TME :: Volume #15

#1486: Self-satisfied frustrated

Above the heaven, the Prehistoric starry sky inobservable place, everywhere purple light such as the water flows generally, a leader god steed extraordinary white crane is holding in the mouth the spirit mushroom and mesona satisfied circles to hover in the purple light. 苍天之上,洪荒星空不可测之处,漫天紫霞如水一般流动,一头头神骏非凡的白鹤叼着灵芝、仙草惬意的在紫霞中盘旋翱翔。 In the boundless auspicious sign, deep green elegant Yufeng appears an all over the body quietly, Yufeng all over the body densely covered innumerable rugged hole hole, the smoke cloud ascends, does not know that parasited many in society rare supernatural objects to plant spirit. 无边紫气中,一座通体碧绿的秀美玉峰悄然浮现,玉峰通体密布无数崎岖洞窍,其中烟云升腾,也不知道寄生了多少世间罕见的神物灵植。 Summit was wooden, winds such as the dragon and on the dragon knot vigorous branch to bloom completely the big big clear white flowers, the strongly fragrant delicate fragrance fluttered with the wind, the letting of person whole body smelling was cool, state of mind was stable. 山巅一株古木参天,蜿蜒如龙、虬结苍劲的枝条上开满了大朵大朵晶莹的白色花朵,馥郁的清香随风飘荡,嗅之让人浑身清凉、神魂稳固。 Under the ancient wood together the weird looking big stone has become the natural tea table, three stone blocks are placed in the big stone radical, Spirit Wa, Dong Gong and Ximu sit on the stone block, the Spirit Wa personally cooking scented tea, was Dong Gong and Ximu in a tea center point luster deep green gratifying green tea. 古木下一块奇形大石就成了天然的茶桌,三个石墩摆在大石旁,娲灵东公西姆坐在石墩上,娲灵亲自烹煮香茶,为东公西姆在茶盏中点了一盏色泽碧绿喜人的清茶。 On the same day the will fused Pangu Sun source Golden Light, took the Ji Hao immeasurable merit as the carrier, when congealed all day long the imperial seal, the Spirit Wa two slender delicate eyebrows selected fiercely, hee hee smiled to make noise: „When this child, from him in Southern Wastelands is born, I often pay attention to 12. This thinks that he inherent extraordinary achievement, will actually require period of extremely long time in the future.” 当天地意志融合盘古太阳本源金光,以姬昊无量功德为载体,凝成天地印玺时,娲灵两条修长的秀眉猛地一挑,‘嘻嘻’的笑出声来:“这娃娃,从他于南荒降生时,吾就时常关注12。本以为他未来固有非凡成就,却也要一段极长的时间。” The power and influence astonishing phoenix eye narrows the eyes slightly, Spirit Wa carries tea, sip gently green tea: Really cannot think that this child achievement is so quick and is so high. Inherited the position of eastern sovereign too God? Good!” 威势惊人的凤眼微微眯起,娲灵端起茶盏,轻轻的抿了一口清茶:“实在想不到,这娃娃的成就如此快、如此高。继承了东皇太一的天帝之位么?好!” Smiles, Spirit Wa looked at one to the direction of Pangu mainland: Does not have to pray this hedgehog hydnum, this time matter manages does not go bad! Also must ponder over, after this disaster tribulation, must grant him one to be good well!” 轻轻一笑,娲灵盘古姆大陆的方向望了一眼:“无支祈这猴头,这次的事情办得不坏!还得琢磨琢磨,等他这次灾劫过后,得好好赏赐他一番才行!” The Dong Gong hear speech/words brow selects: „Doesn't Spirit Wa, have to pray is under your place the person?” 东公闻言眉头一挑:“娲灵,无支祈是你座下之人?” Spirit Wa shows a faint smile, had not acknowledged that but had not denied, the smiling face that but she is as deep as a well, as if showed all. 娲灵微微一笑,没有承认,但是更没有否认,但是她高深莫测的笑容,似乎已经说明了一切。 Ximu is swaying the head, having an ominous prestige to drink cleanly green tea one in tea. She exudes one low and deep just likes roaring of stuffy thunder, puzzled looks at Spirit Wa: Spirit Wa, do you stare at this Human Race boy to do really? Every year barbarian person boy of Southern Wastelands like him, is born far more than trillion? When you are born from him starts to stare at him? You quite have the leisurely mood!” 西姆则是摇晃着脑袋,带着一丝凶威将茶盏里的清茶一口喝得干干净净。她发出一声低沉的犹如闷雷的咆哮,不解的看着娲灵:“娲灵,你盯着这人族小子作甚?南荒像他这样的蛮人小子,每年降生的何止亿万?你从他降生时就开始盯着他?你好有闲心!” Spirit Wa is hee hee smiles as before, she does not give any explanation, the slender ten fingers are holding appreciatively in the hand exquisite tea, she turned head to look to the west of Pangu mainland: In the past, Pangu big brother Sky Opening developed, we Protector for him, the Pangu big brother this did not need to fall from the sky. That two attempted to pervert in secret, when really I don't know?” 