TME :: Volume #15

#1493: Breaks off conversation thoroughly

The dragon corner/horn disintegration, head disruption most, boiling hot Dragon Blood just likes the fountain same spouts, the severe pain difficult to bear haughty cool hissing is miserably howling, cannot help but has appeared in a ground diameter dozens li (0.5km) big hole the primary form. 龙角崩碎,头颅碎裂大半,滚烫的龙血犹如喷泉一样喷出,剧痛难当的敖酷嘶声惨嚎着,在地上直径数十里的大坑中不由自主的显出了原形。 Length of body thousand li(500 km), all over the body black scales jet black like black ink, air/Qi of faint trace cruel unusual evil spirit spouts from each piece of dragon scale. 体长千里,通体黑色的鳞甲漆黑如墨,更有一丝丝残暴异常的凶煞之气从每一片龙鳞中喷出。 This is an evil dragon, the immemorial time, once stirred up trouble in the Human Race territory, takes the flooding Human Race territory, to strike to kill the Human Race subjects to happily, likes doing a lot of talking with the bone of Human Race, with the evil dragon that the Human Race flesh and blood has a full stomach. 这是一条孽龙,太古时代,曾经在人族的领地上兴风作浪,以水淹人族领地、击杀人族子民为乐,喜欢用人族的骨头磨牙、用人族血肉果腹的孽龙。 The Ji Hao vision looks at Ao Ku deeply, this damn old thing, he uses the extremely evil mystique unexpectedly, will be killed these Human Race souls that and eaten to imprison by him in own dragon scale. His each piece of dragon scale is a giant prisoner's cage, inside imprisoned ten million to count by the Human Race soul that he struck to kill! 姬昊目光深沉的看着敖酷,这头该死的老东西,他居然用极其邪恶的秘法,将被他杀死、吃掉的那些人族的灵魂囚禁在了自己的龙鳞中。他的每一片龙鳞都是一个巨大的囚笼,里面囚禁了数以千万计被他击杀的人族灵魂! How many scales on the big dragon of length of body thousand li(500 km) has? In each scale has imprisoned surely the soul, actually has this damn old fogy killed how many people? Is away from is so far, Ji Hao can hear the innumerable Human Race soul desperate whinning sound that on this damn old fogy hears. 体长千里的巨龙身上有多少鳞片?每一枚鳞片中都囚禁了千万灵魂,这该死的老家伙究竟杀死过多少人?隔着这么远,姬昊都能听到这该死的老家伙身上传来的无数人族灵魂绝望的哀嚎声。 „Do you, want dead?” Ji Hao looks the fierce color, stubbornly is staring at Ao Gu and phoenix spirit and the others: „Do you, the Dragon Phoenix two clans, want to exterminate the clan?” “你们,想死么?”姬昊面露狰狞之色,死死的盯着敖古和凤灵等人:“你们,龙凤两族,想灭族么?” The Pangu clock strikes, Ao Ku does not have the strength of revolt simply was struck down, lies down struggles desperately at the ground wail, quite a while cannot crawl. Ao Gu and phoenix spirit entire stayed at the scene, in the pupil full was the inconceivable color. 盘古钟一击,敖酷简直毫无反抗之力的被击倒,躺在地上哀鸣挣命,半天都没能爬起来。敖古和凤灵整个呆在了当场,眸子里满是不可思议之色。 Ao Ku, endures compared with the Human Race Magus God dragon clan big energy, dragon clan clansmen by human body tyrannicalally but extremely the Heng Xing Pangu world, their dragon scales are the inborn top mail-armor and helmets, their flesh and blood are indestructible, they and any enemy battle, refutes the wild attack of enemy to rush and kill, oneself sharp incomparable, destroy the hardest defenses destroys the enemy with the lackey and dragon corner/horn that. 敖酷,堪比人族巫神的龙族大能,龙族族人以肉体强横绝顶而横行盘古世界,他们身上的龙鳞就是天生的顶级甲胄,他们的血肉坚不可摧,他们和任何敌人作战,都是硬顶着敌人的狂野攻击冲上去、杀上去,用自己锋利无比、无坚不摧的爪牙和龙角摧毁敌人。 Ji Hao with one common Little Zhong who looks like ash throws, struck turns Ao Kufang? 姬昊只是用一口看起来灰扑扑的毫不起眼的小钟,一击就将敖酷放翻了? Is Ao Kutai weak...... Is Ji Hao too strong? 是敖酷太弱……还是姬昊太强? My phoenix clan is always gentle, your disputes, we do not meddle temporarily.” The phoenix is very smart intelligent, very much shameless has gotten also rid of dragon clan temporary ally, gave up and Dragon Clan collaborates to intimidate Ji Hao, leading three companions to draw back backward several steps, exhibited with a smile sat the stance that mountain Guanhu fought. “我凤族向来平和,你们的纠纷,我们暂不插手。”