TME :: Volume #15

#1492: Qualifications of bargaining

Ao Gu, phoenix have not opened the mouth spirit. 敖古、凤灵并没有开口。 They almost lay on reel, carefully studied each character of world contract Ji Hao was drawing up, discussion any a few words whether will hide certain latent, to their disadvantageous provisions. 他们几乎是趴在了卷轴上,仔仔细细的研究着姬昊拟定的天地契约的每一个字,探讨其中的任何一句话是否会隐藏某些潜在的,对他们不利的条款。 However the immemorial god article is excellent existence that the world will concentrates, so long as the soul is formidable enough, can withstand the world deep meaning that contains, can understand thoroughly all implication that contains. 但是太古的神文是天地意志凝成的绝妙存在,只要灵魂足够强大,能够承受其中蕴藏的天地奥义,就能一眼而洞彻其中蕴藏的所有蕴意 Carefully has studied for a long time, Ao Gu and phoenix then nod spirit. They gained ground, signaled with the eyes mutually. 仔细的研究了许久,敖古和凤灵这才点点头。他们抬起头来,相互使了个眼色。 Ji Hao did not speak, he joins hands behind the back calmly looks that Ao Gu and phoenix worked. This is he can think that to Human Race and to he most advantageous provision. Copes with blood crown that’ will soon arrive, after is this war, the thorough clean invades the Pangu world foreign race, and what is more, Ji Hao considered that after this war, must guarantee that Si Wenming inherits the Human Emperor throne safely. 姬昊也不吭声,他背着手静静的看着敖古和凤灵。这是他能想到的,对人族、对他自己最有利的条款。无论是对付即将降临的‘血冕’,还是这场大战之后,彻底清洗侵入盘古世界的异族,更有甚者,姬昊考虑到了在这场大战后,要确保姒文命安然继承人皇宝座。 The strength and influence, Ji Hao had the good individual effort now, he also needs the huge influence to deal with all crises of future. 力量和势力,姬昊如今拥有了不错的个人力量,他还需要庞大的势力去应付未来的一切危局。 Dragon Clan, phoenix clan, since seeks after the The heaven benefit, delivers voluntarily, then they must pay the price. Since all along the powerful, has been used to the dragon clan and phoenix clan that profits from Human Race white, this time do not want to account for half of an advantage from his Ji Hao. 龙族、凤族既然贪图天庭的利益,自行送上门来,那么他们必须付出代价。一贯强势、一直以来习惯了从人族身上白占便宜的龙族和凤族,这次别想从他姬昊身上占半点好处。 Really [gold/metal] silver takes, everybody exchanges equally, the benefit that if Dragon Clan, the phoenix clan give can make Ji Hao satisfy, actually then the The heaven God is Human Race or Dragon Clan, or is other phoenix clans and even tribal groups, this is nondistinctive to Human Race. 真金白银的拿出来,大家等价兑换,如果龙族、凤族给出的利益能够让姬昊满意,那么天庭的天帝究竟是人族还是龙族,又或者是凤族乃至其他的族群,这对人族而言并无区别。 Therefore, the provision that he draws up is very clear and is very clear, without any trap. This is the Ji Hao two lifetime draws up, fairest and frankest and uprightest, absolutely a square all round contract. 所以,他拟定的条款很清晰、很明白,没有任何陷阱。这是姬昊两辈子拟定的,最为公平、最为光明正大、绝对公正无私的一款契约。 Condition is neat.” Ao Gu pointed on the reel shoots the ball, deep looks that Ji Hao said slowly: But the old man, the mood is not very neat.” “条件是蛮清爽。”敖古手指在卷轴上弹了弹,深沉的看着姬昊缓缓说道:“但是老夫,心情不是很清爽。” Provision is actually clear.” Phoenix spirit expression and Ao Gu are exactly the same, she has one to carefully examine, brings arrogant and disdains, superficial shook the head to Ji Hao that a immemorial old monster is in sole possession of: But this is not clear, the energy where Hao Great Emperor comes and did we discuss the condition?” “条款倒是清晰。”凤灵的语气和敖古如出一辙,她带着一丝审视,带着一丝太古老怪物独有的倨傲和不屑,轻描淡写的向姬昊摇了摇头:“可是本座不明白,昊大帝哪里来的底气和我们谈条件?” Ao Gu is cloudy the face, withering beyond description dignifiedly just likes undercurrent in the bottomless trench, quietly to Ji Hao: Hao Great Emperor, although you obtain the world imperial order by luck, is the nowadays The heaven only God. However you in the final analysis, but is Human Race small Marquis Yao, your territory is narrow and small, subjects are barren, military force weak and weak...... How you dare, so extorts my Dragon Phoenix two clans?” 