娲灵依旧是‘嘻嘻’一笑,她不做任何解释,纤细的十指把玩着手中精巧的茶盏,她扭头看向了盘古姆大陆的西方:“当年,盘古大兄开天辟地,吾等为他护法,盘古大兄本可不用陨落。那两位暗中做了手脚,真当吾不知么?” „The foreign race invasion of Panyu world, true makes an effort to resist the foreign enemy attentively, except for us, has Yu Yu that not to have the mind fellow. How our past severe wounds not to recover, Yu Yu, snort|hum, the back has given him, as soon as struck, almost made the person who he died......” Spirit Wa be silent, ten fingers the miraculous glow twinkle, the tea and tea also annihilated, however emerged out of thin air in the next flash. 盘虞世界的异族入侵,真正用心用力抵御外敌的,除了吾等,也只有禹馀那个没心眼的家伙。奈何吾等昔日重伤未愈,禹馀么,哼,背后给了他一击,差点让他陨落的人……”娲灵闭口不言,十指上灵光闪烁,茶盏和茶水同时湮灭,但是在下一瞬间又重新凭空出现。 Dong Gong, Ximu.” Crossed for a long time, Spirit Wa smiles was saying: This time, we do not get rid. Must make them ask to visit. Can't each time, be our these honest and good-natured people suffers a loss? Their this times, must permit to our enough advantage, otherwise, their Confucian orthodoxy, do not want to inherit in the Pangu world.” 东公,西姆。”过了许久,娲灵才微笑着说道:“这一次,我们不出手。得让他们求上门来。总不能每一次,都是我们这些老实人吃亏吧?他们这次,得许给我们足够的好处,否则,他们的道统,也就别想在盘古世界传承下去了。” Dong Gong and Ximu looking pensive looks at Spirit Wa. 东公西姆若有所思的看着娲灵 Spirit Wa chatted a while, she works on the hand suddenly tea, seems like superficial loses toward the boundless auspicious sign outside gently. 娲灵说笑了一会儿,她突然抓起手中茶盏,看似轻描淡写的往无边紫气外轻轻一丢。 The crazy thunder has torn the Prehistoric starry sky together, having the grating keenly blowing sound, in the Spirit Wa hand tea by the potential of withstanding great pressure to howl the bang to approach The heaven. 一道狂雷撕裂了洪荒星空,带着刺耳的尖啸声,娲灵手中茶盏以泰山压顶之势呼啸着轰向了天庭 Emperor Shi kills in The heaven god source Chi Bian, grasps a long neck golden vase, in replenishment one type toward the god source pond jet black and viscous, sends out the strange fragrance juice cautiously. His fierce not Ding hears the crazy thunder sound, feels a fearful aura overhead to fall suddenly, he has raised in the hand subconsciously the long neck golden vase, has kept off to tea that the overhead pounds. 帝释杀正在天庭神源池边,手持一口长颈金瓶,小心翼翼往神源池内加注一种漆黑、粘稠、散发出奇异馨香的汁液。他猛不丁的听到狂雷声响,骤然感受到一股可怕的气息当头落下,他下意识的举起了手上长颈金瓶,向当头砸下来的茶盏挡了过去。 A bang, in long neck golden vase erupts layer on layer Golden Light, changes into strong defenses to tie. 一声巨响,长颈金瓶上爆发出重重金光,化为一道道强劲的防御结界。 In tea the miraculous glow twinkle, penetrates 120,000 heavy golden color that in the long neck golden vase has spouted to tie instantaneously, strokes the golden vase crushes. Presented faint trace fissure tea odd|surplus Shi to be as before verve exceptionally, the bang broke to pieces both hands that Emperor Shi has killed, suffered a relapse again in his front. 茶盏上灵光闪烁,瞬间击穿了长颈金瓶上喷出的120000重金色结界,将金瓶一击打得粉碎。出现了丝丝裂痕的茶盏余势依旧刚猛异常,轰碎了帝释杀的双手,重重落在了他胸前。 Emperor Shi killed has emitted a sincere golden mail-armor and helmet baseless, Jinjia by a tea puncture, with the sad and shrill roar, tea the body that pierced Emperor Shi to kill, behind rapidly departed from him, has started out a number of people size hole on him. 帝释杀身上凭空冒出了一层厚重的金色甲胄,金甲被茶盏击穿,伴随着凄厉的吼声,茶盏洞穿了帝释杀的身体,从他身后急速飞出,在他身上开出了一个人头大小的窟窿。 An old blood blowout, Emperor Shi kills layer on layer falls to the ground, the whole body twitches the paralysis unable to move on the ground. 一口老血喷出,帝释杀重重倒地,浑身抽搐着瘫在地上动弹不得。 Above the heaven, in the Prehistoric starry sky, Dong Gong and Ximu stare dumbfounded looks at Spirit Wa: Spirit Wa, how do you get rid to cope with this grade of character personally?” 