TME :: Volume #15

#1489: Passionate Longfeng

Facing pressing on step by step Ji Hao, Yemo luo coconut tree beautiful face pale like paper. She looks at Ji Hao panic-stricken, feels on Ji Hao to make her suffocate and let her soul almost smashing the huge pressure, the Yemo luo coconut tree was low finally the arrogant head. 面对步步紧逼的姬昊,耶摩椤椰绝美的面庞惨白如纸。她惊恐的看着姬昊,感受着姬昊身上让她窒息、让她灵魂都几乎粉碎的庞大压力,耶摩椤椰最终低下了高傲的头颅。 Respect Ji Hao your excellency, was extremely sorry that I believe that under your command, these heroic and formidable The heaven Warrior, can be we most loyal ally, the most reliable friend.” Yemo xiu fled hurriedly, is forcing a smile mediation. “尊敬的姬昊阁下,非常抱歉,我相信,在您的统帅下,这些英勇而强大的天庭战士,会是我们最忠诚的盟友、最可靠的朋友。”耶摩峀急忙窜了出来,强笑着打圆场。 His quite a little resentment stared Yemo luo coconut tree one, at this time, she also dares to provoke Ji Hao unexpectedly? 他颇有点怨气的瞪了耶摩椤椰一眼,在这种时候,她居然还敢招惹姬昊 Ji Hao Ha Ha laughed, gives up continue intimidate the Yemo luo coconut tree. He and Emperor Shun and the others discussed urgently, afterward orders unceasing has transmitted to all Human Race Warrior. 姬昊‘哈哈’一声大笑,放弃了继续威逼耶摩椤椰。他和帝舜等人紧急的商量了一阵,随后一条条命令不断的向所有的人族战士传递了下去。 30,000 half dragon Asura are the guide, the foot pedal blood cloud enormous and powerful direct impact highest heaven. 30000半龙修罗为向导,脚踏血云浩浩荡荡直冲九霄。 More than ten thousand Jinjia gods will preside 1 million invincible forces, builds Xiangyun to follow behind half dragon Asura's team, the auspicious light good luck neutralized the blood dreadful malignant influences in the clouds much, at least when the army has flown the mountains rivers and mountains of Pangu mainland, not because the billowing malignant influences will alarm below Human Race subjects. 万余金甲神将统辖1000000天兵,架起祥云跟在半龙修罗的队伍后方,祥光瑞气将血云中滔天的煞气中和了不少,起码大军飞过盘古姆大陆的山川河岳时,不会因为滚滚煞气惊动下方的人族子民。 Ji Hao is presiding scale huge allied armies, has Yao Mountain City elite, has the Dongyi Crack force of Yi Di governance, had the Yuan Li command water monster fierce dead, has the ineffective and worthless troops of Director Chamie, there is from a western wild tyrannical fierce gentleman. 姬昊统辖着一支规模庞大的联军,有垚山领的精锐,有羿地统辖的东夷劲旅,有袁力统帅的水妖悍卒,有夏米指挥的虾兵蟹将,也有来自西荒的强横猛士。 This allied armies for armed forces, take 1 million blood Chi You ghosts who other 70,000 half dragon Asura preside to surround and protect after the armed forces about, the enormous and powerful huge regiment displays the cloud cluster continuous more than thousand li (0.5km) that Magic builds, fast flies to the core position of Pangu mainland, did not fly to past Buzhou Mountain Sky Pillar. 这支联军为中军,以其他70000半龙修罗统辖的1000000血池幽鬼为后军左右拱卫,浩浩荡荡的庞大军团施展法术架起的云团连绵千多里,快速的向盘古姆大陆的核心位置飞去,向当年的不周山天柱飞去。 Not Buzhou Mountain Sky Pillar place above, is the The heaven main entrance is. Ji Hao wants the open and aboveboard leadership army, rushes from the The heaven main entrance. The heaven, is The heaven of Pangu world, any non- please evil guest originally, is obedient getting the hell out! 周山天柱的正上方,就是天庭的正门所在。姬昊要堂堂正正的率领大军,从天庭的正门闯进去。天庭,是盘古世界的天庭,任何非请自来的恶客,还是乖乖的滚蛋吧! Goes to battle with The heaven regarding the Ji Hao series armed forces, 12 ruling Great Emperor snort|hum do not have snort|hum one, resembles anything not to occur has been same. 对于姬昊统军出征天庭,12位执政大帝哼都没哼一声,就好像什么都没发生过一样。 At this moment, they look forward to Ji Hao to assemble many force armies, the strength of Human Race tribe alliance is formidable is better. 此时此刻,他们巴不得姬昊能纠集更多的强力军队,人族部落联盟的实力是越强大越好。 The scale huge regiment rosy cloud dances in the air, for several days has been far away from Liangzhu, has been far away from Pu Ban. On this day, the army is howling passed over gently and swiftly from a piece of great lake, in the lake suddenly has the big piece water spray to soar. 