TME :: Volume #15

#1485: World imperial order

The cannon fodder army that the first dark clan servant soldier and demon slave composes runs out of Liangzhu time, the gods outside city simultaneously moved the invincible force. 第一支闇族仆兵和精怪奴隶组成的炮灰军队冲出良渚的时候,城外的神将天兵同时动了。 They have raised in the hand the long weight of rifle halberd, void world spiritual energy suddenly not normal is moving restlessly, changes into funnel the top of the head of invincible force in the god the small tornado, howls is pouring into the weapons in their hand. 他们举起了手中长枪重戟,虚空中的天地灵气突然不正常的躁动着,在神将天兵的头顶化为一个个漏斗形的小旋风,呼啸着注入他们手中的兵器。 On the long weight of rifle halberd nimble and resourceful god symbol are beating fiercely, with the grating thunderous sound, the god the weapon of invincible force has spouted lip thick or thin Thunder light on, submerged outside the foreign race army to going out of town instantaneously. 长枪重戟上一枚枚灵动的神剧烈的跳动着,伴随着刺耳的雷鸣声,神将天兵的兵器上喷出了一道道碗口粗细的雷光,瞬间淹没了冲出城外的异族军队。 Several thousand dark clan Warrior, hundreds of thousands demon slave some were exploded the flying ash by the thunder, had to be broken the chest, some were the hands and feet is incomplete, lies down in the ground crazy miserable howling scream. Ground exploded lightning-flame has sliced off one baseless, presented several thousand big size small potholes. 数万闇族战士、十几万精怪奴隶有的被雷霆炸成了飞灰,有得被破开了胸膛,有的则是手脚残缺,躺在地上疯狂的惨嚎尖叫。地面被爆炸的雷火凭空削掉了一层,出现了数万个大大小小的坑洞。 Human Race and foreign race that high level in the city wall observes simultaneously inhaled cold air, before the The heaven invincible force had many years not to present the person. Today the point slightly tries, to the psychological impact of person is really the no small matter. 城墙上观战的人族异族高层同时吸了一口凉气,天庭的天兵已经有很多年没有出现人前。今日锋芒小试,给人的心理冲击实在是非同小可。 Attacks ruthlessly spicy decisive, the lethality is exceptionally tyrannical, particularly they attack uniform movement, thousands of people just like a body, really makes the person genuinely send coldly. 攻击狠辣果断,杀伤力异常强横,尤其是他们进攻的时候整齐划一的动作,千万人犹如一体,委实让人打心眼里发寒。 Emperor Shun your majesty!” Adjoined arrow nu to drink one greatly. 帝舜陛下!”毗矢伮大喝了一声。 Low and deep battle drum sound transmits, south Liangzhu City various city gates open, wear heavy armor Human Race Warrior to form the neat line to go out of the city gate. In upper air the keenly blowing sound direct impact clouds of innumerable ominous birds and beasts, the ominous birds and beasts are whipping the wing furiously, carried on the back the Dongyi archer of carrying on the back to submerge the cloud layer. 低沉的战鼓声传来,良渚城南方的各处城门开启,身披重甲的人族战士排着整齐的队伍走出城门。高空中无数凶禽的尖啸声直冲云霄,凶禽们奋力的拍打着翅膀,驮着背上的东夷箭手没入了云层。 Yi Di grasps Raging Thunder Bow, stands in carrying on the back of great vulture, exudes the long whistling sound. The innumerable Dongyi archers hold up Longbow, is echoing the Yi Di whistling sound loudly keenly blowing. Whistling of their howl and bird of prey mixes as one, in world were baseless many malignant influences of withering. 羿地手持奔雷弓,站在一头巨雕的背上,发出悠长的哨声。无数东夷箭手纷纷举起长弓,附和着羿地的哨声放声尖啸。他们的啸声和猛禽的啸叫声混为一体,天地间凭空就多了一份肃杀的煞气。 The number is sparkling the eye-catching electric light with the metal round small dishes of 100,000 ideas, has flown the sky silently. 数以100000计的金属圆碟闪耀着夺目的电光,无声无息的飞上了天空。 On each metal round small dish stands to wear heavy armor Jia Clan Warrior, they grasp the assorted heavy weapon, the face distortion, fierce unusual is staring at the gods outside city the invincible force. 每个金属圆碟上都站着一尊身披重甲的伽族战士,他们手持各色沉重的兵器,面孔扭曲、狰狞异常的盯着城外的神将天兵。 All foreign race Warrior hold anger at heart, Liangzhu City has become this appearance, countless clansmen are missing \; Now lived in the feudal lord manor outside city is conquered by killing one round, made these Jia Clan Warrior almost lose the spirit wisdom seriously immediately, toward the wild animal transformation of bloodthirsty. 所有的异族战士心里都憋着火,良渚城成了这个模样,无数族人失踪\;如今居住在城外的领主庄园又被人血洗了一轮,惨重顿时让这些伽族战士几乎丧失了灵智,正朝着嗜血的野兽转化。 