TME :: Volume #15

#1494: Ten thousand Long Qiku

In clear crashing, the haughty ancient ten fingers dense and numerous all colors Dragon Lin disrupts. 清脆的碎裂声中,敖古十指上密密麻麻的五彩龙鳞纷纷碎裂。 He incredible looks at the Pangu clock, must let his desperate defensive power, has so fearfully instead shakes the strength. In the haughty ancient long life, he has seen the innumerable top defense most precious objects, has heard in the world the most famous several innate thing, has not actually heard the Pangu world to have so unadorned actually formidable incomparable Little Zhong. 他不可置信的看着盘古钟,强得让他绝望的防御力,更拥有如此可怕的反震力量。在敖古漫长的生命中,他见过无数顶级的防御至宝,也听说过天地间最有名的几件先天之物,却从没听闻盘古世界有如此一口朴实无华却强大无匹的小钟。 Pangu sword silent to the haughty ancient front, the innumerable years good to have fought the fight spirit sleep that the ruthless and innumerable life and death slaughter to bring to rescue Ao Gu a life bravely, his whole body startled has fought a shiver spirit, threw down Ji Hao to retreat fiercely backward. 盘古剑无声无息的到了敖古胸前,无数年来好勇斗狠、无数次生死厮杀带来的战斗灵觉救了敖古一命,他浑身激灵灵打了个寒战,丢下姬昊猛地向后退去。 Silent, the brocade clothes that haughty wears splits, on all colors dragon scale of chest was cut open a careful opening. Ao Gu is startled and anger looks down the wound on front dragon scale, cursed one breathless. 无声无息的,敖古身穿的锦衣裂开,胸口的五彩龙鳞上被切开了一条细细的裂口。敖古又惊又怒的低头看着胸前龙鳞上的伤口,气急败坏的咒骂了一句。 Low and deep roaring sound *** protected the Ji Hao Nine Dragons Chariot several Jia Clan slave soldiers to clash, the heavy both hands sword belt had the dark heavy dim light to chop to Ao Guluan around the middle. cold snort|hum who Ao Gu disdains, the both arms swung dozens remnant shades suddenly, almost simultaneously falls on dividing to his weapon. 低沉的咆哮声***卫姬昊九龙车辇的十几名伽族奴兵冲了上来,沉重的双手剑带起暗沉沉的幽光拦腰向敖古乱剁。敖古不屑的冷哼了一声,双臂突然荡起了数十条残影,几乎是同时落在劈向他的兵器上。 The big sword disintegration of light of sparkle several handle Symbol, the fragment just liked arrow hits loudly on the body and face of Jia Clan Warrior, deeply fell into their bodies. Several strengths endure compared with the Divine Magi Jia Clan Warrior whole body are the blood, actually fight to the death did not draw back, stretched out the arms arbitrarily to Ao Gubao. 十几柄符文之光闪耀的大剑轰然崩碎,碎片犹如箭矢打在了伽族战士的身上、脸上,深深陷入了他们的身体。十几名实力堪比巫帝伽族战士浑身是血,却死战不退,张开双臂蛮横的向敖古抱了上来。 On Ao Gu the face a wisp kills intent to fill the air, Ji Hao sees murderous intention on Ao Gu the face, immediately shouts to clear the way fierce: Ao Gu, you dares to move my Yao Mountain City person......” 敖古脸上一缕杀意弥漫,姬昊看到敖古脸上的杀机,立刻厉声喝道:“敖古,你敢动我垚山领一个人……” Ha!” Ao Gu laughs wildly, his upper part very strange inflation, the both arms become extremely long, are extremely thick, ten fingers turned into the curving claw, his bellows, both arms carelessly has grasped to all around. “哈!”敖古一声狂笑,他的上半身很怪异的膨胀起来,双臂变得极长、极粗,十指变成了弯曲的爪子,他一声大吼,双臂胡乱的向四周抓了下去。 Several Jia Clan Warrior miserable howling, their craniums were grasped by the haughty ancient claw, continuously all colors Dragon Flame flaming combustion on their heads, suddenly has fired the ashes their upper part. 十几名伽族战士惨嚎一声,他们的头盖骨被敖古的爪子生生抓开,一缕缕五彩龙炎在他们的脑袋上熊熊燃烧,眨眼间就把他们的上半身烧成了灰烬。 The remnant body crashes from the upper air, numerous falling on the ground, have broken open the gigantic hole the ground. 残躯从高空坠落,重重的落在了地上,将地面砸开了硕大的窟窿。 Ao Gu disdains has selected the chin to Ji Hao: Old man has killed, can you be what kind of?” 