敖古阴沉着脸,一股难以形容的肃杀威严犹如无底深渊中的暗流,悄然向姬昊袭来:“昊大帝,虽然你侥幸得到天地敕令,是现今天庭唯一的天帝。但是你归根结底,不过是人族一小小垚侯,你领地狭小、子民贫瘠、军力微弱、势单力薄……你就怎么敢,如此的敲诈勒索我龙凤两族?” Phoenix spirit shaking the head gently, said with a smile slightly: Mr. Ao Gu should not be angry, the child is innocent, teaches and that's the end. Was inferior that Hao Great Emperor, we do change the provision? For example, the The heaven five side God, you assume the center, other square God, you give me the Dragon Phoenix two clans to assign voluntarily.” 凤灵轻轻的摇着头,微微笑道:“敖古老爷子别生气,小孩子不懂事,教训教训就是了。不如,昊大帝,我们把条款改一改?比如说,天庭的五方天帝,你坐镇中央,其他四方天帝,你就交给我龙凤两族自行分配。” Shows a faint smile, the phoenix spirit was affable putting out a hand has drawn the sleeve of Ji Hao homespun cloth long dress very much, the above two wrinkles will flare out gently: Also not to mention by what condition, helped you hold on to the position of God by my Dragon Phoenix two clans, received in exchange for Hao Great Emperor communication God, how please under do the world imperial order confer my dragon clan two clan clansmen becomes the new God?” 微微一笑,凤灵很是和蔼可亲的伸手拉了拉姬昊粗布长衣的袖子,将上面的两条皱纹轻轻拉平:“也别提什么旁的条件了,就以我龙凤两族帮你坐稳天帝之位,换取昊大帝沟通天帝,请下天地敕令册封我龙族两族族人成为新任天帝如何?” The Ji Hao bursting out laughing looks that Ao Gu and phoenix spirit. 姬昊哑然看着敖古和凤灵。 Clearly is they blocks the way to take by force, how to turn into itself to extort? 分明是他们拦路打劫,怎么就变成了自己敲诈勒索? But in phoenix spirit words also very clear told the Ji Hao boy, your foundation was not very abundant, if not the obedient coordination our Dragon Phoenix two clans, were careful that the throne under your this newly appointed God buttocks wasn't steady? 而凤灵的话里面还很是明白的告诉姬昊小子,你根基不够雄厚哦,若是不乖乖的配合我们龙凤两族,小心你这位新上任的天帝屁股下的宝座不稳哦? Dragon Clan, the phoenix clan in the immemorial Prehistoric age, indeed have had that ambition Emperor Wei dragon sovereign Feng slightly, leads the army and The heaven is facing to shake. By the status of Pangu blood, in addition Dragon Clan, the phoenix clan tyrannical talent strength, they resist The heaven the time has never suffered a loss, instead took advantage repeatedly. 龙族、凤族在太古洪荒年代,的确也出过那种雄图伟略的龙皇凤帝,率领大军和天庭正面对撼过。以盘古血裔的身份,加上龙族、凤族强横的天赋实力,他们对抗天庭的时候从未吃亏过,反而多次占了小便宜。 Pride that in years past brilliant achievements, the achievement today's Dragon Clan, the phoenix clan have been insufferably arrogant. 昔年的光辉业绩,成就了今日龙族、凤族不可一世的骄傲。 The The heaven God of their sign has not placed at heart, Ji Hao this trivial Human Race kid child lucky achievement God...... They can lag behind the face and his equality exchange, this has given him the big face, does he also dare to discuss the condition with them? 他们连正牌子的天庭天帝都没放在心里,姬昊这区区人族小屁孩子侥幸成就的天帝嘛……他们能拉下脸和他平等交流,这都给了他多大的脸,他怎么还敢和他们谈条件呢? Ji Hao reluctantly smiled bitterly: Two old seniors said that was really makes me a little be speechless. Difficult to be inadequate......” 姬昊就无奈的苦笑了:“两位老前辈这么说,实在是让我有点无话可说了。难不成……” Smiling face full Ji Hao suddenly changed the expression, is bringing withering ominous air/Qi of face, Ji Hao exceptionally desolate saying: Is difficult to be inadequate, do you also prepare to start inadequately to me? Two, did you think many? Also thought too easily?” 笑容满满的姬昊突然变了语气,带着一脸的肃杀凶气,姬昊异常冷淡的说道:“难不成,你们还准备对我下手不成?两位,你们是不是想得太多了?也想得太容易了?” Six in other god articles by Ji Hao world contract was simultaneously compelled two clan powerhouses who has turned head to look, the powerhouses of eight Dragon Phoenix two clans have sphered Ji Hao, simultaneously was arrogant to sneer that disdained. 