In the city wall, dozens the official who administers punishments of Gao Tao subordinates shouldered the city wall faint scarlet thunder and the others, some people have flung their several ear and area around it maliciously, wants to pull out them awakes. The gods outside city suddenly present the invincible force, definitely cannot separate the relations with these fellows. If can use the scarlet thunder they, ordering the gods outside city to put down the weapon surrender the invincible force, this has also omitted a bloody war. 城墙上,数十名皋陶属下的刑官将昏厥的赤雷等人扛上了城墙,有人狠狠的甩了他们几个耳光,想把他们抽醒。城外的神将天兵突然出现,和这些家伙肯定分不开关系。如果能够利用赤雷他们,勒令城外的神将天兵放下兵器投降,这也省去了一场血腥的大战。 However the scarlet thunder they were frightened excessively, just Si Wenming was one group of emperor's children of head crazily has beaten them, as soon as passed, several official who administers punishments have exhausted the strength, these fellows fell into the faint as before, did not have the least bit sober sign. 但是赤雷他们被惊吓过度,刚刚姒文命为首的一群帝子又疯狂的殴打了他们一通,几个刑官耗尽了力气,这些家伙依旧陷入昏厥中,没有半点儿清醒的迹象。 Ji Hao led several hundred Yao Mountain City military officers to run out of Liangzhu City, he has first emitted Nine Dragons Chariot, one group of surrounding area hundred mu hot clouds were tumbling the cradling one line. 姬昊带着数百名垚山领的将领冲出了良渚城,他第一时间放出了九龙车辇,一团方圆百亩的火云翻滚着托住了一行人。 Has Yao Mountain City Warrior to soar to fall on the hot cloud unceasingly, in fire Yun Fangun, flames congealed just liked colored glaze red Symbol, unceasing brand mark on the Yao Mountain City Warrior mail-armor and helmet. This is Nine Dragons Chariot bringing assistance Restriction, as long as Warrior of Nine Dragons Chariot master subordinates stands on the hot cloud, can obtain a wonderful Sun really hot Restriction protection. 不断有垚山领战士腾空而起落在火云上,火云翻滚中,一道道火光凝成了犹如琉璃的红色符文,不断烙印在垚山领战士的甲胄上。这是九龙车辇自带的辅助禁制,但凡九龙车辇主人麾下的战士站在火云上,就能得到一层神妙的太阳真火禁制保护。 Stands before the throne of Nine Dragons Chariot roof, Ji Hao narrowed the eye. 站在九龙车辇最高处的宝座前,姬昊眯起了眼睛。 Sun Grand Dao from eastern sovereign too inheritance is full the whole body, Ji Hao opens both hands, innumerable extremely thin Golden Light gush out from his whole body pore, integrates in the Chaoyang warm sunlight that the East raised rapidly. 来自东皇太一传承的太阳大道充盈全身,姬昊张开双手,无数条极细的金光从他浑身毛孔中涌出,迅速融入了东方升起的朝阳温煦的阳光中。 Eastern sovereign too Sun Grand Dao and Sun Grand Dao water of plate jia Sun bringing *** friendly, Ji Hao emits the immeasurable glare all over the body, turned into second Sun between world. Nine Dragons Chariot was almost the earliest possible time feels Ji Hao Sun Grand Dao aura, huge Nine Dragons Chariot sent out resounding thundering, he suddenly living. 东皇太一的太阳大道和盘泇太阳自带的太阳大道水***融,姬昊通体放出无量强光,变成了天地间的第二颗太阳九龙车辇几乎是第一时间感受到了姬昊身上的太阳大道气息,巨大的九龙车辇发出一声高亢的轰鸣,他突然就‘活’了过来。 Nine Gold Dragon of pulling a cart raises head, sends out shocking Dragon to recite. 拉车的九头金龙仰起头来,发出震天的龙吟。 On chariot the innumerable hot clouds shoot up to the sky, each hot cloud fluctuation shape rapidly in air, evolves the innumerable gods and ghosts unceasingly the flame Symbol ancestral portrait. When antiquity, a God eastern sovereign too governance sidereal revolution, frightened three fierce invincible mights from Nine Dragons Chariot vigorously. 车辇上无数片火云冲天而起,每一片火云都在空气中急速的变幻形态,不断衍化出无数神异的火焰符文真影。上古之时,天帝东皇太一统辖周天、震慑三界的烈烈神威从九龙车辇内蓬勃而出。 Ji Hao and eastern sovereign too keep the invincible might aura in Nine Dragons Chariot to merge into one organic whole, his aura becomes the incomparable dignified and incomparable blaze, keeps aloof, bird's eye view all living things, the terrifying soul impact and soul pressure just like the essences, the Tsunami spreads generally to all around. 姬昊和东皇太一留在九龙车辇中的神威气息融为一体,他的气息变得无比的威严、无比的炽烈,高高在上、俯瞰众生,恐怖的灵魂冲击和灵魂压力犹如实质,海啸一般向四周扩散开去。 