敖古不屑的向姬昊挑了挑下巴:“老夫杀了,你能怎样?” The eyeball of Ji Hao turned into the pure golden color suddenly, he gets angry roar, hung airborne Pangu Sun to emit a more blazing ray suddenly, seemed the volume has increased. Everywhere flowing light just likes the rock magma of melting, the strength of inexhaustible Sun rapidly to the dot collapse in void, great quantity thermal energy unceasing gathering. 姬昊的眼珠骤然变成了纯粹的金色,他怒啸一声,高悬空中的盘古太阳突然放出了更加炽烈的光芒,好似体积都变大了一圈。漫天流光犹如熔化的岩浆,无穷无尽的太阳之力急速的向虚空中的一个个小点塌缩着,巨量的热力不断的汇聚。 Suddenly several thousand number of people size Sun [gold/metal] condenses baseless, from surrounds in all directions to the Ji Hao army, can support sky over the water column that by the dragon clan greatly, on each water column float Sun [gold/metal]. 眨眼间数千个人头大小太阳金雷凭空凝聚,从四面八方向姬昊的大军包围过来,由龙族大能施法撑起来的水柱上空,每一根水柱上都悬浮着一颗太阳金雷。 Especially 100 float all around of air fight fort, each floats air fight fort 36 Sun [gold/metal] to serve. 尤其是100座浮空战堡的四周,每一座浮空战堡都有36颗太阳金雷伺候着。 To make a show of force to Ji Hao, the scene that dragon clan this time suspends is very big, assumes personal command except for four immemorial Old Dragon gods, on each water column has at least concentrated 100,000 sailors elite. 为了向姬昊炫耀武力,龙族这次摆出来的场面很大,除了四尊太古老龙神坐镇,每一根水柱上起码都集中了100000水兵精锐。 Other Ao Gu and two sign of the dragon gods stared in a big way the eye with amazement, they look that Ji Hao set out to roar: Ji Hao, you dare!” 敖古和其他两大龙神骇然瞪大了眼睛,他们看着姬昊起身怒吼:“姬昊,你敢!” Ji Hao cracks into a smile, his right hand draw lifts the Pangu sword, very graceful raised slightly slightly good to three Old Dragon a ritual: You said that I dare, dares, dares? I said that I dare, why doesn't dare? Your Dragon was Clan, serious oneself really?” 姬昊咧嘴一笑,他右手平举盘古剑,很优雅的微微欠身向三条老龙行了一礼:“你们说,我是敢,还是敢,还是敢呢?我说,我是真的敢,为什么不敢呢?你们龙族,真把自己当回事了?” Under a tongue twister joke, is hiding Ji Hao heart strongest murderous intention flock of damn snakes, they were known as that is also the Pangu bloodlines, however in the long years, they looked on Human Race alone resists the foreign race army. 一通绕口令般的俏皮话下面,隐藏着姬昊心头最浓烈的杀机这群该死的长虫,他们号称也是盘古血脉,但是在漫长的岁月中,他们坐视人族孤零零的抵挡异族大军。 They never have true getting rid to help Human Race, they attach on Human Race knock the bone to attract the squeezing benefit of marrow, but they truly have never helped Human Race, they to the Human Race rivers of blood, look on the Human Race field littered with corpses. 他们从未有真正的出手帮过人族,他们依附在人族身上敲骨吸髓的压榨利益,但是他们从未真正的帮过人族,他们任凭人族血流成河,坐视人族尸横遍野。 Whenever Human Race had any good deed, they eagerly will catch up with the gate, seizes the most benefit. 但是每当人族有了任何好事,他们就会眼巴巴的赶上门来,攫取大半的利益。 One such as this time, any time was the same with before, when the dragon clan smelled the smell of enormous benefit from Ji Hao, they have caught immediately up. 一如这次,和以前任何一次一样,当龙族从姬昊身上嗅到了巨大利益的气味,他们立刻就赶了过来。 Raises the left hand, Ji Hao laughs loudly, then made an effort a fist bang on the Pangu clock. thump in clock whining noise, air/Qi of blowout chaos, wrap all Warrior of Ji Hao subordinates. Several thousand Sun [gold/metal] thunder and lightning have wiped the glare, simultaneously erupts. 举起左手,姬昊放声大笑,然后用力一拳轰在了盘古钟上。‘咚咚’钟鸣声中,一道道混沌之气喷出,将姬昊麾下的所有战士包裹在内。数千颗太阳金雷闪过一抹强光,同时爆发开来。 The bunch blazing flame howls to spread to all around, Destruction all Sun make the body of innumerable Water Race Warrior vaporize really hot instantaneously, their mail-armor and helmets fired the everywhere blazing juice to spray with the wind. 一团团炽烈的火光呼啸着向四周扩散开,毁灭一切的太阳真火让无数水族战士的身体瞬间汽化,连带他们身上的甲胄都烧成了漫天炽烈的浆汁随风喷洒。 