TME :: Volume #15

#1487: God prestige energy

Over ten thousand gods, 1 million invincible forces will line up in formation under Ji Hao Nine Dragons Chariot neatly. 上万神将、1000000天兵在姬昊九龙车辇下整齐列队。 The entire 100 ten thousand people of square formations arrange entire simultaneously, bright, invincible force vision frantic looks to stand on chariot, grasps Ji Hao of sun imperial seal. They are the lives of world will condensation world spiritual energy production, their meaning of life is the obedience and discipline, is The heaven slaughters to go on an expedition. 整整100个万人方阵排得整整齐齐,所有神将、天兵目光狂热的看着站在车辇上,手持金乌印玺的姬昊。他们是天地意志凝聚天地灵气生成的生灵,他们生命的意义就在于服从和纪律,为天庭而厮杀征战。 Pangu The heaven, nowadays only obtains the God of world imperial order is Ji Hao. 盘古天庭,现今唯一得到天地敕令的天帝就是姬昊 These gods, invincible force first their complete loyal and complete enthusiasms, complete, thorough shift on Ji Hao. Issues an order, they can go through fire or water \; Issues an order, they can laugh in the face of death. 这些神将、天兵第一时间将他们全部的忠诚、全部的热情,完全的、彻底的转移到了姬昊身上。一声令下,他们可以赴汤蹈火\;一声令下,他们可以舍生忘死。 God who in the god source pond is born, invincible force, they are the Pangu world most fearful fight machines. Except for instinct will of command prompt, they only remaining pure fight instinct. Does not know the fear, does not know fear, will not be hungry, will not be tired, Mandate of Heaven will fights vigorously until death! 神源池中诞生的神将、天兵,他们是盘古世界最可怕的战斗机器。除了服从命令的本能意志,他们就只剩下了纯粹的战斗本能。不知道恐惧,不知道害怕,不会饥饿,不会疲乏,奉天地意志而力战至死! Ji Hao looks that these have not been able with the god who the word elite described the invincible force, the mood was joyful, actually a little felt helpless. Inexplicable has resulted in world imperial order, was this these year of good people and good deeds does? 姬昊看着这些已经无法用‘精锐’一词来形容的神将天兵,心情愉悦,却又有点不知所措。莫名的就得了天地敕令,这是这些年好人好事做多了? Just, Ji Hao also without enough time goes to be more. 只不过,姬昊也来不及去想更多。 The palm gripped the flash of God imperial seal, Ji Hao feels the entire Pangu world in-depth source will. The entire Pangu world is liking for a God of new birth, that type pure, the meaning of most strongest liking infected Ji Hao rapidly, making him genuinely happily smile. 手掌握住天帝印玺的一瞬间,姬昊就感受到了整个盘古世界最深层的本源意志。整个盘古世界都在为一位新诞生的天帝而欢喜,那种纯粹的、最浓烈的欢喜之意迅速感染了姬昊,让他打心眼里欢乐的笑了起来。 Sun of Pangu world is also jumping and shouting for joy, after the eastern sovereign too one, finally great existences the full approval of [say / way] of Pangu world Sun. Every time, has the immeasurable Sun real strength penetrates void, unceasing pours into the Ji Hao body. 盘古世界的太阳也在雀跃欢呼,在东皇太一之后,终于有一个伟大的存在得到了盘古世界太阳之道的全盘认可。每时每刻,都有无量的太阳真力透过虚空,不断的注入姬昊身体。 In Ji Hao body plate jia Sun strength in unceasing promotion, plate jia Sun strength essence also in promotion rapidly, unceasing to strength of evolution Pangu Sun source. 姬昊身体内盘泇太阳的力量在不断的提升,盘泇太阳的力量本质也在急速的提升,不断的向盘古太阳本源之力进化。 The world spiritual energy of Pangu world howled to well up to Ji Hao, did not need him to transport the merit absorption, the world spiritual energy on driving supporting into his body. A plate jia Sun probably gigantic furnace, has swallowed all world spiritual energies, slightly after the transformation, changed into the strength of source Sun to store up. 盘古世界的天地灵气更是呼啸着向姬昊涌了过来,根本不用他运功吸收,天地灵气就主动的拥入了他的身体。盘泇太阳就好像一个硕大的熔炉,吞噬了所有的天地灵气,稍微转化后就化为了本源太阳之力储存起来。 The Ji Hao intention moves slightly, his palm spreads out, wisp of Golden Light is mobile in his palm, the golden juice that quick Golden Light concentrates, the golden juice coagulated a fist size golden crystal suddenly. 