其他六位被姬昊天地契约上的神文逼得扭过头去的两族强者同时看了过来,八位龙凤两族的强者围住了姬昊,同时倨傲而不屑的冷笑了一声。 Another beautiful woman of phoenix clan has referred to the reel on Ji Hao, cold sound track: „The Ji Hao boy, gives you several points of color, do not reach out for a yard after taking an inch. One have destroyed this bewildered world contract, then obedient does according to our words, we guarantee your God throne is well. Otherwise if......” 凤族的另外一位美妇指了指姬昊手上的卷轴,冷声道:“姬昊小子,给你几分颜色,你不要得寸进尺。自己毁了这莫名其妙的天地契约,然后乖乖的按照我们的话去做,我们保你天帝的宝座平安无事。若是不然……” Haughty ancient side saying of dragon clan old fogy strange voice and strange manner: If not so, hey, when Grandpa Ao Ku lets you know immemorial, why Dragon Phoenix is the world lead, but your Human Race, can only kneel in the reason that my Dragon Clan under foot sheds bitter tears!” 敖古身边的一名龙族老家伙怪声怪气的说道:“若是不然,嘿嘿,敖酷爷爷就让你知道知道太古之时,为什么龙凤才是天地主角,而你人族,只能跪在我龙族的脚下痛哭流涕的原因!” Has licked the licking lips corner/horn, Ao Ku complacent saying: You do not want to see that your father was reduced the head by Grandpa Ao Ku? You do not want to see that your mother did weep and wail in the Grandpa Ao Ku arms day after day? Hey, does not know that you do have children, if present, Grandpa Ao Ku tender flesh and blood to your Human Race kid, likes!” 舔了舔嘴角,敖酷得意洋洋的说道:“你不想见到自己的父亲被敖酷爷爷砍掉脑袋吧?你也不想见到自己的母亲在敖酷爷爷的怀里哭喊连天吧?嘿嘿,不知道你有没有儿女,若是有,敖酷爷爷对你们人族小家伙的嫩骨肉,也是蛮喜欢的!” Ao Gu shook the head with a smile, has interrupted Ao Ku the words: „, Was the people of ancestor rank, the absurd manner of young time, do not take to frighten the child.” 敖古笑着摇了摇头,打断了敖酷的话:“罢了,都是老祖宗级别的人了,年轻时候的荒唐举止,就不要拿出来吓唬小孩子了。” Shows a faint smile, Ao Gu looks that Ji Hao sighed one lightly: Hao Great Emperor...... The Ji Hao boy, you do not have the qualifications and we bargain back and forth. Therefore, you defer to the words of phoenix spirit old lady, obedient listens our. He He, person many of their phoenix clan is a little tenderhearted, my Dragon Clan, may always only seek the result, never dreaded that uses any method.” 微微一笑,敖古看着姬昊轻叹了一声:“昊大帝呵……姬昊小子,你没有资格和我们讨价还价。所以,你还是按照凤灵老太婆的话,乖乖的听我们的吧。呵呵,他们凤族的人多少有点心软,我龙族,可从来只求结果,从来不忌惮使用任何手段。” Haughty cool Ha Ha is laughing, about him looked, suddenly looks to arrive Shaosi on Nine Dragons Chariot hot cloud. 敖酷‘哈哈’大笑着,他左右看了看,突然看到了站在九龙车辇火云上的少司 He points at Shaosi to say with a smile: „The Ji Hao boy, on this young girl has your flavor! Is your woman? Ha Ha, you do not accept the Grandpa Ao Ku condition, hey, Grandpa Ao Ku Scene performs in a good play to have a look to you!” 他指着少司笑道:“姬昊小子,这小妞身上有你的味道!是你的女人?哈哈,你再不答应敖酷爷爷的条件,嘿嘿,敖酷爷爷现场就给你演一场好戏看看!” Haughty Ha Ha laughs, another two Dragon Zuda can set free a captured animal to laugh similarly. 敖古‘哈哈’大笑,另外两尊龙族大能同样放生大笑。 The phoenix spirit and three phoenix clans can curl the lip greatly, gently bah. 凤灵和三个凤族大能撇了撇嘴,轻轻的‘呸’了一声。 Ji Hao narrowed the eye, said with a smile: Qualifications of bargaining? This enough?” 姬昊眯起了眼睛,笑着说道:“讨价还价的资格么?这个够不够啊?” The Pangu clock suddenly appears in the Ji Hao hand, he carries the Pangu clock, pounding maliciously on Ao Ku the head. 盘古钟突然出现在姬昊手中,他拎起盘古钟,狠狠的砸在了敖酷的脑袋上。 Miserable howling, the bang shakes Nine Dragons Chariot nearby 1 million armies in abundance to fly, Ao Ku the head has disrupted most probably, wept and wailed day after day from the clouds crash earth, pounded a giant pothole on the ground.( To be continued.) 一声惨嚎,巨响震得九龙车辇附近1000000大军纷纷飞起,敖酷的脑袋碎裂了大半,哭喊连天的从云端坠落大地,在地上砸出了一个巨大的坑洞。(未完待续。)
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