TME :: Volume #15

#1495: Dragon Blood fills the body

Everywhere heavy rain, thunder. 漫天大雨,电闪雷鸣。 In the innumerable thunder encirclements, Ji Hao went out of Nine Dragons Chariot in big strides. World contract on float before him, he puts out a hand to push gently, has pushed to Ao Gu of distant place the world contract. 在无数雷霆环绕中,姬昊大踏步走出了九龙车辇。天地契约就悬浮在他面前,他伸手轻轻一推,将天地契约推向了远处的敖古。 Is having meaning of the mock, Ji Hao desolate saying: Ao Gu, your Dragon Clan loses now, but is some inferior Water Race. Has signed this world contract, condition that just I promised also effective. This is I gives your opportunity finally!” 带着一丝讥诮之意,姬昊冷淡的说道:“敖古,现在你们龙族损失的,不过是一些下等水族。签了这份天地契约,刚刚我许诺的条件都还有效。这是我最后给你们的机会!” The haughty simple ways result in the whole body to shiver all over. 敖古气得浑身乱颤。 Just lost, but is some inferior Water Race? Except for these not valuable ineffective and worthless troops and carp tortoise, these inferior Water Race casualty many he did not care. The issue is besides these inferior Water Race, over a thousand blood relationship pure Long Zilong grandsons was fired the flying ash! 刚刚损失的,不过是一些下等水族?除了那些不值钱的虾兵蟹将、鲤鱼王八,这些下等水族死伤多少他都不关心。问题是除了这些下等水族,还有上千条血统纯正的龙子龙孙被烧成了飞灰! Dragon Zuduo the treasure, sole human body was burnt down, they can also use various types of talent treasures for Long Zilong grandson recast Dragon Qu of dying, most loses the little lifespan. The issue is, Ji Hao Sun [gold/metal] was too overbearing, human body destroyed Long Zilong Sun Men, they relatively frail dragon soul has not run away with enough time, thoroughly vanishes into thin air in raging fire Golden Light. 龙族多宝,单单肉体被烧毁了,他们还能用各种天才地宝为死掉的龙子龙孙重铸龙躯,最多损失一点点阳寿而已。问题是,姬昊太阳金雷太霸道了,肉体被毁的龙子龙孙们,他们相对孱弱的龙魂还没来得及逃出来,就在烈火金光中彻底化为乌有。 Over a thousand true blood dragon clans! 上千条纯血龙族! Even if antiquity foreign race first time invaded the Pangu world the time, Dragon Clan has not lost these many clansmen in a fight! 哪怕是上古异族第一次入侵盘古世界的时候,龙族也从来没有在一次战斗中损失过这么多的族人! Ji Hao, was needless saying that from now henceforth, my Dragon Clan...... Is unable to co-exist with your Ji Hao.” Ao Gu opened mouth, he wanted saying that Dragon Clan and Human Race are unable to co-exist. However his sudden afraid, these year of Human Race even more powerful, foundation of major clans are getting stronger and stronger, he already not enough energy Human Race taking along. 姬昊,不用说了,从今以后,我龙族……和你姬昊势不两立。”敖古张了张嘴,他本来想要说龙族和人族势不两立。但是他突然一阵心虚,这些年人族是越发的强盛,各大氏族的底蕴越来越强,他已经没有足够的底气将人族捎带上。 Therefore, he can only say that Dragon Clan and Ji Hao are unable to co-exist. 所以,他只能说龙族和姬昊势不两立。 By the dragon clan huge influence, bullies trivial Ji Hao, absolutely is ninety percent sure! So long as has pressed Ji Hao, the dragon clan even can use this excuse, from Human Race there lane more advantage for example, Human Race didn't give to have it all including the foreign race den Liangzhu? Although these foreign race knowledge Dragon Clan cannot have a liking, but brings to use for reference good! 以龙族庞大的势力,欺负区区一个姬昊,绝对是十拿九稳!只要把姬昊压了下去,龙族甚至可以用这个借口,从人族那里弄来更多的好处比如说,人族不是连异族的老巢良渚都给一锅端了么?那些异族的知识龙族虽然看不上,但是拿来借鉴借鉴还是蛮好的! Is unable to co-exist!” Ao Gu an angry fist hits to fly the world contract that Ji Hao delivers, he roared loudly: You, Ji Hao, mounts the lucky fellow of God throne by luck! You must die without doubt, because you have affronted our Dragon Clan, in the Pangu world, after nobody can affront our dragon clan, is living!” “势不两立!”敖古愤怒的一拳将姬昊送过来的天地契约打飞,他大声咆哮道:“你,姬昊,侥幸登上天帝宝座的幸运儿!