In ground gathering set rapidly, has arranged a solemn large formation god, the invincible force sudden whole body to shake, crosses the bodies of Wan Shenjiang, 1 million invincible forces to be suddenly stiff, they gained ground, looked that to has stood on Nine Dragons Chariot, all over the body Golden Light dazzling, has the light of boundless merit to surround Ji Hao of whole body. 地面上急速的汇聚集合,已经摆下了一座堂堂大阵的神将、天兵突然浑身一抖,过万神将、1000000天兵的身体骤然僵硬,他们纷纷抬起头来,看向了站在九龙车辇上,通体金光刺目,更有无边功德之光环绕全身的姬昊 This time, The heaven without owner! 今时今日,天庭无主! Ji Hao inherited eastern sovereign too Sun Grand Dao, inherited eastern sovereign too God most precious object Nine Dragons Chariot, inherited an eastern sovereign too invincible might aura. Solely is this, most plays the awesome effect the invincible force to these gods, making them not dare to begin to Ji Hao. 姬昊继承了东皇太一的太阳大道,继承了东皇太一的天帝至宝九龙车辇,更是继承了东皇太一的神威气息。单单是这样,最多对这些神将天兵起到震慑作用,让他们不敢向姬昊动手。 What is rare, Ji Hao has established the immeasurable merit, obtained immeasurable world merit in addition to hold the irrigation. 难得的是,姬昊立下了无量功德,得到了无量天地功德加持灌注。 In the time of the world without owner, Ji Hao all conditions, perfect symbol has gathered east the antiquity God an sovereign too status! 这天地无主的时代,姬昊的一切条件,都完美的合了上古天帝东皇太一的身份! Eastern sovereign too one, antiquity God of world production \; These gods the invincible force, similarly are the world with the aid of god source Chi Ningcheng the war tool of maintenance world lawful right. When The heaven without owner, but an eastern sovereign too aura reappears the world once more, making the matter that Ji Hao have not thought of occur. 东皇太一,天地生成的上古天帝\;这些神将天兵,同样是天地借助神源池凝成的维护天地权柄的战争工具。当天庭无主,而东皇太一的气息再次重现人间,让姬昊自己都没想到的事情发生了。 The innumerable gods, the dim light in invincible force pupil will be fluctuating fiercely, their bodies fierce is twitching. 无数神将、天兵眸子里的幽光剧烈的波动着,他们的身体剧烈的抽搐着。 Emperor Shi kills to pour into these gods with the rare treasure, control Restriction in invincible force mind to break up loudly, the innumerable gods, in the invincible force pupil will have spouted the bright god light, they opacitas and stiff pupil suddenly becomes nimble and resourceful incomparable, sparklingly just likes the nighttime sky stars. 帝释杀用异宝灌注进这些神将、天兵脑海中的控制禁制轰然崩解,无数神将、天兵眸子里喷出了熠熠神光,他们浑浊、僵硬的眸子骤然变得灵动无比,亮晶晶犹如夜空的星辰。 Feudal official and others met the God your majesty!” The shouting " long live " before the emperor Tsunami slogan got rid of the god of control, in the invincible force chest to send out from these, they stirred Natural Power , exuded the slating slogan, overjoyed kneeling down before Nine Dragons Chariot. “臣等叩见天帝陛下!”山呼海啸般的呐喊声从那些摆脱了控制的神将、天兵胸膛中发出,他们鼓荡天地元气,发出雷鸣般的呐喊声,欢天喜地的跪倒在九龙车辇前。 On Ji Hao immeasurable merit Golden Light detaches to depart suddenly, the Golden Light auspicious sign is wriggling before him rapidly, in the world an inexplicable formidable will arrives, Pangu Sun has spouted magnificent huge Golden Light, fell on this group of Golden Light auspicious signs. 姬昊身上的无量功德金光骤然脱体飞出,金光紫气在他面前急速的蠕动着,天地间一股莫名的强大意志降临,盘古太阳喷出了一道辉煌巨大的金光,落在了这一团金光紫气上。 Immeasurable merit congealing of Ji Hao whole body slowly has become a golden imperial seal, Three-legged Golden Crow that the shape of ornamental seal knob, spreads the wings to fly. 姬昊全身的无量功德缓缓的凝成了一枚金色印玺,印纽的形状,正是一头展翅欲飞的三足金乌 „...... Oh!” Mixed up with Ji Hao was too long, Si Wenming has also learned the Ji Hao some not proper pet phrase, at this moment saw in front of Ji Hao the merit imperial seal of condensation, Si Wenming has exuded the screams of feeling helpless baseless. “哇……噢!”和姬昊混在一起太久了,姒文命也学会了姬昊一些不正经的口头禅,此刻见到姬昊面前凭空凝聚的功德印玺,姒文命发出了不知所措的惊呼声。 World imperial order!” The shaft Saint sovereign muttered one low and deep: Young fellow! This is the world acknowledged that he inherited the position of eastern sovereign too God!” “天地敕令!”轩辕圣皇低沉的咕哝了一句:“好小子!这是天地承认,他继承了东皇太一的天帝之位!” , Bestowed Nine Dragons Chariot to Ji Hao non- by far prays the eyeball almost to jump from the eye socket: I...... Damn!”( To be continued.) 远远的,将九龙车辇赠送给姬昊的无支祈眼珠都差点从眼眶里跳了出来:“我……操!”(未完待续。)
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