规模庞大的军团一路云霞飞舞,短短几日时间就已经远离了良渚,远离了蒲阪。这一日,大军呼啸着从一片大湖上空掠过的时候,湖中突然有大片水浪腾空而起。 A root diameter several li (0.5km) water column just likes the pillar that the crystal concentrates, is having rumble direct impact upper air of thunderous sound from the great lake, each water column peak had the troop to wear the gorgeous mail-armor and helmet Water Race Warrior to arrange neat armed forces. 一根根直径数里的水柱犹如水晶凝成的柱子,带着‘隆隆’雷鸣声从大湖中直冲高空,每一根水柱顶端都有大群身披华美甲胄的水族战士排成了整齐的军阵。 Similarly is the Water Race army, compared with these mountain spirit water monsters of past Gonggong subordinates, this scale huge Water Race army bearing is stern at present, law is severe, clearly is well-trained elite. Especially what is noticeable, these Water Race aura are pure and mellow, faint trace light dragon prestige contains. 同样是水族大军,和当年共工氏麾下的那些山精水怪相比,眼前这支规模庞大的水族军队气度森严、法度严苛,分明是一支训练有素的精锐。尤其引人注目的是,这些水族身上的气息纯正而醇厚,有一丝丝淡淡的龙威蕴藏在内。 Compared with water monster army dreadful Monster Qi of Gonggong subordinates, keeps off in the Water Race army of Ji Hao army front, where to does not go compared with the Ji Hao subordinates present 1 million invincible forces in the imposing manner unexpectedly weakly. 共工氏麾下的水妖大军滔天的妖气相比,挡在姬昊大军前方的这支水族军队,在气势上居然不比姬昊麾下如今的1000000天兵弱到哪里去。 The Pangu world, only has dragon clan to organize such a elite Water Race army. 盘古世界,唯有龙族才能组织起这么一支精锐的水族大军。 The Pangu world, only has luxuriously as powerful and wealthy as the pinnacle dragon clan, can allocate such excellent mail-armor and helmet and weapon for the Water Race army of subordinates. 盘古世界,唯有奢华豪富到极致的龙族,才能为麾下的水族大军配发这么精良的甲胄和兵器。 Entire 100 shining, from the great lake soars with the floating air fight fort that the alloy casting becomes all over the body purely. These floated in the city wall in air fight fort to carve the modeling fierce and fierce dragon live nine child head pictures, these statues made with the pure gold, sunlight according to above, these fine unusual head picture rays eye-catching just like living creature. 整整100座通体流光溢彩,纯粹用合金铸造而成的浮空战堡从大湖中腾空而起。这些浮空战堡的城墙上雕刻了造型狰狞而凶猛的龙生九子的头像,这些雕像都是用纯金制成,阳光照在上面,这些精美异常的头像光芒夺目宛如活物。 foreign race floating air fight fort, entire 100! 异族的浮空战堡,整整100座! Moreover looks at the decorative carving in city wall, these float the air fight fort clearly for Dragon Clan personal ordering that but designs specially! 而且看城墙上的雕饰,这些浮空战堡分明是为了龙族而特意设计的私人订制! Dragon Clan is really rich, is really powerful and wealthy, but Yu Dynasty these aristocrat really also anything buy and sell dare to do, Ji Hao Divine Sense has swept in these war forts, huge the spirit strength fluctuation from these war forts can know that these war forts were regular the military service pattern that the regiment used to fight the fort also compared with Yu Dynasty to leave over 30%! 龙族果然有钱,果然豪富,而虞朝的那些贵族果然也什么买卖都敢做,姬昊神识在这些战堡上扫了一遍,从这些战堡内部庞大的灵力波动可以知道,这些战堡比虞朝正规军团使用的军用制式战堡还要强出了三成以上! Trades to the weapon of enemy, the performance that regiment uses also wants strongly 30%? 贩卖给敌人的军械,比自家军团使用的性能还要强三成? These Yu Clan aristocrats, their moral integrity estimates already lost to feed the dog! 这些虞族的贵族们,他们的节操估计早就丢出去喂狗了! Four abnormal breaths are ancient, in the dragon corner/horn the spots completely were the dragon clan old person of scar float in the air fight fort to clash from one, scales became all colors luster dragon clan old people say with a smile loudly: Ha, Hao Great Emperor where? Heard in the clan the young children's generation saying that Hao Great Emperor must subdue by The heaven Holy Land that a Gonggong clan tarnished, my Dragon Clan was the Pangu world first strong clan, naturally must help one another!” 