TME :: Volume #15

#1490: Three the emperors swallow two clans

On Nine Dragons Chariot, Ji Hao sits on the throne of roof with a laugh. 九龙车辇上,姬昊笑呵呵坐在最高处的宝座上。 In four hearsay already exhausted the life to fall from the sky many years of dragon clan immemorial Dragon Shen, similarly was in four rumors already the phoenix clan immemorial phoenix god of Nirvana in the boundless roaring flame, the Dragon Phoenix two clan eight immemorial powerhouses sat well on throne that in the flame congealed, the honorable eye stared at the aperture was staring at the opposite old acquaintance and old partner. 四名传闻中早已耗尽了寿命陨落多年的龙族太古龙神,同样是四名传言中早已在无边烈焰中涅槃的凤凰一族太古凤神,龙凤两族八尊太古强者端坐在火焰凝成的宝座上,正大眼盯小眼的盯着对面的老熟人、老伙伴。 The two sides people simultaneously looked for Ji Hao, was working as the opposite person, they were not good to open the mouth with Ji Hao to discuss any solid issue. They look at opposite party that familiar face first mutually, then does not know that is who opens the mouth first, anger (Fire Qi) on Nine Dragons Chariot suddenly becomes strong. 两边人同时找上了姬昊,当着对面的人,他们也不好开口和姬昊讨论什么实在的问题。他们先是相互看着对方那一张张熟悉的面孔,然后不知道是谁先开口,九龙车辇上的火气就骤然变得浓烈起来。 Ji Hao has not spoken, the immemorial powerhouses of Dragon Phoenix two clans mutually attack and are ridiculing. 姬昊没吭声,龙凤两族的太古强者则是相互抨击、嘲笑着。 Laolongtou, heard that you died, this place also shed three tears for you. Hey, our friendship for a lifetime, you play dead unexpectedly...... Our friendship, on only the three tears of value place!” “老龙头,听说你老死了,本座还为你流了三颗眼泪。嘿,咱们一辈子的交情,你居然假死……咱们的交情,也就只值本座的三颗眼泪啦!” Old Bian wool, probably said you to have the multiple affectionate righteousness to be common. You were not already the Nirvana, the phoenix Nirvana, does not turn into an egg! Did not say that all memories were emptied, do you still remember the father, the father must be moved compensate your three tears?” “老扁毛,说得你好像有多重情重义一般。你不是早就涅槃了嘛,凤凰涅槃,不是重新变成一颗蛋嘛!不是说所有记忆都被清空嘛,你还记得老子,老子是不是要感动得赔你三颗眼泪啊?” Oh, oh, the old codger, we that account calculates in the past well considers as finished!” “唷,唷,老不死的,咱们当年那笔账得好好算算了!” Calculates that calculates, calculates? Resorts to arms the fist, our Dragon Clan man is never afraid of getting into trouble! Do not say the group of women of your phoenix clan!” “算算就算算,怎么算?动刀还是拳头,咱龙族的汉子从来不怕事!更不要说你们凤凰一族的这群娘们!” What did you say? Do the old fogies, you dare to export insult person?” “你说什么?老家伙,你敢出口侮辱人?” „Did I insult you to drop? Do our brothers open the mouth to insult you to drop together? Isn't convinced? Isn't convinced to punch us? Ha, the father lets your hand, a palm of the hand becomes the bird's egg appearance your again fan, do you believe?” “我侮辱你怎么滴?咱们兄弟一起开口侮辱你怎么滴?不服气啊?不服气来揍我们啊?哈,老子让你一只手,一巴掌把你重新扇成鸟蛋模样,你信不信?” „Did scoundrel, your this group of old scoundrels, believe us to give to dig up your Dragon Lin to draw, making you turn into the dead loach?” “混账,你们这群老混账,信不信我们把你们龙鳞都给扒拉了,让你们变成死泥鳅?” Yo? Is a woman of your this crowd of phoenix clans so strong? Come, come, come, our brothers four here, on your four Old Bian wools, on, come, who feared who?” “哟?你们这群凤凰一族的娘们有这么强啊?来,来,来,咱们兄弟四个就在这里,你们四条老扁毛上啊,上啊,来啊,谁怕谁啊?” The old lecher violent debate that eight old and do not revere mutually shot off the mouth here, the army who was away from the Ji Hao governance, the smell of gunpowder that between armies Dragon Clan and phoenix clan brought is also getting more and more thick. 八头老而不尊的老不修在这里唇枪舌剑相互乱喷,隔着姬昊统辖的大军,龙族和凤族带来的军队之间的火药味也越来越浓。 Soars high in the feather of sky, with deeply hid Water Race in water is the inborn opposition relations. For example many feathers take fish and shrimp as the food inborn, such as Dapeng, peacock and so on ominous birds and beasts, take Flood Dragon and big python and so on scales class life for food. 