TME :: Volume #15

#1488: They only obey the military force

Under Sun [gold/metal] deterrent that in Ji Hao concentrates, all foreign race shut up completely. 姬昊凝出的太阳金雷威慑下,所有异族全部闭上了嘴。 Afterward Ji Hao has emitted 100,000 half Dragon Xiuluo, 1 million blood Chi Yougui. 随后姬昊放出了100000半龙修罗、1000000血池幽鬼。 The contour, aura stern half dragon Asura was roaring specially low and deep, the formidable fearful pressure made the person heart palpitate \; The blood Chi You ghost personal appearance is absent-minded, just likes the ghosts and demons same appear and disappear from time to time, the cold and gloomy eye pupil makes the person back of the body one intermittent ice-cold. 外形特意、气息森严的半龙修罗低沉的咆哮着,强大可怕的威压让人心脏悸动\;血池幽鬼身形恍惚,犹如鬼魅一样时隐时现,森冷的眼眸让人后心一阵阵冰冷。 Half dragon Asura of Human Race high level Divine Magi strength, blood Chi Yougui of Human Race high level Magus King strength. 人族高阶巫帝实力的半龙修罗,人族高阶巫王实力的血池幽鬼。 When they with the Jinjia gods, the silver armor invincible force platoon of side-by-side neat square formation, solely is not the foreign race complexion sudden change, look a little non- nature that many Human Race waits. 他们和金甲神将、银甲天兵肩并肩的排成了整齐的方阵时,不单单是异族脸色骤变,就连好些人族伯候的神色都有点不自然。 Unknowingly, setup time also less than hundred years of Yao Mountain City, was the Marquis Yao Ji Hao subordinate influence, so fearful? 不知不觉中,建立时间还不到百年的垚山领,垚侯姬昊的直属势力,已经如此可怕了? Did not say that these come from the The heaven god, invincible force, said that 100,000 half dragon Asura, a high level Divine Magi strength of water, where the common clan and tribe can take? 不说那些来自天庭的神将、天兵,就说那100000半龙修罗,一水儿的高阶巫帝实力,寻常部族哪里拿得出来? In addition Ji Hao this is much more intrepid, this assigns Magus Star unexpectedly is different world Sun, this assigned the strength of Magus Star to be over common Prehistoric stars a lot of times and thousands of times of sign Magus God. Do not raise Ji Hao father Ji Xia to inherit the blessings left by predecessors that ancestor Magus God has left behind, momentarily probably the exuviae turn into true Magus God! 加上姬昊自己这个强悍得离谱的,本命巫星居然是一颗异世界太阳,本命巫星之力超过了寻常洪荒星辰千百倍、千万倍的正牌子巫神。更不要提姬昊的父亲姬夏继承了先祖巫神留下的遗泽,随时可能蜕变成一名真正的巫神 Two big Magus God level masters assume personal command, this foundation compared with having the Xiong super clan slightly was like this worse, actually also sufficiently includes Human Race top clan. 两大巫神级高手坐镇,这种底蕴比起有熊氏这样的超级氏族还略差了一些,却也足以列入人族顶尖氏族之列。 Especially Ji Hao has resulted in the world imperial order, unexpectedly and antiquity Saint sovereign Fuxi was common, by Venerable of person achievement God. Yao Mountain City development trend potential, but has Xiong and Gaoyang super clan a little unable to see clearly like this. 尤其姬昊得了天地敕令,居然和上古圣皇伏羲氏一般,以人身成就天帝之尊。垚山领未来发展的潜力,可就是有熊氏、高阳氏这样的超级氏族都有点看不清的了。 Ji Hao treadonned the hot cloud to arrive at the Liangzhu City wall, he saluted to Emperor Shun and the others respectful and prudent, but Emperor Shun and shaft Saint sovereign, Shennong and other Five Dynasties Human Emperor hurried returned salute to him according to the status of equality. As Human Emperor, Emperor Shun they cannot have the slight mistake careless mistake in ceremonially, even if Ji Hao is the Human Race younger generation, he has resulted in the God status at this moment, cannot neglect to treat. 姬昊脚踏火云来到了良渚城墙,他向帝舜等人恭谨行礼,而帝舜、轩辕圣皇、神农氏等五代人皇急忙按照平等的身份向他还礼。作为人皇,帝舜他们在礼仪上不能有丝毫的差错纰漏,哪怕姬昊人族晚辈,他此刻得了天帝的身份,就不能疏忽对待。 Only when some Ji Hao to Si Wenming salutes, Si Wenming laughs is fighting with the fists on his chest. 唯有姬昊向姒文命行礼时,姒文命大笑着一拳打在了他胸膛上。 