四尊气息异常古老,龙角上斑斑点点尽是伤痕的龙族老人从一座浮空战堡中冲了出来,其中一名鳞甲成五彩色泽的龙族老人大声笑道:“哈哈哈,昊大帝何在?听得族中小儿辈说,昊大帝要收服被共工一族玷污的天庭圣地,我龙族乃盘古世界第一强族,自然要鼎力相助!” Four do not know that lived many years, the strength achieved absolutely endured compared with the Old Dragon personal appearance of Human Race Magus God boundary in a flash, breaks to the abnormal human body tyrannicalally void, broke through in front of Ji Hao forcefully. 四名不知道活了多少年,实力绝对达到了堪比人族巫神境的老龙身形一晃,强横到变态的肉体震碎虚空,强行突破到了姬昊面前。 So violence transferring of out of the blue, Ji Hao marching brigade front 1 million elite, does not have one person to act to stop these four Old Dragon actually with enough time, they are having the bright smiling face, keeping off calmly before Nine Dragons Chariot. 如此暴力的破空挪移,姬昊行军大队前方1000000精锐,硬是没有一人来得及出面阻拦这四条老龙,他们带着灿烂的笑容,一副若无其事的挡在了九龙车辇前。 The scales become are whipping the chest that all colors luster Old Dragon makes an effort, exceptionally straightforward saying: Hao Great Emperor felt relieved that has my dragon clan soldiers to be the cutting edge, recaptures The heaven to be easy as pie, does not need Hao Great Emperor to get rid personally, avoid smeared your hand!” 鳞甲成五彩色泽的老龙用力的拍打着胸膛,异常豪爽的说道:“昊大帝放心,有我龙族儿郎做先锋,夺回天庭易如反掌,根本不需要昊大帝亲自出手,省得弄脏了您的手啊!” Ha Ha several, Old Dragon has narrowed the eyes to focus to Ji Hao says with a smile: But, hears in The heaven Holy Land, except for the Milky Way sailors, four blasphemes the god, Ha Ha, properly speaking, presides their, should be has the God of attainment to the water supremely...... Hey!” ‘哈哈’了几声,老龙眯着眼向姬昊笑道:“只不过,听闻天庭圣地中,除了天河水军,更有四渎正神,哈哈,按理说,统辖他们的,应该是对水颇有心得的天帝至尊……嘿嘿!” Four Old Dragon stare at Ji Hao not to say a word stubbornly. 四条老龙死死的盯着姬昊一言不发。 Ji Hao understood suddenly, these Dragon Clan, when Human Race and foreign race fight continually, but sent one crowd of young man younger generations to act to deal with \; When Human Race and big flood shed life resistance, they simply roll up in their den are slightly motionless \; When foreign race this time sends out the complete military force has intimidated Chi Ban Mountain, they only have also sent out rash fellow Dragon King of haughty Hao this nearly exile. 姬昊突然懂了,这些龙族,在人族异族连番大战的时候,只是派了一群后生晚辈出面应付\;在人族和大洪水舍命抗争的时候,他们干脆蜷缩在自己老巢丝毫不动\;在异族这次出动了全部军力威逼赤坂山的时候,他们也只派出了敖昊这个近乎流放的二愣子龙王。 However Ji Hao is based on the immeasurable merit, obtains the world imperial order to confer rank and title for the God, presides the army wants to take back The heaven the time, Dragon Clan braved. Are these fellows, difficult to be inadequate they also to make a big dragon God to come out? 但是姬昊以无量功德为基础,得到天地敕令册封为天帝,更统辖大军想要收回天庭的时候,龙族就冒出来了。这些家伙,难不成他们还想弄一条巨龙天帝出来? Ji Hao has not thought how to deal with these four Old Dragon, sees an Eastern sky redness, on the continuous ten thousand li (0.5km) hot cloud several thousand body giant phoenixes are leading nearly azure luan, swan, peacock and Dapeng surely and so on tyrannical feather, enormous and powerful flies to here. 姬昊还没想到怎么应付这四条老龙,就看到东方天空一片赤红,绵绵万里的火云上数万头身躯巨大的凤凰率领着近千万的青鸾、鸿鹄、孔雀、大鹏之类的强横禽类,浩浩荡荡的向这边飞来。 These phoenix front line, four Golden Light bright phoenixes open the mouth all over the body with one voice: 那些凤凰最前方,四头通体金光灿烂的凤凰齐声开口: Hao Great Emperor is slower walks, my phoenix clan hears the Great Emperor to rectify the world laws, takes back The heaven Holy Land, has no fear of great distances to catch up to assist specially. This time is the Great Emperor cutting edge by my phoenix clan, Great Emperor all things without cause for grief!” “昊大帝慢些走,我凤凰一族听闻大帝要匡正天地法规,收回天庭圣地,特意不远万里赶来相助。此番由我凤凰一族做大帝先锋,大帝万事无忧矣!” The Ji Hao climate must smile.( To be continued.) 姬昊顿时气得笑了起来。(未完待续。)
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