not speak dignity, is your Priest Hua...... “师弟,你当你是野狗不成?”木道人听到花道人牙齿磕碰的声音,不无恼怒的狠狠瞪了他一眼。开什么玩笑?虞蛮可以这般不讲体统,可是你花道人…… Shakes the head, Daoist Wood has given up a heart strange mood rapidly as if, if can defeat Yu Yu Daoist, this method what, seems to be unimportant? So long as can defeat Yu Yu Daoist? Just, bites with the tooth? Face of Daoist Wood rapid twitched, he looked at Priest Hua, fellow apprentices two being dumbfounded looked at one mutually, the complexion becomes extremely strange. 摇摇头,木道人迅速打消了心头一丝奇异的情绪似乎,如果能战胜禹馀道人的话,这手段什么的,似乎也不重要吧?只要能击败禹馀道人?只不过,用牙齿咬?木道人的脸急骤的抽搐了一下,他又看了一眼花道人,师兄弟两个大眼瞪小眼的相互望了一眼,脸色变得极其古怪。 Evil livestock!” Yu Yu Daoist shames is red in the face, is furious unusual shouting abuse! “孽畜!”禹馀道人羞得面红耳赤,震怒异常的破口大骂! Yu Man this male servant, you is a side macrocosm sage the honored character of rank, full mouth ‚the [say / way] of animal , does your eternal truth mad dog bite unexpectedly equally randomly? Solemn sage the fight of rank, was made by him actually nondescriptly, this, this, this facial skin may lose in a big way! 虞蛮这厮,你怎么也是一方大世界‘圣人’级别的尊贵人物,满口‘禽兽之道’也就罢了,你居然真如疯狗一样乱咬?堂堂‘圣人’级别的战斗,硬是被他弄得不伦不类,这,这,这脸皮可丢大了! Solemn Yu Yu Daoist, was bitten one unexpectedly! 堂堂禹馀道人,居然被人一口咬伤! The Yu Yu Daoist air/Qi results in the eyeball to send green, he flings the shoulder fiercely, wants to exit Yu Manshuai. But on the Yu Man full mouth big tooth a faint trace strange [say / way] mark glitters, the white big tooth suddenly becomes the jet black piece. Listens to ka ka several sounds, the flesh and blood on Yu Yu Daoist shoulder to be bitten through, the Yu Man big tooth cut on his bone, bit his bone straight sound. 禹馀道人气得眼珠子发绿,他猛地一甩肩膀,想要将虞蛮甩出去。可是虞蛮满口大牙上一丝丝奇异的道纹闪烁,白晃晃的大牙突然变得漆黑一片。就听‘咔咔’几声响,禹馀道人肩膀上的血肉被咬穿,虞蛮的大牙切在了他的骨头上,咬得他骨头直响。 The painful penetrating heart, is in an extremely difficult situation, a Yu Yu Daoist heart shakes, suddenly is thrown into confusion. 痛彻心扉,更是狼狈不堪,禹馀道人道心震荡,一时间乱了阵脚。 Yu Man bites on the Yu Yu Daoist shoulder, his left arm opens fiercely, effort has restrained the body of Yu Yu Daoist, two thick long long-haired pelt legs fiercely have also coiled around, wants to make an effort to grip the waist of Yu Yu Daoist. His right hand has brandished the giant bone club, maliciously has pounded to the Yu Yu Daoist crown. 虞蛮一口咬在禹馀道人肩膀上,他左臂猛地张开,用力的勒住了禹馀道人的身体,两条粗长的大毛腿也猛地盘绕了上来,想要用力夹住禹馀道人的腰身。他右手更是抡起了巨大的骨头棒子,狠狠的向禹馀道人的天灵盖砸了下来。 Greatly scarlet Daoist and Qing Wei Daoist recover finally, two human spirits result in the complexion simultaneously fiercely to twitch. 大赤道人清微道人终于回过神来,两人气得脸色同时剧烈抽搐。 Their brothers three people is a Pangu Yuan spirit, since Sky Opening has developed the brothers three human form like a body, although the disposition varies, but the affection is deep but, saw that Yu Yu Daoist was injured with this mean method by Yu Man, fell into the exceptionally distressed region, even if usually is big scarlet Daoist suddenly crack whirlwind who wind light Yun Dan, most is free and unrestrained and never loses one's temper a vulgar language. 他们兄弟三人乃盘古元灵所化,开天辟地以来兄弟三人形如一体,虽然性格各异,但是感情最是深厚不过,眼看禹馀道人被虞蛮用这种下作手段打伤,更是陷入了异常狼狈的境地,就算平日里最是风轻云淡、最是逍遥自在、从不动怒的大赤道人都骤然破口飚了一句粗话。 Ji Hao stands in the one side, treats as has not heard greatly scarlet Daoist that to curse angrily. 姬昊站在一旁,就当做没听到大赤道人的那一声怒骂。 Greatly scarlet Daoist changes into the auspicious sign, Qing Wei Daoist changes into together Golden Light together, they simultaneously put out the most self-satisfied most precious object along, clenching jaws overran to Yu Yu. In greatly scarlet Daoist hand a shape such as shoulder pole and Golden Light shining innate has the thunder overhead to pound down to the jewelled sash, in the Qing Wei Daoist hand the long streamer of air/Qi of tumbling chaos rocks at the same time again and again, innumerable chaos sword air/Qi tearing void chaotic mixed to Yu Mansha. 