They look at each other to smile, tacit as always. 两人相视而笑,默契一如既往。 Emperor Shun has smiled immediately, once all previous Human Emperor and relations of The heaven God always strongly oppose, everybody has the rapid friction frequently. God and decided but not yet announced below that now Ji Hao this draws a charge freshly, appointed the Human Emperor Si Wenming relations so are on good terms, this is extremely good to entire Human Race and to the entire Pangu world...... This was really good. 帝舜顿时也笑了起来,曾经历代人皇天庭天帝的关系总是强硬对立,大家经常有急骤的摩擦。现在姬昊这新鲜出炉的天帝和内定的下任人皇文命关系如此交好,这对整个人族、对整个盘古世界都是极好的……这真是太好了。 Old Shaman took out him to use hundred poisonous Blood Essence to concoct does not know the old Chinese mugwort that many years, rolled Chinese mugwort group, sprinkled the powder that a scorpion, spider and centipede and so on poisonous insect has ground to above, after a fire lit, continuously viscous black smoke gushed out from the Chinese mugwort group, quite intelligential sneaked in the scarlet thunder nostril. 一个老巫祭取出了他用百毒精血炮制了不知道多少年的老艾草,团成了艾草团儿,又洒了一把蝎子、蜘蛛、蜈蚣之类毒虫磨成的粉末在上面,一把火点燃后,一缕缕粘稠的黑烟从艾草团中涌出,颇有灵性的钻进了赤雷的鼻孔。 An earthshaking sneeze resounds, scarlet thunder fierce sneezing, his body sways suddenly, the skeleton of whole body disruption rubs mutually, is painful he to shout oneself hoarse is miserably howling. 惊天动地的一个喷嚏响起,赤雷剧烈的打着喷嚏,他的身体骤然摇晃,浑身碎裂的骨骼相互摩擦,痛得他声嘶力竭的惨嚎起来。 Ji Hao led several Jinjia gods to arrive in the city wall, this moment these Jinjia gods are cloudy the face, the lowering the head bird's eye view the scarlet thunder. 姬昊带了几个金甲神将来到城墙上,此刻这些金甲神将正阴沉着脸,低头俯瞰着赤雷。 They are the The heaven god who the Pangu world world will concentrates, the vindicator of world principle, the performer of world lawful right. 他们可是盘古世界天地意志凝成的天庭神将,天地法则的维护者,天地权柄的执行者。 Although was killed by Emperor Shi with the strange most precious object pollution the spirit wisdom, involuntary was killed and the others by Emperor Shi the verbal command, for serveral days the life wisdom formidable god will remember regarding the matter that on oneself had clearly. 虽然被帝释杀用怪异的至宝浑浊了灵智,身不由己的被帝释杀等人号令,这些天生灵智强大的神将对于自己身上发生的事情可是记得清清楚楚。 Exactly said that these The heaven gods are not only the most formidable operational weapons, they are the perfect information recorders, their body, their hair and their each cell, each matter complete record that they personally experience, so long as takes with the The heaven mystique accent, can analyze their bitter experiences for the The heaven high level, thus makes various strategies and plans. 确切的说,这些天庭神将不仅仅是最强大的作战兵器,他们更是完美的信息记录器,他们的身体、他们的毛发、他们的每一个细胞,都会将他们亲身经历的每一件事情完整的记录下来,只要用天庭秘法调取,就能供天庭高层分析他们的遭遇,从而制定各种计策、计划。 Even if were controlled, involuntary that time, their bodies stem from the instinct as before records them to encounter all that. 就算被人掌控、身不由己的那段时间,他们的身体依旧出自本能的记录着他们遭遇的一切。 God imperial seal summon that condenses under the world will, these gods, invincible force will realize to break through Emperor Shi to kill the rare treasure with formidable me the seal, restored this my spirit knowledge. Their rapid accent takes information, knew around all processes. 在天地意志凝聚的天帝印玺召唤下,这些神将、天兵用强大的本我意识突破了帝释杀异宝的封印,恢复了本我灵识。他们迅速调取身上的信息,知道了前后所有的经过。 Their full belly anger is staring at the scarlet thunder, is staring at this daring forge destiny and control day armed forces not amnesty rebel. 他们满肚子怒火的盯着赤雷,盯着这个敢于‘伪造天命、操控天军’的‘不赦叛逆’。 