你必死无疑,因为你冒犯了我们龙族,在盘古世界,没有人可以冒犯我们龙族后还活着!” Ji Hao puts out a hand empty to grasp, world contract flies to reach behind the back, he turned head to look to stand the phoenix spirit that did not say a word in behind and other people. 姬昊伸手虚抓,天地契约飞回手中,他回头看了看站在后面一直一言不发的凤灵等四人。 The phoenix narrows the eyes to focus spirit, the pretty face stretches closely, no one knows that she is thinking anything. Saw Ji Hao to look, phoenix has coughed spirit gently, was bringing three companion diving postures, returning to them to bring in the feather army. 凤灵眯着眼,俏丽的面庞绷得紧紧的,谁也不知道她在想什么。见到姬昊望了过来,凤灵轻轻的咳嗽了一声,带着三名同伴飞身而起,回到了他们带来的禽类大军中。 Inundates the deity birds and beasts crane to sound loudly, is headed by these pure blood phoenixes, withdrawing backward slowly. They withdrew over a thousand li (0.5km) then to press down the position, distant was looking around to here. 漫天神禽仙禽大声鸣叫着,以那些纯血凤凰为首,缓缓的向后撤去。他们一路撤出了上千里地这才按下了阵脚,远远的向这边张望着。 In the ground, the haughty cool hissing was roaring, his destroyed head healed rapidly, broken dragon corner/horn also lived. Newborn dragon corner/horn was smooth exceptionally, did not have originally the dragon corner/horn motley years trace. 地面上,敖酷嘶声咆哮着,他被打碎的脑袋已经急速愈合,被打断的龙角也重新生了出来。新生的龙角光滑异常,却没有了原本龙角斑驳的岁月痕迹。 Is stroking head newborn dragon corner/horn, the haughty very full mouth big tooth bites ka-beng makes noise, he whooshed one low and deep, both feet has stamped maliciously the ground, the body just liked a meteor direct impact upper air, arbitrary unusual has hit to Nine Dragons Chariot. 抚摸着头上新生的龙角,敖酷满口大牙咬得‘嘎嘣’作响,他低沉的嘶吼了一声,双足狠狠一跺地面,身体犹如一颗流星直冲高空,蛮横异常的向九龙车辇撞了过来。 Ji Hao! Do you dare to sneak attack the father? Even if you are any dog - fart God, the father must open you today broken!” Haughty is very roaring loudly, his both hands wield, a handle was all over the body jet black the long gun|spear that malignant influences lingered to brave baseless. 姬昊!你敢偷袭老子?就算你是什么狗-屁天帝,老子今天也要碎拆了你!”敖酷放声怒吼着,他双手一挥,一柄通体漆黑、煞气萦绕的长枪凭空冒了出来。 Is three zhang (3.33 m) six chi (0.33 m) long gun|spear is shaking fiercely, on the lance point cold star tearing was void, has an extremely long black fissure, must puncture shortly on Nine Dragons Chariot. 长达三丈六尺的长枪剧烈震荡着,枪尖上一点寒星撕裂虚空,带起了一条极长的黑色裂痕,眼看就要刺在九龙车辇上。 Ji Hao wields, Nine Dragons Chariot emits the big flame, his body in a flash, emerges out of thin air haughtily in cool front, Sky Opening strikes to divide maliciously. 姬昊手一挥,九龙车辇放出大片火光,他身体一晃,凭空出现在敖酷面前,开天一击狠狠劈下。 Ao Ku happily is grinning fiendishly, does Ji Hao dare unexpectedly with beginning that he meets the tough head-on with toughness? He does not know, Dragon Clan the strength is the Pangu world most formidable? As one of the dragon clan most formidable masters, Ao Ku believes that his strength has represented the Pangu world strongest strength. 敖酷得意的狞笑着,姬昊居然敢和他硬碰硬的动手?他难道不知道,龙族的力量是盘古世界最强大的么?作为龙族最强大的高手之一,敖酷相信,他的力量就代表了盘古世界最强的力量。 Therefore his both arms make an effort, an even more strong bayonet leaves. 所以他双臂用力,越发强硬的一枪刺出。 Tittering a sound, resembles the sharp knife to cut the water radish same sound to transmit, in Ao Ku the hand the long gun|spear of innate Spirit Treasure level was broken out by a sword. The ash threw not to see the Pangu sword of brilliance to cut following the rifle stock slightly, with irresistible force will be haughty the cool palm incision, has slivered four pieces his long arm. ‘噗嗤’一声响,就好像利刀切水萝卜一样的声音传来,敖酷手中先天灵宝级的长枪被一剑劈开。灰扑扑不见丝毫光华的盘古剑顺着枪杆切了下去,势如破竹的将敖酷的手掌切开,将他的长臂切成了四片。 Ao Gu and another two Old Dragon gods call out in alarm with one voice, they cannot believe their eye simply! 