大赤道人化为一道紫气,清微道人化为一道金光,两人同时拿出自己最得意的随身至宝,咬牙切齿的向禹馀冲了过去。大赤道人手中一根形如扁担、金光灿灿的先天至宝带起道道雷霆当头砸下,清微道人手中一面混沌之气翻滚的长幡连连晃动,无数条混沌剑气撕裂虚空乱杂杂的向虞蛮杀来。 Two fellow Daoist , Yu Man fellow Daoist and Yu Yu fellow Daoist your father truncation consulted, two fellow Daoist were the conduct noble and pure people, how can count on victory because of numerical superiority of forces?” Daoist Wood and Priest Hua body in a flash, simultaneously welcomed greatly scarlet Daoist and Qing Wei Daoist. “两位道友,虞蛮道友禹馀道友乃公平切磋,两位道友最是品行高洁之人,怎能以多为胜?”木道人花道人身体一晃,同时迎上了大赤道人清微道人 Yu Yu Daoist was made in an extremely difficult situation by Yu Man, will possibly eat huge owing, may, be injured Michimori by the broken Saint body, tall and pleasing to the eye and pleasant can such good deed, how let greatly scarlet Daoist and Qing Wei Daoist bothers? 禹馀道人被虞蛮弄得狼狈不堪,很可能会吃一个天大的亏,更有可能被残破圣躯、伤损道基,这么美轮美奂、赏心悦目的好事,怎能让大赤道人清微道人搅局? clear(ly) knows that this gets rid really and greatly scarlet Daoist and Qing Wei Daoist has no consideration for face, but Daoist Wood and Priest Hua as before being duty-bound not to turn back flushed. They use must prevent greatly scarlet Daoist and Qing Wei Daoist to rescue Yu Yu Daoist fully...... If Yu Man can perish together with Yu Yu Daoist, that was too simply happy! 明知道这一出手就会真个和大赤道人清微道人撕破脸,但是木道人花道人依旧‘义无反顾’的冲了过来。他们倾尽全力也要阻止大赤道人清微道人救援禹馀道人……若是虞蛮能够和禹馀道人同归于尽,那简直就太美好了! So long as has been short of Yu Yu Daoist this thorn king, Daoist Wood and Priest Hua collaborate, may not be afraid greatly scarlet Daoist and Qing Wei Brother Daoist really two. 只要少了禹馀道人这个刺头王,木道人花道人联手,可真不怎么害怕大赤道人清微道人兄弟两个。 Bodhi tree and a seven Cailian soar, Daoist Wood and Priest Hua obviously melt the main body, changed into multi-colored sunlight bright knot to block greatly scarlet Daoist and Qing Wei Daoist. Whatever they vigorously to attack, a short time where can break through their hindrance? 一株菩提树、一株七彩莲腾空而起,木道人花道人显化本体,化为一道霞光熠熠的结界挡住了大赤道人清微道人。任凭两人倾力攻击,一时半会哪里能攻破他们的阻碍? Good, good, good!” The greatly scarlet Daoist genial temperate face suddenly becomes the malignant influences was steaming. “好,好,好!”大赤道人原本和善温和的面孔骤然变得煞气腾腾。 The honest and good-natured people do not get angry easily, but honest and good-natured person, once the ignition, this consequence may as deep as a well. Sees the malignant influences on greatly scarlet Daoist face, Daoist Wood and Priest Hua only thinks that heart one cold, instinct realized that this time matter feared does not have the means to end easily. 老实人轻易不发火,但是老实人一旦发火,这后果可就难以捉摸。看到大赤道人脸上的煞气,木道人花道人只觉心头一寒,本能的意识到这次的事情怕是没办法轻易收场。 Has not waited for greatly scarlet Daoist to get rid, on the forehead suffered Yu Yu Daoist of club to get angry roar to make noise. 还不等大赤道人出手,脑门上挨了一棒子的禹馀道人已经怒啸出声。 Puts to death falls certainly...... You and other today die entirely!” Fearful sword intent spews out from Yu Yu Daoist within the body, a huge chart circles from his, covered surrounding area 1.0001 trillion li (0.5km) chaos to be void rapidly. “诛戮陷绝……尔等今日通通去死!”可怕的剑意从禹馀道人体内喷涌而出,一座巨大的阵图从他脚下盘旋而起,迅速笼罩了方圆1000100000000里的混沌虚空。 Four color sword light run out from Yu Yu Daoist within the body, swiftly occupied the four likely positions of chart. 四色剑光从禹馀道人体内冲出,迅速占据了阵图的四象方位。 Sword intent sweeps away together void, Yu Man that metal great city silent was slivered two pieces, in the city the innumerable foreign race instantaneous flying ashes.( To be continued.) 一道剑意横扫虚空,虞蛮的那座金属巨城无声无息的被切成了两片,城内无数异族瞬间飞灰。(未完待续。)
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