TME :: Volume #15

#1484: Gods invincible force

Frightened to faint?” Emperor Shun has collected, knits the brows to take a look at scarlet and his party of: Trivial witchcraft, is not beheads the head, unexpectedly frightened to faint? So disposition, even if the strength is strong, to fear insufficient.” “吓晕了?”帝舜凑了过来,皱着眉打量着赤雷一行人:“区区巫蛊,又不是砍头掉脑袋,居然就吓晕了?如此心性,就算实力再强,不足为惧。” Shaft Saint sovereign in one side contemptuous snort|hum. 轩辕圣皇在一旁轻蔑的哼了一声。 As antiquity Human Emperor, murdered innumerable him to look down upon these to be frightened the dizzy soft egg entire life by several small insects. He and Emperor Shun are the similar opinions, can be frightened the dizzy enemy by several small Junior Magus gus, and is insufficient into the Human Race enemy! 作为上古人皇,一生杀伐无数的他可看不起这些被几只小虫子吓晕的软蛋。他和帝舜都是同样的意见,能够被几只小小巫蛊吓晕的敌人,并不足以成为人族的敌人! Shun, Sir, hurries to have a look, outside the city had an accident.” Black face Gao Tao walked in a hurry, has drunk one low and deep powerfully. His expression is very strange, is passing inexplicable meaning. “舜,还有诸位大人,赶紧去看看,城外出事了。”黑脸皋陶匆匆走了过来,低沉有力的喝了一声。他的语气很是古怪,透着一丝莫名的意味。 Ji Hao and the others have mounted city wall in a hurry, looked to the city. 姬昊等人匆匆登上了城墙,向城外望了过去。 Sees the troop to wear the god of golden qilin Qilin chain armor, presides the invincible force who is wearing the silver flood dragon ring-armor innumerably, the correct use Magic has started the strong winds, will be innumerable the bloody corpse to transport under Liangzhu City. 就看到大群身披金色麒锁子甲的神将,统辖着无数身披银蛟连环甲的天兵,正用了法术掀起狂风,将无数血淋淋的尸体运到了良渚城下。 Three Yu Clan aristocrats, four Jia Clan Warrior and five repair the clan artisan, the innumerable dark clan servant soldier and demon slave, their corpses by laying according to groups must entire simultaneously, in ten li (0.5km) an open area the code outside Liangzhu City has become a straight city wall. 三眼虞族贵族、四眼伽族战士、五眼脩族匠人,无数的闇族仆兵和精怪奴隶,他们的尸体被分门别类的码放得整整齐齐,在良渚城外十里的空地上码成了一座笔直的城墙。 The city wall that the flesh and blood composes in elevation slowly, the strong winds blows, the thick smell of blood greets the nostrils to come, to smoke the person to vomit. 血肉组成的城墙在慢慢的升高,狂风吹来,浓浓的血腥味扑鼻而来,熏得人想要呕吐。 Has the entire 100 Jinjia gods to lead the 100,000 silver armor invincible forces' platoon south Liangzhu City to become one row, their shoulder weapon, standing of keeping silent there, in opacitas pupil faintly visible faint trace dim light twinkle, in has strange Symbol to erupt unceasingly, suppresses these gods, the I of invincible force to realize stubbornly. 有整整100名金甲神将带着100000银甲天兵在良渚城南排成一列,他们手持兵器,默不作声的站在那里,浑浊的眸子里隐隐可见一丝丝幽光闪烁,内有奇异的符文不断爆发,死死镇压着这些神将、天兵的本我意识。 What their this makes?” Emperor Shun looks foreign race corpse that outside the city piles up, the complexion same is a little strange with Gao Tao. “他们这是做什么?”帝舜看着城外堆积如山的异族尸体,脸色就和皋陶一样有点古怪。 Gonggong occupied The heaven, Emperor Shi has killed with Gonggong colludes with air/Qi, was difficult to be inadequate a Gonggong clan to suffer a defeat and flee, did Emperor Shi kill to invade The heaven?” Si Wenming feels the chin, knits the brows to look at these gods the invincible force: This may trouble, according to view that the main family old person hands down from generation to generation, The heaven god source pond, but can the continuous rebirth leave the new deity.” 共工氏占据了天庭,帝释杀和共工氏勾结一气,难不成共工一族败亡了,帝释杀侵占了天庭么?”姒文命摸着下巴,皱着眉看着这些神将天兵:“这可就麻烦了,按照本家老人传下来的说法,天庭的神源池,可是能源源不断的重生出新的天神。” Similar Si Wenming main family has Chong Bu such root deep big clan, they and antiquity The heaven had the complicated relations, knew The heaven many unknown secrets. 类似姒文命本家有崇部这样的根源深厚的大氏族,他们和上古天庭都有千丝万缕的关系,知道天庭好些不为人知的隐秘。 