姬昊心念微动,他手掌摊开,一缕金光在他掌心流动,很快金光就凝成的金色的汁液,眨眼间金色的汁液就凝固成了一块拳头大小的金色晶体。 Purely crystal stone that is congealed by the strength of Sun! Felt in the golden crystal the fearful blazing strength, Ji Hao has been thinking quickly dozens types utilized this strength to make big might Talisman and method of big might hot thunder. 纯粹由太阳之力凝成的晶石!感受着金色晶体内可怕的炽烈力量,姬昊很快就想到了数十种运用这种力量制造大威力符箓、大威力火雷的法门。 Four red Jia Clan military officers roar again and again flushed to Ji Hao, he did not officially inform one with Ji Hao, carried a handle sledgehammer maliciously the head will have pounded to a Jinjia god: Your this group of damn fellows, you have killed my clansman!” 一名四眼通红的伽族将领怒吼连连的向姬昊这边冲了过来,他也不和姬昊知会一声,拎起一柄大锤狠狠的向一名金甲神将的脑袋砸了过去:“你们这群该死的家伙,你们杀了我的族人!” The instance that heavy hammer rumbles, this Jia Clan military officer died. 重锤轰出的瞬间,这名伽族将领就已经死了。 He is the strength of ordinary Human Race Magus King level, he saw that these Jinjia gods the so honest set will dress ranks, he thinks that these gods will not revolt again! 他不过是普通人族巫王级的实力,他见到这些金甲神将如此老实的集合整队,他以为这些神将不会再反抗! He actually does not know, the person who these Jinjia gods will obey is only Ji Hao, but is not any other people. 他却不知道,这些金甲神将唯一顺服的人是姬昊,而不是任何其他人。 He wields the flash that the sledgehammer pounds down, the double pupil is turned into by the Jinjia gods who he attacks suddenly did not have the sentimental pure golden color, in his hand the long halberd exuded a grating sound from out of the blue, the sledgehammer of Jia Clan military officer just brandished, the long halberd pierced his chest. 他挥动大锤砸下的一瞬间,被他攻击的金甲神将双眸骤然变成了毫无感情的纯金色,他手中长戟发出一声刺耳的破空声,伽族将领的大锤刚刚抡起,长戟就洞穿了他的胸膛。 The Jinjia gods almost also will get rid of the other eight gods of side, the golden long halberd has the sad and shrill howl to submerge the body of Jia Clan military officer, altogether nine gods shake the wrist|skill, the body of Jia Clan military officer becomes is split up. 金甲神将身边的其他八名神将几乎是同时出手,金色的长戟带着凄厉的啸声没入伽族将领的身体,一共九尊神将手腕一震,伽族将领的身体就变得四分五裂。 Has exuded the huge clamoring sound to the foreign race army beyond going out of town in! 冲出城外的异族军队中发出了巨大的喧哗声! They saw, was just Warrior of these fearful Jinjia and silver armor, has slaughtered the family of innumerable foreign race feudal lord, their corpse neat placing outside Liangzhu City. 他们都看到了,刚刚是这些可怕的金甲、银甲的战士,屠戮了无数异族领主的家族,将他们的尸体整齐的摆放在了良渚城外。 When these fearful enemies inexplicable worships on bended knees to Ji Hao salutes, these foreign race Warrior started to suspect that Warrior of these Jinjia and silver armor slaughters the foreign race feudal lord, is Ji Hao, is the Human Race plot! 当这些可怕的敌人莫名的向姬昊跪拜行礼的时候,这些异族战士已经开始怀疑,这些金甲、银甲的战士屠戮异族领主,是不是姬昊、是不是人族的阴谋! When their companions ablaze with anger will ask the Jinjia gods who will kill oneself clansman to retaliate, with ease was actually struck will kill, all witnesses this foreign race Warrior simultaneously the violent anger. A family territory outside Liangzhu City, all clansmen lives outside the city similarly the Yu Clan military officer in manor screams hoarsely: This is the plot! Damn, this is these lowly barbaric plots!” 当他们的同伴怒气冲冲的去找杀死自己族人的金甲神将报复,却被轻松击杀的时候,所有目睹这一幕的异族战士同时暴怒。一名家族领地同样在良渚城外,所有族人都住在城外庄园中的虞族将领声嘶力竭的尖叫起来:“这是阴谋!该死的,这是这些卑贱土著的阴谋!” Yu Clan military officer has drawn out the saber: Kills off these damn fellows! Also, instigation of these fellows, are Human Race Marquis Yao Ji Hao!” 虞族将领拔出了佩剑:“杀光这些该死的家伙!还有,这些家伙的主使者,是人族垚侯姬昊!” In the upper air, innumerable metal round small dishes are glittering the dazzling electric light, invincible force will dive to the god who Ji Hao and under him lines up in formation. 