TME :: Volume #15

#1491: World contract

The hand of Ji Hao has patted the racket on the body of Mr. Crow, integrated the massive Sun really hot essences, passed Ji Hao to perceive through meditation some small Sun Grand Dao Mr. Crow to cry loud and long, his gorgeous golden feather flaming was burning, changed into palm of the hand size feather shape flame to fall off piece by piece, in front of Ji Hao rapidly interlocked to dance in the air. 姬昊的手在鸦公的身上拍了拍,融入了大量太阳真火精髓,更通过姬昊参悟了小部分太阳大道鸦公长啸了一声,他身上华美的金色羽毛熊熊燃烧着,化为一片片巴掌大小的羽毛状火焰脱落下来,在姬昊面前急速的交错飞舞。 A Ji Hao finger, twines two fire dragon with one voice long cry on his arm, their golden dragon scales fall off in abundance, the hard and blazing scale shatter has become the tiniest dust, congealed continuously extremely thin Golden Light. 姬昊手一指,缠绕在他手臂上的两条火龙齐声长鸣,他们身上金色的龙鳞纷纷脱落,坚硬而炽热的鳞片破碎成了最细小的粉尘,凝成了一缕缕极细的金光 The feather shape flame is peaceful gradually, wove one film length one tall foot and a width six chi (0.33 m) giant reel. 羽毛状火焰逐渐安静下来,织成了一片长一丈八尺、宽六尺的巨大卷轴。 Golden Light that Dragon Linning becomes float in front of Ji Hao, Ji Hao breaking by biting tip of tongue, together shining is having the rich world will and merit aura the assigns the Blood Essence blowout, has inhaled in dragon scale Golden Light. 龙鳞凝成的金光悬浮在姬昊面前,姬昊咬破舌尖,一道金灿灿的带着浓郁天地意志和功德气息的本命精血喷出,呼入了龙鳞金光中。 On reel that extremely thin Golden Light in the Mr. Crow feather makes rapid brand mark, all various professions were clear and straight, send out the antiquity The heaven god article of fierce Tianwei to appear on the reel gradually. Strong winds give birth baseless, regarding Nine Dragons Chariot crazy is circling. 极细的金光鸦公羽毛制成的卷轴上迅速的烙印了下去,一行行清晰、端正,散发出烈烈天威的上古天庭神文逐次出现在卷轴上。一道道狂风凭空生出,围绕着九龙车辇疯狂的盘旋着。 The sky becomes extremely strange, piece by piece golden rosy cloud just likes speeding horse fast flowing, the sky has been divided into two halves, the sunlight is bright, while rain cats and dogs. Enter the cloud the long howl to shoot up to the sky resoundingly, this is being similar that all around the earth mountain range fierce shake sends out in the sound of human long and loud cry. 天空变得极其怪异,一片片金色云霞犹如奔马快速的流动,天空分成了两半,一边阳光灿烂,一边大雨倾盆。更有一声声高亢入云的长啸声冲天而起,这是四周大地山峦剧烈震荡而发出的类似于人类长啸的声音。 The legend antiquity sage Cang Jie word-formation, was imitates in the world the Grand Dao god mark, Human Race writing that Cang Jie made, the world shook, ghosts and gods Qi Ku, all lives between world knows that since then Human Race has been separated from the ignorant dull-witted primitive chaotic state, greatly started to step into intruded the civilized time. 传说上古圣人仓颉造字,就是仿制天地间大道神纹而成,仓颉制成的人族文字一出,天地震荡,鬼神齐哭,天地间的一切生灵都知道,从此人族脱离了蒙昧愚钝的原始混沌状态,开始大踏入的闯入了文明时代。 Had the opportunity of civilized inheritance, henceforth Human Race truly becomes the Lord of Pangu world destiny, becomes the lead in world. 拥有了文明传承的机会,从此人族真正成为盘古世界气运之主,成为天地的主角。 But god article of Ji Hao this moment use, then before Cang Jie word-formation, when the Pangu The heaven first batch of primitive deities are born, writing of world nature production. These immemorial god articles are ancient and complex, each typeface contained infinitely mysterious, is unable to understand, soul unable to bear the pressure that by the antiquity Human Race wisdom these writing create, therefore Human Race is unable to cause to think the article. 姬昊此刻使用的神文,则是远在仓颉造字之前,盘古天庭第一批原始天神诞生之时,天地自然生成的文字。这些太古神文古老而复杂,每一个字体都蕴藏了无穷玄奥,以上古人族的智慧无法理解、灵魂更无法承受这些文字带来的压力,故而人族无法使用神文。 Each god article corresponds the Heavenly Dao principle, screens the stars, under on the land features, is Pangu world most root, most primitive, might biggest, works for the most mysterious writing system. Here each writing can be inborn Symbol, contains might that the ghosts and gods have not measured. 