The scarlet thunder just regained consciousness, has not clarified all around situation, saw that several Jinjia is all over the body splendid, the god who look cloudy cold and solemn kills, he will shout subconsciously: „Did your this group of slaves, you blow away these fellows? Expelled? Haven't the bastards, a bit faster treated and cured me? Hasn't seen me injured? Emperor Shi killed this idiot, master bestows him to mix spirit bottle, was he used to control your stupid things unexpectedly?” 赤雷刚刚苏醒,还没弄清四周的情况,见到几个通体金甲熠熠生辉,神色阴冷肃杀的神将,他下意识的叫嚷了起来:“你们这群奴隶,你们把那些家伙干掉了么?还是赶走了?混蛋,还不快点救治我?没看到我受伤了么?帝释杀这个蠢货,主人赐给了他‘混灵瓶’,他居然就用来控制你们这些蠢东西?” The Jinjia gods will be entirely still, all around Human Race and foreign race high level simultaneously clamored. 金甲神将们纹丝不动,四周的人族异族高层已经同时喧哗起来。 Really is Emperor Shi kills, was really Emperor Shi kills to control the god source pond, causes the The heaven gods who in the god source pond bred, all has become his tool. 果然是帝释杀,果然是帝释杀控制了神源池,导致神源池中孕育的天庭众神,全都成了他的工具。 Adjoins arrow nu, your majesty, everybody listened clearly. About matter that these The heaven god soldiers slaughter your foreign race feudal lord, the chief criminal is your clansmen, Emperor Shi kills. But his back backer, is your so-called that blood crown Sir.” Ji Hao self-poise 12 ruling Great Emperor who looks at the whole face anger. “毗矢伮,还有诸位陛下,大家都听清楚了。关于这些天庭神兵屠杀你们异族领主的事情,罪魁祸首是你们的族人,帝释杀。而他背后的靠山,就是你们所谓的那位‘血冕’大人。”姬昊镇定自若的看着满脸怒气的12执政大帝。 Therefore, I reject your people's to these The heaven god soldiers' all indictment, regarding the slaughters of your clansman, is not their I consciousness to take responsibility, is not our Human Race plot.” Ji Hao nodded to them with a smile: Now the matter has ravelled, I hope that you can restrain your clansman, do not make the kissing pain and enmity quick foolish matter.” “所以,我拒绝你们的人对这些天庭神兵的一切指控,对于你们族人的屠杀,并非他们的本我意识做主,也不是我们人族的阴谋。”姬昊笑着向他们点了点头:“现在事情弄明白了,我希望你们能够约束自己的族人,不要做出亲者痛、仇者快的蠢事。” Adjoins arrow nu and the others to be lost in thought that only has the Yemo luo coconut tree to not exposed to the Ji Hao complacent appearance, she makes the small temper sneer saying: No matter what, these so-called The heaven god soldiers, they have killed we innocent clansman as before. Even if they are the tools of slaughter, the weapon for criminal should also be destroyed, not?” 毗矢伮等人陷入了沉思中,唯有耶摩椤椰见不得姬昊洋洋得意的样子,她使着小性子冷笑道:“不管怎么说,这些所谓的天庭神兵,他们依旧杀死了我们很多无辜的族人。就算他们是屠杀的工具,凶器也应该被销毁,不是么?” Yemo luo coconut tree complacent looks at Ji Hao, once several times let her disgraceful Ji Hao regarding this, she wants to give him to look for a trouble frequently. 耶摩椤椰得意洋洋的看着姬昊,对于这个曾经数次让她丢人现眼的姬昊,她时刻想要给他找点麻烦。 You, many, innocent, clansman?” The Ji Hao complexion becomes enforces to wither gradually, he walked two steps to the Yemo luo coconut tree, gathers in front of her character by character icy saying: Woman, you said that your clansmen, are innocent? Then, your many years, slaughter our these many clansmen, enslaves, how should we calculate this account?” “你们,很多,无辜的,族人?”姬昊的脸色逐渐变得严肃而肃杀,他向耶摩椤椰走了两步,凑到她面前一个字一个字冷冰冰的说道:“女人,你说,你们的族人,是无辜的?那么,你们这么多年,屠杀的、奴役的我们这么多的族人,我们该怎么算这笔账呢?” Perhaps, should I the present kill you? Then destroys all your weapon for criminals completely?” “或许,我应该现在就弄死你?然后把你所有的凶器全部销毁?” The fearful aura just likes innumerable poisonous snakes, stubbornly is entangling the soul of Yemo luo coconut tree. 可怕的气息犹如无数条毒蛇,死死的缠着耶摩椤椰的灵魂。 Yemo luo coconut tree complexion sudden change, subconscious backs up backward again and again. 耶摩椤椰脸色骤变,下意识的向后连连倒退。 At this moment, she linked the courage of standing body unexpectedly in front of Ji Hao loses.( To be continued.) 此时此刻,她居然连在姬昊面前站直身体的勇气都失去了。(未完待续。)
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