TME :: Volume #15

#1483: Sorrowful captive

No, no, no, should not be this...... Well!” “不,不,不,不应该是这样……唔!” Scarlet Thunder Tan on the ground, the hands and feet skeleton was hit crushes, he opens mouth the bellowing wail, was brandished by a Human Race emperor's children hammer of whole face full beard on the mouth. sparks jumps shoots, the scarlet thunder full mouth big tooth was hit pulpy. 赤雷瘫在地上,手脚骨骼被打得粉碎,他张嘴大吼哀鸣,被一个满脸大胡子的人族帝子一锤子抡在了嘴上。火星迸射,赤雷满口大牙被打得稀烂。 Good hard tooth!” In the hand on the big hammer was delimited several actually the mark, hits the scarlet thunder whole face peach blossom to open the full beard emperor's children who looked at one grievedly own assigns magic treasure, becoming angry out of shame is one crazily tramples to the scarlet thunder good-looking cheek. “好硬的牙!”手中大锤子上硬是被划出了几条浅浅的印痕,打得赤雷满脸桃花开的大胡子帝子心痛的看了一眼自己的本命巫宝,恼羞成怒的冲着赤雷俊俏的脸蛋就是一通狂踹。 The thick silt that on the after street in Liangzhu full was the building that burnt down by the spate washed out, produces, on the boots of full beard emperor's children is mounted completely the pitch-dark odor rotten mud, his big foot left behind the gigantic black foot to be in charge on the face of scarlet thunder, the odor greeted the nostrils, quite had the cleanliness scarlet thunder almost to be disgusting not to faint. 良渚的街道上满是焚毁的建筑物被大水冲刷后生成的厚厚淤泥,大胡子帝子的靴子上黏满了黑漆漆恶臭的烂泥巴,他的大脚丫子在赤雷的脸上留下了硕大的黑色脚掌印,恶臭扑鼻,颇有洁癖的赤雷恶心得差点没晕过去。 I am the higher aristocrat, I am the great Yu Clan most honored aristocrat!” Scarlet was muttering ambiguously: I request to be matched my status the treatment, even if I am a captive, you cannot like this to me!” “我是高等贵族,我是伟大的虞族最尊贵的贵族!”赤雷含糊其辞的咕哝着:“我要求得到匹配我身份的待遇,就算我是俘虏,你们也不能这样对我!” Ji Hao walked in big strides, on him is twining the golden colored glaze condition flame as before, each foot has left the footprint of deep unceasing combustion on the ground, nearby mud was fired the transparent glass. 姬昊大踏步的走了过来,他身上依旧缠绕着金色琉璃态的火焰,每一脚都在地上留下了深深的不断燃烧的脚印,附近的烂泥都被烧成了透明的玻璃。 Higher aristocrat, right, your strengths compared with the Yu Dynasty authority elder and axe stick elder these many, must have the special treatment to be good to you, person who otherwise you ran, or have injured our, what to do?” Ji Hao beckons to not far away Shaosi: Shaosi, thinks of a way, letting these fellows to be cleverer.” “高等贵族啊,对,你们的实力比虞朝的权力长老、斧杖长老强出这么多,对你们必须要有特殊的待遇才行,不然你们跑了、或者打伤了我们的人,怎么办?”姬昊向不远处的少司招了招手:“少司,想个法子,让这些家伙能乖巧一些。” Shaosi shows a faint smile, her both feet takeoffs half foot high fluttered, in the pupil wipes the dim light to flash through, she points at scarlet thunder and the others to call out in alarm astonished low voice said: Good strength big luck, this makes them handle anything is very smooth sufficiently, what a pity, they by a more formidable luck suppressing, therefore becomes very bad luck.” 少司微微一笑,她双脚离地半尺高的飘了过来,眸子里一抹幽光闪过,她惊愕的指着赤雷等人小声惊呼道:“好强大的运气,这足以让他们做任何事情都很顺利,可惜,他们被更强大的运气给压制了,所以变得很倒霉。” Both hands tied a strange witch seal, Shaosi have had a thought the incantation. 双手结了一个怪异的巫印,少司念起了咒语。 With low and deep, incantation sound that thunders just like the world, the scarlet thunder and other people of bodies faint trace transparent mist fluttered gradually. Their luck, their all can help them bring the positive influence, to bring the advantage the luck by Shaosi finding time rapidly, on them only remained mildew to transport with other negative luck. 伴随着低沉的、宛如天地轰鸣的咒语声,赤雷等12人的身上逐渐有一丝丝透明的雾气飘了出来。他们的运气,他们的一切可以帮他们带来正面影响、带来好处的运气被少司急速的抽空,他们身上只残留了一身的霉运和其他负面运气。 