高高飞翔在天空的禽类,本来就和深藏在水中的水族是天生的对立关系。比如说很多禽类天生就以鱼虾为食,诸如大鹏、孔雀之类的凶禽,更以蛟龙、大蟒之类的鳞甲类生灵为食物。 This is only two huge tribal group low-order life inborn oppositions, waited for them to grow the enough formidable boundary, everybody had endured compared with the Human Race wisdom, had the formidable strength, the inborn opposition made them usually in not know that had many friction. 这只是两个庞大族群低阶生灵天生的对立,等得他们成长到了足够强大的境界,大家都有了堪比人族的智慧,都有了强大的实力,天生的对立让他们平日里不知道起了多少摩擦。 Has the dragons and phoenix two clans usually to repress, these feather and Water Race small conflict year to year unceasingly, the genuine major war extremely little breaks out. The old fogies but who today the Dragon Phoenix two clans lead hit the chicken blood same to quarrel, usually in had the enmity two clan officers naturally is the overjoyed mutual provocation and railing. 有龙、凤两族平日里弹压着,这些禽类、水族小冲突常年不断,真正的大规模战争极少爆发。可是今日龙凤两族带队的老家伙都打了鸡血一样吵了起来,平日里多有仇怨的两族将士们自然是欢天喜地的相互挑衅、谩骂。 Quick, provoked and to rail develop the personal attack directly, everywhere was the vulgar language mutually sprays, its unkind vicious place made experienced Human Race Warrior also stare dumbfounded and praise to the heavens. 很快的,挑衅、谩骂直接发展到了人身攻击,漫天都是污言秽语相互喷洒,其刻薄狠毒之处让见多识广的人族战士也是瞠目结舌、叹为观止。 Ji Hao is stroking the two fire dragons of winding on arm, pours into their within the body faint trace Sun unceasingly really hot, gradually promotes their life sources, to be promoted their source strengths. The eight old fogies of Dragon Phoenix two clans scolded ominously, Ji Hao was delighted, has almost not held the belly to smile. 姬昊抚摸着缠绕在手臂上的两条火龙,不断将一丝丝太阳真火注入他们体内,逐渐提升他们的生命本源、晋级他们的本源力量。龙凤两族的八个老家伙相互之间骂得越凶,姬昊就越是眉飞色舞,差点就没抱着肚皮笑起来。 Let your two clans usually in such keeping aloof, such proud wildly arrogant! 让你们这两族平日里那样的高高在上,那样的骄傲骄狂! Human Race and Dragon Clan, phoenix clan, three clans are the a common origin live. When foreign race invades the Pangu world, except for fought the Dragon Phoenix two clans to be forced at first transferred the entire clan elite to enter the war beside, for these years, was almost the Human Race tribe alliance alone bears the foreign race huge pressure. 人族、龙族、凤族,三族乃同源而生。当异族入侵盘古世界的时候,除了最初一战龙凤两族被逼无奈调动了阖族精锐参战之外,这么多年来,几乎是人族部落联盟独自承受异族庞大的压力。 The dragons and phoenix two clans keep aloof, the aloof extra mundane, they look helplessly Human Race innumerable elite died in battle, helplessly looks that the Human Race hero from generation to generation meets a cruel death for the multiplication of bloodlines, they actually slightly remain unmoved. 龙、凤两族高高在上、超然世外,他们眼睁睁的看着人族无数精锐战死,眼睁睁的看着一代一代的人族英雄为了血脉的繁衍而粉身碎骨,他们却丝毫不为所动。 Moreover, they also unceasing puts forward the condition to Human Race, unceasing extorting Human Race, they dispatch a wee bit manpower to help Human Race each time, seemed to the Human Race huge face was the same, stiffly must dig up a skin from Human Race. 不仅如此,他们还不断的向人族提条件,不断的敲诈勒索人族,每次他们派遣一丁点儿人手帮助人族,却好似给了人族天大的面子一样,硬生生的要从人族身上扒一层皮。 The innumerable years, Dragon Clan, the phoenix clan are also OK in the benefit that on Human Race squeezed out. 无数年来,龙族、凤族在人族身上榨取的利益也是可以了。 Eight old fogies who Ji Hao telling fortunes by physiognomy anger (Fire Qi) with a laugh clashes more and more, did not say a word as before. 姬昊笑呵呵的看着相火气越来越冲的八个老家伙,依旧是一言不发。 Fierce Ding, Old Dragon god of that all colors scale does not roar, a palm of the hand claps the throne that the flame concentrates crushes, he rises with a spring, in the double pupil kills intent Ben Yong, stares at the opposite four respect for elders phoenix gods to say with a smile ferociously: Everybody makes anything, everybody is well aware! Hey, few idle talk, on the fist see right in front of one high under! And has a look, in the future this Pangu world, actually will be who heads list of successful candidates!” 