凤灵很聪明,同时也很无耻的抛弃了龙族这个暂时的盟友,放弃了和龙族联手威逼姬昊,带着三个同伴向后退了几步,笑吟吟的摆出了坐山观虎斗的姿态。 Regarding this, Ji Hao loves, he has squeezed a smile forcefully, nodded to the phoenix spirit. 对此,姬昊喜闻乐见,他强行挤出了一丝微笑,向凤灵点了点头。 Ao Gu and other Old Dragon are the vision bad stares at the phoenix to work. Is the phoenix clan always gentle? This saying can only take away to stick to play tricks. The innumerable years, phoenix clan clansman and didn't the dragon clan clansmen for some rare talent treasures, a word gather draw a sword the opposite direction matter to be also short? 敖古等三条老龙则是目光不善的盯着凤灵。凤族向来平和?这话只能拿去糊弄鬼。无数年来,凤族族人和龙族族人为了一些罕见的天才地宝,一言不合拔刀相向的事情还少了么? These human bodies frail, but the soul is much more formidable, is taking advantage of the phoenix clan clansman of tyrannical flame talent Heng Xing in society, their places of barbaric ruling by force, is not always weak in Longzu these muscle lumps. Nothing but is, they intelligent, deceitful than much dragon clan, before seeing clearly the basis of matter, looks to understand that an actual situation of person, they never hastily make the decision. 这些肉体孱弱,但是灵魂强大得让人绝望,依仗着强横的火焰天赋横行世间的凤族族人,他们的野蛮霸道之处,可是向来不弱于龙族这些肌肉疙瘩。无非是,他们比龙族聪明、奸诈得多,在看清楚事情的根本、看明白一个人的虚实前,他们从不仓促做决定而已。 Hao Great Emperor! You, have injured my Dragon Clan person.” Ao Gu has thrown down these not reasonable temporary ally, the stern voice and appearance roared toward Ji Hao: You have rejected our Dragon Clan good intention, you destroyed the innumerable years Dragon Clan and Human Race friendship! Do you, want to shoulder Dragon Clan and Human Race all-out war?” “昊大帝!你,伤了我龙族的人。”敖古丢下了这些不靠谱的临时盟友,声色俱厉的朝着姬昊咆哮起来:“你拒绝了我们龙族的好意,你破坏了无数年来龙族和人族的交情!你,想要挑起龙族和人族的全面战争么?” If the war, I ensure your Dragon Zuding however exterminates the clan!” Ji Hao does not show weakness has gone forward one step, with ka ka sound, his aura becomes incomparable tyrannical, the height raised a big truncation suddenly, becomes and tall haughty quite. “若战,我保证,你龙族定然灭族!”姬昊毫不示弱的上前了一步,伴随着‘咔咔’声响,他的气息变得无比的强横,身高更是骤然拔高了一大截,变得和身材高大的敖古相当。 Forehead top maliciously on Ao Gu the forehead, Ji Hao toward near at hand Ao Gupen saliva: Remember, the old bastard that throws over scale belt armor, my Human Race, is the Pangu world destiny the world lead of clock! Is my Human Race, but is not your Dragon Clan!” 额头狠狠的顶在了敖古的额头上,姬昊朝着近在咫尺的敖古喷着口水:“记住,披鳞带甲的老畜生,我人族,才是盘古世界气运所钟的天地主角!是我人族,而不是你龙族!” Wants the blackmail and extortion person? You have found fault the object!” Ji Hao contemptuous has sneered to Ao Gudiu: You, if begins, come, my Ji Hao here well accompanies you to play! You have brought these many armies, does everybody exhibit the battle formation to try?” “想要勒诈人?你找错了对象!”姬昊轻蔑的向敖古丢了个冷笑:“你若要动手,来,我姬昊就在这里好好的陪你们玩玩!你们带来了这么多军队,大家摆开阵势试试?” Ao Ku sound by the asking the price with no intention of buying ground was been too huge, the Dragon Phoenix two clan armies who outside confronts see clearly. 敖酷被打落地面的动静太巨大,外面对峙的龙凤两族大军看得清清楚楚。 The innumerable feather big energy in phoenix clan army no doubt is to applaud to applaud, the keenly blowing sound and whistling sound are unceasing, but in the dragon clan armies these cut-throat dragon clans can clamor greatly loudly. Under verbal commands of several old Dragon King, the dragon clan armies have left behind three forming an army team and phoenix clan armies confront, the remaining seven forming an army teams have compelled to the Ji Hao army. 凤族大军中的无数禽类大能固然是鼓掌叫好,尖啸声、口哨声不绝,而龙族大军中那些凶狠的龙族大能已经大声喧哗起来。在几头老龙王的号令下,龙族大军留下了三成军队和凤族军队对峙,剩下的七成军队已经向姬昊的大军逼了过来。 