At this moment Ji Hao lets go scarlet and his party, they must walk carefully can the flat land plunge to death, or drinks water was choked. 此刻就算姬昊放走赤雷一行人,他们都要小心走路的时候会不会平地摔死,或者喝水的时候被噎死。 Own all good luck screened out, the redundant yue hissing of one side from Yu Clan civilization inheritance family screamed: You, what Magic is this? Can you screen out our destiny unexpectedly? No, how to be possible? You are so primitive, such barbaric world, your ignorant has not evolved the good barbaric biology, how do you possibly grasp such high-level strength?” 自身的所有好运被抽走的时候,一旁来自虞族文明传承家族的衍岄嘶声尖叫起来:“你,这是什么法术?你居然能够抽走我们的气运?不,怎么可能?你们这么原始,这么野蛮的世界,你们这些无知的没有进化好的土著生物,你们怎可能掌握这么高级的力量?” Destiny, our destiny, you, you, you......” spread out yue crazily is struggling, he wants to jump to attack Shaosi, was actually stamped by a Ji Hao foot in the mud. On the Ji Hao foot the golden flame of flaming combustion fires is spreading out the body of yue chest, burns him to be bruised and lacerated, sends out chī chī unceasingly cooking sound. “气运,我们的气运,你,你,你……”衍岄疯狂的挣扎着,他想跳起来攻击少司,却被姬昊一脚跺在了烂泥里。姬昊脚上熊熊燃烧的金色火焰灼烧着衍岄胸口的皮肉,烧得他皮开肉绽,不断发出‘嗤嗤’的煎烤声。 Wail that spreads out the yue pain, strongly is struggling, Ji Hao has taken to his violent pain, however his vision has not placed on Ji Hao, but brings to be extremely inconceivable and panic-stricken, stubbornly is staring at Shaosi. 衍岄痛苦的哀鸣、竭力的挣扎着,姬昊带给了他极端的痛苦,但是他的目光并没有放在姬昊身上,而是带着极度的不可思议和惊恐,死死的盯着少司 His vision simply likely is a wicked wolf, he thinks the game that he stares is a small white rabbit, the fierce Ding's small white rabbit did not turn into the most fearful Prehistoric great demon, the sudden change of game status, making this wicked wolf frail mind be attacked and fearful frightening heavily. 他的目光就简直像是一条恶狼,原本他以为他盯上的猎物是一只小白兔,猛不丁的小白兔变成了最可怕的洪荒巨魔,猎物身份的突变,让这头恶狼脆弱的心灵受到了沉重的打击和可怕的惊吓。 Looks to spread out yue the expression, he was a little dejected the indication that and was deliberately bad. 看衍岄的表情,他已经有点心灰意冷、自暴自弃的征兆。 Shaosi has screened out their luck, making them handle anything in the Pangu world becomes very bad luck and completely will be impossible to succeed, but more fearful matter also in behind. 少司只是抽走了他们的运气,让他们在盘古世界做任何事情都会变得无比倒霉、完全不可能成功,但是更可怕的事情还在后面。 When on several skins the mark the innumerable poisonous insect designs, the skin on face wrinkled soon falls off to the time that the senior sorcerer on neck walks, even if Ji Hao quite a little not comfortable backed up backward several steps. 当几个皮肤上纹了无数毒虫图案,脸上的皮肤皱得快要脱落到脖子上的老巫师走过来的时候,就算是姬昊都颇有点不自在的向后倒退了几步。 These people, are very strong, therefore cannot be negligent.” A senior sorcerer heavy muttered one. “这些人,很强,所以不能大意。”一个老巫师沉沉的咕哝了一句。 Cannot lose face, if had gotten down the witchcraft by us, they can also escape, that really did not have the face to see the person.” Another senior sorcerer is staring at scarlet thunder and the others very much earnestly. “可不能丢脸,若是被我们下了巫蛊,他们还能逃掉,那就真没脸见人了。”另一个老巫师很认真的盯着赤雷等人。 Next heavy hand, youngest brothers, do not cover-up, to take the good treasure that these year of everybody recuperate.” A senior sorcerer Jie Jie smiles strangely, with a cloudy and cold cold wind, the senior sorcerer has pulled out a glittering and translucent carving high integrity box case from the sleeve. “下重手吧,老兄弟们,别藏着掖着,把这些年大家调养出来的好宝贝都拿出来。”一个老巫师‘桀桀’怪笑着,伴随着道道阴冷的寒风,老巫师从袖子里掏出了一个晶莹剔透的寒玉匣子。 Opening box case cautiously, senior sorcerer has pulled out 12 soybean size black ovums from inside. 小心翼翼的打开匣子,老巫师从里面掏出了12枚黄豆大小的黑色虫卵。 