每一枚神文都对应天道法则,上映星辰、下应地脉,是盘古世界最根源、最原始、威力最大、效力最神奇的文字系统。这里的每一个文字都可以算是一枚天生的符文,蕴藏了鬼神莫测的威力。 Ji Hao with immeasurable merit condensation God imperial seal time, this set of immemorial god article on inexplicable brand mark in his innermost soul. 姬昊以无量功德凝聚天帝印玺的时候,这套太古神文就莫名的烙印在了他灵魂深处。 This is the gracious gift of world, is the The heaven God proper welfare. Not so, Ji Hao is unable to know that mistakenly this set was ancient Human Race Magi palace only to retain few 350 writing, impossible to write the contract with him on the reel. 这是天地的恩赐,是天庭天帝应有的福利。错非如此,姬昊也无法认识这套古老得就连人族巫殿都只保留了寥寥350个的文字,更不可能用他在卷轴上书写契约。 immemorial that eight vision eye covetously bad mutually existed to collect curiously, careful stared on the reel Ji Hao to leave behind the golden handwriting that. 八位目光不善相互虎视眈眈的太古存在好奇的凑了过来,仔细的盯着卷轴上姬昊留下的金色字迹。 Looked at first, two cultivate for the weakest dragon god and phoenix god on the body slightly in a flash, in the eyeball suddenly had a faint trace blood thread to appear. 只是看了第一眼,两名修为最弱的龙神、凤神就身体微微一晃,眼珠里突然有了一丝丝血丝出现。 Along with Ji Hao uninterrupted writing, the handwriting that he writes down are getting more and more, the content on reel is getting more and more complex, the world invincible might that on the reel sends out is also getting more and more huge. 随着姬昊不间断的书写,他写下的字迹越来越多,卷轴上的内容越来越复杂,卷轴上散发出的天地神威也就越来越庞大。 Eight immemorial exist except for the strength strongest all colors Dragon Linlong god, phoenix clan the noble beautiful women of semblance 30 Xu's are staring at the reel as before calmly, other six people of all difficult turning the head, forcefully rush to the throat mouth the counter blood to swallow down one. 八个太古存在除了实力最强的五彩龙鳞龙神,还有凤族的一名外表不过30许的高贵美妇依旧若无其事的盯着卷轴,其他六人全都艰难的转过头,强行将一口冲到喉咙口的逆血吞了下去。 They are not the The heaven gods of world acknowledgment, even if their strengths are tyrannical enough, their souls are formidable enough, they are unable to bear too the impact of immemorial god article. 他们并非天地承认的天庭众神,哪怕他们的实力足够强横,他们的灵魂足够强大,他们也无法承受太多太古神文的冲击。 Reason that all colors Dragon Linlong god can bear the god article impact of Ji Hao writing, that is because his human body cultivates to be too tyrannical, his soul was hit hard every time, but he huge boundless Blood Essence energy unceasing nutritious soul, momentarily is repairing the injury of soul, therefore he can withstand. 五彩龙鳞龙神之所以能够承受姬昊书写的神文冲击,那是因为他的肉体修为太强横,他的灵魂每时每刻都受到重击,但是他庞大无边的精血能量不断的滋补灵魂,随时修复着灵魂的伤势,所以他能承受下来。 But that 30 -year-old phoenix clan beautiful women can bear the impact of god article, this is because the soul talent of phoenix clan transcends the mortal world, she is genuine, because the strength of this my soul is too formidable, the soul source vastly like the sea, the impact of god article swung the innumerable ripples in her state of mind, she vast boundless soul source bore these wild impacts stiffly. 而那30岁许的凤族美妇能承受神文的冲击,这是因为凤族的灵魂天赋超凡入圣,她是真正的因为本我灵魂之力太强大、灵魂本源浩瀚如海,神文的冲击在她的神魂中荡起了无数涟漪,她浩瀚无边的灵魂本源硬生生承受住了这些狂野的冲击。 Although the method is different, these two Dragon Phoenix two clans to the powerhouse, actually the entire journey observed and emulated the Ji Hao written process. 虽然法子不同,这两位龙凤两族的至强者,却全程观摩了姬昊的书写过程。 When Ji Hao has written down the last character, he also expiration of gently, gains ground to look solemn and respectful Dragon Yifeng says with a smile: Saw clearly? I have not moved any hands and feet, this world contract is just, so long as two comply, now the Dragon Phoenix two clans can obtain a share of God throne.” 