The innumerable dragon clan juniors' hissing in raging fire Golden Light whin, their scales were melted, the flesh and blood was scorched, Dragon Clan the powerful body made them survive for a long time compared with ordinary Water Race in Sun [gold/metal], enjoys more brutal from this, a more prolonged pain. 无数龙族子弟在烈火金光中嘶声哀嚎,他们的鳞甲被融化,血肉被烧焦,龙族强悍的身体让他们在太阳金雷中比普通水族存活得更久,由此也享受到了更加残酷、更加绵长的痛苦。 Ji Hao, you damn!” Looks that the subordinates elite, the soldier vanishes into thin air in raging fire Golden Light, Ao Gu and others Old Dragon shed bitter tears, tears unceasing spouts from their eye sockets. 姬昊,你该死!”看着麾下精锐、自家儿郎在烈火金光中化为乌有,敖古等老龙痛哭流涕,泪水不断的从他们眼眶里喷出。 The dragon clan has resulted in the Pangu sage tyrannical incomparable body, their body incomparable tyrannical. However they have not obtained Pangu sage the strength of bloodlines multiplication, this ability belongs to Human Race all. Therefore Dragon Clan the multiplication is the same with the phoenix clan, extremely difficult. 龙族得了盘古圣人强横无匹的身躯,他们的身体无比的强横。但是他们并没有得到盘古圣人的血脉繁衍之力,这份能力归属人族所有。所以龙族的繁衍就和凤族一样,极其的艰难。 Pair of Mr. and Mrs. Dragon Clan, if lucky, hundred next year time can breed an embryo are very good matters, if are more difficult, the millenniums have Dragon Zi born, are not the strange matter. Therefore the dragon clan is powerful, Long Zilong grandson's quantity adds, actually also the eventuality of Human Race total population number. 一对儿龙族夫妇,若是幸运,百来年时间能孕育一胎就是很不错的事情,若是艰难一些,千年才有龙子诞生,也不是什么稀奇的事情。所以龙族强盛,龙子龙孙的数量加起来,却还不到人族总人口数的万一。 Ao Gu and the others had brought the scale huge sailors, genuine dragon clan blood more than ten thousand people. 敖古等人带来了规模庞大的水军,其中真正的龙族血裔不过万多人。 In everywhere Golden Light, Ao Gu saw with one's own eyes over a thousand Long Zilong grandsons to change into the flying ash. He weeps bitterly to roar, both hands sprinkle the making a debut Daoist believers light, rapidly rescue from the Golden Light raging fire are burnt the bruised and lacerated horrible to look at Long Zilong grandson. 漫天金光中,敖古亲眼看到了上千名龙子龙孙已经化为飞灰。他痛哭怒吼,双手洒出道道流光,迅速从金光烈火中救出一个又一个被烧得皮开肉绽惨不忍睹的龙子龙孙。 Three Old Dragon gods also get rid, about ten thousand Long Zilong grandsons will have rescued from the unravelling edge. 三条老龙神同时出手,将近万龙子龙孙从灰飞烟灭的边缘救了出来。 About ten thousand Dragon Clan blood wail, Dragon Yinsheng shoots up to the sky with one voice, is combining too many too many despairs and pain as well as some incredible huge frightened people dares to get rid to them unexpectedly really? Does trivial Human Race junior, dare to get rid to the dragon clan unexpectedly? 近万龙族血裔齐声哀鸣,龙吟声冲天而起,其中混杂着太多太多的绝望、痛苦以及不可置信的巨大恐惧居然真的有人敢对他们出手?区区一个人族小辈,居然敢对龙族出手? Does he dare? How to dare? 他怎么就敢?怎么就敢呢? ‚’ Dragon recited the sound quickly to transform as the earthshaking weeping and wailing sound. ‘嗷嗷’龙吟声迅速转化为惊天动地的哭喊声。 The pain, was too painful, although haughty ancient they from Sun [gold/metal] of eruption have saved these Long Zilong grandsons', but Sun was really hot has invaded their bodies, was firing their five main internal organs (entrails) and marrow crazily. 痛,太痛了,敖古他们虽然将这些龙子龙孙从爆发的太阳金雷中救了出来,但是太阳真火已经侵入了他们的身体,疯狂的灼烧着他们的五脏六腑和骨髓。 The pain, is really painful the pain that is unable to estimate. Long Zilong grandson who these are pampered since childhood, one such as past Ao Li, they how could by such crime? 痛,真的是痛得无法估量的痛。这些娇生惯养的龙子龙孙,一如当年的敖礼,他们何曾遭过这样的罪? Ten thousand Dragon Qiku, billowing tears drop from the clouds, immediately in the surrounding area thousand li(500 km) changes constantly, rainstorm arrives suddenly.( To be continued.) 万龙齐哭,滚滚泪水从天而降,顿时方圆千里内风云变幻,一场暴雨突然降临。(未完待续。)
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