In the ovum of round does not know that the Daoist canon any fierce fearsome thing, had not hatched, these ovums fiercely are beating on the palm of senior sorcerer, sends out unceasingly incisively grating hissing hissing sound. 圆溜溜的虫卵内也不知道藏了什么狰狞可怖之物,还没有孵化出来,这些虫卵就在老巫师的手掌上剧烈的跳动着,不断发出尖锐刺耳的‘嘶嘶’声。 The senior sorcerer hurried breaking by biting tip of tongue, spurted several Blood Essence on the ovum: Clever, small treasure are clever, hey, immediately had the meat to eat, hee hee, immediately good, these people were so plump and sturdy, can be casual you to toss about, did not kill well!” 老巫师急忙咬破舌尖,将几点精血喷在了虫卵上:“乖,小宝贝们乖,嘿嘿,马上就有肉吃了,嘻嘻,马上就好,这些人这么膘肥体壮的,可以随便你们折腾,不弄死就好!” Scarlet thunder and the others the hissing were screaming, crazy swayed from side to side is struggling. 赤雷等人嘶声尖叫着,疯狂的扭动挣扎着。 Since must conquer the Pangu world, the scarlet thunder they naturally made very big effort to investigate and study here material to the Pangu world, has Yu Clan aristocrat who Emperor Shi killed this Pangu world birth to be the informer, the scarlet thunder their various strange places to Human Race Shaman quite had the understanding. 既然要来征服盘古世界,赤雷他们自然对盘古世界下了很大的力气调研这里的资料,有帝释杀这个盘古世界出生的虞族贵族做耳目,赤雷他们对人族巫祭的各种诡异之处颇有了解。 For example, various witchcraft insects that the witchcraft of Human Race Shaman , they use, that simply is the scene that in the nightmare can present. 比如说,人族巫祭的巫蛊,他们使用的各种蛊虫,那简直都是噩梦中才会出现的场景。 Thinks to look that presented the dense and numerous insects and ovums in own body, these insects and ovum times swallows own flesh and blood, to suck in own Blood Essence, even also depends upon certain mysterious strength and own soul fusion, wants to take out them to injure own soul! 想想看,在自己的身体内出现了密密麻麻的虫子和虫卵,这些虫子和虫卵时刻的吞噬自己的血肉、吮吸自己的精血,甚至还依靠某些神秘的力量和自己的灵魂融合,想要取出他们就必须伤害自己的灵魂! And what is more, these insects will hide in their brain, frequently threatens own brain fluid! 更有甚者,这些虫子会隐藏在自己的大脑中,时刻威胁自己的脑浆! No, no, no...... I do not want!” Scarlet thunder and the others were screaming, hysteria is whinning. “不,不,不……我不要!”赤雷等人尖叫着,歇斯底里的哀嚎着。 One group of cruel Human Race robust men flushed, they with own magic treasure, when crow bar, breaking off maliciously scarlet thunder and the others mouths. Old Shaman with a laugh is carrying the black ovum, has admitted their mouths these ovums one by one. 一群如狼似虎的人族壮汉冲了上来,他们用自己的巫宝当撬棍,狠狠的掰开了赤雷等人的嘴。老巫祭笑呵呵的拎着黑色的虫卵,将这些虫卵挨个放进了他们嘴里。 What panic-stricken is, these ovums bump into scarlet thunder and the others the tongues, immediately sends out the hysteria hissing hissing sound rolled into their throats. 让人惊恐的是,这些虫卵一碰到赤雷等人的舌头,就立刻发出歇斯底里的‘嘶嘶’声滚入了他们的喉咙。 Another old Shaman already impatient urged in the one side, he takes is not the ovum, but is the prosopon! 另一位老巫祭已经迫不及待的在一旁催促了,他取出来的不是虫卵,而是成虫! That is second half has half foot and colorful centipede body, the upper part is actually the strange poisonous insect of blue spooky scorpion body, solely looks at the contour, this one foot long poisonous insect makes the person whole body tingle with numbness. 那是下半身有半尺长、五彩斑斓的蜈蚣身躯,上半身却是蓝幽幽的蝎子身体的怪异毒虫,单单看外形,这条一尺多长的毒虫就让人浑身发麻。 Old Shaman laughed has been forcing in scarlet thunder and the others these poisonous insects the mouths, the poisonous insect leisure paddling longleg, slowly sneaked in scarlet thunder and the others the throats. 巫祭大笑着将这些毒虫塞进了赤雷等人的嘴里,毒虫慢悠悠的划动长腿,慢慢的钻进赤雷等人的嗓子眼。 Oh, with miserable howling, scarlet thunder and the others simultaneously frightened the faint in the past.( To be continued.) ‘天哪’,伴随着一声惨嚎,赤雷等人同时吓得昏厥了过去。(未完待续。) The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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