姬昊写下了最后一个字,他也轻轻的吐了一口气,抬头向神色肃穆的一龙一凤笑道:“看清楚了?我没有动任何手脚,这份天地契约公平合理,只要两位答应,现在龙凤两族就能得到一尊天帝宝座的份额。” Old man Ao Gu!” All colors Dragon Linlao Dragon god looked at Ji Hao one with deep veneration, treating a matter seriously sent out own given name. “老夫敖古!”五彩龙鳞老龙神肃然看了姬昊一眼,郑重其事的报出了自己的名号。 This phoenix spirits!” Phoenix clan beautiful women looked at Ji Hao to be the same similarly with deep veneration, said own name earnestly. “本座凤灵!”凤族美妇同样肃然的看了姬昊一样,非常认真的说出了自己的名字。 Regarding these old fogies, is proud more important than their lives, can send out own name to Ji Hao such younger generation, this represents them to acknowledge that Ji Hao has the qualifications and they are treated equally, has the qualifications and they discusses the condition. 对于这些老家伙而言,骄傲比他们的性命还要重要,能够对姬昊这样的晚辈报出自己的名字,这就代表他们承认,姬昊有资格和他们平起平坐,有资格和他们谈条件。 The Ji Hao condition, has written clearly on the giant reel. 姬昊的条件,已经明明白白的书写在了巨大的卷轴上。 World contract, this was antiquity The heaven fairest and most official contract way. 天地契约,这是上古天庭最公平、最正式的契约方式。 Takes the world to conclude the contract as the card, compared with the present so-called soul blood oath and so on contract pattern reliable far more than thousands of times, any violates the person of contract, will receive vigorously of Pangu world to strangle to death. Only if can collapse voluntarily destroys the Pangu world the Grand Dao principle, otherwise absolutely do not disobey the world contract. 以天地为证缔结契约,比现在的所谓灵魂血誓之类的契约模式可靠了何止千万倍,任何违反契约之人,都会受到盘古世界的倾力绞杀。除非自行能够崩毁盘古世界的大道法则,否则绝对不要违逆天地契约。 The Ji Hao condition is very simple, Dragon Clan, the phoenix clan mix the elite army that a pure blood group person composes separately, forever integrates Ji Hao this new God subordinates, whatever he always expels. The clansman quantity and quality that so long as Dragon Clan, the phoenix clan give can satisfy Ji Hao, Ji Hao takes responsibility, in the future The heaven will have a throne to be Dragon Clan, the phoenix clan. 姬昊的条件很简单,龙族、凤族分别调配一支纯血族人组成的精锐军队,永远纳入姬昊这位新任天帝麾下,任凭他永世驱遣。只要龙族、凤族给出的族人数量和质量能够满足姬昊,姬昊就做主,未来天庭会有一尊宝座属于龙族、凤族。 But the remaining third thrones, Ji Hao will give to his bolster support biggest that clan. 而剩下的第三尊宝座,姬昊会交给对他支持力度最大的那一族。 The dragon clan or the phoenix clan, who the bolster support to Ji Hao is bigger, who will give Ji Hao more armies, more resources, Ji Hao this throne will have promised that gave that clan. 无论是龙族还是凤族,谁对姬昊的支持力度更大,谁给了姬昊更多的军队、更多的资源,姬昊就会将这尊宝座许诺给那一族。 Ji Hao pledged that he will utilize the clansman of Dragon Clan, phoenix clan absolutely properly, making them in resisting the battlefield of foreign enemy performs good deeds. 姬昊发誓,他绝对会妥善的运用龙族、凤族的族人,让他们在对抗外敌的战场上建功立业。 Once all matters stilled, Ji Hao will communicate the Pangu world by the God privilege the world will, making the world will lower the world imperial order, condenses the immeasurable merit casting God imperial seal , to promote the new God. 一旦所有的事情平定了,姬昊就会以天帝特权沟通盘古世界的天地意志,让天地意志降下天地敕令,凝聚无量功德铸造天帝印玺,晋升新的天帝。 Naturally, Ji Hao also said the immeasurable merit of very much clear this condensation God imperial seal, must be Dragon Clan, phoenix clan provides! 当然喽,姬昊也说得很明白这凝聚天帝印玺的无量功德,必须是龙族、凤族自己提供! In other words, Dragon Clan, phoenix clan, must in the future war, establish enough merit, they may win the God throne. 换言之,龙族、凤族,必须在未来的大战中,建立足够的功德,他们才有可能登上天帝宝座。 Now, two old seniors, the boy I initially ascend to heaven the Di Bao place, under is short of manpower very much, how many people two do prepare to put out to support me?”( To be continued.) “现在,两位老前辈,小子我初登天帝宝座,手下缺人得很,两位准备拿出多少人来支持我?”(未完待续。)
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