Below great lake the rough sea waves tumble, crystal common water columns fast is moving, quick from all directions encircled the Ji Hao army in the middle. 100 floated in the air fight fort the massive Yu Clan god tower to shine the dazzling ray, the big dragon statue in city wall slowly has also opened the mouth, bunch of dazzling rays including were ready in the mouth by these main items. 下方的大湖中巨浪翻滚,一根根水晶一般的水柱快速的挪动着,很快就从四面八方将姬昊大军围在了中间。100座浮空战堡上大量的虞族神塔亮起了刺目的光芒,城墙上的巨龙雕像也缓缓张开了嘴,一团团刺目的光芒被这些龙头含在嘴里蓄势待发。 Shaosi stands in a stage, a hand stubbornly holds being eager to try Man Man clearly, the sound is issuing the order. 少司站在一处高台上,一只手死死的抓住跃跃欲试的蛮蛮,声音清脆的下达着命令。 The Dongyi archer of Yi Di governance soared, rides the keenly blowing repetitive ominous birds and beasts mount to rush to the upper air \; The ineffective and worthless troops who Chamie presides are whooshing loudly, they to water landing, in monster Yun Gungun they have raised the rough sea waves and Dragon Clan the sailor similarly confront. 羿地统辖的东夷箭手腾空而起,骑着尖啸连连的凶禽坐骑冲上了高空\;夏米统辖的虾兵蟹将大声嘶吼着,他们向水面降落,妖云滚滚中他们同样掀起了巨浪和龙族水兵对峙。 100,000 half dragon Asura bellowed with one voice, have exhibited two shapes such as the impact lineup of knife point. 1 million blood Chi Yougui submerged void, nobody can grasp their sounds, but in the air has the rich smell of blood to raid faintly, many smell this type of smell of blood the dragon clan Warrior body to rock slightly, only thinks own physical strength in unceasing weakening. 100000半龙修罗齐声大吼,摆出了两个形如刀锋的冲击阵型。1000000血池幽鬼已经没入了虚空,没人能掌握他们的动静,只是空气中隐隐有浓郁的血腥味袭来,好些嗅到这种血腥味的龙族战士身体微微晃动,只觉自己的体力在不断的削弱。 Is Emperor Shun does not dare to speak with my Dragon Clan like this!” Ao Gu looks to complete the Ji Hao subordinates army of combat preparation, the air/Qi has resulted in the complexion changes. “就算是帝舜也不敢这样和我龙族说话!”敖古看着做好了作战准备的姬昊麾下大军,气得脸色都变了。 I am not Human Emperor!” Ji Hao ka ka smiles to haughty strangely: Father is the God! God that the world imperial order lives!” “我不是人皇!”姬昊冲着敖古‘咔咔’怪笑:“老子是天帝!天地敕令而生的天帝!” In Ao Gu the pupil flashes through wipes fierce killing intent, lived to these as before the dragon clan old monster in antiquity Dragon Clan infinite glory, what was the God? Their Dragon Clan also has with The heaven has resisted, they can take not the small advantage each time! They are the Pangu sage most formidable human body evolve the fresh tyrannical race, always only then they bully the person, they had not been bullied! 敖古眸子里闪过一抹狰狞的杀意,对这些依旧生活在上古龙族无穷荣耀中的龙族老怪物而言,天帝算什么?他们龙族又不是没有和天庭对抗过,每次他们都能占不小的便宜啊!他们可是盘古圣人最强大的肉体衍化而生的强横种族,从来只有他们欺负人,他们从来没有被人欺负过! Ji Hao...... Your this God looks like in my dragon clan, is one!” Ao Gu said him finally continuously those words that wanted to speak: Only if sits on the God throne, is my head of the clan Dragon is old, by my Dragon Zudai day award and punishment, otherwise the God is one!” 姬昊……你这个天帝在我龙族看来,就是一个屁!”敖古终于说出了他一直想要说的那句话:“除非坐在天帝宝座上的,是我龙族长老,由我龙族代天赏罚,否则天帝就是一个屁!” You are not obedient obediently, child must be taught!” Haughty quack grins fiendishly, both hands suddenly have grasped to the shoulder of Ji Hao. “你不乖乖听话,小朋友是要受到教训的!”敖古‘嘎嘎’狞笑,双手突然向姬昊的肩膀抓了下来。 The Pangu clock thunders, air/Qi of the chaos rewind, but under protects the Ji Hao whole body. Ji Hao does not utter a word draws out the Pangu sword, transported the sword by the moon deep meaning, the sword blade hides thoroughly void, mean incomparable punctured to the haughty ancient heart. 盘古钟轰鸣,一道道混沌之气倒卷而下护住姬昊全身。姬昊一声不吭的拔出盘古剑,以太阴奥义运剑,剑身彻底藏匿在了虚空中,阴狠无比的向敖古的心脏刺去。 Anything has not said that begins directly!( To be continued.) 没什么好说的,直接动手吧!(未完待续。)
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