敖古和另外两位老龙神齐声惊呼,他们简直不敢相信自己的眼睛! Dragon Clan inherited the Pangu sage tyrannical incomparable mortal body, young dragon that even if was just born, the non- god soldier sharp weapon is impossible to break their scales. To the standard of grown dragon, only had the world Saint soldier to their bodies to cause the damage. 龙族可是继承了盘古圣人强横无匹的肉身,哪怕是刚刚出生的幼龙,非神兵利器就根本不可能破开他们的鳞甲。到了成年龙的水准,唯有天地圣兵才能对他们的身体造成伤害。 To immemorial Dragon King boundary, only if innate Spirit Treasure, otherwise wants to break their scales is impossible. 到了太古龙王境界,除非是先天灵宝,否则想要破开他们的鳞甲是根本不可能的。 But haughty ancient their immemorial Dragon Shen of this scale, their scales experienced innumerable year of quenching, even if the ordinary innate most precious object bang comes, most can stay behind the motley trace on their scales. Only if the big energy that Pangu world that have several, grasps topest innate to murder the most precious object, otherwise the Pangu world did not have what strength to them to pose the fatal threat. 而敖古他们这种档次的太古龙神,他们的鳞甲经历了无数年的淬炼,就算是普通的先天至宝轰来,最多能在他们的鳞甲上留下斑驳的痕迹。除非是盘古世界那有数的大能,手持最顶尖的先天杀伐至宝,否则盘古世界已经没有什么力量能够对他们造成致命威胁。 Especially Ao Ku, this old evil dragon, as a Black Dragon, his dragon scale even compares haughty ancient all colors Dragon Lin also to want stable 30%! 尤其敖酷,这条老孽龙,作为一条黑龙,他的龙鳞甚至比敖古的五彩龙鳞还要坚固三成! Actually is the sword in Ji Hao hand what origin? Ao Ku has quenchinged the innumerable year of dragon body, unexpectedly by he so breaking out easily? Even that handle long gun|spear, that is top innate Spirit Treasure, unexpectedly can't shoulder a Ji Hao gently sword? 姬昊手中的剑究竟是什么来历?敖酷淬炼了无数年的龙躯,居然被他如此轻易的劈开?甚至那柄长枪,那可是顶级的先天灵宝,居然扛不住姬昊轻轻一剑? Top innate most precious object? That is not right, Pangu world top innate most precious object these, somewhat in dragon clan hand, some, although not in their hands, but who the masters of these innate most precious objects are, Dragon Clan is well aware! 顶级的先天至宝?那也不对,盘古世界顶级的先天至宝就这么些,有些在龙族手中,有些虽然不在他们手中,但是那些先天至宝的主人是谁,龙族可是心知肚明的! Ji Hao!” Ao Kutong must call out loudly. 姬昊!”敖酷痛得大声嚎叫。 His body too stable, when the body was broken out, the pain that he receives is more intense. 他的身体太坚固了,所以身体被劈开时,他受到的痛苦就更加强烈。 Ji Hao arbitrary seized Ao Ku the neck, does not wait very to struggle haughtily, the Pangu sword pierced his heart. 姬昊蛮横的一把掐住了敖酷的脖子,不等敖酷挣扎,盘古剑已经洞穿了他的心脏。 Massive Dragon Blood flow out from haughty cool within the body unceasingly, Ji Hao works as Ao Gu and the others the surface to praise loudly sings the incantation, Dragon Blood whiz whiz have the sound flew into on his arm to twine two fire dragon mouths that. 大量龙血不断从敖酷的体内流出,姬昊当着敖古等人的面大声颂唱咒语,一道道龙血‘嗖嗖’有声的飞进了他胳膊上缠绕的两条火龙嘴里。 Two fire dragon overjoyed bellowing that loudly becomes by the god Fire Snake evolution, extremely greedy swallows haughty cool within the body to flow out purely and mellowest dragon god Blood Essence. All around witnesses all these person obvious sensations , the aura of two small fire dragons are growing rapidly , to promote that their dragon clan bloodlines progressed by leaps and bounds. 两条由神火蛇进化而成的火龙欢天喜地的放声大吼,万分贪婪的吞噬着敖酷体内流出的最纯正、最醇厚的龙神精血。四周目睹这一切的人明显的感知到,两条小火龙的气息急速的增长着,他们的龙族血脉正在突飞猛进的提升着。 Ji Hao, how do you dare?” Ao Gu has almost not spat blood! 姬昊,你怎么敢?”敖古差点没吐血! In front of these many people, Ji Hao is daring severely wounded Dragon Shen, puts his Blood Essence to fill the body to be promoted for own two small pet stiffly? 当着这么多人的面,姬昊怎么敢重伤一尊龙神,硬生生的放他的精血为自己的两条小宠物灌体晋级? Unscrupulous and tyrannical ruthless spicy, haughty is unable to find the appropriate language to describe Ji Hao the terrifying procedure.( To be continued.) 肆无忌惮、暴虐狠辣,敖古根本无法找到合适的语言形容姬昊的这种恐怖做法。(未完待续。)
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