The god source pond is the thing of extremely fearful good fortune, like five side God and so on speed of top deity rebirth is extremely perhaps slow, but ordinary god invincible force, so long as invests the sufficient resources, these gods can come out with the spring fragrant-flowered garlic same unceasing length the invincible force. 神源池是极其可怕的造化之物,像五方天帝之类的顶级天神或许重生的速度极其缓慢,但是普通神将天兵嘛,只要投入足够的资源,这些神将天兵就能和春天的韭菜一样不断的长出来。 The past was because the immemorial God all died, the The heaven without owner lost the control, the potency of god source pond was suppressed the pinnacle. 过去是因为太古天帝全部陨落,天庭无主失了掌控,神源池的效力被压制到了极致。 If Emperor Shi kills the means to urge the round of god source pond, lets the god source pond full play, then in his hand the powerful regiment comprised of the invincible force the elite god has a look at these fellows outside city wall, Jinjia gods a water Divine Magi strength, but the strength of silver armor invincible force uniform high level Magus King! 若是帝释杀有办法催发神源池,让神源池全力运转,那么他手上就会多出一支由精锐神将和天兵组成的强悍军团看看城墙外的这些家伙吧,金甲神将一水儿的巫帝实力,而银甲天兵清一色的高阶巫王的战力! Compared with the Human Race army, elite Warrior of backbone key forces or Great Magus level, has no way with these monstrous fetuses that the The heaven god source pond braves! 人族的大军,骨干核心力量还是大巫级的精锐战士,和天庭神源池冒出来的这些怪胎没法相比啊! Moreover flesh and blood that Human Race Warrior or the parents give birth, but must practice since childhood with hardship has present cultivating is \; But the gods in god source pond, invincible force, they may be the god bodies that the world spiritual energy condenses becomes, entrusts with the spirit knowledge that by The heaven this my will. 而且人族战士还是爹娘生养的血肉之躯,还要从小苦苦修炼才有如今的修为\;而神源池内的神将、天兵,他们可都是天地灵气凝聚而成的神体,由天庭本我意志赋予的灵识。 Puts together the consumption, Human Race has not been possible to spell with god source pond start The heaven really fully hardly. 真个拼消耗,人族还真不一定能和神源池全力开动的天庭硬拼。 Adjoined arrow nu and the others also hurriedly to walk, saw the foreign race corpse that outside the city piled up, 11 masculine rule Great Emperor complexion disastrous incidents, they have clarified the truth of matter suddenly rapidly, was killing the malicious talk to send regards to Emperor Shi. 毗矢伮等人也急匆匆的走了上来,看到城外堆积如山的异族尸体,11个男性执政大帝脸色骤然惨变,他们迅速弄清了事情的真相,纷纷对着帝释杀恶言问候。 Only has the Yemo luo coconut tree to see the corpses outside these cities, on the small face has shown a strange smile. 唯有耶摩椤椰看到那些城外的尸体,小脸上露出了一丝怪异的微笑。 The thoughts of concubine majority of her Yemo important, the core clansman has been missing, now saw that outside the city these young feudal lords had bad luck, she unexpectedly inexplicable felt balanced, her was at heart more comfortable! 小女人的心思啊她耶摩家的大部分重要的、核心的族人失踪了,如今见到城外那些小领主倒了血霉,她居然莫名的感到了一丝平衡,她的心里舒服了许多! Many foreign race corpses continuous was transported. 更多的异族尸体源源不断的被运了上来。 All defer to the plan of scarlet thunder, must frightens foreign race in Liangzhu City with bloody and violence, making them feel that despairs and terrifying, lets them before the final destiny ruling arrives, first withstands inexhaustible suffering. 一切都按照赤雷的计划,要用血腥和暴力震慑良渚城内的异族,让他们感到绝望和恐怖,让他们在最终的命运裁决降临之前,先承受无穷尽的折磨。 Snort, adjoins arrow nu to turn around, raised slightly good a ritual to Emperor Shun: Emperor Shun your majesty, as the ally, I hopes that Human Race can coordinate my clan, annihilates the enemy outside city, saves our clansmen. They such unscrupulous slaughters, was too big to the consumption of my clan.” ‘哼’,毗矢伮转过身来,向帝舜欠身行了一礼:“帝舜陛下,作为盟友,我希望人族能够配合我族,歼灭城外的敌人,拯救我们的族人。他们这样肆无忌惮的杀戮下去,对我族的消耗太大了。” Emperor Shun frowned, he is pointing at outside city these Jinjia gods, the silver armor invincible force cold sound track: You may know, their origins?” 