苍天之上,洪荒星空中,东公西姆瞠目结舌的看着娲灵:“娲灵,你怎亲自出手对付这等人物?” A finger check that Spirit Wa thinks otherwise, brand-new tea gives birth baseless, she looked up the sky with a smile, leisure saying: Today, the inexplicable mood is extremely good, said that the heart jumps for joy delightedly, therefore...... Hits to play personally!” 娲灵不以为然的手指一勾,一个崭新的茶盏凭空生出,她笑吟吟的抬起头来看着天空,慢悠悠的说道:“今儿个,莫名的心情极佳,道心欢喜雀跃,所以……打个人玩玩!” Pangu mainland extremely west place, sky over one barren mountains and untamed rivers mountain ridges, by the boundless pure world that greatest Magic Power opens, in the big piece bodhi forest encirclement, Daoist Wood rises with a spring suddenly. 盘古姆大陆极西之地,一片穷山恶水山岭上空,以莫大法力开辟出的无边清净世界,大片菩提林环绕中,木道人突然一跃而起。 In his both eyes the clear light circulation, has penetrated boundlessly void, saw the sound outside Liangzhu City. 他双眼中清光流转,透过了无边虚空,看到了良渚城外的动静。 World imperial order, God ancestral tablet? The thing, Ji Hao young child what Dehe can, be able to obtain the world imperial order unexpectedly?” Daoist Wood ten thousand years of invariable sorrow face twists suddenly, meaning of the desperate dying out spreads suddenly, the entire pure world falls into the deathly stillness of extremely having suffocated. “天地敕令,天帝神位?混账东西,姬昊小儿何德何能,居然能得到天地敕令?”木道人万年不变的悲苦面孔骤然扭曲,一股让人绝望的寂灭之意骤然扩散开来,整个清净世界都陷入了极度窒息的死寂中。 Silent for a long time, Daoist Wood puts out a high-temperature finally the white clouds, sat under Bodhi tree slowly. 沉默了许久,木道人终于吐出一口高温的白气,缓缓坐在了菩提树下。 Sits opens both eyes in Daoist Wood opposite not far away Priest Hua suddenly, he said slowly: Senior brother, therefore we must take advantage of Human Race to set up the Confucianism, gathers Grand Dao by the Human Race destiny, then controls the universe, manages the world. If we have resulted in unsurpassed Dao Fruit, becomes the Pangu world Heavenly Dao control, Ji Hao young child where has this good fortune to obtain the world imperial order?” 坐在木道人对面不远处的花道人突然睁开双眼,他缓缓说道:“师兄,所以吾等必须依仗人族而立大教,以人族气运而合大道,进而掌控乾坤,操持天地。若是吾等得了无上道果,成盘古世界天道主宰,姬昊小儿哪有这个福分得到天地敕令?” Daoist Wood nods slowly, his light saying: Dragon tiger lion this time does likely well, they invade Liangzhu, has rescued the innumerable Human Race slaves, after these people, is the Bon reverent disciples. They capture large quantities of foreign race captives, strikes to kill foreign race to be innumerable, I induced, dark, I taught the destiny actually to increase partly have become.” 木道人缓缓点头,他淡淡的说道:“龙虎狮象此番做得不错,他们侵入良渚,救出了无数人族奴隶,这些人以后都是本教虔诚弟子。他们更虏获大批异族俘虏,击杀异族无数,愚兄已经感应到,冥冥中,我教气运却又增加了半成。” On the dehumanizing face showed a smiling face difficultly, Daoist Wood said slowly: Grand Dao is endless, seeking, we can only forward gradually firmly, regardless of the raging fire mountain of sword, or the thorn poisonous snake, treads by all means is.” 凄苦的脸上艰难的露出了一丝笑容,木道人缓缓说道:“大道漫漫,求索不已,吾等只能一步一步坚定向前,无论烈火刀山,或者荆棘毒蛇,只管踏过去就是。” Gained ground, looks to some direction above heaven, Daoist Wood said easely: Anybody dares to block me and other paths, extinguishes kills , then may!” 抬起头来,看向了苍天之上的某个方向,木道人悠然道:“任何人敢阻我等道路,灭杀则可!” On the face of Priest Hua flashes through wipes the rich all colors multi-colored sunlight, he suddenly changed a sound, maliciously cursed: Is annoying Ji Hao that boy, has he resulted in the God ancestral tablet? True damn......” 花道人的脸上闪过一抹浓郁的五彩霞光,他突然变了一个声音,狠狠的咒骂道:“就是可恼姬昊那小子,他怎么就得了天帝神位?真正该死……” Hee hee smiles, Priest Hua brought intention of Daoist Wood boundless demon to narrow the eye: Senior brother, was inferior that your I get rid, strikes to kill Ji Hao personally? Hee hee, your my fellow apprentices collaborate, but also feared that who comes?” ‘嘻嘻’一笑,花道人带着无边邪魅之意向木道人眯了眯眼:“师兄,不如,你我出手,将姬昊亲手击杀?嘻嘻,你我师兄弟联手,还怕谁来?” The Daoist Wood look changes, the hurried palm retook again on the Priest Hua forehead.( To be continued.) 木道人神色一变,急忙一掌重重拍在了花道人脑门上。(未完待续。)
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