猛不丁的,那头五彩鳞片的老龙神一声怒吼,一巴掌将火光凝成的宝座拍得粉碎,他一跃而起,双眸中杀意奔涌,盯着对面的四尊老凤神狞笑道:“大家来做什么,大家心知肚明!嘿,少废话,拳头上面见高下!且看看,未来这盘古世界,究竟是何人独领风骚!” Two male two female four immemorial phoenix gods stand up slowly, they took out in abundance the walking stick that the immemorial wood used to make an ancestral tablet Chinese hibiscus heart is made , the side has emitted the dazzling flame suddenly. The two feminine immemorial phoenix god flame lusters of golden yellow, that is the purest phoenix is really hot, can the Destruction myriad things have the unsurpassed good fortune magical powers of Nirvana rebirth. 两男两女四尊太古凤神缓缓站起身来,他们纷纷取出了用太古神木扶桑树心制成的拐杖,身边突然冒出了刺目的火光。两名女性太古凤神身上的火焰色泽金黄,那是最为纯正的凤凰真火,可以毁灭万物却又有涅槃重生的无上造化神通。 But the two masculine immemorial phoenix god flame of were the scarlet red colored glaze condition Southern Ming god inflammations, that was in the world is purest the overbearing flame, was the difficult adversaries of strength of all evil yin, most was good at returning this turns over to the Yuan, refine to change into the most primitive pure shape the myriad things. 而两尊男性太古凤神身上的火焰则是赤红色琉璃态的南明神炎,那是天地间最为纯净霸道的火焰,是一切阴邪之力的克星,最擅长返本归元,将万物炼化为最原始的纯净形态。 In other words, the Southern Ming god flame was the fire of most overbearing purification, by the lethality, the Southern Ming god flame was really only hotter than also to be strong a big truncation the phoenix. 换言之,南明神炎就是最霸道的净化之火,单论杀伤力,南明神炎比凤凰真火还要强出一大截。 Eight big immemorial old monsters must attack brutally shortly, Ji Hao layer on layer has coughed: Eight, eight old seniors, calm down, calm down, does? Does? Is this does do? Do everybody wind and rain Tongji University innumerable year of long-standing friendships, do at daggers drawn? Calms down, calms down.” 眼看着八大太古老怪物就要大打出手,姬昊重重的咳嗽了起来:“八位,八位老前辈,消消气,消消气呵,干嘛呢?干嘛呢?这是干嘛呢?大家风雨同济无数年的老交情,干嘛剑拔弩张的?消消气,消消气啊。” Hey smiles, Ji Hao very insincere has buried embroidery needle to eight person everyone Chest: Ao Li and Feng Qín heart two, their child lived, everybody was the relations by marriage...... Do not shout that hits to shout " kill ", gives a face to the juniors!” ‘嘿嘿’一笑,姬昊很不厚道的给八个人每个人心口埋了一根绣花针:“敖礼凤琴心两位,他们娃娃都生出来了,大家都是姻亲啦……不要喊打喊杀的,给小辈们留点情面嘛!” Four sign of the dragon gods and four big phoenix gods were all scared! 四大龙神、四大凤神全傻眼了! Ao Li? Feng Qín heart? Contemporary Dragon Huang nine Crown Prince? Little princess of contemporary Emperor Feng? 敖礼凤琴心?当代龙皇的九太子?当代凤帝的小公主? Did they, have child? When matter? How don't they know? What's all this about? Dragon are Clan and phoenix clan related trhough marriage? Crack a joke! Their these old fogies do not open the mouth, which Feng Zilong Sun are Gan and opposite person related trhough marriage? 他们两个,有娃娃了?什么时候的事情?怎么他们都不知道呢?这是怎么回事?龙族和凤族通婚?开什么玩笑!他们这些老家伙不开口,哪个凤子龙孙敢和对面的人通婚的? Ji Hao may how, no matter these old fogies think, his saying leisurely: I know the purposes in coming of eight old seniors, therefore, I am also natural, after all I am the Pangu world only God, the speech should now a little use.” 姬昊可不管这些老家伙心里怎么想,他慢条斯理的说道:“我知道八位老前辈的来意,所以,我也大方一点,毕竟我现在是盘古世界唯一的天帝,说话应该有点用处。” I decided that puts out three God thrones, received exchange for Dragon Clan, phoenix race's support to my Human Race!” “我决定,拿出三尊天帝宝座,换取龙族、凤族对我人族的鼎力支持!” The looks of eight old fogies are not once more right, three God thrones? But their Dragon do Clan and phoenix clan this divide? 八个老家伙的神色再次不对了,三尊天帝宝座?可是他们龙族和凤族该怎么分呢? They stared opposite party one mutually maliciously are the trouble that these four damn old fogies made!( To be continued.) 他们相互狠狠的瞪了对方一眼都是这四个该死的老家伙惹来的麻烦!(未完待续。)
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