帝舜皱起了眉头,他指着城外那些金甲神将、银甲天兵冷声道:“你们可知道,他们的来历?” Adjoined arrow nu and the others to look at one mutually, in the past foreign race invaded the Pangu world time, and The heaven erupted excessively innumerable startled day wars, that time Human Race strength was weak, initial time immemorial The heaven resists the foreign race main force. 毗矢伮等人相互望了一眼,当年异族侵入盘古世界的时候,曾经和天庭爆发过无数次的惊天大战,那时候的人族实力微弱,最初的时候太古天庭才是对抗异族的主力。 If were not five Fang Shenzu of five side God representatives had the dispute, the internal friction depleted too many vitalities, invaded the Pangu world at that time the foreign race military force, they also not necessarily can break through The heaven. Therefore, adjoins war tool and human form sharp weapon that arrow nu they possibly do not recognize these unemotionally? 如果不是五方天帝代表的五方神族内部起了纠纷,内耗消损了太多元气,以那时候侵入盘古世界的异族军力,他们还不见得能够攻破天庭。所以,毗矢伮他们怎么可能认不出这些面无表情的战争工具、人形利器? We are willing to pay at all costs that we can withstand, received exchange for the Human Race army helping my clan resist these fearful enemies.” Adjoins arrow nu helpless sighing of: My clan loss is extremely serious, we must maintain the strength, otherwise......” “我们愿意付出我们能够承受的一切代价,换取人族军队帮助我族抵挡这些可怕的敌人。”毗矢伮无奈的叹了一口气:“我族这次的损失极其惨重,我们必须保存实力,否则的话……” Emperor Shun nodded slowly, he shouted to clear the way fierce: „The entire armed forces, prepare...... My clan Warrior that will incorporate just, complete investment battlefield!” 帝舜缓缓点了点头,他厉声喝道:“整军,备战……将刚刚收编的我族战士,全部投入战场!” A Gao Tao finger, a flame shoots up to the sky, the extremely fast rushed takeoffed ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) upper air, then violent eruption. One group of flames just liked flowers that bloomed cover surrounding area about hundred li (0.5km) void, in Liangzhu City all Human Race Warrior saw flame that Gao Tao emitted. 皋陶手一指,一道火光冲天而起,极速冲到了离地万丈的高空,然后猛烈的爆发开来。一团火光犹如绽放的花朵覆盖了方圆近百里的虚空,良渚城内所有的人族战士都看到了皋陶放出的火光。 The places of resounding toot from Liangzhu City transmits, various uncles in city wait to bellow, to gather in abundance the army of subordinates. 高亢的号角声从良渚城内各处传来,城内的各部伯候纷纷大吼着、将自己麾下的军队聚集起来。 Ji Hao separates the crowd, gathered has adjoined in front of arrow nu and the others. Emperor Shun is thick Daoist, Si Wenming is thin-skinned, shaft Saint sovereign four old Human Emperor disdain in such does, some quite dirty matter, can only be Ji Hao this insensitive junior acts. 姬昊分开人群,凑到了毗矢伮等人面前。帝舜是个厚道人,姒文命面皮薄,轩辕圣皇四个老人皇不屑于这么做,一些比较肮脏的事情,就只能是姬昊这个厚脸皮的小辈出面了。 This time helps you...... You gather the dark clan servant soldier who raises, our Human Race wants half, the demon slave, you arrange to us according to the quantity of each servant soldier family ten demon slaves, but must prepare these servant soldier and a demon 20 years of grain ration, what kind of?” Ji Hao has pledged own condition. “这次帮你们……你们蓄养的闇族仆兵,我们人族要一半,精怪奴隶么,你们按照每个仆兵家庭十个精怪奴隶的数量给我们配齐,还要准备这些仆兵和精怪20年的口粮,怎样?”姬昊开出了自己的条件。 Demanded the servant soldier and slave? In addition little not worthy of mentioning grain? 只是索要仆兵和奴隶?再加上一点点微不足道的粮食? Adjoined arrow nu and the others to look at one mutually, has signed the cooperation agreement in the city wall and Ji Hao. 毗矢伮等人相互望了一眼,就在城墙上和姬昊签署了合作协议。 Ji Hao has selected the brow to 12 ruling Great Emperor, grabbed the agreement reel to arrive at side Emperor Shun, of reel in toward the Emperor Shun sleeve, shouted out loudly is leading Yao Mountain City numerous military officers to run out of the city wall. 姬昊向12位执政大帝挑了挑眉头,抓着协议卷轴来到了帝舜身边,将卷轴往帝舜袖子里一塞,大声呼喝着带领垚山领的众多将领冲出了城墙。 This boy...... Good thick facial skin...... You must much study study!” The shaft Saint sovereign smiles to make noise.( To be continued.) “这小子……好厚的脸皮……你们得多学学!”轩辕圣皇笑出了声来。(未完待续。)
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