高空中,无数金属圆碟闪烁着刺目的电光,向姬昊和他下方列队的神将、天兵俯冲了下来。 Higher airborne, Yi Di is shouting out loudly, the innumerable Dongyi archers control under the place the ominous birds and beasts, from surrounded to these Jia Clan Warrior in all directions passed Ji Hao is his senior brother, he cannot look helplessly Ji Hao was bullied. Although looks like, the present is Ji Hao is bullying the person. 更高的空中,羿地大声呼喝着,无数东夷箭手操控座下凶禽,从四面八方向这些伽族战士包围了过去姬昊是他的师兄,他可不能眼睁睁的看着姬昊被人欺负。虽然看起来,现在是姬昊在欺负人。 In the ground, the foreign race army of battalion, the array of invincible force will flush to the god. 地面上,大队大队的异族军队向神将、天兵的阵列冲了过来。 Accordingly, waits with Human Race who Ji Hao is on good terms also orders, army rapid interlocking of their army and foreign race in one, both sides at daggers drawn, is a bloody battle erupts shortly. 相应的,和姬昊交好的人族伯候也纷纷下令,他们的军队和异族的军队迅速的交错在了一起,双方剑拔弩张,眼看就是一场血战爆发。 In the city wall, adjoins arrow nu and the others to shock, but angry bellows to yell that toward Emperor Shun they definitely are unable to understand, these savage gods, invincible force, will notice Ji Hao suddenly did turn into the mild-mannered small rabbit? 城墙上,毗矢伮等人震惊而愤怒的朝着帝舜大吼大叫他们完全无法理解,那些凶残的神将、天兵,怎么看到姬昊就突然变成了柔顺的小兔子? could it be that, this is really the Human Race plot, they transferred foreign race feudal lord outside the elite intentional slaughtering city, weakens the foreign race strength? 难道说,这真的是人族的阴谋,他们调动了一支精锐故意的屠戮城外的异族领主,削弱异族的实力么? However, this is The heaven elite! 但是,这是天庭的精锐啊! Adjoins arrow nu and the others making the brain by this sudden accident is confused, they must grasp simply crazily. 毗矢伮等人被这突然的变故给弄得脑筋错乱,他们简直要抓狂了。 Ji Hao cold snort|hum, he has been feeling all around Pangu world world will warm and intimate aura, he has raised in the hand slowly the God imperial seal. 姬昊冷哼了一声,他感受着四周盘古世界天地意志温暖、亲密的气息,他缓缓举起了手中天帝印玺。 300 miles of Liangzhu, has sky over ten li (0.5km) mountain up and down high, with the strange flash, number of people size golden lightning-flame condenses suddenly. Silent, if this volume not big golden color lightning-flame quickly crash of lightning on mountain top. 距离良渚300里,一座高有十里上下的大山上空,伴随着奇异的闪光,一颗人头大小的金色雷火突然凝聚。无声无息的,这颗体积并不大的金色雷火快若闪电的坠落在了山头上。 A bang, earth fierce is shivering, reaches as high as ten li (0.5km) mountain vanishes into thin air in the golden flame of shooting up to the sky instantaneously. 一声巨响,大地剧烈的颤抖着,高达十里的大山在冲天而起的金色火光中瞬间化为乌有。 Golden mushroom cloud is stretching the body, soaring slowly. 一朵金色的蘑菇云舒展着身体,慢慢的腾空而起。 A naked eye obvious golden color impact wave direction is proliferating in all directions rapidly, during several breath rushed to outside Liangzhu City, the hurricane howls is sweeping oversized, has pared half foot thick the ground. 一圈肉眼可见的金色冲击波向着四面八方急速扩散开来,几个呼吸间就冲到了良渚城外,飓风呼啸着扫过大地,将地面削去了半尺厚的一层。 Sigh , the shock-wave has swept city wall adjoining arrow nu and the others, they felt suffocates. ‘呼’的一声,冲击波扫过城墙上的毗矢伮等人时,他们都感到了一阵窒息。 Waving that Ji Hao maintains composure, in the Liangzhu City sky, just that golden lightning-flame has emitted entire 36,000 baseless! 姬昊不动声色的一挥手,在良渚城的上空,刚刚的那种金色雷火凭空冒出了整整36000颗! All foreign race of clamoring also shut up, extremely panic-stricken looks lightning-flame that these golden Sun concentrate really hot. 所有叫嚣的异族同时闭嘴,一个个万分惊恐的看着那些金色的太阳真火凝成的雷火 „Do I, need to use the plot?” Ji Hao puts down the hand, very tranquil inquiry adjoins arrow nu one line of: Awakens the scarlet thunder they, we ascertain!”( To be continued.) “我,需要用阴谋么?”姬昊放下手,很平静的询问毗矢伮一行人:“叫醒赤雷他们,我们问个清楚!”(未完待续。)
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